Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



“You’re in the lead here,”I explain to Mercy. She needs to understand the truth of this situation. We may be strong, capable warriors, but in her hands we’re nothing but clay.

“I’ve never done anything like this,” she says, standing and pacing around the small area. Her cheeks have been red for our entire discussion, her neck hot with nerves. “I mean, I’ve been with men, but not like this, not all at once.”

“It doesn’t have to be all at one time,” I say, taking a small step forward. She doesn’t withdraw. “Just let us show you how we feel.”

We stand close to one another and I reach for her, running my fingers down her neck. She shivers and moistens her lips. Despite my own lack of experience with women I let instinct take over, bending to meet her mouth with my own.

I’m surprised by her warmth, by her taste, I feel it not just on my lips but across my entire body. My heart pounds in my chest, my loins stir and ache. When she parts her lips and takes me in, I know exactly what to do, stroking her tongue with mine.

There’s not a sound from my brothers as we explore one another, and for a brief moment, I forget they’re in the room. There’s nothing but me and Mercy, the feel of our mouths connecting, our breath mingling. I sense her heart, racing just as fast as my own, and when I feel like I can’t stop, like I can’t get enough, I force myself back to take a deep, calming breath.

Mercy stumbles a little, losing her footing, I brace her by the elbows. “That was, uh, pretty wow.”

I can’t fight the smile I have from knowing I had that effect on her. I look over to the men but Alex is already in motion, slipping into the gap I left between us. He kisses her forehead, her cheeks, her jaw. He runs his fingertips down her arms and I feel a deep arousal watching him give her such focused attention.

He whispers in her ear, something about wanting to do this every night for the last six months, she sinks into him, touching his chin, his chest, and they kiss, just as deeply as we had a moment before, and my heart swells.

I’m so engrossed, so hyperaware of my hardening cock, of the peaked points of Mercy’s nipples, that I barely notice Dimka leave, closing himself off in the small, adjacent room. It’s the click of the door that brings us out of the moment, pulling me out of my role of an observer and Mercy and Alex from the heated passion they’d shared. It was simple, chaste really, but blood-boiling all the same. I loved seeing her worshipped, aroused, excited.

I prayed to Laird this wouldn’t be my only chance, but if it was, I wouldn’t forget it.

“Is he okay?” she asks, eyes focused on the door Dimka went through.

“He’s a quiet, private soul,” I explain. Showing affection is hard for my fellow Custo. It makes him a great warrior, but letting down those shields isn’t easy.

“I should check on him, don’t you think?”

“Yes,” Alex says, still holding her by the waist. “Go to him. Tell him how you feel.”

She nods and gives him another slow kiss, before walking over to me and doing the same, revving up my blood once again. It’s not until she knocks on the door and enters the small room that I exhale.

“That wasn’t a bad idea, was it?” Alex asks, rubbing his chin. “Starting something up with her? Caving to those desires when we know we can’t have her long term?”

I cross my arms and lean against the table. “It was either the smartest thing we’ve ever done or the stupidest. Time will tell us which one.”