Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



“Goddammit,”I mutter, dropping the pot in the sink. It’s the third time I’ve heard Mercy’s sex moan from the other room and it’s driving me mad.

My dick has been hard since she walked out of the bathroom and I’m trying desperately not to barge in the other room and demand my turn.

“Settle down, brother,” Kai says from the couch. He’s completely unfazed, studying his data pad from the couch.

“That doesn’t get to you?”

He glances up at me, his blue skin now familiar as my own. That wasn’t how it was when we first met. I considered him an enemy. It didn’t take long for us to become allies.

“I’ve been celibate for a long time. I’ve learned a lot of tools to keep my desires under control.”

I finish scrubbing the pot and leave it on the counter to dry. I cross the room, eyes shifting over the closed door. Kai watches me. “Are you going to be able to handle this?” he asks. “Men from Earth, particularly the region you’re from, are not involved in polygamous relationships. It’s one thing to think about it—it’s completely different to engage in it.”

I run my hand through my hair. “Yeah, I can handle it.” He gives me a skeptical look. I roll my eyes. “Seriously, I can. I get that Dimka needed a little extra convincing. I have no doubt Mercy’s managed to get him on board.”

We both laugh at that. Mercy’s carrying an arsenal of power she has no idea she commands. Smart, beautiful, sexy. Dimka’s past and lack of experience got to him. We’ve all been there, or at least I remember those days in high school before I filled out, got a little experience, and gained some confidence. I’m glad Mercy knows how to assure him. Maybe getting off will make him a little less cranky, too.

“Any thoughts on how to handle this once we get out of here?” I ask.


I shoot him a glare. “That’s not exactly helpful.”

He sighs. “You and I both know this is against Custo policy. We’re here to work, not build relationships.”

“So, we just forget this? Forget her when she leaves?”

“Do you think you can forget her?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No. Definitely not.”

“We’ll figure something out.”

I trust his word, not because I trust him as a person and my commander, but because I don’t think I can believe otherwise. I can still feel the weight of Mercy’s body against my hands, her mouth pressed to mine.

I’m not ready to let that go.

I’m not sure I ever will.