Final Extraction by Julie Trettel


Chapter 15




By the time we got back to headquarters it was late and I was beyond pissed. I was no longer speaking to Painter who continued to refuse me access to the Raglan prisoners. I’d be having a long talk with Kyle and Patrick in the morning.

As soon as the airplane touched down, I was out and heading for my car.

“Silas, wait,” Painter yelled.

I raised my hand and shot him the finger as I kept walking.

He wanted to be in charge and keep me away from the prisoners, fine. They were his problem for now, but not for long.

The thing was, I had intel they needed, and I wasn’t going to hand it over until my own demands were met. This was bullshit. I didn’t need to be coddled like a two-year-old having a tantrum. This was my mate’s life at stake and no one was more equipped to deal with that than me.

I knew more than anything she wanted all the shifters freed, so that’s what I was going to do.

I checked my phone for texts and finding none from Nick only put me in an even more foul mood.

There was nothing open this late, not even the Crate. So I had nowhere to go but home. I was the only one of the Force living at the Lodge for now, so at least I knew I wouldn’t have to deal with anything more.

When I reached my apartment in the Lodge, Fury was up and waiting for me. She greeted me with a loud meow as she rubbed against my legs as I tried to walk.

I reached down and snatched her up cuddling her to my chest as I stroked her soft fur.

“Hey girl. I missed you,” I said as I kissed her head. “Did you miss me? I’m sorry daddy couldn’t bring your mama back, but soon. I promise.”

I set her down long enough to strip out of my clothes and then went straight to bed. Fury immediately jumped into bed with me and snuggled into my side.

“At least you’re not mad about me leaving you this time,” I mumbled with a yawn, remembering how my last return from a mission had her snubbing me for days for leaving her.




I would have liked to have slept in, but it just wasn’t in me to do so. Normally I gave the guys the morning off after a mission to spend time with their mates and families, but I always got up for my morning run anyway.

Despite my rotten mood, I was up and dressed, out on my run as the sun rose.

When I jogged up to the Lodge after my morning run, I noticed Patrick O’Connell’s car parked in the lot. Instead of taking the elevator up to my room, I headed down to the headquarters that resided underneath the Lodge.

“Heard you returned. Good job on the rescue,” Archie said when I passed through security.

I clenched my teeth and walked by without a word.

“Good morning to you too, sunshine,” he yelled after me.

I found Patrick in his office down the hall. I knocked even though the door was cracked open.

“Had a feeling I’d be hearing from you today. Painter gave me the heads up that you weren’t exactly happy about how things went.”

I sat down in the chair across from his desk and crossed my arms over my chest.

“I want my job back immediately. He had no right to keep me from those prisoners.”

“You’re emotionally charged, Silas. A loose cannon.”

“I’m not, but I damn well could be if you don’t give me my job back!”

Patrick sighed as he sat back in his chair. “What would you do in my place?”

“I’d make sure the best man for the job was in that position. That’s been me for years now. Has that suddenly changed?”

“You’re depressed Silas. You’re a ticking time bomb. All mating males are unstable. We’ve all been there.”

“Stop telling me you’ve all been there. None of you have been through this, not like this. Did your mate reject you? Did she tell you to go away?”

Patrick actually laughed. “Yes, she did.”

“What? Elise?”

“Elise Westin did not want me for a mate. She not only fought our bond, but she ran from it. She was captured by the Bulgarians because of it. That’s how I met Martin, Dave, and Larry and learned about the Verndari.”

“No. Really?”

“Really. She flat-out ran from me. Is that what your mate is doing from you? Is that why you didn’t bring her back?”

I shook my head. “No. She’s on a mission of her own.”

He looked confused.

“I don’t know how else to say it. She’s been with them for a very long time. She helps other shifters and when she can get them out, she does. She helps them escape. She sends them to us and then stays behind to take the heat for it. She’s been doing this for years.”

“You’re certain?”


“You spoke to her?”

“Yes. And if you reinstate me properly, I have a motion in place already to get her and all the rest of them out.”


“All. We can finally take down the Raglan once and for all.”

“That’s why she stayed?”

“That’s why she stayed.”

He pondered that for a moment. “And if I don’t?”

“Then I’m going in alone. Look, I love Painter. He’s my brother in every way that’s important, you know this, but that’s my team. They were confused and torn down there. They were sloppy. I’m not saying anything bad about his leadership. He did the best he could with a shitty situation, but the others were still looking to me because that’s what I trained them to do. So, if you want to keep Painter on lead while I work this mating shit out, then fine, but just know that I’m going to save my unit the confusion of two leaders and walk away to do this solo. Or, you can give me my damn team back.”

There was a knock on the door behind me. I hadn’t bothered to actually shut the door when I came in. I turned and saw Painter standing there listening to it all.

He smirked. “Had a feeling you’d beat me here.”

“Do you have anything to say about this?”


“Of course.”

“Silas is right.”

“Come again?”

Painter chuckled. “You’re right. I heard what you said. I didn’t know why Vada had stayed behind, but the way you walked away was impressive. I couldn’t have done that for Emma no matter how much she begged. You did what was right for her and for the team. Plus, you’re not doing this alone. I’ve always had your back, and this is no different.” He turned to Patrick. “Reinstate him fully or I walk too, and I guarantee the rest of the team will follow.”

Patrick sighed. “Okay. I’m just going to sit back and wish you luck. If there’s any resources you need, just let me know.”

“I was hoping you’d say that. I need Echo and Delta teams here as quickly as possible. I need Archie to work with Larry, and you’re going to have to order that because you know how he gets with humans. I have a new asset working on a location for us. As soon as I have that address, I’m going to need Archie and Larry to confirm it and start pulling schematics.”

“No Charlie Team?” Patrick asked.

“Definitely not,” I assured him, not wanting to rehash why. It wasn’t like everyone didn’t know I was harboring hatred towards their leader for almost killing my mate.

“What do you know?” Patrick asked, thankfully choosing not to push me any further on Charlie.

“I know that they are pulling all resources together for the first time ever. I don’t know how many we’re talking here, but Trevor has called all sites together. If we do this right, we can save them all this time, including my mate. I’ve got Vada, Jake, and Martin on the inside. They’ll be ready and waiting for us.”

“Uh, wow. I had no idea you were doing much more than moping while there, and of course, making out with Vada in the middle of our extraction,” Painter teased.

“You didn’t,” Patrick said.

I grinned and shrugged as the memories of kissing her warmed me.

“You’re sure about this?” he asked Painter.

“I’m sure, and I’ll be there if things go south. I’m still his second, am I not?”

“Absolutely,” I confirmed before Patrick could even respond.

He just shook his head. “Get me a list of resources and an official plan.”

I groaned. “Should have let you stay in control long enough to do the paperwork.”

Painter laughed.

We left Patrick to do whatever it was he did.

“No hard feelings?” I asked him once we were in the hallway.

“I don’t want your job, Chief. It kind of sucks.”

I grinned.

He slapped me on my back. “Besides, you get to deal with Taylor and her new pet this way.”


“Yeah, she convinced Kyle and Patrick to let her pick up an intern this summer. Nice enough girl. Met her during that incident at the ARC last winter. You weren’t in a very good headspace at the time. You feel lighter now though. I’m happy to see it.”

“I don’t know why. She literally rejected me.”

“But only to save others?”

“Yeah,” I said sheepishly. I had truly convinced myself that was the only reason, so I prayed that was the truth.

“That’s cool. I truly hope this works out.”

He knew I would never forgive myself if it didn’t or if anything bad happened to my mate. I beat down the darkness trying to consume me at the mere thought.

“What can you tell me about the new kid?” I asked trying to change the subject.

“Marie Crenshaw. Wolf shifter. She’s a witch. Her powers are, well, I don’t really know what you call it. She can sort of read minds, but it’s not like telepathy. She can look into your eyes and see straight to your soul and make you tell her anything she wants to know.”

“That’s not creepy at all.”

He laughed. “T thinks she’ll be perfect for interrogations.”

I sighed. “Which is why you didn’t want me roughing up the prisoners. You knew she’d be here today.”

“I did, but there was no explaining that to you, now was there?”

“I’m really sorry man. I shouldn’t have given you such a hard time.”

“I know. Just remember… payback’s a bitch.”

He grinned and started to walk away.

“Can you call the team in for a meeting in an hour? I have a few things to check on first,” I called to his retreating back.

He turned and flashed a thumbs up. “Sure thing, Boss.”

I went to my office and immediately got to work on the briefing and required paperwork for Patrick. I wanted everyone and everything in place the second I heard back from Nick on their location. I didn’t know how soon that would be, but I had to be ready. It was critical for me to get Vada out of there as quickly as possible.

I had just finished sending the paperwork over when my phone rang.


“Hey man, it’s Elliot. Just got word you want my team to assist on a mission?”

“Yes, sir. Also, I have this odd door here that I’m curious about. We confiscated it from a Raglan compound. I believe it’s made of Kevlar.”

Elliot was silent for a minute. “Did you say Kevlar?”

“Yeah, why?”

“That’s got to be it. An entire damn door made of Kevlar? You’re sure?”

“Pretty sure. You can see for yourself. And what’s got to be it?”

“Tarron’s been beating himself up over what happened in Colorado. He searched using our newest technology and found no sign of survivors, yet your mate lived. The only known composite that our device can’t penetrate is Kevlar. It’s possible she was behind that very door and it probably saved her life.”

I considered that for a moment trying to keep the emotions out of it. “You may be right. You’re welcome to look it over and verify for yourself. How soon will you be arriving?”

“You want us all at headquarters?”

“Yes. I need you and your team ready to get on a plane the second I get a location and a green light.”

“We can leave from here you know,” he said with a chuckle.

“Not good enough,” I insisted.

My phone beeped with an incoming text. I pulled it out and looked at it staring in disbelief.

“Sonofabitch did it! You aren’t coming here after all, Elliot. I’ll be sending over coordinates shortly. We have a destination. If this goes well, this will be the final extraction.”

“Yes, sir. We’ll start preparing now. Awaiting your orders.”

“Thanks man.” I hung up the phone and stared at the screen. Canada. We were going to Canada.

I got up and went back to O’Connell’s office. I didn’t even bother knocking, though I should have because Kyle Westin was there.

“Oh, sorry, Kyle.”

“It’s okay. What’s up?”

“I’ve got it. My asset came through. Trevor is pulling all his captives and resources together in Canada.” I quickly gave them the details.

“I’ll have Archie validate the information via satellite. I’ve already spoken to him about our buddy Larry.”

“Larry won’t arrive until tomorrow though,” Kyle informed me. “I just got off the phone with him. He’s happy to help. Dave’s coming with him. He’s available however you need him.”

“Thanks, I really appreciate all of this.”

“Hey, we’re going to get him. The Raglan’s reign of terror on shifters is almost over.”

I was certain of it this time. I gave him a nod of gratitude.

“Your plane will be gassed and waiting in three hours,” Patrick said as I was excusing myself.

“Three hours?”

“Is that not good enough?”

“No, that’s fantastic. Thank you so much.”

“I’m really not used to getting so many thank you’s from you on anything,” Patrick laughed.

“I’d be lying if this one wasn’t just a little bit personal.”

“Bring your girl home this time, Granger. We can’t wait to meet her,” Kyle said.

“Thank you, sir.”

I excused myself and headed for the conference room. I was feeling a little overwhelmed, but anxious and just a tad excited.

I was the first to arrive to the conference room, just as I preferred it.

Painter came in shortly after, then the others slowly began to file in. There was no confusion on their faces seeing me taking command once again. It was more like amusement. We were just waiting on Grant, Tarron, and Taylor to arrive as I tried to ignore the snickering.

“You just couldn’t handle taking orders, could you?” Baine teased.

I shrugged. “Not something I’m very good at.”

“I’ll second that,” Painter added.

I was prepared for the jokes and jibes headed my way, but right then, we had work to do.

When my serious game day face came on, they all quieted down.

Grant walked in with the new girl. I hadn’t met her before, but there was no doubting who she was based off the brief intel I’d been given.

“We’re just starting. Take a seat,” I said.

She looked around and seemed to relax a little as she recognized Painter.

“Hello,” she told him.

He gave her a warm smile. “It’s good to see you again, Marie. Taylor is thrilled to have you around for the summer.”

Speaking of Taylor, the door opened, and she walked in with Tarron right behind her. It was about damn time.

Marie instantly lit up and began to relax a little.

I cleared my throat for attention. “For those of you that don’t already know, this is Marie Crenshaw, Taylor’s pet for the summer.”

I expected her to react in some way, but all she did was grin.

“I believe you already know Painter, Tarron, Grant, and of course Taylor. This is Ben and Baine, and I am Silas Granger, head of Bravo team. If you have any questions or concerns, take it up with Taylor. She’s the one who wanted you here.”

She gulped and shrank down in her seat.

I bit back a smirk.

“Now that we’re all here, let’s get started. We have a new lead on another Raglan compound. Make no mistake, we will eradicate every last one of these vermin if it’s the last thing I do. The plane leaves in three hours. Marie, welcome to the team. You’re about to go on your first mission.”

I waited for the noise to die down. I knew they would be surprised and maybe a bit unhappy to find themselves hitting the road again so soon after the last mission, but time was critical. Patrick seemed to recognize that at least.

I raised my hand. “I’ll take questions, but one at a time.”

“How do you know where they are?” Baine asked.

“I picked up a new asset who was able to track them. Archie’s verifying it as we speak. If it comes back solid, we’re gassed and ready to go. If not, we’ll adjust, but count on leaving in three hours.” Seeing no objections to the plan, I continued. “Grant and T stick around. The rest of you are free to go settle your affairs before leaving.”

There were a few frustrated groans, but they all obeyed my orders. It was a relief to know that no one brought up the fact that Painter had stepped down to leave me in charge once again. Even though I hadn’t spoken directly of it, my orders told them I was their boss once again.

“Marie, not so fast,” I said as she was trying to leave the room with the others.

“Sir?” she asked, never quite looking me in the eyes.

“We have a few hours to burn. I’d like to see a sample of your skills. We have two prisoners that I need information from.”

“What sort of info?” she asked.

“Honestly, I’m not sure. Anything they can tell you about the Canadian site and what’s happening there.”

She didn’t persist with questions, and I appreciated that.

“Where are they? We don’t have long if we’re going to make that flight.”

“That’s my girl,” I said excitedly. “T, please escort her to the prisoners. Grant report back to me with any findings.”

“Sure thing, Chief,” he said.


“Yes Taylor?”

“It’s really great to have you back.”