Final Extraction by Julie Trettel


Chapter 17




Taylor’s little pet proved more valuable than I ever imagined. Marie had handled herself like a professional. She hadn’t needed to threaten or hurt anyone, she merely talked to them. It was the craziest thing I’d ever witnessed, and I was sold. I didn’t know what she was majoring in, but I knew I wanted her on my team—permanently.

Thanks to Marie we had not only confirmation, but the building schematic changes they had made in preparation. That combined with the original plans Archie had found put us in a great position to truly block all exits, including the underground tunnel they’d installed for an emergency escape.

We’d faced similar issues in the past when going after them. The last time had ended with my girl slipping from my grasp and Painter getting a bullet in his ass.

She wasn’t going to get away from me this time. Not after that phone call I just had.

The fact that I was stuck on a full plane and couldn’t afford to hurt a single one of them was the only thing keeping me from caving to the beast and giving into my anger.

I was breathing hard and letting out little snorts in the process.

“Back away from him, now,” Painter said. “Silas, look at me. Who was that? What happened?”

I took a deep breath. They needed to know. I wasn’t going to battle any longer, this was war.

“Trevor injected Vada with a synthetic cancer serum,” I said through gritted teeth. I could feel the vein in my neck about to burst.

“Oh my God. Are you serious?” Taylor asked.

I nodded.

“Did it work?” Grant asked.

“Yeah, our kind doesn’t really get sick like humans, Silas. Are we sure?” Clara asked.

I shook my head. “Martin’s running tests now to confirm it.”

“Why the hell would he tell you if he wasn’t certain?” Baine blurted out.

Several people nodded in agreement.

“Because according to Vada, he’s about to inject everyone. He said there are three test groups with three to four hundred people in each. Plus, he has three human groups of around twenty each. One set is confirmed to have the same strand of cancer as his mom.”

“He’s doing a full trial all at once,” Chelsea whispered.

Eddie nodded. “That’s what it sounds like. We need to be prepared for this. We could have a lot of scared and hysteric cases to deal with. I mean, that’s close to a thousand people at this location.”

“How does no one notice a thousand people missing?” Chelsea asked.

“They’ve been collecting them for years. We’ve probably saved close to that from them already. These are just the ones that still remain,” Grant reminded them.

“We’re going to get her out of there, Silas. We’re going to get them all,” Ben assured me.

Everyone started going back over the schematics and the plan, looking for absolutely any weak spots in them. My heart was heavy with the knowledge that I was too late for Vada. I let my mate down, but I could fulfill her biggest wish to see Trevor dead and all the shifters he held captive freed.

It would be my dying stance to see this through for her at all costs.

I wouldn’t explain to the others where my head was, now wasn’t the time, but once this was over, I knew I was going to have to sit down and have a long talk with Painter. I hadn’t bonded with Vada in the way that it mattered most, but I had bonded to her emotionally.

I’d tasted my mate and that kiss had sealed my fate. She was mine. I would never take another, and I had no desire to live in a world where Vada didn’t exist, no matter how insane that may sound to others. If she died, I would too. Not because we were sealed by a bond, but because she was already sealed to my heart.

I was already resolved in my fate, but my cat and my team would need to be addressed first. I had seen Painter step up and take care of things. I might have been a terrible insubordinate, and the team might have been a bit confused on their allegiances with the both of us, but he’d done a damn good job in spite of it all. He would lead them well when I was gone and I was at peace with that.

Emma didn’t care for Fury, but I thought Painter would step up there too and take care of her as a favor to me.

The only other thing of true importance was to see Trevor go before me.

I called Elliot, the leader of Echo, Michael, the new leader of Delta, and Painter into a private meeting. We used the bedroom at the back of the plane.

Michael whistled as we enter. “Damn, son, must be nice. They don’t give us this sort of shit in Delta.”

I grinned. “They reserve it for only the best, and tonight, that’s all of us. I just wanted to take a moment and truly thank each of you for stepping in on this mission.”

“Hey, Delta just goes where we’re told and Patrick told us to,” Michael teased.

“You are so full of it,” Elliot laughed. “We’re all here proudly working by your side. We understand this is personal, we’ve been briefed on that already. Don’t worry, we have your back. My team is already working hard to bust through their firewall and gain control of their surveillance system. We should have it before we land.”

“You can do that from here?”

“With the specs we were given, and intel that your new intern got, we can.”

I shook my head. “I’m gonna have to thank that kid, aren’t I?”

“You haven’t already?” Painter asked.

My heart warmed and some of the fear and hate holding me prisoner eased.

“Thank you. Truly.”

They each hugged me in turn and assured me everything was going to be okay. Right now, nothing felt okay.

By the time we were told to buckle in for landing, I was such a mess that Gage was recommending they sedate me. I’d roared at the thought and the others didn’t dare try to follow through on it. I knew they were worried about me, but I was going to hold it together. I had to.

The site was only twenty minutes from the airport. At least I didn’t have to sit in the vehicle for hours. We stepped off and onto the runway. There were close to a dozen vehicles awaiting our arrival, far more than I expected.

It set me on edge. One of the doors opened and Woody stepped out. I growled. I had told Patrick I didn’t want him here. He walked right towards me.

“I know you asked Pat not to call Charlie in for this, but I owe you. I’ve been sick and disgusted with myself since I heard your mate was in that blast. I made a judgement call for what I thought was best. I was wrong.”

He paused like he was expecting me to respond in some way.

He sighed. “Look, I figured you could use the extra hand. My team is fully at your disposal. I made a mistake overstepping last time. I won’t do it again. I’m even willing to stay behind and put my entire team at your mercy. Let me make this right, Granger.”

I didn’t want to. I didn’t need the extra stress about worrying what he was going to do to screw this mission up this time, but the truth was, we needed the bodies.

I turned to look to my team for guidance. They were all nodding their heads in encouragement for me to accept.

“Okay,” I finally said, extending my hand which Woody readily shook.

“Let’s do this, together this time.”

I nodded. “Together.”

The next few minutes were a bit of a whirlwind as the subteams started banning together and getting things sorted over who was doing what. Normally I would butt in and try to micromanage them all, but not this time. This time I was going to sit back and trust that they had my back and Vada’s best interest.

“We got it!” Tarron hooted. “We’ve cracked into their system. Surprisingly there aren’t many cameras activated.”

“They just arrived and probably haven’t set them up yet,” Taylor said. “Remember how they had none when we first checked in Florida?”

“True. I guess with all his cards being laid out on the table that he’d take a little more precaution this time. Clearly I was wrong.”

“Are we all set then?” I asked.

“We sure are,” Tarron confirmed.

“Almost,” Stanley, the tech from Echo team, shouted out. “I’m getting everyone wired up now.”

He got to me last as he handed me an earpiece and did a quick final sound check on everyone.

“Okay, we’re ready now. Let’s do this!”

“No one goes anywhere except on my command,” I reminded them. Not that anyone had dared moved without my order.

“Understood,” Stanley yelled. “Sir, sorry, sir. You’re the boss,” he added trying to sound more official or something.

“Okay, Let’s do this!”




The place was a fortress. We quickly set up a parameter around it. Everyone had their job and understood exactly what was riding on this. We went in as a cohesive unit.

Tarron tried to talk me out of going inside myself, but I knew I had to do it. I trusted my men explicitly and left him in charge of running point. He was my orchestrator with eyes everywhere possible.

“Silas, don’t do this. It’s too important. This should be your show.”

I gave him a sad smile. “Patrick didn’t ask me to step down last time for no reason. My judgement calls are going to protect Vada as best as I can. I’m biased here, and I can’t be. I trust you to make the right choices.”

“You know, I’m a little biased here too, right? The last thing I want is her dying on my watch.”

“I know.”

“Don’t put this on me. You’ll never forgive me or trust me again if something happens to her.”

I grabbed him gently by the back of the head, forcing our foreheads to touch. “Something bad has already happened to her in there, and I’m barely holding it together right now. I’ve been compromised. I thought I could do this, but I can’t. My entire focus is just getting in and getting her out. I can’t think beyond anything else right now. I need you on this.”

Tarron nodded. “Yeah, okay.”

When I looked into his eyes, I could see the depth of emotions welling up inside him too. I wasn’t the touchy-feely type and I certainly didn’t bare my emotions easily, but I had to make him understand.

He straightened and stood a little taller.

“According to Martin’s intel, he’s keeping her separated while running some tests. He’s buying us some time here. I’ve overlayed the maps with the originals and the changes Marie got from our prisoners. I believe your girl’s being held roughly here.”

I nodded. I had already come to the same decision.

“Everyone else has their routes and know what to do. Listen for the call. I want you out of there safe and sound before Baine blows this place to smithereens. Am I clear?”

“Yes, sir,” I said with a slight smirk.

“I know you want to go at this alone, but I want you to take Marie and Taylor with you. They’ve already been informed. I had a suspicion you wouldn’t be able to keep from going in yourself, so I’ve already discussed it with them.”

I shook my head. “Not the new kid.”

He nodded. “Definitely the new kid. T will keep her safe. We tested her on the flight while you were talking with the team leaders. Silas, that girl can drop a grown man to his knees with just a look. It’s incredible and if you need info on the fly once inside, she’s the quickest and most efficient option we have.”

“I don’t like it.”

“But it’s happening if you want me to take command lead.”

I gritted my teeth. “Fine, but if anything happens to her, it’s on you.”

Tarron scoffed. “You’re putting this entire mission on me, remember?”

I started to say I didn’t mean it like that, but he held up a hand to stop me.

“I’m more ready for this mission than I’ve ever been for any in my entire life. We’ve got this. Clean in, clean out.”


“T and M are waiting outside. Give them the codeword gruff.”

“You gave them a codeword to know I’m onboard with this?”

His grin widened. “No stone left unturned on this one, Chief.”

I grumbled but walked outside to meet the girls.

“Gruff,” I barked making Marie jump. I rolled my eyes. “Don’t die. You’re actually proving to be quite useful.”

“Bravo are we a go?”

“Yes, sir,” Painter replied. “Bravo is in position.”


“All set, sir.”


“My boys have eyes on the prize.”

I rolled my eyes.


“Here and ready.”


“In position.”


“Full coverage and ready,” Ben replied.


“We have you live on satellite and prepared to assist anyway possible.”


“Locked and loaded,” Taylor replied as she winked at me.

I shook my head at our designation call sign. They weren’t exactly being subtle.

“Well then boys, let the final extraction begin. Charlie, do your thing.”

The sentries on lookout were overwhelmed quickly.

“Done,” Woody replied within seconds. “Clean take.”

“All foot teams move in.”

We moved as one unit as we approached the building covering all entries while Charlie moved into position to cover the tunnel. There were a few minor explosions as the doors were blown off their hinges and I could hear the occasional flash bang as we breached their security.

Everyone’s goal was slightly different. I’d helped coordinate that, but looking at the two women by my side, I knew Tarron had locked it down even tighter.

We came in behind Painter and Grant. There were enough extra medic hands on site that we could use him without compromising the safety of those we were about to rescue. None of our data was a hundred percent accurate, but it should be close enough.

Bravo, Delta, and Echo were each assigned a holding cell sending in two to four guys from each unit to get in, find their targets and escort them out safely. We had twenty-five busses in place awaiting extraction. I had no idea where Patrick had found them, or the staff to drive them, but they had been waiting upon our arrival.

He had made arrangements with a small local hospital being run by a moose shifter to receive any emergency cases under the radar. His mob had also allocated an empty hanger at the airport to receive the busses while we checked over the victims and worked on plans to safely return them to their homes.

Everything was in place and it was a giant team effort to do so.

“Keep your head in the game, Silas,” Taylor warned as we approached the building with our weapons raised while Marie walked in unarmed as if she owned the place.

“Marie, stay low,” I warned her.

We rounded our first corner and saw our first hostile. He was armed and shot first. I ducked into a doorway, sited him in, and shot. I would be lying if I said I was unaffected by taking another being’s life, but not today. I was entirely numb in the moment.

“Nice shot,” T praised. “Not so dusty after all.”

“Did you really think otherwise?” The look on her face told me yes. “Don’t answer that,” I grumbled. “I thought I told you to stay low,” I barked at Marie.

I felt a sharp object stab into my shoulder. “Don’t move,” a voice from behind told me.

I hadn’t secured the room of the doorway I’d sought for cover. In the moment I was more concerned with the gun aimed at my head. It was a rookie mistake.

Taylor raised her gun and sited it in on his head.

I could feel the man’s hand shaking and knew we could take him.

“Got it,” Marie said as she stood there in the hallway oddly staring at him.

The pressure of the needle eased, and the man dropped to his knees and sank to the ground screaming as if in pain.

Taylor shot him. It somehow felt more like a mercy killing.

“Are they all this sick around here? That one took great pleasure in inflicting pain on others,” Marie said softly.

I feared she may go into shock.

“Not anymore,” T said coldly.

She cleared the room while I stared at Marie in wonder. I didn’t fully understand what she had just done.

Taylor moved by me and checked the room.

There was a woman there with her arms raised in surrender.

T motioned with her gun for her to move out of her crouched position in the corner.

“Please don’t hurt us,” the woman yelled.

She was dressed in a starched white coveralls and it was clear she was hiding something.

“Stand down,” Marie cried out.

Taylor and I both turned her way.

“That’s the right phrase, isn’t it? She’s hiding a child behind her. They’re victims, not hostile.”

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Lucy,” she said. “This is my daughter, Vada.”

I swallowed hard as my heart lurched at the sound of her name.

“That’s a unique name. There’s another woman here with the same,” I said.

Lucy’s face lit up as she nodded. “Yes. You have to save her. They did something to her. I don’t know what. I think that man was about to do it to us too.”

“But he didn’t, right? You’re both okay?”

She nodded.

“Stay here and stay low. I’ll send for help,” T said. “Don’t try to leave on your own. Wait for help.”

“Okay,” Lucy said.

The little girl popped her head up and she smiled up at me. In that moment I understood why Vada had demanded to stay behind. These people looked up to her, she was somewhat of a leader to them, enough so that this woman had named her child after her.

This mission never should have been just about Vada, but looking into the eyes of that little girl changed perspectives for me. It wasn’t enough to just get my mate. I truly had to save them all. I prayed I brought enough fire power to do just that.

“Echo package has been located and secured. Heading out,” Elliot called over coms.

I looked at T and grinned. “One down two to go.”

Marie and I started moving deeper into the complex as Taylor called in our victims.

“Need a package pick up at these coordinates. Two bundles.” She listed off their location and jogged to catch up.

While Echo was making their extraction, Delta arrived at theirs.

We encountered only two other armed men. The other hostiles we encountered were all doctors and nurses that we began rounding up into a holding room.

As soon as Elliot’s team was out, they handed off the victims to the medics and raced back in. One of his guys confirmed package pickup and I knew Lucy and little Vada were safe.

He sent two of his men to guard the holding room we were quickly piling up with Trevor’s people while Delta began to make their exit.

“Shots fired,” Painter cried out. “Man down.”

Taylor’s terrified eyes bore into mine.

“He’ll be fine,” I said trying to calm her.

She nodded, but I could tell her head was not in the game. Still, we continued searching room by room but still no sign of Vada. I knew we hadn’t reached the location we suspected her to be because I had insisted we start clearing single rooms to ensure no one was left behind.

As Delta freed up after their pass off, they reentered to assist.

“Taylor, go help Painter. Take Marie with you.”

“No, I’m staying with you. I was given an order, sir,” Marie stubbornly said.

“As was I,” Taylor said sadly.

“Well this is your new order. Go!”

Taylor hesitated, then nodded and ran off to check on her mate and provide Painter with backup. Two from Delta followed her.

A man started running towards us, I couldn’t tell who until the last minute –Woody.

“You’re supposed to be on patrol.”

“My men are on it. We’re not leaving you vulnerable and you’ve already dismissed your guard.”

“He still has me,” Marie said softly.

Woody snorted and dismissed her easily.

“Don’t,” I warned, sensing her desire to teach him a lesson. “We need to find Vada and Martin.”

Leaving the rooms to the others, we quickly proceeded towards the middle of the complex to the room we had identified as the highest probability. As we got closer, I could feel her presence. It gave me great relief, but also had me running faster to get to her.

I kicked open the door and swept my gun around the room in search of hostiles.

Martin and Vada were alone in the room.

He was quickly backing up some files onto a drive. “Give me two minutes.”

I went to Vada cautiously.

“Are you okay?” I asked in a harsher tone than I meant.

She nodded as a tear slid down her cheek.

I closed the gap between us and hugged her tightly. The sense of calm it gave me scared the shit out of me. I needed this woman like I needed air to breathe.

“One thing at a time, baby. We have to get you out of here.”

A part of me braced for her resistance, but she readily agreed. A sense of relief washed over me knowing she wasn’t going to fight her extraction this time.

“What about the others?” she asked softly.

“Two cells have been successfully extracted. One more to go.”

“What do you mean two cells?”

Martin sighed. “Your holding room wasn’t the only one. There are others. Three of them in total,” he explained.

“What? That many?”

“Not all are shifters. Many are human. He’s conducting a full trial on a new serum,” Marie said.

“How did you know that?” Martin asked her.

She bit her lip and shrugged.

“You’re going to be a lot of fun in debriefing.” I chuckled. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

I held Vada’s hand as we walked out. Woody watched our backs as Marie led the way through the organized chaos of the mission.

“Requesting backup,” Taylor called out.

I froze.

“What is it?”

“My team’s in trouble. I have to assist.”

She nodded. “Let’s go.”

I didn’t hesitate to bring Vada along. Logically I knew I should get her to safety first, but I needed her calm to keep a clear head before I got us all killed.

“Do you know how to shoot?” I asked her passing her my hand gun as I pulled my rifle into position.

She dropped the magazine and assessed her bullets, then pulled the slide back as the bullet there dropped to the floor. She left it there but slammed the mag back into place and racked the slide to reload.

“I do, actually,” she said.

That shouldn’t have turned me on, but watching my girl handle a gun with such precision made me instantly hard.

“That was hot,” I told her.

She laughed.

We picked up our pace as we ran to assist. We didn’t hit any roadblocks along the way, but as we reached the last corner, bullets were flying in our direction.

I approached cautiously signaling Vada to stay behind me.

“You really think you can just come in and take what’s mine?” Trevor Daniels’ voice. “I won’t let you. There’s more at stake than you know.”

“We know about your mother, Trevor,” I yelled around in response.

As I peeked around the corner, I saw him irrationally waving his gun around. Grant was lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood with Taylor by his side. There was blood on her arm and I couldn’t tell if it was his or hers.

Painter still had his weapon raised and sited in on Trevor as he stood over them, exposed.

I switched on my red dot and pointed it at Trevor’s chest. He hesitated and then shot in my direction. The bullet ricocheted and hit one of his own men. He seemed oblivious to it all.

“You don’t know shit!” he yelled.

“Your mother wouldn’t want this, Trevor.”

“Not want it? She begged me to do it. I cannot let her down.”

“We have the building surrounded. There’s no escape this time. You will never hurt another being. You lose,” I told him even knowing it would make him even more pissed off and irrational.

“Son, it’s time.”

I checked up, surprised to find Stephan Daniels here too. He tried to keep a segregation between himself and his son while allowing him to torture innocents.

“No. No, it can’t be.”

“Leave them. Your mother needs us now,” the older man said sadly.

“She’s here?” I asked, but it fell on deaf ears as their grief was evident.

Trevor’s hand was shaking as his father reached for his gun, but he screamed out in agonizing pain and began randomly shooting until his gun was empty. Bullets flew in all direction as we hit the floor to take cover.

Painter protected Grant and Taylor with his body as the bullets bounced around the room and settled.

I had Vada pinned against the floor and wall ensuring nothing would harm her. Two bullets grazed my skin, but they were of no concern to me. I knew my gorilla would heal them quickly.

As the chaos died down, I looked up and found both of the Daniels gone and the remaining men had retreated with them.

“You’ve been hit,” Vada cried as she examined my arm. She ripped off a piece of her shirt exposing her midriff to me. As she tied it around my arm to stop the bleeding, all I could do was stare at the smooth tight skin there. I reached out an touched her as she shivered beneath my palms.

She playfully pushed me away. “We still have work to do,” she warned with a nervous giggle.

I went to check on Painter, Grant, and Taylor.

“Grant’s been hit. He’s bleeding pretty badly.”

“I need a medic to holding one—stat!”

Vada opened the door to the room and I was disgusted by the conditions I witnessed. Three hundred shifters all huddled tightly together as far from the door as possible with Jake standing before them like a shield determined to protect them all.

I had to admit, I’d had my reservations about him, but seeing him standing there voided any ill conceived thoughts I’d had on the guy. Ben was right. He might not have an animal within, but he was a warrior. He was one of us.

Vada ran straight into his arms and he lifted her easily off the ground.

My stomach dropped and I thought I was going to be sick. My legs wobbled. No! I screamed unsure if the sound ever even left my lips.

Jake approached cautiously and then shoved Vada at me when he got close enough. Then he knelt before me.

“She’s all yours, big guy.”

Vada’s mouth dropped open in surprise.

“Wait, you don’t think?” She was looking back and forth between me and Jake, and then she smacked me in the gut. “I know who my mate is, you big idiot.”

Jake slowly rose and backed away from me understanding that I wasn’t fully myself just then.

I grabbed Vada around the waist and pulled her to me as I kissed her, claiming her as mine for everyone to see.

Painter walked in behind us and snorted. “Can we get out of here now? No one wants to see your public bonding.”

I knew he was only teasing, but I growled anyway causing Vada to shudder against me.

“Vada?” someone asked.

She looked a little shell shocked by my aggressive actions and it took her a second to regain her control.

“They’re here to rescue us. Please follow these men as they escort you to safety,” she said loud enough for everyone to hear.

There were tears, cries of joy, and cries of fear. No one rushed out, they stayed in a startling, organized manner as they exited the building being led by Painter and Jake.

Outside of the room Clara and Gage were busy working on Grant. He was alive, awake, and talking to T. Marie remained by my side. I felt guilty for having forgotten all about her being there. I should have protected her too.

“You okay, kid?”

“Fine,” she said with an excitement in her eyes. “Best first day of a new job ever.”

I snorted. “You just might be sick enough to make it, too.”

“I’m counting on it. I’ve never really known what I wanted to do with my life before.”

“Now you do?”

She nodded. “Do you have any idea how many people we saved today? Truly saved? If I could have the chance to save even one more in my lifetime, it would be worth it. I feel incredible and blessed, and…”

“She’s a bit in shock,” T explained.

“Ya think? Get her out of here. Hey kid?” she turned back to me. “You did great today.”

She lit up like a Christmas tree as she practically skipped away with Taylor while Gage and Clara assisted Grant to his feet and helped take him away.

“What are you going to do about Trevor?” Vada asked.

I shrugged.

Woody came jogging back from the direction I suspected Trevor had retreated.

“Sir, the Daniels have locked themselves in a room with three of the doctors. I suspect the woman is in there. From what I heard, she’s not going to make it. What do you want me to do about it?”

“I don’t know,” I said honestly.

I put an arm around my girl and walked away.

We ran into Martin before we got out. The building had been cleared, all except that one room. Martin’s arms were loaded down with devices and files and he was dragging a wagon filled with even more.

“What is this?” I asked.

“It’s all their data. Everything I need to try and save your mate. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you like I should have been Vada. How are you feeling?”

“Fine,” she said. “I don’t really feel any different.”

“Let’s get you out of here and back to headquarters. I’ll phone ahead and let Kyle know what I need. I’ll inform Jacob Winthrop as well. He can acquire anything Westin Pack doesn’t already have.”

“Thank you,” I told him as I squeezed Vada a little tighter.

Tarron met us just outside the building.

“That was a clean extraction. You did good,” I praised. “What’s our status?”

“The complex is clear except for one room. The remaining few of Trevor’s men tried to escape through the tunnel, but Charlie was standing by to round them up. The first two cells are already processed, no life-threatening injuries were found so they are already en route to the processing site. Some of them may be home by dinner tonight.”

“Did we lose anyone?”

“No, surprisingly. Our biggest casualty is Grant, who took a bullet to the side. He’s lost a lot of blood and is weak, but Clara has him stabilized and ready for transport. She and Gage are personally looking after him.”

Two ducks flew down from the top of the building and quacked at me.

“Go on, get out of here,” I said.

“Miriam and Alfred, is that you? Sorry to disappoint but you missed all the action this time,” Eddie said with a chuckle.

“Miriam and Alfred?” Vada asked. “You named the ducks?”

Eddie shook his head. “A couple of annoying shifters. They like to show up whenever something big is going down.”

“Oh, hello,” Vada said, but as she leaned in towards them, Alfred snapped at her.

I instinctively pulled her back away from him.

“Get,” I said again, but it wasn’t until I reached for my gun that they listened.

Chelsea approached laughing. “Was that Alfred and Miriam?”

“I think so,” Eddie said.

She shook her head. “Tarron, Silas, we’re ready for transport.”

“Move out,” Tarron said. “Uh, if that’s okay with you, Chief.”

I grinned. “You’re still in charge here for now.”

I looked down at Vada and he nodded, understanding that I had more important things to deal with at the moment.

“I’m still waiting,” Baine said through coms.

“For what?” I asked.

“To blow up the building.”

“You can’t. They’re still inside,” Vada said. Her eyes were pleading me not to do it.

“They hurt you and so many others. They deserve to die.”

“I don’t disagree, but every life matters. If we do this then we’re no better than them.”

I was torn about what to do and looked to Tarron for help.

He held up his hands. “Not gonna be my decision to make.”

“I don’t have some sort of weird loyalty to him. That’s not what this is about. You’re planning to blow up the building, aren’t you?”

“As soon as I hear the word,” Baine said.

My heart was pounding. I wanted both Trevor and Stephan Daniels dead more than almost anything, but the one thing I wanted even more was standing before me begging me not to do it.

“We got them all out, right?”

“Yes,” Tarron said. “I’ve had the teams sweep the place three times now.”

“That’s all that matters, then,” she said, as if it were just that simple.

“Why? Why should I let them live?”

“I don’t care if they live or not, but I’ve been inside during an explosion like that, remember? I wouldn’t wish that on even my worst enemy, not even him.”

I nodded and sighed. “Stand down, Baine. We’re pulling out.”

“Dammit! You guys got all the fun today.”

“I’ll let you play with some of those small grenades again once we’re home.”

“Promise? You’re not just teasing me?”

I laughed. “You can even bring short stuff with you.”

“Yes! Thank you. She’s been begging me to do something like that.”

“Olivia’s going to kill you.”

“She loves me. I’m too cute to kill.”

I shook my head and started to walk away, escorting Vada to the car waiting for us. She stopped me. I looked down at her curiously.

She had tears in her eyes as she stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on my cheek, and then sealed her lips to mine. “Thank you,” she whispered.

I knew then there was absolutely nothing I wouldn’t do for this woman. All she had to do was ask.