Final Extraction by Julie Trettel


Chapter 24




My heart soared at his words.


It sounded like such a simple concept, but the feelings I was battling were far from simple. My life was changing quickly, spiraling out of control even, but the one constant I was certain of us was him—Silas, my mate.

I was terrified of the future and had no idea what was coming my way. My warped but simple life of captivity was over, but I was also excited about the unknown. I had always wanted to go on an adventure, and this felt a lot like I imagined one would feel like.

I knew Silas was getting the raw end of the deal. He was saddled down with a sick and dying mate while I was the lucky one. He was handing me a whole new world, a new life, and showing me things I never even imagined. In such a short time, I was changing, for the better, because of him.

I wanted to tell him. I wanted to experiment a little more with the fun parts we’d already shared. I wanted a life with this man where everything would be perfect like a fairytale, but that wasn’t ever going to be in the cards for us.

"You look sad, mate. What is it?”

I grinned. “I love it when you call me that.”

I snuggled against him not wanting him to read my thoughts. Love had rolled off of my tongue so easily. Did I love him? I still didn’t know for sure, but just like he had told me, by the definition I gave him, it sure felt a lot like love.

We laid in bed talking about lighter things and getting to know each other by the simple things in life—favorite color, favorite food, and so on.

I was startled when a knock sounded on the door.

Silas looked at his phone. “Shit! I didn’t call Emma to tell her not to pick you up.”

She knocked again. “You can’t keep her in there forever, Silas. It’s ladies’ night,” she yelled from the hallways causing me to giggle.

“Tell me what you want to do,” he said.

“What? You wanted me to stay.”

“I’ll always want you by my side, sweetheart, but what do you want to do? There’s a lot of crazy women at these things from what I’d heard. They mean well and have hearts of gold though. You might even make some new friends in the area. If you are planning to stay, that could be good.”

I laughed. “I didn’t know you were ever one to beat around the bush.”

He shrugged. “I’m really trying hard not to pressure you into a decision or influence your choices. Give me some credit here.”

I got up and went to put my clothes on as Emma knocked again.

“I’m not taking no for an answer,” she yelled this time.

I shook my head.

“You’re going?” he pouted.

I leaned down and kissed him. “I have no idea what I’m getting myself into, but life is entirely too short, especially mine.” I hated seeing him cringe, but we both needed to be reminded of that truth. “And if I am truly free, then I wish to live it to the fullest and without regrets. So, yes, I’m going to ladies’ night. I really enjoyed catching up with Emma and I’d like to spend more time with her. And then I’d really like to spend more time with you, too.”

“Does that mean you’re staying?”

“Honestly, I have nowhere else to go, Silas, but there’s also nowhere else I want to go.”

He grinned and jumped out of bed to kiss me before opening the door for me… completely nude.

Emma gasped in surprise, and he jumped behind the door when I glared at him. We were shifters, nudity shouldn’t be a thing, but it always had been an uncomfortable part of shifter life for me, except when it came to seeing him. There was nothing more beautiful than Silas Granger in the buff. It made my mouth water and my body tingle just thinking about it. But it also wasn’t something I cared to share with anyone else. That man was all mine.

“Get home fast,” he told me as I kissed him goodbye lingering a little too long as Emma cleared her throat awkwardly to remind us both that she was there.

“Maybe I don’t want to go,” I said second guessing my decision.

Emma grabbed my arm and pulled me from the room. “You’re going. Later lover boy.”

Fury tried to make an escape, but Silas bent down and scooped her up. “Looks like it’s just you and me tonight, sweet girl.”

Emma stopped and stared in surprise as we watched him lovingly stroke the cat.

“Have fun, ladies.”

He shut the door.

Emma shook her head. “I never would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. That man isn’t entirely made of ice.”

“Not even close,” I said with a laugh.

Silas cracked the door open and peeked his head back out. “Yes, I am, Emma. I’ll deny it if you tell anyone about this.”

We both laughed as we walked away.

That was just the start of the fun. Emma drove me further up the mountain. She gave me a quick tour around town starting with her beautiful house right on the lake. She pointed out where everyone lived.

Ben was the only other member of Bravo team that wasn’t living on the lake. His mate, Shelby, had family in town and they lived in a rancher closer to them. I learned Emma worked for Ben and Shelby caring for their three toddlers, triplets.

“The triplets were from the New York experiments,” Emma told me as we pulled up in front of the house. “Do you remember Alice?”

“Of course. I remember them all, every story, every face. Why?”

“Alice gave birth the night of the building being demolished. We were on the other side of the collapse, and was taken away by Trevor and his goons. We weren’t able to help her.”

“I remember. I was helping her and there was a big crash. I ran to see what happened, and the building had collapsed behind us. Then we were ushered out quickly so I had just assumed the others had all died in the rubble.”

I knew better now. I know a person could survive something like that because I had.

Emma shook her head. “Apparently only a partial section collapsed. Westin Force was there. They safely delivered the babies, but Alice didn’t survive.”

“Babies? I had suspected there were twins.”

“Triplets,” Emma corrected. “Ben helped deliver them and then brought them home. He and Shelby adopted them. They are thriving toddlers now and the best part of my job.”

“Oh my gosh.”

“They aren’t here tonight, but there’s pictures on the walls.”

She stopped in front of the house. We got out and walked to door.

“That was the first time I felt Silas.”

The door opened while I was talking.

“What? Are you serious?” Emma asked.

“Serious about what?” a woman asked, as she hugged Emma.

“The night your babies were born was the first time Silas and Vada felt each other.”

“So this is Vada. Hi, I’m Shelby.”

“Hi,” I said feeling a little awkward at Emma’s announcement.

“Come in.”

Emma went ahead of me and sat on the couch. The room was full with close to a dozen women covering the furniture and floor. Most of them had glasses of dark liquid in their hands and they all stopped talking to turn and stare at me. I was ready to bolt back out the door.

Shelby must have sensed it too as she put her arm around me. I suddenly felt like a captive all over again.

“Ladies, this is Vada, Silas’s mate.”

“Hold up, when did Silas get a mate? And why didn’t anyone tell me?”

I looked around but didn’t see anyone talking.

There was a woman on a laptop, when I heard a distant voice say, “Elise, turn me around. I want to see her.”

The dark-haired woman sitting on the floor rotated the laptop on the coffee table to face me. I saw a blonde haired lady with bright pink streaks in her hair who was very obviously pregnant.

“Hi Vada,” the girl yelled.

“Lily, for the millionth time, you do not have to yell for us to hear you. Sorry about her. I’m Lizzy. That one there,” she said pointing to the laptop, “has no filter. You’ll have to excuse her.”

“Hi, I’m Lily. I can’t travel right now, so they let me join by video streaming. Isn’t this awesome?”

“Do you know what you’re having?” I asked trying to take the attention off of me some.

“Oh no you don’t. No changing the subject. My nieces and nephews are toddlers now running around everywhere. That’s a long time to feel the mating call and not act on it. What’s wrong? Trust me, I’m good at this stuff, I can help.”

“Uh, nothing wrong, that I know of.”

Emma scooted over. “Come have a seat, Vada.”

I joined her and Elise turned the laptop some more for Lily to see me.

“What do you mean nothing’s wrong. An unresolved bond like that can make you crazy, just asked Lizzy.”

“Maybe they haven’t bonded yet, but she said she had felt him,” Shelby added.

“Well, I guess. You’re here now, so that’s good. Have you sealed the deal already?”

“Sealed the deal?” I asked not following.

“Take the plunge? Did he bite you yet?”

I shook my head.

“What are you waiting for?”

I looked around realizing I had everyone’s attention and hating it.

“I’ve sort of been in captivity with the Raglan until today.”

Lily’s face changed from playful to serious. “Someone get this girl a drink. How long were you in?”

“I’m not sure really. A long time. Seven, maybe eight years. Could be longer.”

Lily started to cry.

I looked around not knowing what to do.

Lizzy rolled her eyes. “Someone call Peyton and Ruby to deal with her.”

“Already on it,” Shelby said.

Emma scooted away from me as a tall slender women with long blonde hair entered the room.

“Hi, I’m Kelsey,” she said. “Welcome to Westin Pack.”

“Kelsey’s our Pack Mother,” Emma explained.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Nothing really, it just means I’m mated to the Alpha.”

“Nothing? What are you talking about?” Lily yelled through the screen. “Pack Mother is only the most important position of a pack. Everyone looks to you for everything. It’s stressful, and fulfilling, and…”

“I think we’re having a bit of a connection problem, Lily. Sorry,” Elise said as she shut the lid on the laptop.

“My baby sister and Pack Mother of Collier Pack,” Elise explained. “She’s always been a bit dramatic, but pregnancy has created a whole new kind of monster. Sorry. Just couldn’t handle it tonight. This is supposed to be a celebration.”

“What are we celebrating?” I asked.

The others laughed.

“You, silly. Welcome home, Vada!” Kelsey said as the others cheered alongside her.

After that, the room went back to a million conversations at once. I mostly sat talking to Emma and Kelsey. Shelby was running around everywhere but did stop by every now and then to join in.

Finally Emma grabbed my hand and pulled me up. “You have to meet the others.”

Across the room were a group of ladies huddled together talking. They spread out to make room for us as we formed a small circle.

“Girls, this is Vada. She completes us.”

Shelby laughed. “Now that’s a little bit dramatic.”

“I’m serious.”

“I get it. Silas finally has his mate. We’re thrilled for you both. I’m Olivia by the way. I don’t know if you got to meet all the team yet, but I’m Baine’s mate.”

“Hello. I think I might have met him at the last stop, but it’s hard to keep up with who was who.”

“He likes to blow stuff up.”

I grinned. “Oh, I definitely remember him.”

The others laughed.

“I’m Susan. My mate is Tarron. He mans communications. He’s the tech guy on the team. I also work for Westin Force, but only at headquarters. I’m not assigned to a team or anything.”

“Then Taylor is with the team,” Shelby added.

“I did get to meet her. She’s very nice.”

“She’s badass,” Olivia corrected.

The others nodded. I knew what they meant.

“So how’s the mating going? It’s so weird, right? Tarron and I have only been mated a few months, but it’s been great, and I love it here. His Nonna pretty much adopted me and all of my sisters too. Sage is here tonight. Wave over here, Sage,” Susan yelled as a young girl turned and gave a little wave. “She’s really too young for this group, still in high school, but she’s mentoring under Kelsey this summer and she lets her tag along. My sister Sapphire couldn’t be here tonight, she’s working, and Sonnet is still adjusting to being with us.”

“The Raglan had her too.”

My eyes welled with tears. “Sonnet got out before the building collapsed?”

Susan gasped. “I forgot you were there. I’m so sorry for what happened to you. We all thought you were dead. It nearly destroyed Silas.”

“He’s been in a bad place for a long time now,” Shelby added.

“How do you mean?”

“Short tempered, gruffer, plus he keeps to himself way more than usual and he wasn’t exactly a social guy to begin with,” Olivia answered.

My heart broke for the picture they painted. That was nothing like the light-hearted, kind man I was falling in love with.

“Let me guess, he’s not like that with you,” Olivia said with a smile.

“Not at all.”

“That’s normal,” Shelby insisted. “We’re only half a soul without our mate.”

“We are?”

She nodded. “Definitely. I’ve never felt complete without Ben. It wasn’t until we sealed our bond that I truly knew what peace was.”

“You haven’t bonded yet, have you?” Susan asked.

I shook my head,

“What are you waiting for?”

“I don’t know.”

“Is he what or who you want in life?”

“Yes,” I said without hesitation.

“Then don’t put it off. It’ll only make it harder on the both of you.”

“Susan’s right,” Olivia agreed. “You won’t regret doing it sooner rather than later.”

“Emma, could you take me home?”

Home. I didn’t mean the building, I meant back to him.