Sweet Girl by Quell T. Fox

Chapter 21



That was one of the most erotic things I have ever done. Who would have thought someone watching you could be such a turn on?

The worst part was trying to get Michael out of my room when we were done because I wasn’t sure what Jonathan would do and I don’t want him to necessarily be an asshole to Michael.

We make plans for dinner tomorrow night, knowing I need to talk to him and lay shit out. Let him know how it is between us. After giving him some excuse about needing to get to bed because I have something to do early tomorrow morning, I walk him to the front door and watch as he drives off. I take a quick glance around and don’t see Jonathan’s car anywhere…

I close and lock the door, rushing back up to my room, my heart pounding the whole way. Going straight to my closet, I pull open the doors to find Jonathan leaning against the wall in front of him, his hand pressed flat against it, the muscles in his arm bulging, the veins popping. His other hand is stroking his swollen, leaking cock. I let out a gasp, my insides heating at how swollen and needy his dick looks. He smirks up at me when he sees me.

“You were such a good girl,” he says, his voice strained. He jerks his head towards the floor. “Get on your knees.” All the air leaves my lungs. Is this really happening? “Now, Charlotte.” He leaves no room for me to argue.

I can hear in his voice that he isn’t joking, so I drop to my knees. The second I do, he lets out a deep, pained groan, his fingers tangling in my hair and pulling me forward. Hot ropes of cum pump out, hitting my lips because I can’t open my mouth fast enough. The rest coats the back of my throat, my tongue, and all around my mouth. I swallow down what I can, but it’s dripping down my chin by the time he’s done. His head falls back and he takes in a deep breath before he tucks himself back in his pants and kneels down. “So fucking beautiful.” His thumb brushes over my lip before bringing it to his mouth, tasting his own essence. “All for you, baby, don’t waste it.”

I sit there, a sweating mess, trying to catch my breath as Jonathan leaves my room and then the house. His cum is still dripping down my face, his flavor a memory on my tongue. I run it along my lips, taking in every ounce of him that I can find before getting up and going into the shower.

Charlotte: 1

Jonathan: 2

And I'm not even made that I'm losing.

“Charlie, come help me, will you?”

Mom’s voice sounds from downstairs and I head down after grabbing my things to see what she needs help with. She’s filling a picnic basket—an actual wicker picnic basket—with small containers.

“What’s all this?” I ask, taking in the scene before me.

There is fruit packed together, bottles of water, and sandwiches that are cut into triangles.

Who the hell did this?

“Lunch,” she says with a smile.

It’s Saturday afternoon and we have plans for me to meet her new boyfriend and his daughter. She said lunch, not a fucking picnic.

“Since when do you make lunch?”

My whole life has been filled with fast foods and quick meals, like mac and cheese, and cereal. Mom was always so busy. She kept me fed and taken care of, but she never went above and beyond. Not like this.

“I’ve always made lunch, Charlie, don’t be like that.”

I take a deep breath, pushing away the jealousy that I feel rising up. It’s not worth it. I grew up happy, I’ve always been understanding of my mother and how she feels. I’ve accepted that she wasn’t a kid person and never really wanted me. I get it. It’s not for everyone.

But why this? Why now? What’s so special about this guy and his daughter? I mean, I want to be happy for her, but there are some parts of me turning green with jealousy over here.

“Are you ready to go?” she asks, shoving the basket towards me. I put on a smile and take it while nodding. “Great!”

She looks happy, truly happy. So I push this unnecessary feeling away and remember she’s doing this for herself. I fully believe that people are allowed to be selfish in some ways. It’s their life, they only have one. You have to live it for yourself and not for anyone else.

I’m also trying to stay in her good graces because I need something to use when she finds out about Jonathan and I.

And something tells me she is going to find out. I just hope it isn’t anytime soon.

The memory of last night pops into my head. The sweet and saltiness of him can still be tasted on my tongue. The sounds he made while he came will be etched into my memory for ever.

I step outside and the heat hits me. Ugh. It’s hot and sticky and the air is thick and humid. I hate when the weather is like this. I can feel the film of sweat on my skin already.

Thankfully the car is already started and cool inside once I get in.

“We’re meeting them there.”

“Where is there?”

“Barnes Park, about half hour from here.”

I rest my head back and get lost in thoughts of last night. Everything feels like a dream. Things I have fantasized about for years are now happening. It’s hard to process. What is going to come of this? It’s already been a few weeks since I’ve been here, I don’t have forever. I’ll be going back to school at the end of August, and where does that leave us? How long is this game going to last?

Will he forget about me when I leave? A heavy weight sits in my chest when I think of him not caring that I’ve gone…

“Charlie?” My mother’s voice pulls me from my thoughts. I shoot my eyes open and look in her direction. She smiles. “Were you sleeping?”

“I don’t know,” I say, rubbing my eyes and sitting up. “Maybe.” I shrug, turning my head forward once again.

She laughs. “I asked if there was anything you wanted to know about Philip before we get there?” Her voice is light and she’s trying to play nice, trying to help me understand whatever the hell is going on here.

“Uh, I don’t know. What does he do for work?” I ask the first thing that comes to mind because I truthfully don’t care about this guy.

“He’s a doctor.”

Of course he is. This isn’t a surprise. All those double shifts and late nights.

“You met him at the hospital then?”

“He was on call one night, about a year ago.” I whip my head in her direction.

“Why didn’t you break up with Jonathan first?” The more she talks about Philip the more defensive I feel towards Jonathan. My chest tightens.

“It’s… complicated.” Her hands grip the steering wheel and her knuckles pale.

“No, mom, it isn’t.”

But she doesn’t respond, and I guess it isn’t really needed. The rest of the car ride is silent. I do my best to keep my feelings in check, knowing I shouldn’t be upset about any of this. I think I’m disappointed in her more than anything. As far as I know, my mother has always done the right thing… I just never expected her to cheat on someone. Especially someone she’d been with for so long. I guess I’m also a little upset she didn’t tell me about this sooner. She met this guy a year ago… a whole year! And she didn’t tell me?

It all works in my favor, but I am sad for Jonathan. And now I’m angry at my mother for acting like someone she isn’t. Preparing lunch, going to the park for a picnic, cheating… this is not who my mother is.

It’s going to be a fun afternoon.