Stryker’s Fight by Erin Osborne

Chapter Thirteen


STRYKER AND I remain silent as we head to the doctor’s office. The tension and anger are rolling off of the man sitting next to me in waves. My body is shaking, and I keep myself in the furthest corner of the passenger seat as possible. I understand why he’s so angry about me not telling him I’m pregnant. However, between the two of us, it’s not like we’ve seen one another a ton of times in the last few weeks. Plus, he’s been so angry with me I didn’t want him to be even more pissed off at me than he currently is.

He pulls into the doctor’s office and finds a spot close to the building before putting the car in gear and turning the engine off. I don’t wait for him to say a word as I get out of the car and close my door behind me. Walking across the parking lot, I hear Stryker getting out of my car and walking faster than normal to catch up to me. He grabs my arm without hurting me and turns me to face him. Looking up into his eyes, I see the turmoil resting there. He’s so conflicted about things and I know a large reason is because of me. I’m also conflicted and don’t know what to do. Still, there’s more to Stryker’s emotion than I’m aware of.

“I’m goin’ in with you. I’ll be here for every single appointment and the day our son or daughter makes their way into this world. We have a lot to work out, Sally. I’m not happy about you keepin’ this from me even if I understand you had your reasons for doin’ so. Don’t’ get out of the car again without me by your side, Sally. There is still a threat against you and you need to take it seriously,” he warns me, his voice still so cold and harsh.

“I know there’s a damn threat against me. You know, from the man you think I want to flirt with and fuck. I’m going to be late and don’t have time for this shit Stryker. I’m going inside and you can do what you have to do,” I tell him, raising my head high and walk away from him.

Stryker doesn’t let me get very far before he’s right by my side. I know I’m pushing his buttons, but he’s pushing mine too. There is no way in hell we can have a conversation right now with the emotions flooding us and our minds all over the place. I’m glad he knows about the baby now because I feel as if a weight has been lifted off of me. Now, my friends can know what’s going on too. Killer is the only one to know about what’s going on up to this point. I’m not sure if anyone else knows because they haven’t said a word to me if they do. The ol’ ladies would have shown up without warning to talk to me about things if they had a hint about me being pregnant though. It’s how they work and why I love them. They know when to bulldoze past your defenses and when to let things rest until someone is ready to talk to them. For the most part anyway. Sometimes, they just barge right on in.

Walking up to the receptionist’s desk, I give her my name as her eyes remain locked over my head on Stryker. Anger fills me because she’s not paying attention and doing her job all because a man is standing in front of her.

“Excuse me. My name is Sally and I’m here for an ultrasound. My appointment is in just a minute or so. I’d appreciate you doing your job and not keeping your attention on the man standing behind me,” I bark out, emotions from the conversation with Stryker still flooding my brain.

“Yes. I’m on it,” she stammers out, beginning to type on the computer in front of her. “You’re all set. Do you need to make another appointment or anything before you go back?”

“No. My next appointment is already scheduled, and you would know that by looking at your screen,” I answer, not being able to keep the jealousy and anger out of my voice.

Turning on my heel, I walk over to take a seat away from her desk in case Stryker wants to stay and have a conversation with the women who is obviously attracted to him. I try not to watch on as he bends over her desk and talks to the woman. More of the women sitting in the room pay attention to the interaction between Stryker and the secretary. I pick up a magazine to flip through until he walks over and parks his ass in the chair next to me. His large body crowds me in on my chair as he’s much too large for the chairs they keep in the waiting room here.

“Sally,” my name is called out as I put the magazine back on the table in front of me before standing up.

Stryker follows me into the hallway where my vitals and weight will be taken. Instead of heading into a regular exam room, we’re led into a different room where the lights are dimmed and a large machine rests next to the table I’ll be lying on.

“You don’t have to strip down for this appointment. Just hop up on the table and the technician will be in here shortly.”

The nurse who called me back today isn’t Danielle. This one seems to be equally as nice though as she keeps her attention on me and not on Stryker as he remains in the corner of the room until she makes her way out. As I climb up on the table and lean back against the paper and uncomfortable pillow, Stryker is right next to me in case I need help or something. When I’m comfortable on the table, he sits in a chair next to me. Resting one arm on the table next to me, we stay silent. Stryker is looking all over the room at the posters filling the walls. When he gets to the one showing dilation during labor, he cringes and shrinks back next to me.

Unlike other times, the silence stretching between us is uncomfortable filled with tension and other emotions we’re both holding in while we’re here. So many words are hanging in the balance between us. Not just from today, but from the past few weeks. Really since the day Stryker moved out of his house, and I went to stay in Dander Falls for a little while. I’m not sure when we’ll be comfortable enough to have the talk we desperately need, but it needs to be soon. I can’t continue through my entire pregnancy with the tension and stress between us. It’s not healthy.

Before either one of us can say a word, there’s a knock on the door and another young woman walks through the door. Again, other than a nod in greeting, she keeps her attention focused on me as she introduces herself.

“My name is Andrea and I’ll be your ultrasound technician today. How are you doing?”

“Hello. I’m doing okay.”

After giving her my full name and date of birth to match with the paperwork in her hand, she presses several keys on the keyboard in front of her. The monitor turns on showing nothing more than the information she’s put in.

“The gel will probably be cold. I need you to pull your shirt up just below your breasts and your pants down below your stomach,” Andrea tells me as I arch my back up to pull my shirt up where she told me to put it.

Pulling my pants down, Stryker’s eyes never leave my body. He’s taking in all of the changes that have been happening over the last few weeks since he’s seen me. His gaze rakes over my body, leaving fire burning in the path his eyes travel. An ache builds between my legs as my panties become wet with my arousal. I don’t want another man’s hands, mouth, or hands on my body other than Stryker’s. He’s the only man I’ve wanted since Killian, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. His eyes darken with desire as our eyes clash and remain locked on one another. Including when I jolt as the cool gel makes me flinch in response.

I rip my eyes from Stryker and turn my attention toward the monitor as she pulls out a wand thing to place on my belly. With a few keystrokes, the baby’s heartbeat fills the silent room. A large smile fills my face, forcing all the shit between Stryker and I to the back of my mind. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Stryker holding his phone out by my side. I don’t bother paying attention to him as the sound fades away with another few key strokes from Andrea.

“Baby’s heartbeat sounds really good and strong,” she tells us, a smile covering her own face. “Are you ready to see your baby?”

“We are,” I answer for the both of us, still keeping my attention on the screen in front of me.

It’s a matter of seconds before the screen fills with our baby. I’m far enough along it doesn’t resemble a bean or anything else people call it. This is our baby with a distinct head, arms, and legs. I’m shocked to say the least I’m so far pregnant when I had no clue I was pregnant to begin with.

“You look to be about twenty-two weeks along. We can tell the gender of the baby if you’d like to know.”

Turning toward Stryker, his gaze is locked on our baby moving around in my stomach. Nudging him with my arm, he focuses on me with tears in his eyes. Nodding his head, he lets me know he’d like to know what we’re having. I’m perfectly fine with finding out today if it’s what he wants. I’ve been through this before and this is all new to him. Plus, I want to know if we’re having a little girl who will be loved unconditionally by her dad. Or a little boy who will be as protective as his daddy and love with everything in him. Either way, we’re going to be screwed as our child gets older.

After moving the wand around on me for a minute, she leaves it so we can see between our little one’s legs. I still don’t have a clue what the hell I’m looking at when it comes to ultrasounds. Looking at her with questions in my eyes, she smiles at me.

“It looks like you have a son,” she finally tells us, her smile still in place.

“You’re givin’ me a son?” Stryker asks, not checking the tears as they roll down his face. “Thank you, Sally. You don’t know what this means to me.”

“Yes, I do. I’ve been through this before and I know what it means to have a child of your very own to protect, raise, and love more than anything else you’ve ever done in your life before. This is a special moment and I’m glad you’re here with me no matter what’s going on,” I tell him, resting my hand on his face for a minute.

“I’m going to print you off some pictures to take home with you. I’ll also let your doctor know you’re further along than we thought. She might want to change your appointment for a sooner date. Unless you hear from her, plan on things as they stand now. By the way, everything looks really good. Congratulation’s mom and dad,” Andrea tells us as she presses some more buttons on the keyboard.

After taking some measurements, Andrea prints out our pictures. She hands us several before shutting the machine down and leaving us to have a minute to ourselves. Stryker holds out his hand for the pictures as I look at him. Handing the picture over to him, Stryker places them on the seat he just vacated. Grabbing the towel Andrea left for me, he wipes the gel from my stomach. I’m definitely going to need a shower to get the remnants off my skin.

Stryker drops the towel and rests his hand on my slightly curved stomach, his eyes never leaving the sight before him. I have no clue what’s going through his head right now as he keeps his eyes lowered. Giving him the time he needs, I don’t move a muscle.

“Sally, we need to sort our shit. I want you and Natalia to move back into the house,” he demands of me before moving his eyes up to look at me.

My entire body goes rigid. This is not what I was planning on him saying right now.

“Stryker, I’m not moving back into your home. That’s your place and I don’t know what I want yet. There’s more to this than you know,” I tell him, trying to keep my voice firm and strong as the need to head to the bathroom overtakes.

Getting off the table, I make my way to the bathroom located in the room we’re in. I close the door behind me and take care of business before washing my hands longer than necessary to stall for time. Stryker is going to go all alpha asshole on me and demand we be together because of the baby. That’s not how this is going to work for me. We can’t be together just because I’m having his baby. When I can finally stall no more, I wipe my hands and open the door back into the exam room.

“Sally, we need to talk about this,” he tells me as I grab my purse from the second chair.

“You’re right, we do need to talk. Here’s how things are going to go. Today, we’re going to process what we’ve been told. The only other person who knows is Killer. I didn’t tell him what happened, he knew based on the pictures or something. Tomorrow, we can get together and talk about things if we have the time. I have to work and I’m sure you have work and training to do. I know your fight is coming up this weekend. Natalia and I aren’t going to move right back into your house until we clear the air and figure out what we both want. Then, we’ll take things slow. If we jump into this without thinking things through, there’s a good chance we won’t make it. Natty is already confused and misses you so much. I refuse to do this to a second child because you want us all under the same roof,” I tell him as we reach the door to the waiting room.

Since we have an audience, Stryker doesn’t say a word. Walking through the room and out the door with Stryker slightly in front of me. He’s not going to take any chances with my safety now that he knows about the baby. I’m sure it won’t be long before the guys in the club know and more than just Rich is going to be watching over me. I’ll give Stryker most things he wants to control now, but not us moving into his house. That’s the one thing I won’t give into.

“Sally, I’ll be at your house tomorrow evenin’. I want to spend some time with my Princess. Then, when she goes to bed, we’re gonna talk. I’m not gonna force you to do anythin’. You have to know there’s a target on your back, and I can’t rest easy knowin’ that. This is about more than just you. I’m thinkin’ of Natalia and our son. The apartment doesn’t have good enough security. With Chrome out there on the hunt for you still, we need to be extra cautious. I can’t lose any of you. Not just because of the baby, but because of who you are and what you mean to me,” he tells me, his voice filled with emotion as he unlocks the car and opens the door for me.

“Stryker, I told you we can talk. Just like I told you I’m not taking Natalia away from you. We’re in this for the rest of our lives regardless of what happens between us. If that’s how you want to play things, we can certainly talk tomorrow. Right now, the only thing I want to do is get home to my daughter and spend the day with her. I’m tired and still feeling sick to my stomach.”

“Is that normal?” he asks, the concern filling him again.

“Yeah, it is. My body is changing all the time with carrying a baby. It takes a toll. I’m in the second trimester and have about eighteen weeks left to go before our little boy is here.”

“The only outcome that’s gonna happen is you becomin’ my ol’ lady Sally. I want us to share the same name and build a life together. It’s what I’ve always wanted, and you know it’s the reason I moved out. I have no problem givin’ you everythin’ you want and more. I just need you to let me in and give me the same in return. That’s all we need to do,” Stryker says as he pulls out of the parking lot.

“I do know that Stryker. Maybe once you hear what I have to say you’ll understand where I’m coming from. I do care about you and have wanted to be with you in all ways. It’s hard for me to open up about my life and what I want. You know more about my past than a lot of other people do. There is no judgement from you or anything else when you learn of what I’ve been forced to do and how I’ve been treated by men in the past. Now, you need to listen to me and hear what I tell you when we sit down and talk,” I tell him, my voice still holding firm.

“I always hear you, Sally.”

The rest of our short ride is finished in silence. When he pulls up behind the bakery, Rich’s bike is parked just behind Stryker’s. I let him help me out of my car this time and walk me up the stairs of the apartment. As soon as we’re through the door, Stryker announces I’m pregnant. Killer, Rich, and Gwen all stand up and surround us. They congratulate us and wrap us in embraces. Natalia has no clue what’s going on, but she’s as excited as everyone else is too.

“How about lunch?” Gwen asks, walking into the kitchen and pulling a tray of something from the oven. “I was getting hungry and made some food. I hope that’s okay.”

“Of course, it is. What’s mine is yours,” I assure her as I walk over to peer down at the chicken patties and fries she’s pulling out now.

After we all eat lunch together, the men all head out. Gwen has to leave too because Killer drove her over here. Rich and I are the only two adults left in here as I walk over to Natalia who’s beginning to fall asleep on the couch with one of her favorite TV shows playing on the screen in front of her. Picking her up, I carry her to her room and place her in bed. I’m honestly surprised she didn’t drag Stryker in to see her new bedding. It could just be the surprise of his visit today.

“Rich, I think I’m gonna take a short nap. I didn’t sleep that good last night,” I tell him as I shut the TV off before heading into my room. “I’ll clean and figure out dinner when I wake up.”

“Okay Sally. I’m not goin’ anywhere. Do what you need to do.”

Walking in my room, I slide my flip flops off and lay in bed. I don’t bother covering up because it’s kind of warm in my room today with the sun still beating directly in through the window. Maneuvering the pillows on the empty side of my small bed, I block some of the sunlight from hitting me in the eyes when I close them. Sleep soon claims me as dreams of a little boy who looks exactly like Stryker fill me.