Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Alec foundhimself outside a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. After asking a local, he determined that the part of the border he’d exited out of had brought him to somewhere halfway around the world from where he needed to be.

Of course!

Not only did he have no money or identification for a flight back to their city, the angels would be on his tail soon enough. He couldn’t afford to sit around trying to figure out a way to get home on his own.

Which left him with only one choice. One he detested.

He borrowed a phone and called the angel named Surcy, even though it bothered him to do so. Although she had helped Sharen and was now working for The Rebellion, it went against every instinct within him to ask an angel for help.

Or is she an ex-angel now? I’m not really sure.Either way, he didn’t like it. And he didn’t like her cocky demons either. Sharen said they were having a hard time, but he thought they were just assholes.

Only a few moments passed before she appeared near him, her demons behind her.

“Thank you for coming,” he said, knowing how formal and stiff he sounded.

One of her demons, a tall blond-haired man named Daniel, gave an arrogant smile. “So, you still hate angels, but you don’t mind calling her when you need a little teleportation, huh?”

Alec’s fist clenched. “I’m fucking trying to save Sharen and all the God damn demons.”

He shrugged. “Just saying.”

His rage coursed through his like a wave. “Well, pretty boy, how about I shut you up with a fist to the—?”

“Enough!” Mark stepped forward, adjusting his glasses and drawing attention to the dark shadows beneath his eyes. “We don’t have time for this. We don’t mind helping, but we need to move quickly.”

Alec tried to push down his anger. “Understood.”

Surcy moved forward, her dark eyes filled with interest. Her large, black wings folded on her back, and she smiled. “Okay boys, stay here. I’m going to bring Sharen’s missing man back.”

Triston, a massive man, with mismatched eyes moved forward. “We can’t keep you safe if we aren’t with you. And we have enough trouble without getting dragged into theirs.”

Surcy placed a small hand on his shoulder, and the man’s harsh features seemed to melt. “It’s for Sharen.”

Her demons watched her with pained eyes as she moved forward and took Alec’s hand. “Where do you wish to go?”

Where should I go? Headquarters wasn’t safe. Would Sharen be at their home? Or somewhere else?“The demon refuge.”

“You got it.” Then, she winked at her demons. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back.”

He felt the strangest sensation… almost a prickling along his flesh. And then, trees came into focus around them. She released his hand, and he stumbled a bit, feeling off-balance.

It took him a second to identify the road that led to the refuge.

“I can’t take you inside. It has a protective shield around it.”

He shifted awkwardly. “Uh, no problem. Thanks for taking me this close.”

She smiled. “Of course. I better get back to the demons before they go completely nuts.”

He nodded. “Thanks again.”

Within moments, she teleported away.

Alec took a deep breath, curling his hands into a fist. Now, time to see who had survived the battle, how many demons Sharen had saved, and most importantly, whether Sharen and his brothers were here.

Please, let one thing go right. Let them be here and safe.

As if in answer, he heard thunder roll through the sky. He glanced up at the cloudy day. Was it really going to fucking rain?