Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Sharen lay bundledin one of Alec’s old sweaters, sitting in a room in the refuge manor. She’d been alert for anything suspicious since arriving, looking for the potential shapeshifter, but everything appeared normal, especially considering all the new demons that had arrived.

The spirit of her people amazed her. They’d gone out of their way to welcome the newcomers and to make them feel at home. Some of them had been dead for a long time, and seeing things like cellphones and televisions had concerned them.

But with such an amazing group of people, I’m sure they’ll come around in no time.

There was a knock at her door.

“Come in!”

Elle entered the room. For once, she wasn’t holding her baby, and Brian wasn’t tagging on along behind her. The little ones are probably already asleep.

“Everything okay?”

Elle nodded, giving a tight smile. “Can I join you?”

“Of course.”

The woman walked across her room in bare feet, her shoulders sagging, and her steps measured. Sharen had come to realize the woman walked the same way, no matter the time of day. She walked as if she was someone who had lived a long and exhausting life… which she had.

When Elle settled on the window seat next to her, Sharen waited until the woman spoke what was on her mind. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Sure, what’s up?”

Elle stared down at her hands. “I’m so glad to be back on earth. You have no idea how much. It’s not an endless sea of white desert. It isn’t so hot it’s god-awful. And I hope I never again have to pull children with me through that black tar that we are born into in the demon-realm.” She shuddered. “There’s no way to describe that kind of darkness. That feeling of trying to swim for fresh air, but not lose my children as I do. It’s truly a miracle we made it out twice.”


Elle looked up. “But many of us don’t feel we belong here either.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“We already lived once. Earth feels… wrong. Not for all of us, but for some of us it feels like we’re wearing clothes that are a size too small.”

Sharen leaned back against the wall, troubled. “I was worried about this.”

Elle held her gaze. “You were?”

She nodded, deciding to screw it and just be honest. “I don’t know if what I’m doing here is right. I mean, none of you should be left in the demon-realm. You were meant to be angels… but not Caine’s kind of angels. So as things are, there’s really no right place for you.”

The woman sighed and rubbed her face. “We just can’t keep going like this.”

Sharen’s stared at her hands hanging over her knees. “Everyone keeps telling me that.”

There was an awkward silence before Elle continued, her voice softer. “Are you going to keep doing this after you find Alec and Kade?”

There’s no point in lying.

“I don’t know. I have to do something, but I can’t continue putting them at risk.”

Elle leaned back against the other wall beside the window seat and looked out at the falling rain. “If it helps, I don’t feel the way the others do. I didn’t feel like I had a whole life with my kids before my husband killed us. This is a second chance to not repeat past mistakes.”

Sharen’s heart squeezed. “That wasn’t your fault.”

“I knew he was abusive. I didn’t leave because he said he’d take them away, but I should have found the strength to run anyway. To start over somewhere he’d never find us.”

“Evil has a way of making us feel hopeless.” She remembered her foster parents, her rapists, and The Department. “We can’t do better until we know better.”

Elle’s mouth twisted into a smile. “I’ve heard that somewhere.”

“Damn, and I thought you’d think I was really clever.”

They both laughed.

And then Sharen took a deep breath, there would never be another chance to ask her question. “I found the place the angels killed you and the kids.”

Elle shuddered, gripping her arms. “That death was even worse than the first.”

Sharen felt her stomach tighten. “And I found the body of the old woman in the apartment.”

Please don’t make me ask if you killed her. Please.

The woman’s hand came to her mouth, and her brown eyes, the same color as Brian’s, widened. “Grandma Lu is dead?”

“Grandma Lu?”

Tears filled her eyes. “She was this nice old woman who was helping me watch the kids. I was working at that secretary job you guys helped me get, and she just adored them.”

“I’m so sorry.” Thank god, I was right. She didn’t hurt the old woman. “Do you know what happened to her?”

She shook her head. “I picked the kids up that day, and she was fine. We started walking home, and the angels ambushed us. I can’t imagine why anyone would hurt her.”

Sharen rubbed her face. She didn’t know either, but at least she knew her demons weren’t turning into bloodthirsty monsters. “Probably the angels.”

“But have you ever heard of them killing humans before?”

No, she hadn’t, but she didn’t have another answer.

“Someone was probably watching us.”

Sharen glanced up. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t believe in coincidence. She was killed because we got involved with her.” Elle rubbed a tear off her face, her voice growing angry with each word. “I guess this is a lesson about involving as few humans in our troubles as possible.”

Unable to help herself, Sharen reached forward and squeezed the woman’s knee. “We’re going to figure this out.”

Elle gave a short nod and rose. “I should get back to my room in case the littlest wakes up and needs to nurse.”

“Everything will be okay,” Sharen reassured her, even though she wasn’t certain herself.

“Of course.” Elle left the room as quietly as she had come, closing the door softly behind her.

Sharen stared out at the rain. What the fuck is the right solution here? What am I not seeing?

Something stirred in the darkness. She narrowed her eyes. Henry and Ryder were out walking the refuge, checking to make sure everything was in order. Was it one of them?

The figure moved closer and closer to the manor. He was big… but who?

She froze. Alec?

Her thoughts flashed to the horrible trick Caine had played on her mind. How she’d watched Alec die. Could it actually be him? Or was it the shapeshifter pretending to be him?

Rising, she ran to the door, flung it open, and ran down the stairs. Not slowing, she barreled open the front door, leapt down the slick steps, and stopped. The rain poured down on her and she was instantly soaked, but she didn’t care. She couldn’t care about anything accept the man who stood just a short distance from her.

He opened his arms. He had taken a severe beating—she could see his injuries even though the rain, and his clothes were torn and muddy.

She didn’t move. “Alec?”

His expression changed. “Sharen?”

She took a step closer. “Prove you are who you say you are!”


“Prove it!”

And damn it, she was crying, shaking uncontrollably. If this was the shapeshifter, she would kill him for stealing her lover’s face. And if it wasn’t… a sob built in her chest.

“I’m Alec.” He took a step closer. “Your husband. Your demon.”

“That’s not enough!” she shouted, holding out her hand as if to ward him off.

He moved even closer. “The instant I saw you I knew you were mine. Even though you’re stubborn. And crazy. And a badass. Even though you’re always wrong.”

“I am not!’ she shouted.

He laughed, the sound rich and inviting. “What else do you need to hear?”

“Something only you would know.”

He was close to her now, only a few feet away. Almost close enough to touch. And God did she want to touch him.

“You take way too much sugar in your coffee. You’re obsessed with Christmas.” He took another step closer. “You think you’re damaged because of your past, but every bad thing you’ve ever gone through made you who you are… a woman who’s absolutely perfect.” He closed the distance between them and pushed her wet hair back from her face. “And I love you more than anything in this world.”

Her gaze drank him in. His normally perfectly manicured dark hair was a soggy mess. The stubble that usually hugged the lines of his square jaw had grown into a slight beard, and his cheek had a still-healing scar.

When he leaned down and kissed her, her heart soared. Something inside of her opened, pouring out every moment she feared he was lost to her forever. Over and over in her mind she pictured his death. Curling her arms around his neck, she pulled him closer. She needed to know this wasn’t a dream. That he was really back and alive.

When he grabbed her hips and pulled her roughly to him, she jumped and wrapped her legs around his back. Their kiss grew harder and more desperate.

She was barely aware that he’d carried them up the stairs until they entered the foyer. He kicked the door closed behind them and carried her up the stairs to their room.

Inside, he tore her clothes off, leaving the shreds to fall onto the carpet. She broke the buttons on his shirt, pulled it from his shoulders, and swore as she tried to work the wet button on his pants.

He laughed, pushed her hands away and ripped his pants open, struggling out of the wet fabric. And then, she was in his arms again. Two wet, naked bodies pressing together. Rubbing against each other, struggling to get closer.

When her legs wrapped around his back once more, he spun her so that she was pinned between him and the wall. His hard cock pressed between them. She whimpered as his mouth tore from hers, but then he took one of his nipples in her mouth, and she moaned, arching to give him better access.

Rubbing against him, bouncing against the hot shaft she wanted so desperately inside her, she struggled to pull him inside. But he refused. Moving between her breasts and heating her cold nipples with his warm breath.

She was begging for his cock. Begging for it. And still he refused.

In desperation, she reached down and grasped him.

He groaned, cursed, and commanded she stop. But instead, she held his iron rod tightly and started to stroke.

Roaring, he pushed her hand away, and then, he was inside her, his hard shaft filling every inch of her. But he wasn’t gentle, or slow. Instead, he barreled into her over and over again, thrusting like a wild animal. And she was fucking grateful for it as she dug her nails into his back and met him thrust for thrust.

Her orgasm built and built growing in intensity with each of his thrusts until a scream tore from her lips, and she exploded. Her inner-muscles clenched him as she soared over the edge. He made a guttural roar, and came, his hot seed filling her even as she continued to ride him.

They continued moving against each other for too long before finally slowing and clinging to each other. The sounds of their breathing filled the room.

When at last he drew back and looked at her, he grinned. “So I guess you missed me?”

“Not half as much as you missed me,” she said, but her tone was sad rather than teasing.

He frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“They made me think they killed you.”

He cupped her face and kissed her forehead, cheeks, and finally her lips. “You should know me better than that. I could never leave you.”

She laughed.

“You’re crying,” he said, kissing her wet eyelashes.

“Because I thought you were dead, you ass!” she punched him lightly in the shoulder.

He chuckled. “Come on my little Hunter. I’m going to shower us off, and then go see my brothers.”

She stiffened.

“What’s wrong?”

She opened her eyes. “Kade’s still gone.”

Anger like a blanket came over his face. “They still have him?”


The way he smiled sent chills down her spine. “Well, when I’m through with them they’ll wish for death.”
