Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Sharen pushedAlec down in the bath. “You look exhausted. Why don’t you let me do all the work?”

He put his hands behind his head and grinned. “I love this fucking giant tub.”

She laughed. “And here I thought you’d tell me you loved me?” She lowered an inch onto his cock. His eyes widened. “Or that you loved when I did this.” She sunk deeper.

He swore.

“Or,” she leaned forward and bit his bottom lip before taking him fully inside of her. “this.”

“Damn it,” his hands started to move to grab her.

But she pushed his hands back. “I’m doing all the work, remember?”

“You mean torturing me?”

She smiled, and shifted on top of him. “Maybe.”

The door to the bathroom opened. “Didn’t you already take a—?”

Ryder’s eyes widened. “You’re okay.”

Alec shrugged, even with his hands pressed above his head. “I’m doing a little better than okay.”

Ryder looked overwhelmed for one painful second. “I’m glad you made it, brother.”

“I am too.”

“And I wish the first time I saw you wasn’t when you were buck naked.” Ryder grinned. “You know, because naked hugging is awkward hugging.”

Alec threw back his head and laughed. “Rain check!”

Sharen felt her heart warm. Two of her husbands were home safe. And one isn’t, a soft voice whispered in the back of her mind. She closed her eyes, refusing to give in to the sadness. She didn’t appreciate her men when she had them. Never again would she repeat that mistake.

“Is there room for one more?”

Her eyes flashed open, and she shifted in the warm water. “Always.”

He stripped slowly, and she watched him with bated breath. She would never tire of his eight-pack of hard, delicious muscles, or his flat stomach and corded arms. And god did she love seeing his big erection. It filled her with pride to know it was all hers, and to know exactly how much pleasure it would bring her.

“A guy could get an ego with you always staring at his junk,” Ryder joked.

She met his gaze, losing herself for a moment in the happiness in his pale blue eyes. “Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?”

He raised a brow. “I’d rather put my cock where your mouth is.”

She licked her lips. “Try it and see what happens.”

His smile faded. He moved across the room and stood just in front of her, his tip inches from her mouth. Very slowly, she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his tip. His eyes darkened. And she moved pressing one kiss after another along the underside of his shaft.

When she knew both men were watching her every move, she ran her lips back to his tip and then took him in her mouth, sucking hard.

Alec swore and bucked under her. She continued to take Ryder in and out of her mouth in a rhythm she knew would drive them both mad. And when she could feel the tension singing through the air, she reached up and grabbed his shaft, braced herself on Alec’s shoulder, and started to ride her demon.

Both men groaned as one.

She increased her speed, her body awakening again. Never did she get tired of this. Maybe there was something wrong with her, but she could fuck her husbands all day, every day, and never get tired of the pleasure they brought her.

Then, she froze. Alec swore. She slowly withdrew Ryder from her mouth, licked him again, and grinned.

“That’s going to cost you,” he whispered.

Pulling his cock from her grip, he moved behind her, stepping into the Jacuzzi-sized tub.

She waited in anticipation as he pushed her forward and thrust a finger inside of her from behind. Sighing in anticipation, she rubbed her breasts against Alec’s chest, teasing them both.

In answer, Alec reached between them and started to fondle her breasts. She shuddered, her inner-muscles tightening around his cock.

Ryder added a second finger to her from behind. “You missed me?”

She swore. “Yes.”

“Did you miss me inside of you?”


He added a third finger, and she bit down on a cry a pleasure. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, Sharen. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t remember your own name.”

She whimpered as he withdrew his fingers, and then, she felt him behind her. Gritting her teeth and digging her nails into Alec’s shoulder, she braced herself as Ryder eased inch after inch inside of her.

When he came to his hilt, she knew her eyes had rolled back in her head, and her mind had turned to sludge. She couldn’t think of her own God-damned name as they began to thrust into her as one. All she could do was ride them, hard and fast, until she was coming again, and they were filling her with their hot seed.

Only then did she sag between them, feeling better. Not complete. But better.

They showered, dried each other, and climbed into bed.

An unspoken tension hung between them. Tomorrow they had a lot to deal with, not the least of which was to find Kade. But they didn’t know what other new horrors the day would bring, so they’d try not to ruin their time together by discussing them.

And they didn’t, even though she was sure none of them slept a wink.