Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Sharen walkedthe refuge in the early morning, breathing in the scents of the forest. Henry and Alec were asleep after guarding the grounds all night, so she’d taken over. So far, there was nothing the least bit suspicious.

Which was just how she liked it.

Moving to the edge of the protective barrier, she stared out at the rest of the woods. She could feel the pull of the magic this close to it. She was grateful that her witches had been reinforcing it daily to ensure it was strong enough to keep their enemies out. Suddenly, her phone rang. Sliding it out of her pocket, she frowned at the unfamiliar number, but answered.



Her heart lurched. It was Kade. “Are you—are you alright?”

“No, that sick fucking shapeshifter has been torturing me.” He sounded breathless. Pained in a way she’d never heard before.

“Where are you?”

“I escaped. I’m coming for the refuge.”

Her pulse sped up. “I’ll come and get you. Just tell me—“

“No, you’ve got bigger problems. The shapeshifter is in the refuge. He’s going to kill the witches and take down the shield.”

“No… Kade!”

“And then, Caine and his angels will attack. You need to prepare the demons for a final battle. And you need to use your magic. Do you understand me? You’re capable of ending this, once and for all.”

“How? How do I end this?”

“Set things right. You know how to do it. Deep inside. You might not remember, but instinctually you know how.”

She felt the magic of the protective barrier fluctuate.

Turning, she started run. She thought she had more time. She had to save the witches. But the magic was fading at an incredible speed, drifting into the heavens as wisps of multicolored light.

“Kade, the barrier is coming down!”

“Hang up, Sharen. I’ll be there soon. Trust me. Just prepare the demons for war!”

The call ended. She dropped her phone into her pocket and pulled her sword free.

When she exploded out of the woods, dozens of demons littered the lawn in front of the manor with looks of horror on their face.

“The shield’s failing!” Elle shouted, clutching her children against her.

Someone else ran out of the manor. “The witches are dead. Their rooms are a blood bath!”

Alec and Ryder came out of the manor, swords in hand, their expressions wild.

She reached them, her voice carrying above them all. “The angels are about to attack. The shapeshifter is in the refuge. Warriors, prepare to fight! Everyone else, go to the basement of the manor and hide.”

More demons had begun to flood out of the manor as she spoke, but instantly, everyone shot into motion. Some of them were running inside, some of them were pulling blades free and joining her on the lawn.

Alec caught her by the arms. “How do you know?”

“Kade warned me. He’s coming here now. He said I need to use my magic. That I can save all of us, but I don’t know how.”

He stroked her cheek, his gaze holding hers. “You’ll figure it out.

The sparks of magic that were the shield faded to nothing. Within moments, shadows darkened the sky.

“Use your soul-blades!” she shouted. The angels already knew where they were.

There were perhaps three dozen warriors with her. And in an instant, they clutched swords that leapt with flames.

She took a deep breath, reaching for her magic, for her belief that they would succeed. Strength filled her, and her people turned as if feeling the wave of magic that moved over her flesh.

Clenching her jaw, she raised her sword into the air. “They might think this is a battle they can win, but they’re about to find just how dangerous we can be!”

They shouted, raising their swords. “Yes, commander!”

The angels gave no warning as they shot down toward them. Instantly, swords clashed against swords and the sound of battle filled her ears. An angel flew toward her, but she ducked and rolled.

He landed in a crouch and gave her a wicked grin. “Ready to die, demon-whore?”

Her lips curled. “Try it, batboy!”

He came at her with all the recklessness of someone who fully expected to overpower her. To her surprise, she easily avoided his blow. Her quickness was a blur. She struck, moved, danced around him, struck again, and then severed his head.

She stared in shock, but didn’t have time to think further as the next angel attacked.

Her demons were close, fighting their own opponents. It scared her, catching sight of them out of the corner of her eye as she fought. They were still healing and exhausted from their capture, as were many of the demons.

They aren’t in any shape to take down dozens of angels.

So, I need to end this. And fast.

When she killed her next opponent, she looked out at the battle. They were outnumbered, at least two to one, and her people were falling with a quickness that terrified her.

What do I do?

And then, spells began to strike the demons as they fought. She turned in horror, only to see Rorde and a dozen Hunters exploding out of the woods.

If I don’t figure out how the hell to use my magic, we’re doomed!

She reached for her powers the same way she’d done in the past. She felt it warm and strong within her, but it was like sand, slipping between her fingertips. She couldn’t grip it, couldn't use it.

Not for a spell as powerful as I need to end this.

Her pulse filled her ears. The screams and cries of battle slices within her heart. Her people would die if she couldn’t save them.

Raising her hand, she formed a wavering red shield around them.

Instantly, the Hunters spells hit the shield and disappeared. At least if they wanted to attack her people, they’d need to get closer. They’d need to make it a fair fight.

But all I did is buy us more time.

And then, above them, the sky darkened. The familiar black and grey swirls told her that Caine was joining the battle.

She swallowed, sweat dampening her body.

An angel attacked and she killed him with the efficiency of a master swordsmen. Her mind focused elsewhere.

Reaching again and again for her magic, she tried to find the source of it, but it remained just out of her reach.

Rorde was suddenly before her. He stood with his hands glowing, and his expression dark. She gasped. His green flesh was peeling in chunks, and his eyes were sunken.

“Rorde?” His name was filled with pity.

His partially exposed teeth moved. “My only chance at becoming in an angel is to destroy you. To open you so that Caine can take your magic. And believe me, I’ll be successful.”

“Is that really what you want to do?”

Again, she saw the flicker of something. “It’s what I have to do.”

She tensed, allowing magic to flow into her hand. A Hunter’s spell, simple, but effective.

Rorde sent the swirling mass of black magic out, but instead of hitting her, it flew behind her. Turning, she stared at where Alec stood. His eyes were widened in shock, and his sword tumbled from his fingertips.

Screaming, she sent a powerful spell toward Rorde and his Hunters. They leapt out of the way as it exploded, sending earth flying. Running toward Alec, she caught him as he fell.

Touching just beside the deep burn on his chest and stomach, anger filled her.

“I’ll be okay,” he whispered.

She touched him. A red glow slid over his skin. He would be safe. For now.

A spell hit her. She flew back, her head striking the hard earth beneath her. For a second she couldn’t see, couldn’t breathe. She looked up and saw Caine coming for her, not far above her.

A mass of swirling blackness cloaked him from the view of the others, but he stood just above her, looking down. His dangerous beauty chilled her to her core.

“Your demons are losing,” he said. His words were whispered, but carried on the wind that swirled around her, as if part of nature itself. “They will die. Your lovers. Your friends. All of them.”


She tensed, knowing she could rise, but she remained lying down, feeling her powers coursing through her. Something was changing within her, something familiar and strange.

Perhaps it was seeing his face… it was as if incased in them were memories she’d lost long ago. She could do things. She knew. She could stop him, but how? The solution was right there at her fingertips, but her memories swam away.

Caine flew lower over her, and the sounds of battle died away. Soon, his face was just inches from her own. “Give me what I need, Sharen. Release it. And all this can end at last.”

“What do I need to do?” she whispered.

He smiled. “The simplest thing in this world. Accept that you have lost. Accept that there is nothing left for you in this world anymore.”

She closed her eyes and reached out, touching his face.

His eyes widened. Memories flowed into her as cracks of light came over his face. Within him, he hid the truth of what she was and what she could do, and she began to riffle through his stolen memoires, grasping the pieces she needed.

He shouted, breaking free from her. “That was a mistake! You’ve become too dangerous for your own good, and now, I must lose what I wanted. But you too will lose Sharen… your life. At least this one. But be ready, I’ll be there in your next life, waiting all over again.”

She smiled, knowing what she must do.

Her thoughts filled with an image. The solution to everything. Time froze. And she imagined it, with tears falling from her cheeks, getting caught in her lashes. She imagined what she never could before. The solution to it all.

She had to put everything back into its rightful place. That’s all it would take. She had to embrace the hopes and dreams that her demons didn’t even see. The possibilities they didn’t know existed.

And she needed to make things right.

She felt her magic like golden water spring from within her heart. It ran out, flowing over the battle field, flowing over her people, and the angels, and the Hunters.

Things would be right at last.

Time moved slowly. Caine’s expression of horror filled her sight.

He withdrew back from her golden light, further and further. And she knew he intended to escape. Yet if she tried to stop him, she would lose focus on her task, which she refused to do.

And so, he’ll escape. To attack us another day.

Ryder suddenly leapt over her. And before she could react, his blazing sword sliced Caine’s head off.

Her mouth dropped open in shock. Ryder hit the ground near her, breathing hard, his expression intense.

Within moments, Caine’s body turned to clouds, and faded, disappearing into the darkness. Not turning to ash like the demons, but simply transforming into nothing.

She didn’t know what she imagined would happen with Caine’s destruction, but not this. It was as if the man never even existed.

And yet, he’s finally gone.

It’s over.

But it wasn’t. Caine’s death was just the beginning. She still needed to set things right.

Climbing slowly, carefully, to her feet, she felt her magic continuing to flow out of her. And to her surprise, the fighting had stopped. Everyone was staring down at their bodies covered in gold.

And then, the angels and Rorde began to scream. Their swords vanishing. Their bodies melting. And where once they stood, demon-like creatures crouched upon the ground. They were red, two foot tall beasts, with horns, and an inability to speak. Beings she recognized as Level One and Two demons. These were the forms the worst kinds of people took.

Their rightful forms.

The ground rumbled, caving beneath the low level demons as her people scrambled back. And then, the creatures were gone. The earth shook again, and the gaping holes closed, leaving no traces that the low level demons had ever existed.

The Hunters looked between where the angels had stood and where her demons waited, ready to take them on. Without a word, the Hunters turned as one and fled.

She had no doubt they would never see them again.

But she wasn’t finished. Not yet.

Her people emerged from the basements of the manor. The old, the young, the women, the children. Everyone was covered in the golden light.

They moved across the grass to join the wounded warriors who had fought so hard to protect them. In the air there was sense that everything was about to change, that a miracle was taking place.

Taking a deep breath, she willed her magic to finish what it had started. To finish making things right.

And there, before her eyes, they changed. Dark wings sprouted from their backs, and an inhuman beauty lit their flesh.

Now, things are right once more. My people are the angels they were always meant to be.

Everyone stared down at themselves in wonder. And she wondered if they too felt as if the world was finally the way it should be.

Her gaze swept over them. In one corner, to her surprise, one of Caine’s angels remained. The blonde who had rescued her, only to betray her.

Sharen watched as fire leapt onto her wings, burning spots as she cried out.

When the woman looked up, her gaze met Sharen’s, and then she turned and ran. Disappearing into the woods.

She’s been given time to prove herself still.

She looked out at her people. They had gathered together, and they looked both amazed and confused.

She smiled, wishing she had all her memories. Wishing she knew more than that her magic wanted to make things right.

And then, she caught a movement in the woods. Kade came limping out. His body a broken, bleeding mess, a blade clenched in his hand.

She smiled and ran to him.

Everything was right once more. Everything was being put back into place.

She reached him, gently pulling herself into his arms. He held her for a moment, and she pulled back.

“You’ve missed everything, but I’m so glad.”

His blade dove into her stomach. Her eyes widened. He pulled it out again, and stabbed over and over. She fell back, the sword still buried inside her. Her golden magic faded. Her warmth faded.

A numbness swept over her.

“Shapeshifter,” she whispered.

Kade’s mouth curled into a smile.

And then, Alec severed his head from his body.

Before the shapeshifter’s body even hit the ground, Alec and Ryder knelt over her. Their black wings spread behind them.

“Sharen!” Alec exclamined. “Sharen, it’s okay. You’re not human. This won’t kill you. You’ll be fine.”

And yet, she knew she wouldn’t be. She’d used her power. Her magic was tired. Gone. She no longer felt the strength of being something else… she was merely, mortal. And this wound would kill her.


She turned her head.

Kade was crawling towards her. Black wings on his back. He kept trying to rise, but couldn’t.

It seemed to take an eternity to reach her. And then, he was there, tears streaming down his face. “I tried to beat him here. Damn it, I tried.”

Her husbands gathered above her. She looked at each of their handsome faces. Her heart swelling with love.

I have them back. Safe. Now everything is right with my world.

Coughing, she felt the blood that rolled from her mouth.

Ryder wiped it away, his tear filled eyes above her.

She felt Alec trying to stop her bleeding. She heard someone shouting for help.

Reaching up with hands covered in blood, she touched each of their faces. “It’s okay. You lived. I put things right. That’s all I needed.”

Darkness filled her vision. She was falling, somewhere cold. Somewhere she’d never been before.

And she knew, that was the end of her life.