Highlander’s Winter Rose by Fiona Faris

Chapter Twenty-One

Saving Rosallyn had been the only thing on Maximus’s mind since the moment Damien Macmillan had told him of Donald’s plan. According to Kurt, the man who was their spy was one who lived as a Ross clan citizen and had recently joined the army as a soldier to keep a closer eye on Donald after he had surprised them all by taking over the Mackay clan. Of course, since the spy was a Ross clan citizen, no one suspected him. He had worked hard, and had become one of the soldiers in the Mackay castle with Donald. That was why Kurt had gotten the news before any of Elaise’s spies.

Maximus knew to be very wary of Kurt. From what he had said, it could be assumed that Macmillan had dormant spies in every clan, just waiting in case they were ever needed. According to Kurt, he only wished he had begun to suspect Donald sooner and activated his spy, then maybe Maximus would not have lost his family. Maximus did not hold this against Kurt, however. There was no way that any of them would have considered the Ross clan or taken them seriously. More importantly, all his thoughts and concerns were for Rosallyn in that moment.

Luckily, Kurt had more information from his spy. Donald Ross was trying to use Rosallyn’s demise as a trap to catch Maximus. He had discovered that Maximus was in Kellgan and had gathered forces at the borders. He had no idea that Maximus and Elaise had gone to MacMillan to visit. Due to this, he had pulled soldiers from the Ross clan borders to support the Kellgan clan borders. Thus, he had left the path through the Ross clan wide open.

Maximus became more confident then. Not only had he found out earlier than Donald Ross had planned, he was in the opposite direction from where Donald thought he was. He could do this. He would save Rosallyn. The four of them quickly came up with a plan. Maximus and Elaise would disguise themselves and ride into Mackay through the defenseless Ross clan.

They would have loved to do some damage to the Ross clan lands while they were at it, but then that would have been useless since Donald and his lackeys had moved their headquarters to Mackay, leaving the tiny Ross and their people behind. It seemed Donald had chosen Mackay as where he would make his new home. Ross was a subsidiary clan now, and he had not yet put anyone in charge.

Kurt decided to lend them two Macmillan soldiers to join their march to save Rosallyn. Meanwhile, Elaise sent a bird to Commander Lucas, informing him of the soldiers waiting at the border and ordering him to get a soldier to pretend to be Maximus and lead some of her men to battle with those at the border. They would create a skirmish just big enough that Donald would think that Maximus indeed was trying to cross the border at Kellgan, and that he could capture him. However, they were not to allow themselves to get captured and were to withdraw after a while.

The plan had been going seamlessly so far. Kurt was right, and the Ross clan was less protected, so they were able to sneak in through the clan and hurry into Mackay from the opposite side than Donald was expecting. They had made it to the square just in time to merge with the gathering citizens. Realizing that the crowd would be too much, they had decided it would be best to come from above. The only building close enough to the square however was the kirk.

Maximus felt bad as they climbed the church. God would understand, right? He was only trying to save the woman he loved. Once they got to a high enough balcony to attack from, Elaise got ready, swinging her grappling hook so that the thick rope went over the balcony above them and swung around the bannister three times before the hook caught on, finding purchase in the solid bannister and creating a perfectly stable rope to swing from.

Elaise dropped the length of the rope, and Maximus was surprised to see that it was long enough to almost touch the ground outside. Without any hesitation, she had climbed the bannister and grabbed onto the rope.

“I need a bit of momentum, so push me,” she said. Maximus felt his jaw slacken at her request, and she glanced back at him with a confused expression. “What are ye doin’? The executioner is about to pull the rope.”

That was all Maximus needed to hear. He took a few steps back and ran forwards, shoving Elaise off the ledge. Like the legend that she was, Elaise swung forward on the rope, sliding down its length as she went and riding it until she landed on the platform in front of Rosallyn, cutting off the arm of the executioner with one swing. They had made it just in time. Maximus followed not long after, asking one of the Macmillan soldiers to push him. Relief filled his heart as he landed behind Rosallyn and cut her free.

“I’m sorry, I am late,” he said as she burst into tears and jumped into his arms. His heart exploded with joy at the feel of her in his arms once again, but he could not savor the feeling for long. An arrow whizzed beside his ear, finding purchase in the eye of a Ross clan soldier who had been aiming for his loving embrace with Rosallyn. He glanced back and found the two Macmillan soldiers, with their bows nocked and pointed down, shooting at the enemies. They had surprised the enemy, but that was just for now. There was no time to waste. They needed to escape before Ross could gather themselves.

“Elaise! Let us go to the horses. The men will cover us from here. We will get the horses and round back to collect them,” he yelled to Elaise who stood in front of them, already bathed in the blood of her enemies. It seemed she had taken this small opportunity to let loose a bit. At his words, however, she raised her head and nodded, jumping off the platform and running to the horses which they had left at the gate of the square. Maximus looked down at Rosallyn.

“I am sorry for this right now,” he said, and hefted her onto his shoulder before she could respond. She yelped as he jumped off the platform as well, taking his sword in his free hand and hacking at every enemy who came too close, trusting the Macmillan soldiers to cover his blind spot. They reached their horses in a trail of blood, and Elaise got on hers, smacking the other horses to follow her as she began to ride back to the front of the Kirk to collect the Macmillan soldiers.

Maximus put Rosallyn on the horse first before climbing behind her. He did not bother to circle back since Elaise had done so already. The Macmillan soldiers did not waste time, one continuing to cover their escape with arrows while the other slid down the rope onto his horse; and once the rope was free again, the second one wrapped his legs around it and slid down, continuing to fire arrows as he made his escape. Once they were both on their horses, they raced back to the gates and burst out of the square, heading back through Ross for the Macmillan clan.

Through the entire ordeal, Maximus had not seen Donald again after his speech. He was guessing that he had run away the moment things got dangerous. It would take him a while to regroup, so they would not be able to catch up to them. Rosallyn was gripping his wrist on the horse tightly as though she were scared that he would disappear if she let go. He smiled fondly and pressed his face into her hair. It must not have been easy for her. She had almost died. She was so brave, being able to stand in the face of her fear like that.

“It is alright now, Rosallyn. I am here. Ye are alright… I would never let anyone hurt ye,” he said. He could hear her begin to quietly sob as they rode, but he could do nothing but kiss her hair in the moment. They were riding through the Ross clan, and although it was relatively safe since they had pulled a fast one on Donald, it was best to be careful while in enemy territory. It was good for her to let it all out anyway. Her emotions were probably a mess after everything, and she had been holding it all in to keep her composure. Yes, it was better that she let it all out.

The day had been alarming for Rosallyn, and she was exhausted by the time they reached the Macmillan clan castle. First, she had been nervously waiting for Maximus, then she had realized that he was probably not going to make it and that she was going to die, then she had ended up being saved after all. It was evening when she finally slid off the horse in the Macmillan castle grounds, staring with confusion at the butterflies that filled the place and the giant man who stood by the castle door with his butler, who was only a little bit taller than her.

She felt as though she were in a fevered dream because nothing she saw made much sense. The blonde angel glanced at her as though sensing her confusion and chuckled.

“I ken… it is quite confusin’, is it nae? This place is the strangest I have ever seen as well, but dinnae worry, at least they are on our side.” Rosallyn nodded, still looking at her in awe. There was blood all over her clothes, which were strange already as she wore a gown with skirts that were short like a kilt. Her face was splattered with blood, but she still looked gorgeous. Maximus put his arm around her, and they walked towards the castle entrance where the giant and his butler stood.

The giant opened his arms to welcome them.

“Ah, it is good to see that ye have succeeded, well done!” he began, only to pause as he saw the state that the angel was in. “Oh… Oh dear… ye let loose quite a bit out there, did ye nae?”

The angel only glared at him in response, and Rosallyn wondered what the relationship here really was since she had been told that they were allies, yet the angel looked as though she would rather beat the giant to a pulp than shake his hand.

“Right, it is good that ye all are back, and I am sure that ye understand why I would say this, but please dinnae touch anything as ye follow me to yer assigned chambers and take baths… Please…” the man who seemed like a butler said with a somewhat pained expression. He looked like he would rather have them wash outside if it were possible, but since it was not, he was allowing them in.

Tired as they were, they did as the butler said, following him as he led them to different chambers. Rosallyn did not want to leave Maximus’s side as the butler showed Maximus the chambers he could use, but she let him go so that she would not be a problem. The butler noticed however and gave her a smile.

“Dinnae worry, ye can come back here later, but since what ye all need right now is a bath, ye cannae use the bath while he does, so please bear with it for now and follow me to use another bath.” Rosallyn’s face went beet red at being discovered so quickly, and she followed him quietly as he led her to where she would bathe. He gave her a bow at the door, and she hurriedly bowed back before he left her.

She heaved a sigh and smacked her cheeks to gather her thoughts. Everything felt strange as the whole castle was filled with paintings and just had a different air about it. It was unusual, and it was throwing her off, coupled with how silent it was. She bathed quickly, and when she came out, she was surprised to find a simple yellow dress had been left on the bed for her. She wondered if a maid had left it for her or if the butler had come in and left it.

Not knowing which it was and not wanting to know. She dressed quickly and opened the door, wincing at the creaking sound it made in the quiet hallway. Why was it so quiet?! Where were all the castle workers? Were they all trained to be quiet? She shut her door, wincing when it creaked again, and she headed for the room where Maximus was. She had just reached it when the door opened with a loud creak.

Maximus stepped out wearing fresh clothes as well, and when he saw her, a soft smile stretched over his lips. He opened his arms, and she ran right into them, reveling in the warmth of his embrace.

“I missed ye…” he said. She nuzzled her face in his chest, breathing in the woody scent that came with him.

“I missed ye too… oh so much…” she said.

Their loving embrace was interrupted as the door down the hall opened and the angel poked her head out.

“Ah, I thought I heard ye lovebirds out here,” she said. Rosallyn looked up at Maximus and found that he was smiling warmly at the woman. Now that she had washed up, her hair was no longer in a braid but instead fell on either side of her face. She was beautiful. She stepped out of her room and walked up to them, pulling Rosallyn into a hug the moment that she was close enough.

“It’s a pleasure to meet ye, Rosallyn! I am yer sister! Well, yer sister-in-law,” she said heartily. Rosallyn returned her hug despite being confused, and her face was red as cherries.

“Sister-in-law?” she repeated. Maximus chuckled at the woman’s forwardness and put a hand on Rosallyn’s shoulder.

“This is Elaise Kellgan, Rosallyn. She is the woman who me brother was supposed to marry,” he said, introducing them. Rosallyn thought she saw Elaise’s eyes dim slightly at the mention of Maximus’s brother, but it only lasted a second as she brightened up again.

“Aye, in other words, yer sister-in-law!” she said again. Rosallyn’s face was flaming. Saying that she was her sister-in-law meant that Maximus was going to marry her. The fact that Maximus was not denying it made her belly dance with butterflies. Was it true? Did he really want to marry her?! Her heart was pounding in her chest and a smile spread across her face.

“It is nice to meet ye, Elaise. Thank ye for savin’ me. Ye were so beautiful out there. I actually thought that ye were an angel at first,” Rosallyn said honestly. Hearing this, Elaise froze, her cheeks going redder with each second. She lowered her eyes shyly.

“Thank ye,” she said softly. Maximus had his mouth hanging open as though he had never seen Elaise react like that before. Clearing her throat, Elaise smacked Maximus’s arm so hard that he jumped away from her touch with an audible gasp.

“Ha, ha,” she laughed nervously. “I am goin’ to leave ye two lovebirds to catch up. I am goin’ to send a message to my father and tell him everythin’ we have done till now, includin’ the fact that Damien has agreed to let us fight here.”

Rosallyn only understood half of what she had just said since she did not know who Damien was or what fight Elaise meant. Maximus understood though, and he nodded in agreement before she started walking away.

He opened the door to the room he had just stepped out of and ushered her in. She was nervous for some reason. It was not like she had not been in a room alone with him before, but still, she was nervous now. Maybe it was because he had not denied that he planned to marry her. She stepped into the room and immediately went to sit on the bed. Shutting the door behind them, he followed.

She crawled into his arms the moment he sat down. He accepted her as she straddled him, his arms wrapping around her tighter, holding her to himself.

“Are ye alright?” he asked. She nodded with her head buried in his neck.

“I am alright now. I was scared before, but I am fine now. Thank ye for savin’ me. I was told that ye wouldnae be able to make it, so I had already given up hope. Yet ye found a way… I dinnae ken how ye did it, but thank ye,” she said.

Maximus was silent for a few moments before he moved her slightly, looking into her eyes.

“Rosallyn, I am in love with ye,” he confessed. Hearing him say those words made her breath catch in her throat.

“I… I love ye too, Maximus!” she exclaimed. A smile settled on his features, and he pulled her face down to his in a passionate kiss.

“I ken that ye have already heard this from Elaise, but… I dinnae ken how ye feel about it, and I havenae asked ye meself. Rosallyn… I want to marry ye. I ken that this is rather sudden, but I cannae imagine my life without ye. I already kent this when I left yer house for Kellgan, but it became glaringly clear to me when I thought that I was goin’ to lose ye. I cannae live without ye, Rosallyn. Will ye be my wife?” he asked.

Is this real… Right now? Did Maximus just… Today, I thought that I would die, but instead I…

“Aye! Aye I will be yer wife, Maximus! Ye make me so happy!” she all but sobbed. He smiled at her again, joy clear in his eyes, and she lowered her face to his, kissing him deeply. They moved in unison, their hands going for each other’s clothes and baring themselves to each other’s touch. Maximus broke their kiss, and his mouth found her bare nipple.

With a soft moan, Rosallyn hugged his head to her body, giving him more access. She did not know that it was possible to feel so strongly for someone. She loved Maximus with everything that was within her. And she felt the urge to drink in all of him. She knew that it made no sense, but that was how she felt, and so she opened herself to him completely, hoping that he could feel her intent. She put shyness and embarrassment away, focusing only on pleasing him.

Since she was sitting in his lap, she was able to feel him harden against her bottom as he suckled on her breasts. She pressed her hips down against him curiously and gasped at the same time he moaned as his hard flesh stoked her sensitive nub.

She was going to do it again when he gripped her hips, keeping her in place.

“Nay, Rosallyn… That is dangerous,” he said, his eyes darkened with desire. Rosallyn did not understand why it was dangerous? It had made him feel good. She wanted him to continue feeling good. Not taking her eyes from his, she gripped his hands on her hips and gently moved them away. And then she lowered herself again, grinding against him slowly and making his breath catch in his throat. Her bare breasts bounced with every movement she took, and she threw her head back, the juices from her center dripping over the length of him through his kilt.

He was breathing heavily, his breaths in sync with her movements. His eyes were clouded over with lust as he watched her move over him, and she reveled in the feel of his eyes on her skin. He made her feel powerful. He made her feel wanted. She did not know what the word for this feeling was, but it was like a drug in her bloodstream, urging her to do even more.

“Rosallyn!” Maximus growled, his voice warning. “Ye are being so seductive right now. Ye are makin’ me want ye so much. I dinnae think I can continue to hold back.”

At his words Rosallyn lifted her head. Hold back? What made him think that she wanted him to hold back. She was longing for him. She wanted more, and he was speaking of holding back?

“I dinnae want ye to hold back, Maximus. I dinnae want ye to hold back at all, so please… give yerself to me… All of ye, just as I am doin’ now.” She kissed along his jaw hungrily, her hips continuing to move. His hands went to her bottom then, squeezing her cheeks hard.

“Are ye sure that this is what ye want? Here, now?” he asked her. In response, Rosallyn kissed him hard, her tongue searching the depths of his mouth as though looking for his restraint to break it. She needed him. She needed to feel him to ground herself, to be assured that everythin’ that had happened was over now and that he was really there, in her arms.

Breaking their kiss, she looked at him with the utmost seriousness.

“Maximus, I want ye… Please…” she said. She saw in his eyes then his resolve snapping like a thread with too much strain on it.

In one swift movement, he had turned them around and had her on her back. He latched his lips onto one of her nipples as her breasts bounced in front of his face, and he lifted his kilt, lining his member with her core. She felt him at her entrance, a strange but very pleasant sensation as nothing had ever touched her there before.

“Are ye sure about this?” Maximus asked again for good measure. Rosallyn nodded her consent. She had never wanted anything in the world as much as she wanted this. At her affirmation, Maximus did not waste any time. He pushed his hips forward and penetrated her. Rosallyn gasped at the unfamiliar feeling of being filled. It was painful at first, but since she had been leaking juices for several minutes already, it did not take long for the pain to melt into absolute pleasure.

It was different from when she touched herself, and different from when he had used his tongue to pleasure her. No, this pleasure felt hot as she was stretched, and it also came with something that all the others did not, the sound of Maximus’s satisfied groan as he sheathed himself inside her body.

“God, Rosallyn, ye feel amazin’!” he exclaimed, his words a strained hiss of appreciation

He was inside her. Maximus was inside her! Now when her walls pulsed, they sucked him in greedily. Maximus cursed loudly as her body gobbled him up, and then he began to move his hips. Rosallyn was not ready for the feelings that came with this, and she arched her back, gasping.

She had thought that was all there was to it. It already felt amazing, so she did not think there was more. Having him begin to move threw her pleasure scales into chaos, and she moaned his name over and over as she reached her climax. Maximus was not relenting, even as she orgasmed, continuing to move his hips and pushing himself deeper and deeper into her. She came over and over again, her walls gripping onto his member and getting slicker and slicker with her juices until Maximus could not hold back any longer. He pushed his hips forward one last time and pulled out of her just in time as he came hard, so hard that he lost the strength in his arms and collapsed on top of her. His head was on her breast, close to her heart, and he was breathing hard.

Rosallyn was breathing heavily too. That was the most amazing thing that she had ever experienced, and she was about to say that when they were interrupted by rapid, non-stop knocking on the door.