Beauty and the Outcast by Lucy Darling



Idon’t think this party is ever going to end. Whitney has gone back to avoiding me after the kiss she gave me. My dick is still hard, and it’s been over an hour since I had her mouth on me. When she started to pull me down to her, I was sure she was going to whisper something to me. To make sure I wasn’t going to lay polo boy out flat.

Then she went and pressed her mouth against mine. I was pulled straight from hell to paradise. Her lush body pressed against mine as I got my first taste of her. I could taste the strawberry from her drink on her tongue, but there was the taste of sweet honey that followed. I know that’s all her. She always smells of cherries and honey.

“How fucked up would it be if I called the cops on the party?” I ask Ace, who is standing next to me. He barks out a laugh, drawing their attention for a second.

The girls are playing a round of beer pong together. They're terrible at it. Pretty sure the game is never going to end.

“I can watch them if you want to take off,” he offers.

“Fuck off.”

“That’s what I thought.”

I fold my arms over my chest and watch. Every time Whitney laughs, it chips away at some of that anger inside of me. I don’t want to be this way. For so long I’ve been pissed off at the world. I want to be better for her. Maybe this world isn’t as fucked up as I’ve always thought it was. Not if I get her. That would make it worth everything. If this was the path I had to take to lead me straight to her, then every second of it was worth it.

I spot Jennifer out of the corner of my eyes watching Whitney too. A few times she glances my way with a sour ass look on her face. I’m guessing she’s still pissed about the chlamydia comment I made, but she had it coming.

That’s the problem with so many of these people. Jennifer saw the chance to pounce on the pretty new girl because of her own fucked-up insecurities thinking Whitney was an easy target. But when someone smacks back, they can never let it go. I’ll need to keep my eyes on her.

“Knox!” My name is screamed from somewhere before I notice the Westcott twins are standing right in front of me. They are Stepford wives in the making with their blond hair and big blue eyes.

“I didn’t think you would be here.” One of them beams up at me. I can never tell them apart. I nod. Ace takes a step further from me, trying to hold in a laugh. Dick.

“Do you want to dance or need a drink?” the other one says. She blinks repeatedly as she stares up at me.

“Do you have something in your eye?” I ask. I don’t want to be too big of a dick and get myself kicked out of here, but I also want them to get the hell away from me.

“Always with the jokes.” She giggles.

“That’s Knox. A real jokester,” Ace chimes in. If Faith was mad at me last night, she’s going to be pissed when I kill her boyfriend.

“I think we’re ready to go,” Whitney says, coming over toward Ace and not me. Yeah, he’s going to have to die.

“If we finish this game, we’ll end up missing graduation,” Faith jokes.

“All right. You rolling out with us?” Ace asks, finally doing something to get me away from the twins.

“No, don’t go!” one of them says. I think it might be Stacy. No, Tracy. Fuck it. I give up.

“Stay. The party is just getting started.” She lifts her hand to bring it down on my chest. Before she can touch me, I have her hand by the wrist. Whitney scrunches her nose before she turns to leave without a backwards glance. My bunny always trying to get away from me.

“I don’t like to be touched.”

“Whatever. You were down by the pool making out with some girl.”

I release her wrist, and she pulls it back. “Whitney. I was kissing Whitney. She’s the exception.” I step back and move around them to follow after my bunny before she gets herself caught by someone that isn’t me. She has no idea how beautiful she is or that her innocence is almost blinding.

“Knox?” Faith snags my attention, wondering what I’m going to do.

“I got her.”

She gives me a soft smile. “Don’t mess this up.”

That’s the last thing I would ever do, but somehow I keep fucking it up.

I find her standing outside on the front lawn. Of course, the two fuckers in the polo shirts are standing in front of her. I swear the universe is testing me. Thankfully they spot me coming and bolt. It almost makes me laugh. It’s one of the pluses to looking the way I do. People tend to scatter at the sight of me.

Whitney turns around to see me closing in on her. I don't stop. She lets out a small squeak when I scoop her off her feet, toss her over my shoulder, and begin carrying her.

“I swear to God you attract every male in a five-mile radius. I can’t leave you alone for a few seconds without them finding you.” I head toward my car.

“What’s happening?” she asks. Her fingers dig into the back of my shirt, hanging on. Her lush ass is in my face. I had barely gotten my dick under control and now it's fully back to life.

“I’m getting you the hell out of here. I heard you say you were ready to go.”

“I thought Ace was taking me. You were busy,” she huffs out. “Aren’t you supposed to be avoiding me?”

“Shit,” I mumble to myself.

I pull her down. Her small body slips down mine. She’s soft in all the right places.

“I haven't been avoiding you.” I wince. She glares up at me. At least I think it’s a glare, but it’s damn cute. “I’ve been around. You just haven’t seen me.”

That’s the truth. Does she really think after what happened at school with Jett that I wasn't still checking up on her little ass? I was giving her a wide berth while I did it. I thought that’s what she needed.

“I don’t know what that means.” She waves her hands around, getting huffy. I reach over and open my car door. She gets in without question. Whitney is damn sexy when she gets all frustrated and angry. I go around the car, open the door, and slip in.

She sits with her arms folded over her chest. Her bottom lip is puffed out, and I want nothing more than to lean over and suck it into my mouth. Thoughts of how those lips would look wrapped around my cock flash through my mind. I take a deep breath and push them to the side. I need to keep myself in check so I don't send her running.

I reach over and grab her seat belt. My hand grazes her tits in the process. I’m not even sorry about it. So much for trying to keep myself in check. That asshole I tend to be is always lingering around. Whitney sucks in a breath, her cheeks flooding pink.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Her question comes out breathy. Not for touching her tits, that’s for damn sure.

“For avoiding you. I thought that’s what you wanted. You made it pretty clear that day in the school office.” She scrunches her nose, looking adorably confused. “You didn’t even want to be in the car with me afterward.”

She jerks her head my way. “I said that because I didn’t want to be a bother to you anymore. You’ve already done so much for me. I got you tangled into that mess. I’m sorry.” She drops her gaze. I want it back on me.

I reach out, putting my finger under her chin to bring her eyes back to mine.

“That wasn’t your fault.” I loathe that she even thought that for a second.

“Are you going to stop avoiding me?”

“If that’s what you want.”

She nods her head. “Unless you’re mad at me for the whole attacking your mouth, but I needed to get your attention before you pummeled those boys.” A bark of laughter leaves me. “It’s not funny!” She swats at my hand. I only laugh harder. She goes back to folding her arms over her chest, which I don’t hate. It pushes her tits up, giving her more cleavage in the v-neck shirt she’s wearing over her swimsuit.

“I think you know how I felt about your attack. Better yet, you felt it.” Her lips part. There was no fucking way she missed my cock pressing into her soft stomach then and even moments ago. “You can attack me anytime you want, Bunny. I’ll be your willing victim,” I tease her.

Her plump lips twitch as she fights a smile.

I take it as a win. For today at least. Who knows what I’ll fuck up tomorrow?