Beauty and the Outcast by Lucy Darling



“Rise and shine, my little lush.” I peek one eye open to see Faith’s smiling face over me.

“You’re one to talk.” I roll away from her. I think we each had three or four drinks. I didn’t think that was much, but I guess for someone who’s never drank before it is. The pounding headache I have would agree.

“Knox woke me up so I’m returning the favor since you’re the reason he woke me up to begin with.” I roll back over to face her. She lets out a giggle.

At the mention of Knox a rush of everything that happened last night comes flooding back to me. I don’t know if I should hide under the covers or smile.

“Why did he wake you up about me?” She holds up a bottle of water in one hand and Advil in the other.

“So. How long have you been crushing on my twin?” She lifts a brow.

“Crap.” I hadn't even thought about it that way. I know they are brother and sister, but it’s crazy hard to remember they are freaking twins. They’re so different. “I’m sorry.”

“Nope. No way. I’m way into this romance.” Her smile as she says it makes me relax. Faith has been so good to me. I’d hate to mess up our friendship. I push myself up, taking the water from her. She shakes two pills out for me to take.

“Thanks.” I pop them in my mouth and swallow. I only really have a headache. My stomach is fine thankfully. I’m sure that had something to do with Knox pumping me full of water when we got back to the house. He made me some toast too.

“So?” Faith is chomping at the bit for details.

“I don’t know what to say. Last night was new to me.”

“Hmm.” I can almost hear her thinking. “Wait. Has he been being all grumpy and MIA because of the two of you?”

I shrug. “We had a misunderstanding after the whole Jett thing.” She knows the story. This family doesn't actually keep much from each other.

“Gah! How did I miss this?” She falls back onto the bed dramatically, making me laugh before she rolls to the side, propping her head up with her hand. “He lets you touch him. That in itself should have clued me in.”

“I’m not sure what you mean.”

“He doesn't like people touching him. I mean Mom and I can steal some hugs from him, but other than that he’s not having it.”

“Oh.” Me kissing him out of nowhere must have freaked him the heck out. He did say I could kiss him anytime I wanted, but what if that was him trying to make me feel better?

“I think it’s safe to say the no touching rule doesn't apply to you.” I duck my head, my cheeks starting to warm. The idea that Knox doesn't want others to touch him besides me makes me feel special. But I’m not sure if that’s really even the case.

“What about the other girls he’s dated?” Gah. I should not have asked that. I so don’t want to hear about him with other girls. From what I’ve heard around school he never dates anyone that’s in high school, but if anyone knows the truth it would be Faith. My mind is still hanging on to the whole Jamie name too.

“I don’t know crap about his dating life if he has one. Why do you think I’m so shocked?”

“A girl in one of my classes asked me to set them up since I know him. She said he normally only dates girls in college. She mentioned something about the lady that works at the front desk in the office at school too.”

“I’ve never heard any of that.” She shakes her head. “People make shit up when they don’t have answers. The gossip train is in full force at Montgomery Hall Prep.”

“Most gossip starts from a sliver of truth.”

“Don’t give it any thought. If you like Knox and he’s into you, then let it happen. Knox isn’t going to step out on you. I know he can be an asshole at times, but usually there is a reason for it.”

I only nod, not sure if that’s actually a good thing. What if I made him mad one day? Would he go out and do something to get back at me? I hate to think that, but my mom’s current husband is a lot like that. If you don’t do what he wants, he’ll find a way to make you pay for it.

“Ace is picking me up to run a few errands. Want to come with?”

“No, it’s fine. Go hang with your boyfriend.”

“Meet us for lunch at least? We can go over our notes so far.”

“I think I can do that.” I give.

“I’ll text you later.” She bounces out of the bed.

I lie there wondering what Knox is doing right now. He can’t be too mad at me about the whole kiss thing if he’s telling his sister to take me water and Advil.

I toss the blanket back, getting out of bed. I’m so not doing this miscommunication thing again. I’m going to straight out ask if he meant what he said last night. I pull on a pair of jean shorts and snag an oversized sweater to wear.

I take my phone and Kindle with me before venturing out of my room. I stare across the hallway wondering if Knox is in his bedroom or not.

“He’s in the gym.” I jump, Faith’s words surprising me. She’s dressed now.

“I was—”

“Girl, don’t try it.” She laughs and keeps walking down the hallway. I huff a breath. I’m not even sure where the gym is in this house. I wander downstairs and into the kitchen to find Kennedy and Oz making out.

“Sorry.” I turn around to leave.

“You’re fine.” Kennedy laughs. She’s sitting on the counter with Oz standing between her legs. It’s not shocking to find the two of them kissing. It’s actually really sweet that after all these years of marriage they still have that fire for each other.

“Have a good time last night?” Oh crap. “You’re not in trouble, Whitney. All we ask is that you’re safe and responsible, and you were. You guys are pretty much adults at this point.” I relax.

“I had a lot of fun.”

“That’s good, honey.” Kennedy’s face breaks out into a giant smile. “Can I make you some breakfast?” she offers.

“I was actually looking for the gym.”

“That way to the left.” Oz points.

“Thanks,” I say before I leave the kitchen.

I hear Knox before I get to the door. The sound of something slamming over and over again. I pull the door open slowly and slip inside. Knox’s bare back is to me as he destroys a punching bag.

I lick my lips watching him. The way that every muscle strains as he powers his fists into the bag. He’s a freaking machine. I stand there continuing to watch him for a few minutes before he stops. He pulls off the wrap things that are around his hands and tosses them away. He turns around to face me.

“Watching me, little bunny?” He smirks. That’s the second time he’s called me that.

“I wanted to say thank you for last night and this morning.”

“No thanks needed.” He makes his way over toward me. His bare chest is covered in a sheen of sweat, and I can’t help but take in every inch of him. The tattoos he has only add to his attractiveness. My mouth goes dry when I take him in. He comes to stand right in front of me. So close we’re almost touching. My fingers itch to reach out and trace along the lines of his tattoos but I stop myself, remembering what Faith said about him not liking to be touched.

“About last night. I know what you said, but Faith told me you don’t care to be touched.”

“I meant what I said.” He says it like it’s no big deal. I lift my hand and place it on his chest over one of the tattoos. He sucks in a breath as I trace it with my fingers. He closes his eyes for a long moment.

“Knox?” I stop when I feel something that isn’t smooth against his warm skin. “Who did this to you?” I fight tears at the thought of someone hurting him.

“Don’t cry for me.” He places his hand over mine. I can feel his heart beating. There are so many layers to this man. The moment I think I know him, he shows me another side of himself. I want to peel those layers back and see all of him.

Hopefully he’ll let me.