The Alien Prince’s Omega by Lorelei M. Hart



“Go away,”Hanson shouted. “Just fuck the fuck off.” He had locked himself in the bathroom and was resisting my attempts to apologize. “Go back to that damned fucking planet of yours and don’t fucking come back.”

He tossed something at the door, and I jerked backward as the sound on the other side echoed in my ear. “That is a lot of fucks,” I noted. “I counted four.” I leaned against the wooden panel and fell into the bathroom as the door swung open. The expression on my rupling’s face was not that of the compassionate omega who tended sick animals. And it was the opposite of when we lay together, his length in me, mine buried in him.

He beat me with his fists and yelled words I could not interpret until he snapped, “I hate you,” and he stalked out of the front door. “Don’t follow me!”

But as I stood at the house entrance, he headed toward the beach and glanced over his shoulder more than once. On Thulnara, that indicated interest and desire. Could it be his words told me to stay away, but he meant the opposite? It was confusing, and I did not wish to make him more angry or scare him.

So, I followed him at a safe distance, but at the last minute remembered to put on the clean shirt and pants Hanson had put out for me earlier. Humans would not appreciate me walking naked on the street. And besides, after seeing my cock, they might feel bad that theirs was so small. Getting dressed was the right thing to do.

When he swung around and glared at me, I inspected flowers hanging from a basket swaying in the breeze. “So pretty.”

The next time Hanson looked back, I hid behind a bush, and he yelled, “I can see you,” to which I replied, “I can not see you.” When he reached the beach, he took off his shoes and walked to the water’s edge. I lay on my belly on the soft sand, surrounded by tall grass, close to where I had slept that first night.

“You’re ridiculous, do you know that?” I poked my head up. “You can’t fool me.”

“I would never.”

He placed his hands on his hips and scowled at me. “Get down here and explain everything. Don’t leave anything out.”

“Or there will be more fucks?”

His shoulders shook and he clamped his teeth over his lower lip. “Stop that.” He kicked water on my clean pants. “No more fucks, no matter how mind-blowing. Now talk.”

“I came here for you.”

Hanson’s body tensed. “To steal me away, impregnate me, and use me as a baby maker. Is your planet in its death throes? Are there not enough omegas, or whatever you call them, to populate your home?”



“That is what you would be called on Thulnara,” I explained. “I am an izleen and you are zialt.”

“Fuck that. You’re not abducting me.”

“And we are back to the fucks.” I lowered my voice. “You said there would not be any more.”

“Grrrr,” he growled at me. “Oh, so your mate has been chosen for you and you threw a tantrum and decided to stick it to your dad and find a mate on Earth instead?”

So many words. “Stick it? I recall sticking…”

He held a hand against my mouth. “Do not mention cocks, fucks, or sticks. Okay?”

“You have my word.” I paused. “Just not those words.”

“Please explain everything slowly.”

“I have never met the intended mate. I do not know if First Father and Second Father have chosen anyone, and I do not want to meet them.”

“Oh.” He stared out at the ocean. “I’m not second best? Your second choice, I mean?”

“You are number one.” I thumped my chest. “My only one.”

He grinned and then giggled. “I want to stay mad at you, but I can’t.”

“You would be my rupling even if you were foolish.”

“Mad and foolish… forget it. That’s good to know.” He put his hand in mine. “Walk with me.”

“I did not explain you were my fated mate because I thought it might scare you. I tried to court you as humans do.”

“That was kind of you. If you’d charged up that first night, flung me over your shoulder, and taken me back to Thulnara, I could have been kinda annoyed.”

“But if I’d taken you by the hand and pulled you into the vortex, that would have been all right?” He studied my face, his eyes narrowed. “It was a joke,” I said. “I was trying to be funny. Humans like that.”

“Sometimes.” He patted my chest. “Do me a favor. No jokes.” He waved to a boy with a dog playing in the water. The youngster shaded his eyes and stared at me while the animal yapped. “It’s a lot to think about. Finding true love with someone from another galaxy.” He stared at the sky.

“The cosmos is huge and the universe chose you. And from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one.”

He pecked me on the lips. “More please,” I told him as I wrapped my arms around his middle.

“You know how I said no more fucks?” he asked.


“Perhaps we could reconsider,” he suggested.

“I would like that,” I agreed. “But first.” I stopped and grimaced. “I have guessed the meaning of chafing, and it hurts.”

He burst out laughing. “Let’s get you home.”

“One more thing I should tell you. I am a prince.”