The Alien Prince’s Omega by Lorelei M. Hart



Nothing could have preparedme for the way it felt to have Kagin inside of me—fucking me as I was fucking him. Nothing. The scientist in me wanted to know how he managed to do that. His cock, while large, was hardly what I’d call super long—definitely not lengthy enough to do that, yet it did.

And now he was knotted in me without a condom.

I’d been so stupid. Neither one of us had any protection on, and for all I knew, we could both get pregnant. Fuck.

“Can you have babies?” I asked, his knot still inside of me. “I mean, I can’t knot so maybe that’s a no, but also we didn’t use condoms.”

No small part of me was sad about the possibility of us having a baby. Maybe it was Kagin in my dreams after all, just not him him, but his child. Would that be okay? I loved that baby so much, and he was but a dream.

I love Kagin too.That realization slammed into me. I loved Kagin. And not because he had just had me coming like I didn’t know was possible after fulfilling a long time fantasy of mine, either. That was great and all, but it was so much more than that.

It was the way I felt when he smiled at me.

It was the little human things he did for me even when Kagin got them so terribly wrong they bordered on ridiculous.

It was the way he watched me as if I were the most precious thing and the most precious being in this universe.

It was the way I felt truly alive for the very first time.

“I can help create life, yes. With you? That I am unsure. Would it be, like they said on the television, a deal breaker if I could not give you a child?”

“I—no—I mean I was asking you if you could birth a baby the way omegas on Earth do,” I clarified, and his body shook as a giggle escaped his lips. Big, strong, tough alien giggling. What a beautiful sound.

“No. It is much like it is on your planet. There is a First Father and a Second Father in the case of two men. I cannot give birth. Only you would be able to do that.” His knot was slowly deflating, and I already mourned its loss. “Is that something you want? To be a father?”

His knot completely slipped out of me and we rolled onto our sides, now facing one another.

“One day I would love to be a father.”

The father of my little blue baby… our little blue baby? Was I seeing Kagin’s child? “Do you—do you know an old woman?” I asked the vaguest question ever. “A special old woman.” Because that clarified it not at all.

“I know many. Tell me about the woman you are asking about.” He pushed himself to sit and I did the same. “She is not from Earth?”

“She is… I am not sure where she is from.”

His body tensed. “Earth is not a planet others are to mess with. I am breaking the rules just being here. If others are here…” His hue was changing slightly, darkening with each word. His glamour was lessening, but still holding strong.

“She was not here… not in the physical, anyways, and we will get back to the you aren’t supposed to be here thing.” It felt important, but not as important as the old lady. “This woman… she came to me in a dream, and there was a little blue baby in my arms, and she said he would be here soon. I thought she meant the baby, but now I—”

“Idda.” He said the word softly and with reverence. “She is a soothsayer.”

“I don’t know what that means.” My mind kept going to sabertooth tigers, and it sure wasn’t that.

“Among other things, she knows things—things she should not. Her skill is not one permitted on my planet. I did not know she dream walked.”

“Not permitted? Is she in trouble because of what I said?” Wow, I sure knew how to mess up the afterglow of a good fucking.

“If she was in difficulty for what she said to you, I would be facing similar consequences.” He took my hand in his. “I sought her out. She is how I came to be on this planet.”

“Explain.” My stomach was starting to churn at the way his voice elevated just slightly with each word. “Explain why you are here… all of it.”

“I am to take a mate, as you call it, by the anniversary of my birth. Had I not found my true mate by that time, one would be chosen for me. I went to Idda to discover where my true mate was and she sent me here… to Earth.” It was so much worse than I thought.

“All those stories of people being abducted by aliens to make babies… there is some truth in them, isn’t there?” It was getting harder to breathe. “You came here for a baby… a little blue baby… my little blue baby… the one in my dreams… the one I already love.” I jumped off the bed. “How dare you use me like that! Is that what that rupling thing is you call me all the time? Does rupling mean baby maker?”

I ran out of the room, tears in my eyes. I loved him and he… he was on Earth with me to avoid an unwanted freaking wedding. I knew it was too good to be true. Nothing that amazing could be.