The Alien Prince’s Omega by Lorelei M. Hart



I wasn’t evensure why I freaked out on Kagin the way I did. Fear, I guess. Fear he didn’t love me the way I loved him. Fear he’d want me to give up everything I’d worked so hard for to go across the galaxy and be the only human there. Fear that he’d leave as quickly as he came.

And now—he was a prince. A freaking prince. I’d have to really process that later. For now my brain had a thousand other things fluttering through it.

Not once did I truly believe deep down that he was using me. That was the fear talking and I needed to make it up to him. Not because he wanted or needed me to, but because I wanted to. We both had been less than forthcoming, and given the situation, I doubted either of us would’ve done anything different if given the chance to do it over again. We weren’t ready to be that open then.

But we were now. And that was what mattered. Were there more things to say and decide? Absolutely, but we were on a good path.

“I’m planning a surprise for you.” I plopped down on his lap. He was watching children’s television to help pick up more English. As much as I’d love to be with him all of the time and touching him so he understood what people were saying around him, he needed this. Being dependent on me for communication was less than ideal.

“Allowing me to hold you is a surprise I quite enjoy.” He wrapped his arms around me. “Thank you for accepting me, faults and all.” He kissed my head, and I burrowed into him, almost forgetting I had a mission to accomplish.

“That is not the surprise. I’m going to town to gather some things to give you a human date night in.” I pulled my lip in with my teeth, excited to see his reaction.

“Liquid in a bottle and corn in a bowl?” he asked, his eyes wide. “And frozen confection in the carton?”

“All of that and more.” I kissed him far too briefly for my liking. “We will have lots of fun.”

“I always enjoy my time with you, my rupling.” He nibbled on my chin. “You want me to remain here?”

“Yes. Otherwise it’s not a surprise.” I climbed off his lap, adjusting my jeans, which were now too tight. “I will go as quickly as I can and don’t ruin your appetite, I am bringing back pizza.” I was very not good with surprises.

“You would bring me such a delicacy?”

“I would do anything for you.” And the truth of those words hit me deep. I would. He was mine and I was his. There was still so much to work through and learn, but at the end of the day, that was all that mattered.

I’d heard shifters talk of their true mates and how they never once second guessed that fate brought them together, and I finally understood what they meant. I felt that for Kagin, my rupling.

“As I for you, my rupling.”

I went outside and contemplated taking the car. It would be easier to carry things, but a pain to find parking. I opted to walk, the day being nice enough that the mass quantities of tourists would most likely be flooding the area.

I only made it past my neighbor’s home when a weird feeling came over me. Like I was being watched but more intense. Had I just watched a horror movie I’d have argued the feeling away as me being paranoid, but I hadn’t been.

I was being watched.

A few more steps and I scented Kagin, but not. Now that I knew the difference, I was confident it wasn’t a shifter. Which meant one thing… another alien.

An alien watching me.

“Crap. I forgot my wallet,” I said out loud and turned back to the house. The last thing they needed to figure out was that I sensed their presence. And maybe it was nothing, just someone checking up on Kagin. But it could also be someone coming to do him harm, and that wasn’t something I’d allow.

The one thing that hadn’t crossed my mind was that they were there for me, not until they grabbed me by the wrist as I reached my driveway.

“You,” he seethed, his glamour firmly in place. He looked every bit human but off—like a computer-generated person in a movie, almost. “You do not belong to the Prince.”

I tried to take my arm back so I could run. He held on tighter.

“Ow, you brute.” I pushed at him with both hands. “Let go of me.”

“You scent of the royal family.” His spit reached my face. “He thinks of you as the lesser being you are, I see.”

“Who are you?” I asked, my voice shaking.

“I am Umon, future rupling to Prince Kagin.”

My stomach revolted and I almost vomited its contents right there.

“No.” I refused to believe it.

The front door swung open, and out came Kagin.

“No marking, I see,” the alien said.

“Do you want to be seen?” Kagin’s voice was firm. “State your purpose.”

Dragging me along, he walked to the front steps. “My First Father offered me to your First Father for consideration, but your First Father declined. It took me traveling across the galaxy to find you, and then to see you screwing the lesser being. How beneath you. You put all Thulnarans to shame.”

“Let. Go. Of. My. Rupling.” Kagin’s glamour was flickering. That was not good. None of this was good.

“Rupling? Ha.” He pushed me to Kagin. “Show me his mark—the one that shows you find him worthy. You cannot because he is not.”