Baby and the Wolf by Victoria Sue

Chapter Eleven

Nearly two weeks later,Emmett stood with Ryker watching the helicopter land as Chrissy joined them. Five broken ribs, a ruptured spleen, and a punctured lung had taken longer than expected for the undernourished non-shifter to heal, but at least the new alpha of the Mills River pack hadn’t kicked Darriel out before Marco had said he was ready.

“How does he afford this?” Emmett murmured half to himself.

“Your grandparents had a lot of money,” Ryker said, “but I happen to know Zeke made his own fortune before he was left theirs.”

Chrissy nodded. “May once told me your dad took a small inheritance from his grandfather and gambled with it on the stock market. It gave him a startup, and that’s how he got into funding low-income housing.”

“Ethically,” Ryker stressed when Emmett must have telegraphed doubt. “His brand of cheap but reliable hit the right notes at a time when a lot of the bigger cities were stuck with overcrowding, so his ideas blew up. He now has a reputation that a lot of investors want a part of, and consequently when he needed to borrow a helicopter, people generally fall over themselves to help.”

Chrissy chuckled. “Doesn’t he have his own?”

“I’m guessing it’ll be next on his list,” Ryker said. “Thing is, though, he immediately jumped in to help when Marco said Darriel being in a truck and getting up to the pack house without causing him a great deal of pain wasn’t possible. Even an ambulance would have problems on our roads.”

Emmett watched as the engine cut and the rotors stopped spinning. He was really glad to hear that his dad had a good reputation. He hoped it meant the news they were going to give him this weekend went down easier.

Zeke was sitting next to the pilot and jumped out first. Head down, he got to the side door as it slid open. Marco was out next. Emmett heard a sharp inhale from Chrissy as they both helped the third young man down. Emmett was a ways back, but even he could see how gaunt Darriel was. It was a wonder he was standing.

“He might look worse than it is. He’s a wolf, don’t forget,” Ryker murmured. “What might kill a human without medical intervention, even in an omega that can’t shift, would heal given time.”

Emmett shook his head briefly, but he didn’t argue, and to be honest, he was pretty sure Ryker didn’t really believe it anyway. The amount of abuse the young man had suffered even before the beating from a few weeks ago was horrific, and he had many badly healed injuries. Zeke had a very careful hold of one side and Marco the other. They approached Ryker and Emmett slowly, Darriel’s eyes cast down after a quick glance.

“Why is he walking?” Emmett asked. “He should—”

“I assume he insisted,” Ryker said. “I don’t like it either.”

Darriel paused as soon as they got eight feet away from him. “Alpha,” Darriel murmured and shook off Zeke’s and Marco’s support. Emmett didn’t realize what he was about to do until he half lowered, half collapsed to one knee. He’d seen some of the new wolves try and do this with Ryker, and Ryker had explained that he didn’t want or need traditional obeisance.

“Old-school and definitely not something I’m interested in. He would have gotten down on both knees if I let him. Wolves who can shift do a similar thing but in wolf form. They lie prone to show me their wolf submits to mine. I don’t need that either.”

Yes, Emmett knew Ryker wanted loyalty, of course, but not this. He’d worked incredibly long days over the last two weeks trying to pull things together. Ryker jumped forward, catching Darriel’s arm to stop him. He very gently took Darriel’s hands in his.

“Your respect is acknowledged. Welcome to the Blue Ridge pack.”

Emmett shot Ryker an approving glance at the name and happily accepted the squeeze from his dad as they watched Chrissy and Marco help Darriel inside. Zeke sighed and followed them in. “Marco told me it’s only because he’s a shifter that he’s even alive.”

Emmett understood how he felt. Even though Darriel would never shift, it meant he had withstood more than most.

Emmett squeezed his arm. “How about you come in for some coffee and we’ll catch up?”

Zeke shot him a considering glance. Emmett deliberately didn’t raise his hands to cover his bump. He was wearing a loose-fitting shirt and it was only noticeable if someone touched it.

Like a certain alpha did this morning.A wave of heat stole over Emmett, and he turned before his dad noticed. Calvin being there most of the time made it difficult to grab some alone time. It was amazing how sneaky Ryker was learning to be.

Ryker got himself and Zeke coffees, then deliberately put a glass of milk in front of Emmett. Emmett rolled his eyes but glugged it happily, much to his dad’s obvious amusement. He lowered the glass and listened to them discuss pack security.


Zeke turned, his face awash with pleasure at the name.

“I’m pregnant.”

Unfortunately, Zeke had just taken a mouthful of coffee. He tried to swallow and inhale at the same time. It took a few minutes for his lungs to sort out the difference between oxygen and liquid while Ryker rather forcefully thumped him on the back. His dad held up a hand to stop Ryker. “Stop, or I’m going to have a few cracked ribs myself.”

Emmett bit his lip. He hadn’t meant to blurt it out like that. “I’m sorry.”

But Zeke stood up and walked around Emmett’s side of the table, pulling him up and into a firm but gentle hug. “I’m so pleased for both of you.” He kissed the top of Emmett’s head and put out a hand, which Ryker shook. “When are you due?”

Emmett’s face flamed. He just realized he hadn’t thought this through and shot a desperate look at Ryker. Ryker just folded his arms helpfully and raised an eyebrow. Asshole.

But Zeke let Emmett go carefully and stood back, gazing in shock at Emmett’s belly. Pressed against him, it would have been obvious. “Don’t tell me,” he said weakly.

“We’ll let you know after Marco does a scan,” Emmett said, but he wasn’t sure if that was better.

Chrissy came in after a moment and reported Darriel was settled. Then all three of them started discussing the Tennessee land deal. Apparently the problem was they needed someone to run the place who wouldn’t be intimidated by the closest pack. Zeke had bought the land that the pack generally helped themselves to and they weren’t keen on sharing, even when it hadn’t been theirs in the first place.

Emmett excused himself to go see Darriel. He knocked cautiously, pleased to see Marco didn’t look worried when he opened the door. Marco was just gathering his equipment together and turned to Darriel. “Call me if you need anything.”

Darriel nodded and dropped his gaze to the bed. Emmett came in and closed the door behind him as Marco left.

“My apologies, alpha-mate.”

Emmett smiled and pulled up a chair. He was tempted to sit on the bed, but he didn’t want to hurt Darriel by accident. “Emmett,” he said and covered Darriel’s hand with his own. Darriel tensed but didn’t pull away. “And I have no idea why you’re apologizing.”

Darriel was silent for a moment, and Emmett studied the frail but stunning man. Darriel’s hair was as black as Emmett’s, but while his was a wild, unruly mess most of the time, Darriel’s long, silky tresses were gorgeous. His pale brown skin would normally be warm, Emmett guessed, but it looked almost ashen at the moment, made stark by his prominent cheekbones and huge golden-brown eyes.

Emmett grinned. “You’re gorgeous. I am so relieved Ryker met me first.”

Darriel’s lips parted in shock, but he still made no sound. Emmett forged on, hoping he wasn’t making things worse. “I’m new as well. New to being a shifter.” No, that didn’t sound right. “I mean, I only found out I’m a shifter after I got pregnant.” Emmett shook his head. “No, I mean I was, but Ryker told me both at the same time. I’m a panther, and he thought I was a human.” Darriel just stared at him. “I’m making this worse, aren’t I?”

Then, unbelievably, Darriel giggled. It was only brief and not exactly a full-on happy-face reaction, but Emmett would count it as progress.

“You’re pregnant?” Darriel asked shyly.

Emmett beamed. “I’m still wrapping my head around everything, and I can’t believe it, but yeah. Nine weeks.” He flushed. “I’ve even got a bump, and not one due to the colossal amount of food I’m eating.” He tilted his head. “Are you hungry? I was thinking of getting a snack, but I can totally go somewhere else to eat it.”

The knock at the door surprised them both. Emmett got up to open it to see his dad, and he stared. “Did you need me?” Then he looked down at the tray—fruit, chips, sandwiches.

“Dinah was busy, so I thought I’d help.” He thrust the tray toward Emmett and turned and left, quickly closing the door behind him.

“He’s human,” Darriel said curiously. “He was in the helicopter.”

“He’s my dad,” Emmett explained. “But I only found that out a few weeks ago as well.” He set the tray down on the table so they could both reach.

“You’ve had a busy few weeks, then,” Darriel said hesitantly.

Emmett nodded and chose a banana. “What I really wanted to do was ask if there was something I can do to make coming here easier?” He put the banana down when he saw the sheen of tears Darriel tried to hide. Reaching for Darriel’s hand again, he stayed silent a moment, and Darriel entwined his fingers with Emmett’s.

“Your dad told me in the helicopter this place is different.” He didn’t sound so sure though.

“From what Ryker tells me, packs are supposed to be big families, not prisons.” Emmett winced. “We’re still waiting to hear from the shifter council for them to agree to make this one official.”

“Why wouldn’t they?” Darriel asked curiously.

“Because Ryker is mixed. His mom was fully human.” He waited for any reaction from Darriel, but he only nodded. Emmett guessed Darriel was used to being treated like less because he was different. He wasn’t likely to have a problem himself.

“It wasn’t so bad for some of the regular wolves. It was just that we got treated very differently,” Darriel said.

Emmett smiled encouragingly. If Darriel felt he could talk, Emmett would listen.

“In my pack, only females were mates. Male omegas remained the property of the alpha.”

Emmett squeezed his hand lightly. “Chrissy told me a little. You know Ryker’s not like that, right?”

The fearful look Darriel shot him told Emmett his guess had been spot-on. Darriel gazed at Emmett as if he desperately wanted to believe him but wasn’t sure.

“I know talk is cheap, and you can only really know that for sure by getting to know us, but I promise this is a good pack.” He hesitated. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course,” Darriel said shyly.

“We still have a child—Calvin; he’s about seven, we think—from one of the omega houses. There are a few omegas still missing, but we’re trying to find his family. He says he doesn’t ever remember an omega, but I’m asking everyone from Mills River just in case.”

Darriel shook his head. “I’ve never heard the name, but I’m not surprised. The alpha had dozens of kids over the years, all growing up to be his personal army. The oldest are in their twenties.”

“That’s…” Emmett couldn’t even think of a word. He sighed. “I know this sounds awful and selfish, but half of me is hoping he never turns up.” Emmett’s hand flew to his mouth. It sounded a million times worse now that he’d said it out loud.

“It’s easy to get attached.”

“Understatement,” Emmett agreed helplessly.

“I could imagine them having huge problems with the kids that don’t belong to anyone.”

Emmett blanched. “Kids?”

Darriel nodded. “You mentioned a Calvin, but I can name another six or seven off the top of my head.”

“Is there any way their omegas were in other houses?”

“If the pups were over ten, yes. That was when they started their training.”

“You sound like you were there a long time.”

For a second, Darriel looked defeated, and then he buried his head in his hands briefly, and simply nodded.

“We haven’t been able to find any more children.”

“I doubt you will,” Darriel said but wouldn’t look him in the eye

“He had a lot of land though. They’re searching.” Ryker said the new alpha was doing his best.

“You might want to dig out back beyond the pig sheds.”

A chill ran all the way down Emmett’s spine. “What?”

“The kids who never shifted and weren’t omegas. The enforcers would just turn up and drag them out. We never saw them again.”

Emmett felt every drop of blood drain from his face.

“Riggs used to joke he’d feed me to the pigs if I lost another one.”

Emmett didn’t know which to react to first. No, he did. Ryker could have the first part of that sentence because Emmett couldn’t even bear to think about it. “You’ve lost a baby?”

Darriel let out a sharp breath. “Four.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Riggs didn’t seem to understand that using me as a punching bag when I was pregnant wasn’t a good idea, but the last time I lost this one all on my own. Riggs was furious because it was his.”

“I thought—”

“That the enforcers were only allowed to touch us once we were already pregnant with the alpha’s child?”

Emmett nodded. Not that it made it any better.

“Normally, the only way to bring on an omega’s first heat is by their mate or their alpha. Sometimes very fertile omegas will have pre-heats, but they wouldn’t go into one properly until then. I was compelled to come into heat the first time at fifteen, which is very painful. Then it was a regular occurrence every other month.. Pack wolves, but omegas especially, are pretty much screwed if their alpha commands them to do something.” Emmett didn’t like this. It was rape, pure and simple. “Couple that with being given something to drink to ‘loosen us up,’ and the alpha gets a very horny, very willing hole whenever he wants one.”

Emmett shook his head. Barbaric was the wrong word—this was monstrous. “How old are you?”

“Twenty-one,” Darriel said. “And I’ve been in this nightmare since my father died in a challenge.”

“Shit,” Emmett said with feeling, and Darriel smiled.

“My mom brought me to the pack after my father was killed. He was an enforcer for the losing alpha, and after he was defeated, all the enforcers were slaughtered. She knew I was an omega, but she believed the story he was pushing about the pack being a welcoming place for omegas.” Darriel hesitated. “I’m not sure what you know about omega wolf history, but the birth rate has taken a dive and omegas are sought after.”

Emmett nodded. “Chrissy told me.”

“There are still a lot of packs disbanding because there aren’t enough wolves to keep them going, but as soon as he found out I was an omega, I was taken into one of the houses, and I never saw my mom again.”

Emmett blinked back tears. That was too close to home. “I’m sure Ryker could contact the new alpha for you.”

Darriel shook his head. “She’s dead. I found out she died about three years ago.” Darriel’s first sob seemed to almost take him by surprise, and he covered his face with his hands, trying to stop them. Emmett desperately wanted to hold him, but he didn’t want to hurt his ribs. In the end, he just got on the bed and lay next to him and let him cry. Darriel moved so they were touching, and Emmett held his hand.

Darriel cried himself out. Sometime later, after Emmett was sure he was asleep, he got off the bed. He left the chips, fruit, and juice, then walked back to the kitchen with the sandwiches. He wasn’t especially hungry anymore.