Baby and the Wolf by Victoria Sue

Chapter Twelve

Emmett was sittingon the steps when Ryker found him. Ryker sat behind him and pulled Emmett onto his lap. Emmett turned into him without saying a word. They just sat for a minute and watched the kids. Ryker knew he’d talked to Darriel. Emmett didn’t need to spell it out, but he needed to tell him and haltingly repeated what Darriel had said.

“He’s safe now, and I will pass on what he said.” Ryker glanced at the kids. “Why are you sitting here?”

Emmett waved to where the kids were pretending to be lion shifters and roaring at each other. “Sarah seemed to think one of them should be the king of the jungle and boss the others about, so to save an argument, I said I was the king.” He sighed. “Of course, that meant I had to sit on a throne, and these steps are hard.”

Ryker slid his hand underneath Emmett and rubbed gently. Emmett groaned. “You can’t do that.”

“Why?” Ryker said innocently but had to stop when he was spotted by Calvin, who ran up the steps to greet him. Emmett smiled. It wasn’t just him who couldn’t get enough of the alpha. Calvin was equally besotted.

“It’s normal,” Ryker said when Calvin had been persuaded to go back and play. His face flushed a little. “When pups haven’t had a lot of security, I mean. They latch onto either the alpha or someone similar.”

Emmett nodded. Of course, it could have something to do with the fact that no matter how busy Ryker was, he always found time for Calvin. He usually woke up to them either outside playing or Calvin eating an early breakfast while Ryker tackled the paperwork that seemed to be piling up.

“Any news?” Emmett asked quietly. He knew the scouts had returned with reports on the missing omegas. His dad had come back with them but had disappeared inside. Emmett loved that he was visiting more and more, and he was planning on asking him to stay and eat supper with them. Zeke had also taken an interest in how Darriel was doing and often asked Emmett if he could help with anything.

Ryker shook his head. “We doubt at this point they’ll ever be found. There’s a chance the shifted wolves have either gone feral—”

What?” Emmett whispered.

“If they’ve remained shifted for a long time. They can remain wild so long, it’s easy to forget their human side.” He shrugged. “Although we’re not really talking long enough for that to happen. It’s just a good way of hiding out from everyone at the moment.”

“And the non-shifters?” He knew they were most worried because Riggs hadn’t been found and there might be another cave full of omegas similar to the one they had found Calvin in.

“Not so far. The problem is, we’re talking hundreds of miles, thousands if he has access to a vehicle. And because of the pack problems with population, everyone is so mistrustful. I wouldn’t even be allowed on pack property in a lot of cases. Then, if I started asking about missing omegas, I’d be lucky if I was just thrown out.”

“You see,” Emmett said. “That’s what I don’t get. How come that beta got away with shooting you? I mean, why weren’t the cops involved?”

“Packs police themselves. No one would involve the humans or they would end up with bigger problems. Not forgetting,” Ryker added, “because of what we do, you’re only seeing the worst shifters. There are a lot of good and honorable shifters. A lot of packs are like family.”

Emmett raised his head for a kiss. “Like this one?”

Ryker obliged, and they were silent for a full minute. “Not that I don’t love a kiss, but I came to find you for something else actually.”

Emmett laid his head back on Ryker’s shoulder and watched the kids. “So long as you don’t need me for any more rescue missions, I’m good.”

Ryker chuckled. “It’s about Kai.”

“What?” Emmett asked, immediately interested.

“I’ve been approached by an Alpha Kendrick from Mississippi. He’s taken over a small pack since his father died, and he’s wanting to expand. He’s very short of wolves, and he’s asking if we have any omegas interested in moving there.”

“Would it be safe?”

“I don’t know the pack, but the request comes through the shifter council, which means the pack has to be regulated. I’ve already mentioned it to Jason, and I was going to ask Kai. I wondered if you wanted to be there.”

Definitely. If he could help Kai, he would. They walked into Kai’s room, and Kai listened attentively while Ryker explained. He didn’t react, neither pleasure nor fear, and Emmett was confused. “You don’t have to go anywhere,” Emmett said after it didn’t look like Kai was going to reply.

Kai looked down at the floor, then at Ryker. “You’ve been good to me, Alpha, but I have to start my life at some point.”

“And that can’t be here?” Emmett asked softly.

“I hoped it could, but—” He shrugged.

“But you have friends. Ryker’s going to get the pack ratified.”

“I know,” Kai said and smiled ruefully. He looked at Emmett and hesitated. Ryker took the hint and said he’d wait outside. Emmett walked up to Kai and hugged him.

“I would miss you so much.”

Kai looked up at him and smiled determinedly. “I have to do it right this time.”

Emmett wanted to ask “right for whom,” but that wouldn’t have been fair, so he let it go.

Practically the moment they left Kai, Marco found them and said he wanted to do Emmett’s first scan. Emmett was thrilled. He hadn’t asked Marco because between Kai getting close to his due date and Darriel needing a lot of help, plus the other omegas and kids who had arrived, Marco had been rushed off his feet, and no matter how much Emmett liked Dinah, there was no way he was going to discuss pregnancy and childbirth with her. Kai had told him some basics, which quite frankly had scared Emmett to death, but he could hardly say that to Kai when Kai was going to have his pup soon.

They went into the room Marco had set up as his temporary clinic. Emmett let Ryker help him onto the bed. Ryker had been amazing since the cave rescue. His schedule was full of things to get the pack arranged, but he made time to check on Emmett and usually Calvin at least every couple of hours when they weren’t together.

Marco started unpacking a small case that looked like it contained a laptop. Ryker nodded toward it. “Is that the new tech everyone was excited about?”

Emmett glanced at Marco, then back at the computer. “What is it?”

“A portable ultrasound machine,” he said proudly. “Zeke has bought two of them. One for the ranger’s station and one for here.”

“Very nice,” Emmett murmured, still not seeing what was so amazing. All pregnant humans were offered ultrasounds, so wasn’t this the norm?

“Shifters tend not to need any sort of medical intervention to give birth. Most packs don’t even have a medically trained midwife, some not even a pack mother who has experience,” Marco commented and started attaching leads. “Now, I’m going to warn you. There’s not going to be much to see at this stage, even though you have a visible bump. Shifter bodies prepare differently. The little guy will still be tiny, so we’re just checking heart rate and confirming a delivery date.” Marco fiddled with some switches, and the sound of a heartbeat filled the room.

“Oh my,” Emmett said in awe. Ryker bent down to kiss him on the forehead.

“Listen to him go.”

“Him?” Emmett teased.

Ryker shrugged. “I don’t care so long as they are healthy.”

“Do you understand that male omegas generally have smaller babies because of the lack of room?” Marco asked.

“They do?” Emmett said. “I mean yes. I know we’re not pregnant for as long a time as human women.”

Marco nodded but kept his eyes on the screen. “Shifters give birth not long after human babies would be considered fully formed. It’s only their shifter genes that makes the babies breathe on their own. Male omegas are born with a much smaller uterus. It expands in the same way a female’s does but having the internal organs of both sexes leaves little space.”

“Kai told me that he’d run out of room,” Emmett said to Ryker. “When I asked why he wasn’t eating, just drinking milkshakes.”

“Exactly,” Marco agreed. “Because the abdominal cavity is squashed as the baby grows, there is little room for food. There is also a direct link enabling osmosis.”

Emmett’s eyebrows raised. “What?”

Marco grinned. “How do you think you actually get pregnant?”

Emmett blinked slowly. He hadn’t, to be honest. He was so stunned at actually finding out he was pregnant, the mechanics of it had never occurred to him.

“I can explain when and if you want to know. It’s fascinating, really, but the problem male omegas have is that their babies are born early. Shifter babies are usually pretty hardy, so most of the time it isn’t an issue, but there’s a very small time frame between the baby being able to breathe on its own and delivery. If a human baby was born at twenty weeks, it would have serious problems and would be unlikely to survive. Luckily, shifters are much different. Their lungs and other internal organs are developed. Everything is just smaller.”

Marco took a few more measurements, but Emmett could tell with his relaxed posture he wasn’t worried. “There you go,” Marco said. He turned off the machine and went to wipe the gel off of Emmett before thinking better of it and handing the tissues to Ryker. Emmett basked in the care and attention Ryker showed. Then Ryker helped him sit up.

“Can you tell me what actually happens? I mean, I’ve seen women give birth on TV, but—” He looked down at himself, feeling his skin heat.

“You have a longer anogenital distance than other males. Not so much to be hugely different, and not that you will even have thought about it. It can sometimes even occur naturally in human males.”

Emmett felt a little stupid until he saw the same expression on Ryker’s face. “I have a what?”

Marco grinned and rolled his eyes. “Sorry. I’ve been taking a class all week, and I’m still in medical-speak mode. Your anogenital distance is basically the gap between your scrotum and your anus. You won’t have even noticed, but distance-wise, it gives you an extra inch.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m gonna need more than an inch to get a baby out of me.” Emmett could feel his face heat even more. No wonder Ryker hadn’t wanted to tell him.

“You have a very small membrane behind your scrotum that thins and opens during labor in exactly the same way a woman’s cervix expands.”

Emmett shuddered. All of a sudden, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. “Yeah?” he said weakly and swallowed.

“What the main thing to concentrate on is that this method of birth—while secret from the human world—has been the norm for centuries.”

Emmett took in the steady gray eyes and relaxed. “Okay.” He decided to concentrate on what else he wanted to know. “I wanted to ask about my passing out.” Ryker looked likewise relieved to have the subject changed.

Marco gave him all of his attention while Emmett explained. “There are a few tests we can run,” Marco said. “Simple ones like an echocardiogram or a tilt table test to check and see if your blood pressure dips. I’d want to do a little more research, though, as I don’t have experience with this.” He nodded to himself. “But from what you’ve told me, I think your problem may be resolved with diet. Panther omegas especially, more so than wolves or bears, need a high protein content in their diet. The cave-in was a scary time, and you suffered no dizziness or nausea, did you?”

Emmett shook his head. “To be honest, I’ve never felt better.”

Marco grinned. “There’s also the fact that your blood volume just increased by fifty percent.”

“It did?” Emmett said. “Why?”

“Pregnancy side effect.” He glanced at Ryker as he offered instructions. “Small meals and often. Dense in nutrients and high in protein. There’s nothing regarding panther shifters that’s different. I honestly think that diet will completely address this.”

Emmett blew out a breath of relief. “I was always hungry. Not so much when I was little but definitely after I lived with Barry.” And Barry had made him feel greedy and selfish. “It was easier to get used to eating less.” A thought occurred to him. “Why would he keep me hungry when he knew what I was?”

Ryker scowled. “It was deliberate. To keep you weak and controlled. If you’d have been healthy, you might have been more difficult to keep hidden.”

Ryker clasped his hand. Emmett met his eyes and saw the promise in them, the care and affection. Not only that Emmett wouldn’t go hungry, but more importantly that he wouldn’t feel stupid for feeling so. That he was finally normal. Emmett nodded. He tried to forget about his uncle, but he didn’t think they’d seen the last of him.

“It’s not the amount that even matters here, more the nutritional value,” Marco carried on.

“What do you know of the local panther clan?” Ryker asked when Marco had finished.

Marco didn’t answer for a moment, then sighed. “Not much. I escaped mine. And sorry, Alpha, but I am unwilling to say from where.”

Ryker shrugged. “That’s not necessary. I want to know if what Emmett’s uncle told him about panther omegas is true.”

“You are certainly very rare, and should you wish, without a direct female available you could take over the clan, but it wouldn’t be easy. There may be challenges if you have, say, female cousins or nieces. But panthers are civilized. We’re talking a simple vote.”

“He seemed to think it would make him a lot of money,” Emmett added.

Marco huffed. “He wouldn’t be joking. Panther clans are usually worth millions.”

Emmett’s eyebrows raised. “I thought he was exaggerating.”

He nodded and looked at Ryker. “Where do you get your funds from?”

“Discounting Zeke?” Ryker asked ruefully. “People who live here who can pay a minimal contribution. We own a large group of vacation cabins over in Sapphire that we rent to humans. Investments.”

“Which is typical pack dynamics, but clans don’t live in a community; they all live externally. They still do, however, contribute up to twenty percent of their income on a sliding scale to the Panthera. She’s very wealthy.”

“But what does she actually do?” Emmett asked.

“Makes more money. There is an emergency fund, and then there’s the claw, of course. All panthers, once named to the clan, are given an amount of money, a generous startup if you like, plus a house. They are expected to make more and contribute to the clan, but it comes with certain lifestyle rules I wasn’t happy with.”

“What’s a claw?” Emmett asked, not sure if he wasn’t being teased.

Ryker put his hand on his heart. “Google it by all means, but a group of panthers is called a claw.”

“Correct,” Marco agreed. “Except panther shifters call it a clan. We use the term claw to refer to the equivalent of a wolf pack’s enforcers.”

“Scary guys,” Ryker murmured.

Marco paused as if he was struggling with something but just nodded. “They’re not a group you want to meet.” He hesitated. “I caution you not to trust your uncle.”

He didn’t need that caution. “So, not only would Barry get rich, he would have his own personal army?” Emmett shivered.

“I understand you’re friends with Darriel?”

Emmett accepted the change of subject, knowing Marco didn’t want to discuss any more. “I only met him less than a week ago, but I hope so. Why?”

“He might appreciate someone with him while he has his scan. He’s nervous.”

“He’s having a scan?” Emmett asked in surprise. “He’s pregnant?”

“He’s bleeding, and today was the first time he admitted it to me. He says he lost the baby, but he’s still spotting.”

Emmett frowned. He remembered that, but then that made no sense with what he’d just been told. “How—” He stopped awkwardly as both Ryker and Marco looked at him, but then Marco’s face cleared.

“It should open during labor. If it opens early, there’s bleeding. If it opens too much, there’s a large chance of miscarriage.”

Emmett closed his eyes briefly. Hadn’t Darriel gone through enough? “Do you think there’s a chance?”

Marco sighed. “I doubt he’s still pregnant. I would just like to see if this is unhealed damage. I’ve tried before to get him to let me do a scan, but this is the first time he’s agreed. He won’t let any alpha near enough to him to see if they could get a heartbeat.” And Emmett couldn’t do that. Ryker bent to kiss him and promised to keep an eye on Calvin while Emmett was busy, and they went to see Darriel.

And Emmett got the shock of his life when they walked in. “Dad?” His dad was sitting in the corner chair, and he put down the book he held as they came in. As he stood, he glanced at Darriel and smiled gently. “We can finish it later. I’m hanging around for a bit.” He closed the door quietly as he left.

Darriel smiled but seemed uncomfortable, so Emmett didn’t say anything else. Marco had an incredibly gentle manner about him, and Emmett checked, but Darriel definitely wanted him to stay. Darriel’s eyes rounded as Marco unpacked the case and explained what he was doing. “I’ve had four pregnancies and never had an ultrasound.”

Emmett looked up at him but wasn’t sure why he was surprised with what he had learned. “You haven’t?”

Darriel shook his head. “Most of the time we didn’t even get a pack mother.”

“Not always so unusual with some packs,” Marco said mildly.

“You think my body didn’t absorb everything?” Darriel whispered.

Marco stilled and met Emmett’s gaze. Emmett understood Marco couldn’t let Darriel get excited like he probably normally would. The chance of a baby surviving what had been done to Darriel was impossible.

“Just remember things are different and you’re not on your own any longer,” Emmett promised. Darriel nodded, seeming unable to speak, and Marco apologized before he gently lifted Darriel’s top. Emmett was sitting in the chair on the other side and remained quiet but held on to Darriel’s hand tightly.

“I’ve agreed to be based here permanently.”

Emmett brightened and watched Darriel relax. They needed a medic here, and it might make everyone feel better. Darriel nodded, and Marco smiled again. Emmett helped get Darriel settled on his back, and Marco used gel.

“We’ve even got the stuff that’s not too cold.” He hummed in approval.

Darriel closed his eyes as if he couldn’t bear to look as the screen flickered on.

Marco paused and stared at the screen, and then he turned a knob. A second later, the sound of a heartbeat was loud and fast. It seemed to be tripping over itself, and Darriel’s eyes shot open.

“That’s impossible.”

Marco shrugged. “Obviously not,” he replied and started clicking scans, seemingly taking measurements.

“I can’t believe it,” Darriel said in awe. “Can—I mean, do you know what it is?”

Emmett hoped he was the only one who heard the small pause before Marco answered.

“Which one?” Marco said carefully and pointed to the screen, and it took them both a minute.

“What do you mean?” Darriel said breathlessly. Although it was obvious to Emmett what he could see.

“What I mean,” Marco said deliberately casually, “is that somehow two pups have survived.” He pointed to both images.

“But that’s impossible.”

“It’s rare, certainly,” Marco acknowledged.

Darriel gasped. “What sexes are they?”

“Impossible to say at this stage. I’m guessing you’re about six weeks pregnant, if that.” Marco smiled, and Emmett glanced at Darriel.

“Really?” Darriel was smiling, but he didn’t sound excited. His lip wobbled, and Emmett clasped his hand. “That sounds about right.” He looked away and bit his lip, and Emmett’s heart broke, understanding he was probably trying to forget how this had happened.

Marco clicked a few more buttons, then turned to Darriel. “How do you feel?” Emmett’s pulse picked up. The question sounded casual, but Emmett didn’t think it was.

Darriel’s gaze seemed glued to the screen. “I got to three months once. The last time, the heart just stopped.” His eyes filled again. “I never got to hear the heartbeat at all.”

Marco nodded, unhooked the machine, and wiped the gel from Darriel. He helped him sit up and get comfortable before Emmett got a chance to, and then he sat down on the bed and looked at Darriel. He smiled gently. “I want you to stay on bed rest until I come back and do another scan. You can get up to pee, but—”

“But why?” Darriel interrupted. “You just saw them.” He smiled. “I still can’t believe it.”

Marco hesitated, and Emmett’s heart dropped to his boots. This time, Darriel picked up on it.

“What aren’t you telling me?” He pulled his hand away from Emmett as if he had to protect himself.

“Both their heart rates are a little slow,” Marco admitted, “and we need to keep an eye on it. Obviously, I’m really concerned about the bleeding.”

“You mean they still might die?” Darriel whispered.

Marco didn’t answer, but he didn’t need to. “Take advantage of the rest while you can.”

Darriel nodded and turned his face to the side. “I understand.”

Marco glanced helplessly at Emmett. “If you come out with me, I will leave instructions for you and Dinah.” Emmett took the hint and promised he would be back in a few minutes.

Darriel closed his eyes. “Actually, if you wouldn’t mind, I’m kind of tired. Maybe this afternoon?” It was a polite dismissal that Emmett could do nothing about.

They both left. Emmett held the door open so Marco could get all of his equipment through. They walked to the kitchen. Zeke and Ryker were in there, and both of them looked up when they walked in. “What’s wrong?” Ryker asked immediately when Emmett walked into his arms.

Marco briefed them both. “The slow heart rate combined with the bleeding makes his miscarriage risk much higher. Add that to his history and a multiple pregnancy, which is rare for male omegas, and he’s got serious problems. I want to get back here as quickly as possible, but I still have a ten-day commitment to the ranger service to work through.”

“No, you don’t,” Zeke said grimly. “I’ll take care of it. I’ll fly someone in every day if I have to. Darriel needs you here.”

Emmett gazed at his dad in astonishment, but Marco just nodded, then turned his attention to Emmett. “Ryker is going to get a proper clinic here, but there’s a huge difference between a clinic and a neonatal intensive care unit.”

“I’m glad I had my scan first,” Emmett said. He would have felt so guilty getting excited for his baby when Darriel was going through this. “That’s why you did it this way around?” Emmett said in understanding.

“He has a difficult history. I was being cautious.”

“Is there anything I can do?”

“Be his friend,” Marco said simply and looked at Ryker. “Alpha, I will be back tonight after my shift, if that’s okay?”

“That’s a long day for you,” Ryker pointed out.

“I’d be happier seeing Kai again as well.” Marco’s face softened.

Ryker gazed at Marco thoughtfully, then nodded. “I’ll warn the scouts you’ll be visiting late and make sure they know you have unlimited access.”

Emmett thanked Marco and glanced up at Ryker.

Ryker put out his hand. “Got a minute?”

“I’ll keep an eye on Calvin,” Chrissy promised. He was sitting with two other kids at a table making cookies with Dinah. Emmett chuckled. He doubted Calvin had missed him, seeing as they seemed to be wearing more cookie dough than they were actually baking.

Emmett let Ryker lead him outside and around the back of the pack house. “I just wanted to check that you’re okay.”

Emmett stepped into Ryker’s arms and laid his head on his chest. “We haven’t had a minute, huh?” Having Calvin there wasn’t really doing anything for their alone time.

“You seem to be taking a lot on.”

Emmett squinted up at Ryker. Was that a criticism? A warning? “Too much?”

Ryker slid his hand under Emmett’s chin and raised it. He took possession of his mouth in a long, lingering kiss that left Emmett wanting so much more. “You are amazing, do you know that? In the space of a month, you’ve found out you’re a panther shifter and pregnant, taken part in rescuing a bunch of kids, and helping a kid who seems to have adopted you.”

Emmett gazed into deep brown eyes. “Maybe I should ask you how you feel about it.”

“Which part,” hummed Ryker, blowing gently on Emmett’s neck and raising goose bumps. “The part where I get to mate the sexiest panther shifter I’ve ever seen?” He nibbled on his chin. “Or the part where I get a family?”

Which was a lovely thought. Then Emmett remembered what Darriel had said about the pig pens and did his best not to cry.