Baby and the Wolf by Victoria Sue

Chapter Fourteen

Ryker didn’t seemto have a minute to breathe in the next two weeks either. He was getting his pack together slowly, but it seemed like every time he thought they had gotten something organized, another problem reared its head.

And the latest was driving him crazy. There had been three odd incidents. A burst pipe, which could be blamed on the icy winter that had suddenly done an about-face to summer without pausing for spring in between and had flooded the kitchen.

The second had been one of their trucks catching fire. That had freaked him out because Chrissy had started the engine and then remembered she had forgotten her drill. If she hadn’t gotten back out, it would have caught fire with her in it. The trouble was the fire had ruined any chance of Ryker getting a scent, and it hadn’t occurred to him to check the pipe.

Both of those could have been explained away. The fire had damaged everything, so they couldn’t know for sure, but his gut told him something was wrong. They had identified at least three different strange scents recently, but none of them had returned, so it could easily be wild wolves this close to the national park. Zeke had offered video surveillance, but Ryker had nixed that idea. He wanted a pack, not a prison.

The third incident had involved Calvin. He was playing with his two best buddies from the cave, Joshua and Mira, and they had wandered a little too close to the tree line. Mira at five had never shifted, and Damien, their omega, had been distracted when Joshua tripped and scraped his knee. Joshua was four and a scraped knee meant the world was ending. Just as he finished dealing with that, Mira had come running up to Damien, saying a man was talking to Calvin.

Damien shouted for Chrissy, who was the closest, and she had run out immediately. She had gotten to a truck just as the driver gunned it, leaving Calvin there. Deciding to make sure Calvin was unharmed, the driver got away. Everyone had come running, and Ryker, Fox, Red, and Chrissy had all shifted, but the truck must have headed straight for the main highway, and they had no chance tracking it.

All Calvin could tell them was it definitely hadn’t been a wolf. He never got out of the car, just mentioned he’d lost a dog and asked questions about who Calvin lived with. He’d seemed nice and was happy to hear he lived with the new alpha and his omega.

Ryker had met Emmett’s worried gaze. “That’s it. We’re staying in the pack house full-time.”

The local sheriff patrolled, but all they had was a vague description and a black truck. Chrissy hadn’t seen the man or a license plate. Calvin hadn’t been frightened, and if the man hadn’t panicked and gone when he’d seen an adult, they would have just bought his story about losing a dog. There was an explanation for every incident, but Ryker had an uneasy feeling about the whole thing. He’d increased the patrols as much as he could.

They were sitting down this afternoon to go through the list of more new applications for the pack. Darriel was still on bed rest, and Emmett was visiting him and Kai every day. What surprised Ryker was that of all people, so was Zeke, or as much as he could. They’d both watched him arrive with another half dozen books. He’d smiled and just said Darriel was interested in Philip Pullman.

Emmett watched him go inside. “Who’s Philip Pullman?”

Ryker had no idea. “Are you coming to the meeting about the pack?”

Emmett nodded. “I’ll just go check on Kai, then I’ll be right in.”

Ryker slid an arm around him before he could move away. “How are you feeling?”

Emmett nuzzled his neck, and Ryker chuckled. “Me too, but I didn’t mean that.” Emmett had stopped being sick. He’d changed his teas to regular black with a plain cracker first thing, and it seemed to be working.

Ryker nodded and drew Emmett in closer. He didn’t have a recognizable shifter scent. That hadn’t changed, but he had an Emmett scent and Ryker couldn’t get enough of it. He tilted Emmett’s chin up and captured his lips. Emmett sagged against him, and Ryker loved that Emmett felt secure in the knowledge Ryker could support him. “Don’t overdo things. How’s Kai?”

“He was asleep when I called in earlier. But I’m really worried. I wish he’d stay and have the pup here.”

Ryker nodded. The alpha from Mississippi had checked out and wanted Kai to move as soon as possible, preferably before he gave birth so that he had a couple of weeks to settle in. None of them wanted him to go, but Kai was being very stubborn. “Are you coming to meet my new betas?”

Emmett nodded. “I’m going to take Dinah’s brownies. Have one more go at changing his mind.”

Ryker approved of the brownie plan. “How many did she make?”

Emmett kissed him. “I’m sure I can find some spare.”

He hada meeting with Fox and Red. In any other circumstances they could both be alphas of their own pack. He doubted Red was interested, but Fox had a quiet strength about him that was appealing to the more vulnerable shifters. He needed to establish more betas or enforcers, and he was open to advice. He also wanted to see what they thought of the eleven extra pack applications. He walked into the small room off the kitchen he was thinking of using as a meeting room. He’d never needed one before. He just picked up the phone or went and found someone, but he had a feeling things would need better organizing now.

Chrissy walked in a moment later, followed by Emmett. Red was already seated. He grinned as Ryker walked in. “Should we like stand or something?”

Ryker stared him down. The joking had gotten out of hand. It was one thing between friends, but he didn’t want any of the new members picking up on it. Red nodded once as if he understood and accepted the unspoken order. Chrissy put a piece of paper in front of them all. “These are the applications we’ve had since last week. We can—”

Fox came in. “Alpha, we’ve just had a call from the gate scouts.” Ryker looked up and saw in Fox’s face that he wasn’t going to like what he was about to say. “Apparently the Panthera is down there with three of her clan, demanding to see Emmett. His uncle is with her.”

Ryker immediately reached out for Emmett, and Emmett stood and walked into Ryker’s outstretched arms. “She has no power over you,” Ryker promised.

Fox looked at Ryker expectantly. “We can pull the scouts off for protection if we need to, but there are already nine of us.”

“Ten,” Dinah said defiantly, bustling in.

“Is Marco here?” Ryker asked.

“I think he’s with Kai,” Chrissy said.

“Go and warn him to stay away.”

Emmett shot him a grateful glance. “I don’t understand how she knows. My uncle wouldn’t have told her.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Ryker said. “Keep all the scouts in place and warn them. I don’t trust this not to be another diversion.” What if the man who had been talking to Calvin had been a panther? It made sense. Calvin would have assumed he was a human if he didn’t smell wolf.

Twenty minutes later, they were standing on the steps to the pack house. Marco and Dinah had taken all the omegas and pups to the large room they were staying in. Zeke had immediately stood when Emmett had gone into Darriel’s room and told him they were on their way, but Emmett had begged him to stay with Darriel. Ryker was stunned that Zeke had agreed. Emmett clasped Ryker’s hand as the luxury SUV rolled into the clearing in front of the pack house. He wasn’t surprised it was driven by a cat. The BMW’s powerful engine certainly purred like one.

The man who got out surprised him. He was tall but not muscular. As he respectfully opened the door, his eyes weren’t on the woman getting out, they were scanning every detail of the surrounding area. A professional.

Ryker heard the short inhale as Emmett saw his grandmother and realized from the photograph that Emmett’s mom was the absolute double of her. A lot younger, but there was no doubt whose daughter she had been. And as she stared at Emmett—completely riveted—he realized her eyes were exactly the same shade of turquoise blue. This was going to be hard.

He gazed at the Panthera. She screamed money, but she also seemed classy. Like she didn’t have to prove anything. He let go of Emmett’s hand and jogged down the steps. “Panthera, you honor us.” He could be respectful, right? She didn’t reply. All her attention was on Emmett.

She took the steps she needed to get to Emmett. He stood, frozen. “You are so like your mother,” she whispered.

His blue eyes darkened. “The one you had murdered?” he asked woodenly, then turned and walked inside.

Emmett didn’t waitto see the effect his question had on her. He didn’t care. He was struggling between fury and wanting to cry. Ryker caught up to him in seconds and clasped his hand, but Emmett didn’t need a bodyguard for this. In fact, he knew for his own self-respect this was a battle he had to fight for himself. He squeezed Ryker’s hand, but then let go and turned to see them follow him into the meeting room. Ryker didn’t attempt to retake his hand, just maintained a solid presence next to him.

The Panthera walked into the room flanked by her men. A third came in next to Barry, who looked sulky. He’d seen that look on his uncle’s face so many times, and it was usually followed by cruelty.

Never being good enough. Never doing things right. Not strong enough. Too weak. Too pathetic.

Emmett wondered briefly what had happened, then dismissed it. He wanted them gone, and as soon as she found out he wasn’t interested in the clan, she would leave him alone.

One of the men next to her drew out a chair, and she sat and glanced up at Emmett. “Please sit down. I only want to talk.”

Emmett could refuse, but as he looked at her for another moment, he capitulated. “What do you want?” And he sat.

“The first thing you should know is that I loved my daughter and would never harm her. The second is I only found out about you yesterday.” She shot a look at Barry, and he swallowed.

“Yeah? Then why did she leave?”

“Josephine never liked clan politics, and she never wanted to be Panthera. It’s my fault she ran. I pressured her into responsibility and didn’t recognize that she was truly unhappy. Whatever you’ve been told about panther clans is probably true, but it is a fine line between wanting to bring about change and acting in the clan’s best interests. I have made an awful lot of mistakes, but I would never hurt Josephine, and I would definitely never hurt you. It is, however, my fault she never believed that.”

She glanced down but not before he saw her overbright eyes. She didn’t answer for a moment, but then she visibly squared her shoulders and looked over at him.

“And because of that, she left. I heard reports later that she was seeing a human, and I tracked her down to the apartment she was living in.”

“So you went to frighten her?” The bitter words were out before he could stop them, and he registered the pain that twisted her lips as they hit. He should have felt some sort of satisfaction, but he was just too hollowed out.

“I never saw her,” she admitted. “A Panthera can tell immediately if a panther is pregnant, in a similar way to your wolves being able to hear a heartbeat, but as I didn’t go—couldn’t go—I never knew.”

“Couldn’t?” Emmett pounced on the word. He might not want this conversation, but it seemed he couldn’t help himself.

“If I had gone to see her myself, it would have been a formal acknowledgment to the clan. They would have expected excommunication at the very least, and as Panthera, I am as trapped by the rules as much as I have to enforce them.” She swallowed. “So I sent Barry to go talk to her. To make sure she had money. That she was safe.” She stared dispassionately at her son. “A mistake.”

Emmett glanced at his uncle in shock. Not that he was surprised at the lie Barry had told him, and he knew it was a lie. He didn’t know how or why…no, of course he did. Barry wanted the clan. He’d always wanted it. A sick feeling washed over Emmett as he stared at Barry. How much had he wanted it?

“Did you kill her?”

Barry blustered. “Of course not. She was my sister, and I loved her.”

Another lie. A deep conviction settled over Emmett. “But you wanted the clan. When you found out about me, you knew what I was. I could get you the clan. She was in the way of you getting that.”

The Panthera whipped her head around to Barry. “Is that true?”

He shook his head. “I was with you when Josie was killed. You know that.”

She turned back to Emmett. “That is true. We found out from the police report when she had been killed.”

“From the same witnesses that mysteriously disappeared as soon as the case was closed?” Emmett taunted and stood. “If that’s true, why didn’t you tell me what I was?” But he didn’t wait for a reply—he knew. “Get out.”

He scowled. “I kept you safe for years, and this is how you repay me?”

“Safe?” Emmett snapped incredulously. “You used me like some unpaid servant. You made me ill. Deliberately fed me a diet that would keep me sick. You lied to me. You even had one of the deputies in your pocket. You wanted the clan. Still want the clan, but your so-called beloved sister was in the way of that. How much did it cost you to get rid of her?”

Ryker stood. “Emmett, no.”

“Or did you think it was money well spent?” Emmett railed, ignoring Ryker and Chrissy as they both tried to silence him. Well, no longer. He’d been silent for long enough. He might not be able to prove Barry had killed his mom, but he didn’t have to listen to him or see him ever again.

Barry stood. A cruel smile seemed to hover on his lips, and Emmett wondered why he looked inexplicably pleased. Didn’t he think Emmett meant it?

“You have insulted me in front of the Panthera,” he said very slowly.

“And I’m supposed to give a rat’s ass?”

Ryker tugged on his arm. “Emmett,” he said warningly, but Emmett didn’t care. He had no intention of making nice to these people.

“And as such,” Barry continued calmly, “I demand the right to retribution.”

Every wolf jumped to their feet, as cries of protest rang around the room. Emmett frowned and looked at Ryker, who seemed resigned almost.

“What is it?” he said over the noise.

“Silence,” Ryker demanded, and everyone immediately stopped talking.

“Have you lost your mind?” The Panthera nearly vibrated with fury as she stood, but Emmett stood in shock as he realized she wasn’t talking to him but to Barry.

“What sort of retribution?” Emmett pushed.

Barry’s satisfaction was almost palpable. “You are a panther, and because the Panthera has visited and therefore formally acknowledged you as clan, I have the right to retribution in a formal fight…to the death.”

Ryker stepped in front of Emmett, putting himself between Emmett and all the panthers. “And as his alpha, I have the right to accept on his behalf.”

“No.” Barry paled. “You can’t do that.”

“Yes, he can,” the Panthera said resignedly. “Which you would know if you cared anything about the history of our species, not just how much money you can make out of it.”

Emmett shook his head and tugged frantically at Ryker’s arm. “What does that mean? I don’t want—” But Ryker rounded on Emmett and shook his head. Emmett shut up immediately, realizing that Ryker had tried to stop him before, and this was why. Ryker cupped Emmett’s cheek.

“It will be fine.”

“No, I recant,” Barry started sputtering. “I have no argument with the alpha.”

“I don’t accept,” Ryker said. “You have insulted my mate, and as such, I would demand retribution anyway.” Then, to Emmett’s horror, Ryker stalked to the door.

“Chrissy,” Emmett said desperately. “You have to stop him.”

Chrissy just shook her head. “I cannot stop the alpha from a righteous challenge. He defends his mate.”

Red and Fox had already followed Ryker. Emmett looked at his grandmother. “You have to stop this, please.”

“I cannot,” she whispered and turned to go outside. “All I can do is witness.”

Emmett ducked past everyone and ran after Ryker. “Ryker, no, please.” Ryker rounded on him, and he came to a sudden stop. “I didn’t mean for this to happen. I don’t want you—” But Ryker pressed a finger over his lips to silence him, then kissed them.

“Don’t worry.” Then he turned and pulled his shirt off over his head.


Chrissy caught Emmett’s hand and pulled him back. “Emmett, he needs to focus.”

“But what’s he doing? I don’t want this. He might get hurt.” Emmett tugged at his arm, but Chrissy was amazingly strong.

Chrissy turned into him. “Emmett. He’s a strong wolf. You have to support him. Don’t shame him by making it sound like you doubt he would win.” Emmett stilled, protests battering his mind. “He needs to know you trust him. He’s alpha,” she said as if that explained everything. She waited until Emmett nodded, then let go. Ryker had already toed off his boots and was unbuttoning his pants.

Looking like he was going to pee himself, Barry reluctantly did the same.

Taking a deep breath, Emmett walked to where Ryker stood, picked up his shirt, and held his hand out for his pants. It was the closest thing he could think of to demonstrate his loyalty…and his love, because he did love Ryker with everything in him. Why had he never said it?

Ryker grinned and pulled him in for a kiss. Emmett went willingly and let the big wolf maul his mouth, prepared—even with an audience—to get lost in his touch.

“Alpha,” Chrissy screamed, and something slammed into Emmett so hard he was sprawled on the ground before he knew what had happened.

Shouts, growls, snarls, and a blur of claws and teeth as a massive black panther leaped onto Ryker’s back before he was fully shifted. Emmett heard the answering snarl, but not before he saw the blood as Ryker’s flesh ripped. Hands reached for Emmett and pulled him away just before the panther slammed the wolf down hard, his jaws going for Ryker’s throat.

Emmett stumbled again as Chrissy and Fox got him out of the way, and he looked back in terror as the wolf just managed to avoid the panther’s jaws a second time.

“Fuck, he’s big,” Red muttered unnecessarily.

Emmett clasped Chrissy’s hand—terrified to watch but unable to look away. Another snarl and more blood splattered the ground. Emmett thought his heart was going to stop. They were moving so fast he couldn’t even see which animal the blood was coming from. Then he heard the pained cry from Ryker as Barry fastened his jaws onto his shoulder blade, but he somehow managed to twist at the last second to stop Barry from getting his teeth on his neck and jump away. Emmett could barely breathe. Both animals were covered in blood. Barry had a gash on his side, and the fur on Ryker’s back glistened. They both looked exhausted, and they each prowled, never taking their eyes off each other.

Then the panther leaped, and for an interminable second, Emmett thought Ryker wasn’t going to move. He heard the sharp inhale from Chrissy, and just as it looked like Barry would barrel right into Ryker, Ryker dived, rolled, and clawed Barry’s belly. Blood and guts gushed everywhere, and Emmett turned his head before he threw up. As long as he lived, Emmett never wanted to hear such a cry of agony ever again. Then, because he couldn’t bear not to look, he saw Ryker stagger to his feet as a human and bend to Barry. “Shift,” he yelled and glanced up at the Panthera. She nodded to one of her claw, and he strode purposefully to Barry. Emmett thought he was going to make him shift somehow, but the man bent, took ahold of the panther’s head, and twisted it sharply.

The resounding crack seemed almost deafening. Barry immediately shifted into a human, but he lay still, his head at an awkward angle. The other panther had just finished him off on the order of the Panthera. Killed him, when Ryker wouldn’t have, even though Barry would have killed Ryker.

Ryker.Emmett’s feet got themselves unglued, and he ran at Ryker, getting there a moment before the other wolves. Ryker opened his arms before Emmett slammed into him, and finally Emmett was crying. “Don’t you ever scare the shit out of me like that again,” he mumbled, but quietly so he wouldn’t embarrass him.

Ryker just nodded, and for a moment, it was just them. “Are you okay? He slammed into me so fast I knocked you over. We’ll get Marco to check you out.”

Emmett clung onto Ryker. “You saved my life. If you hadn’t gotten me out of the way, he’d have had me.” Emmett clung to Ryker, but he knew he had to face the panthers eventually, so he turned. Two men were covering Barry’s body with a sheet, and the third opened the trunk.

Emmett swallowed, nausea trying to overwhelm him.


He turned to look at his grandmother, completely unsure of how he felt.

“He shamed himself and us all by attacking when the omega was present,” she offered as an explanation, and Emmett was stunned. She doubted she ever explained herself. “I am still investigating how he squandered his money and then tried to spend your mother’s in return for his so-called care. I would never have hurt Josephine. It was why I stayed away. You have a fine alpha, and sometime—” She hesitated. “Sometime, I would like to get to know you and the pup.”

He followed her gaze to his belly, remembered that the Panthera could tell if someone was pregnant, even though it was getting a little obvious now, and looked into her eyes. He didn’t know what had gone wrong between his mom and her mother, but maybe it was time to put a lot of things to rest. “I’m not interested in the clan, but I think I’d like to get to know my mom’s family.”

She smiled, her eyes glittering with unshed moisture, then looked at Ryker. “The Blue Ridge pack has my clan’s gratitude and support.” Emmett gazed at Ryker, then moved slightly to block him because Ryker was very naked, and this woman was his grandmother. Then she walked to her car as if nothing had happened.

Emmett watched as they drove away. He turned and handed Ryker his pants, which somehow he had managed to keep ahold of.

Ryker put them on but didn’t take his eyes off Emmett. “I need a shower.”

“You two go to the cabin,” Chrissy said. “I’ll make sure all the pups are okay and keep Calvin here until you come for him.”

Emmett nodded and turned to Ryker. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Shifted.” He waved a hand at himself.

“I have two things I want to say,” Emmett said seriously, and Ryker stilled. He stayed silent, but Emmett knew somehow he expected bad news. “First, I’m sorry. Me and my big mouth nearly got you killed.” His lip wobbled a little on the last word, and Ryker pulled him into the comfort of his arms.

“Don’t go, please,” Ryker mumbled into his hair.

Emmett pushed away so he could look at Ryker. “Go? Where am I going?”

Ryker searched Emmett’s face, and Emmett met his eyes. “You’re rich if you want to be. You have a whole new family. I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time and umpff.”

Emmett launched himself at Ryker. “I love you, and I’m going nowhere.”

Ryker tightened his hold, and Emmett sighed in delight. “I love you more,” Ryker said throatily. “You’re my life.”

Emmett kissed him thoroughly for that admission and he could feel Ryker’s approval poking his belly. “Let’s get a shower while Calvin is otherwise occupied.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Ryker didn’t need to be asked twice.