Baby and the Wolf by Victoria Sue

Chapter Eight

Emmett wokefor the second time that day—okay, so maybe he hadn’t been asleep—to the sound of Ryker’s cell phone ringing. The loud grunt from the other side of the bed told Emmett that Ryker was as thrilled about it as he was, and he opened both eyes wide in time for Ryker to answer the call.


Ryker’s voice went from sleepy to alert in a nanosecond. He nodded. “I want security. Wolves? Bears?” He swore and hung up. “I have to go. The scouts have seen a truck heading our way with a couple of hunters in it. Humans don’t respect the signs, and we have some elk shifters higher up.”

Elk shifters,” Emmett said in awe, although why he thought that was odd when he knew about panthers, bears, and wolves, he had no idea.

“They come here because elk hunting is illegal in North Carolina, and they are very rare. We don’t want them to go extinct like tiger shifters, but a lot of humans don’t care. They are very shy and don’t really interact much with other shifters, but Shifter Rescue tries to keep an eye on them. Hunting is illegal on this stretch. The humans don’t have cameras with them, they have .338 Winchesters.”

“That’s a gun?” Emmett asked, not having much experience with them.

Ryker pulled on his boots after his jeans. “Yes, but it’s not really the gun, per se, but that you need a big cartridge because elk hide is tough.” He pulled on a sweatshirt and grabbed his jacket and keys. “I’m going to send someone down to keep you company.” He brushed a kiss on Emmett’s lips.

“No need. I’m going to grab a shower, then go to the pack house.” He swung his legs out of bed. “Be careful.”

Ryker suddenly stopped and stared at him. Awed, he traced a finger gently around Emmett’s collarbone. “It looks so good on you,” he said huskily, then dropped his hand and was gone in an instant. Emmett rushed to the bathroom and leaned against the sink and stared into the small mirror above it. He’d always thought himself pretty unremarkable. Black, unruly hair he could never quite tame and gave up trying most of the time. Annoying pale skin that burned so easily in the sun and a nose that turned up a little at the end. He was used to looking washed-out most of the time, but this morning there was one thing that definitely hadn’t been there the night before—the huge bite mark on the skin at the top of his shoulder. He remembered a brief moment of pain and the second orgasm that had followed. Dazed, Emmett went back into the bedroom, sat, and went over everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours. The last couple of months, really. He’d forgotten a lot of what it had been like with his mom. The horror of living with Barry had replaced all that. He would have loved to meet his mom’s family, but if what Ryker had told him was true, and he had no reason to believe it wasn’t, he wasn’t safe if they knew about him.

He had the feeling the mark on his neck was significant, but he wasn’t exactly sure what it meant. He was hungry, but not in the ever-present gnawing way he had gotten used to over the past few years, but in the ooh, let’s see what delicious snacks are in Ryker’s fridge way. He needed a shower, but he was thirsty and went to the fridge to get some juice. Then he headed for the shower and took his time. It had been great meeting Kai yesterday, and Ryker had said there were some other omegas who lived here. The thought of having friends made him almost giddy, and he finished his shower, eager to start his day.

Emmett padded back into the bedroom and dragged on the only other pair of jeans he had brought, having expected to only stay one night, and wondered how he could get some more clothes or if there was a laundry here. There certainly wasn’t a washing machine in the tiny kitchen. He borrowed one of Ryker’s shirts, which was ridiculously large on him but covered the base of his neck that he wasn’t so keen to show everyone until he knew what it meant.

He was still musing on that as he left the bedroom and walked into the kitchen. He stopped dead at seeing the man casually sitting on one of the kitchen chairs and then nearly threw up when he saw the large gun balanced on his knee.

“Fuck’s sake, Emmett. How long does it take to get a shower?”

Emmett wanted to suggest Barry try it sometime and then he’d know, but his uncle’s idle touch on the barrel kept him quiet. “What do you want?”

Barry huffed and tried to paste a hurt look on his face. Emmett didn’t buy it, obviously.

“I can’t come and visit my favorite nephew? That’s hurtful, especially as I kept a roof over your head for years.”

Emmett tried to think if he could get to the door without getting shot, but he doubted it. “We both know I worked off any so-called debt.”

Barry scowled, then shrugged. “Get your jacket. We’ve got a long way to go.”

“Why should I go anywhere with you?” And if to prove he wasn’t stepping a foot out of the door, he walked to the table and sat down. If Barry had been surprised at his boldness, he didn’t show it.

“I have a proposition for you.” Emmett scoffed disbelievingly, and Barry merely shrugged. “You don’t want to get back at the person responsible for your mother’s death?”

“Is that Hannah or Josie?”

Barry shrugged seeming unsurprised.

“You mean it wasn’t you?”

“Are you serious?” Barry said, and Emmett didn’t think his surprise was faked. “I’ve been waiting all my life to get rid of my stupid bitch of a mother.” He leaned forward. “Why do you think I kept you safe, huh?”

“Safe?” Emmett said incredulously. “You treated me like a slave.” Realization slammed into him. “That’s why I was never given proper food. You knew not having protein would make me sick and keep me dependent on you.”

“It was the only way. You think I could have just let you wander about? Go to school? She’d have ripped you to shreds the same way she did your mother.”

Emmett fisted his hands under the table. He meant the Panthera.

“I’m assuming you know all about panther shifters now. How the clans are run? Always down the female side. Your mother would have taken over when she reached twenty-one if she’d have wanted to, but what did she go and do? Fall for a fucking human and ruin everything. She wouldn’t stay and fight, just fucked off. Then I found out about you, and there was another chance of getting the bitch out.”

“I hate to point out the obvious, but I’m not female.” Emmett tried not to shake.

Barry leaned over. “No, you’re something even fucking better than that. You’re a direct-descendant omega, and there hasn’t been a male omega born in over five hundred years. The clan would be yours for the taking. No one would stand against you.”

Emmett shook his head. “But I’m still half-human.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Barry snapped back. “Omega trumps everything.”

“How do you know I just don’t shift?”

Barry scoffed. “Because of what Josie was. Not all females are omegas, but panther omegas always birth other omegas. It’s in their DNA.”

“Why is it so important though?” Emmett asked. He’d never seen Barry so animated. All the time he’d known him, he was a lazy slob. He couldn’t believe he would shift into a sleek, powerful cat. In fact, he almost demanded Barry proved it, but he didn’t want to give him any ideas. He’d seen enough of Barry’s bullying over the years, and that was while he was still human without a set of sharp teeth and claws.

“Because I’m sick of her dictating my life. Did you know we get an allowance?” He scoffed. “A fucking allowance like some kid when she’s got millions.”

“And why didn’t you tell me?”

“You were a kid,” he protested. “I had to keep you safe. Josie trusted me.”

“You sure had her fooled, then.” Barry looked amazed that Emmett would dare speak to him like that, and Emmett wasn’t surprised. He’d been like a frightened rabbit when he lived with his uncle. But that stopped right now.

Barry smiled eagerly and patted the rifle. “You wanna live here, right?” Emmett didn’t reply, but he didn’t think Barry needed a confirmation. “Well, you need an advisor to handle things.”

“You, of course,” Emmett said dryly.

Barry nodded. “Win-win.”

Emmett nodded and stood up, pretending to consider things. “So let me get this straight. You need me to get rid of your mother. Then you want me to leave you running things in return for which I can stay here?”

Barry nodded, but he narrowed his eyes a little, clearly understanding Emmett didn’t seem that enthusiastic. “Panthers don’t live together. You can live where you like. She has assistants, I can be yours. You would be paid, obviously. Hell, you wouldn’t have to ask the humans for any money then. We just have to go prove to the clan who you are, then you can come back and rescue as many poor abandoned omegas as you want.” Barry didn’t quite manage to keep the derision out of his voice, but he tried.

“No,” Emmett said baldly and sat back down.

Barry laughed and picked up the gun. “You don’t have a choice.”

Emmett smiled. “I’m pretty sure I do. If you shoot me, your only chance of getting rid of the Panthera dies as well.”

Barry’s fingers tightened around the gun, but then there was a knock at the door.

“Emmett, love?” It was Chrissy.

Heart hammering, he stood up. “I’ll get rid of her.” He couldn’t risk she would be hurt.

But Barry just lurched to his feet and dashed to the back door. He was gone in another moment.

Shakily, Emmett went to let Chrissy in. He opened the door and was surprised when Chrissy roughly pushed past him.

“Who is it?” She inhaled, and a rumble came from her throat.

Emmett shook his head. “I thought you couldn’t smell panther shifters.”

Chrissy’s eyes widened. “I can’t. I can smell gunmetal and oil. Who was it?” She started pulling at her shirt to undress, and Emmett caught her hand.

“My uncle. Please, let him go.” He pressed his lips tight and deliberately wavered a little. Chrissy went immediately into protector mode, and Emmett felt terrible for fooling her, but he couldn’t live with himself if Barry got a shot off if she came after him. He told her what had happened. She nodded and got on her cell phone as they walked to the pack house.

“One of them usually stays human to man the phone if they need extra help.” Emmett heard someone answer the phone but not what they said. Chrissy listened and then said, her voice a little uptight, “Can everyone come to the pack house for an update as soon as you get back? Yeah, tell him Emmett’s fine and with me. We just had a situation, and we need to talk.”

Emmett smiled at the reassurance, but he would be the first to admit he would rather have a certain alpha wolf with his arms wrapped around him right about now. They’d just sat down with a drink when the door slammed open, and Ryker, still fully shifted, loped into the room and right up to Emmett. He stuck his nose right into Emmett’s belly, and Emmett—despite his fear of a few minutes ago—giggled and ruffled his fur.

Ryker nudged him, and Emmett, not really understanding what he wanted, stood and then waited patiently while Ryker stuck his nose in all sorts of places.

Chrissy barked out a laugh. “I’m going to get coffee for everyone while he makes sure you’re in one piece.”

As soon as she had gone, Ryker shifted and yanked Emmett close to him.

“What happened? Are you okay?”

Emmett nodded against Ryker’s chest and breathed out a sigh of relief. “How did you know?” Had he heard what Chrissy had said on the phone?

“Because any situation involving you is important to me.” Which wasn’t exactly an answer, but he wasn’t sure he cared about specifics. They stayed that way for a long moment until the sound of voices made Emmett remember Ryker was naked. He shouldn’t have worried though, even though he really wished they were on their own, but Ryker caught the pants Chrissy tossed at him as she came back in, followed by two other men Chrissy introduced as Fox and Red. Red wasn’t short for anything; he was named after his bushy red beard. He shaved his head completely, but Emmett guessed he would have red hair there as well.

“Tell me,” Ryker demanded as he pulled on his jeans but then sat on a chair and lifted Emmett so that he was sitting on his knee. Emmett sighed, truly relaxing for the first time since he walked into the kitchen and saw Barry.

“My uncle Barry. That’s what happened.”

“I caught the smell of gun oil as I got to the door,” Chrissy said bluntly.

Ryker wrapped his arms around Emmett, and Emmett told everyone exactly what had gone down and who Barry was.

“And I’m betting the hunters were there to draw us away from the cabin,” Fox said glumly. “We need more gammas. I don’t like the idea of panthers sniffing around.”

Ryker sighed, and Emmett wondered what the problem was. They had space. Was it because there were fewer shifters?

“Why not ask Marco what’s going on?” Red asked.

“Marco?” Emmett repeated. He knew he was the forest ranger service medic.

“He’s a panther shifter,” Ryker supplied. “But I’m not even sure if he is in the same clan.”

“It wouldn’t hurt to ask,” Chrissy confirmed. They went through some more scenarios for security. Emmett got the impression they all wanted to say something but didn’t.

Emmett and Ryker walked back to the cabin after the meeting. Ryker was quiet, and Emmett knew it wasn’t just the problem with the panther clan.

“What is it?” Emmett said when they got inside.

Ryker glanced over at him. “I’m wondering if we need to move into the pack house for security.” Which hadn’t been what Emmett was expecting.

“There’s more,” Emmett pushed. “It felt like everyone was walking on eggshells a little. It seemed about more than Barry.”

Ryker sat on the couch and pulled Emmett close. He captured his lips in a long, steamy kiss until Emmett just about forgot the question. He would be lucky to remember even his name by the time Ryker had finished ravaging his mouth. Ryker pulled away a little but then pressed his forehead to Emmett’s.

“It isn’t just the security issue,” he admitted. “Chrissy, Red, and Fox have been pushing me into making this a proper pack.”

“It isn’t?” Emmett asked in bewilderment.

“Not at all. If we were an official pack, we would have to register it with the shifter council. We would need on-site medical facilities. Some sort of school even. At the moment, the omegas with children who stay here for any length of time are homeschooling, and Marco calls in once a week, but we have no emergency medical equipment other than what he brings. To be honest, we haven’t needed it for the shifters because they heal when they shift, but the non-shifters and the kids too young to shift have caused a few hair-raising moments.”

Emmett watched Ryker as he listened to him. He seemed uncomfortable. He didn’t think it was the responsibility it would involve because Ryker never seemed anything but competent and in charge. He couldn’t work out what the problem was though. Why was Ryker fighting this? “I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want it though. You’re getting the extra space.”

Ryker groaned and closed his eyes. “Because I’m a coward.”

Emmett laughed. Not to ridicule him, but the thought of Ryker not being first into any dangerous situation was unbelievable.

“You wanna try that again, big guy?”

Ryker’s lips twitched. “If we are an official pack, there has to be an alpha.”

“I’m still not seeing—”

“Because I’m not one.” Ryker moved away and stood up. “I’m a mixed breed. It’s unheard of for a half-human to be alpha to a pack of wolf shifters. It just doesn’t happen.”

The retort “says who” was on Emmett’s lips, but before he got a chance to speak, Ryker’s lips were very firmly on his, and Emmett relaxed against him.

After another moment, Ryker pulled off and rested their foreheads together. “I’m doing this all wrong, and I’m not being fair to you at all.” Emmett’s heart started thumping, its heavy beat banging against his ribs. He’d changed his mind. Decided Emmett was too much trouble. For his sanity, Emmett pushed against Ryker, but Ryker didn’t let go.

“Where are you going?”

Emmett huffed. “I’m not weak. Just because I’m an omega doesn’t mean I can’t handle it.” But it would rip his heart out. He knew it would. And what about the baby?

“You’re one of the strongest people I know.” Ryker had a frown on his face like Emmett was being irrational.

“So, tell me then. I can go live with my dad. I would let you see the baby. I—”

“What the hell?” Ryker interrupted and looked at Emmett like he’d lost his mind. “You’re leaving me?”

Emmett opened his mouth, then closed it again. “Aren’t you going to tell me to?”

Ryker looked bewildered, and then he simply picked Emmett up and settled him on his lap. “I don’t know where this conversation went, but—” He heaved a sigh. “If you left me, it would kill me.”

Emmett had a moment to revel in that but then said, “But you said you were doing it wrong and you weren’t being fair.”

“And what in that sentence led you to me asking you to go?”

Emmett had another confused moment. “You didn’t?”

Ryker grinned. It was quite an evil, self-satisfied grin, had Emmett had the chance to really think about it. “I marked you as my mate. I guess I’m hung up on human timetables and feelings since I’m half-human.” His grin widened. “But then so are you.”

“And?” Emmett asked pointedly, failing at keeping the desperation from his voice.

“Mating is for life. Shifters don’t get divorced. What I meant was, maybe should have had a ceremony with them all wanting to me to be alpha. That I’d done it the wrong way, not that I’d done it wrong in the first place. And I’m sorry I neither asked you nor made it clear what the bite meant, but in that moment at least I was very much the alpha claiming his mate.” Ryker swallowed. “And I don’t regret a second of it.”

Neither do I.Emmett’s heart still thudded. But his time it wasn’t because he was afraid. “What does this ceremony involve? I mean, if just two people attend.”

Ryker didn’t answer with words. He used his lips, his hands, and his body. Very slowly and very tenderly, all Emmett’s clothes came off. At some point, Emmett knew they went to the bedroom because he stretched out on the bed. Ryker was breathtaking. His fingers strummed and played Emmett’s body like a maestro, trailing the length of his body, teasing his swelling cock with deliberate strokes and kissing his length. His lips were utter magic. The way they sucked, beckoned, and teased him to a degree of hardness he didn’t think possible without exploding. He was mindless. Stroked, gentled, demanded to a completion he was at the same time oblivious to and desperately craved. He wanted Ryker’s cock. Demanded in soft pleas and bucking motions until he thought he would go mad.

And the hard thrust of Ryker’s cock into his hole wasn’t enough, would never be enough, and he didn’t know why. Delirious with sensation and crazed with lust, he felt Ryker move inside him until he swelled and he lowered his head to Emmett’s. A combination of deep satisfaction and the inability to move. “I should have known the first time.”

“What?” Emmett gasped out on the brink of something he couldn’t name, wasn’t sure he cared to name.

“I knotted you the first time. It will be like this between us whether the first or every time after that. My body has found its home in you. I’m here to stay, and I would kill anyone who thinks otherwise.”

But Emmett’s mind was swimming in lazy circles. He felt the need, even if he didn’t grasp the words, and a deep satisfaction and completion he had only felt once before when Ryker had held him took him in. He didn’t care about anything but the man who held him in his arms.

And making sure he never let him go.