Baby and the Wolf by Victoria Sue

Chapter Seven

Ryker’s wolfcaught the strange scent as they got close to the boundary, but he wasn’t immediately surprised because he was close to the edges of the tourist areas and he usually had to avoid hikers and campers. He wasn’t especially keen on scaring some hunter into shooting him either. Even though hunting was banned near the parkway, they still got the occasional idiot, especially out of season in the more remote areas. His wolf paused, trying to identify the scent as a shifter or not. For a second, it almost reminded him of his old pack, but as the wind changed, he lost it entirely and decided that was ridiculous. His old pack was thousands of miles away.

He padded onto a rocky outcrop and lay down, going through everything he had done wrong and wondering how the hell he was going to fix it. He understood Emmett’s anger; he just wasn’t sure what to do about it. To be honest, he’d never expected to have a mate. That in itself was amazing, but a pup as well. Ryker’s wolf panted, but inside he was smiling. He looked over toward the pack house. He couldn’t see it this far away, and the whole point was keeping it as hidden as possible, but he knew what direction it was in. Knew what was there waiting for him. He got up and nimbly jumped off the rock and headed through the trees. It would be dark soon, but that hardly bothered Ryker. If he had a chance of fixing this, it wasn’t going to happen if he wasn’t there.

Ryker headed for his cabin. He wanted to get showered before he hunted Emmett down, and he let himself in. He knew someone had been in as soon as he saw his torn clothing folded neatly on a chair. Going very still, he heard the sound of soft, even breathing and crept toward his bedroom. The sight of Emmett tucked up in his bed, under the blanket his mom had made, did funny things to his insides. He pulled the door closed so he wouldn’t disturb Emmett and hit the shower. Was it significant that Emmett had come back to the cabin to sleep? There were plenty of spare beds in the pack house, but maybe Emmett wanted to talk to him as well.

Ryker paused in toweling himself dry. Emmett could easily have come back to ask him to drive him back to Zeke’s and fallen asleep. Ryker had been gone at least three hours. His heart rate picked up and his fingers fumbled tying the towel around his waist. Finally dry and knowing he couldn’t put it off any longer, he opened the bathroom door and padded silently to the bedroom. Emmett was still asleep, but he’d turned over. Ryker stared at the blanket. He only had it now because Zeke had pulled it off the back of the couch and used it to staunch the blood pouring from his bullet wounds. Zeke had wrapped him up in it and taken him with him. Kept him alive until he could shift. It had taken a lot of washing to get the blood out, but he’d saved it because it was the only thing he had of his mom’s.

Ryker quietly pulled out some clean jeans and slipped them on. He glanced back to the bed, only to see Emmett awake and watching him silently. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

Emmett shrugged. “You didn’t.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Shocked, confused. Undecided.”

About me? Ryker heard the question in his head so loudly he thought he’d said it out loud. He walked slowly to the bed and sat down, watching Emmett carefully. If Emmett moved away, he would back off. Emmett watched him but didn’t move. He didn’t speak either.

“I want to help you all I can,” Ryker said at last.

A tiny tilt to Emmett’s lips gave him hope. It was almost a smile.

“I know I have to look at this through a shifter’s eyes. Change my human perceptions.”

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Ryker said firmly.

“What do you want?”

What did he want? Where to start? He wanted him here, in his arms, but he doubted he would get that. Would Emmett consent to mate him officially? He’d taken his knot unknowingly, but would he take his bite? “I want to be able to still see you. I don’t expect you to want to either stay here or in the pack house. We have to tell your dad when you’re ready, but it would be safe for you at his penthouse. I can provide shifter security. You just would have to stay out of sight once you start showing.”

“It doesn’t seem real,” Emmett whispered.

Ryker stood, unable to sit and hear Emmett tell him he wanted to leave. “I ought to apologize. I should have known. I’m old enough to recognize an omega heat, but I’m obviously not wise enough to recognize an alpha one.”

“An alpha one?”

Ryker nodded, completely miserable now. “You’re beautiful. Everything about you called to me when I touched you in the parking lot the day you stepped out in front of my truck. I’d even noticed you in the bar. My wolf was trying to tell me even then, but I ignored him because I…”

“Because you thought I was human?” Emmett finished gently.

Ryker nodded.

“Come and sit down. You’ll make my neck ache staring at you up there, and I’m lazy enough not to want to move.”

Ryker gazed at him, not a hundred percent certain he’d heard correctly, but when Emmett patted the bed, he sat immediately. Emmett even inched a little closer. Ryker’s gaze dropped to his hand. Lovely slim fingers that would fit so perfectly entwined in his.

“Once I kissed you, it was like there was no turning back,” he admitted.

Emmett smiled. “You were careful though. You would have stopped if I had asked.”

“It would have been enough if I’d have gotten to hold you, but the decision is yours. All I ask is if I can see you. I will respect whatever you decide.” It would kill him, but Emmett was the important person here, not him. Not even his wolf.

“I like it here,” Emmett said. “I’d like to stay a little longer and explore. Meet some of the other shifters. I suppose I want to know about my culture.”

Ryker nodded eagerly, hope catching light in his gut.

“I want to get to know you.” Emmett reached out his hand, and Ryker took it, cradling it carefully. “You make me feel safe, and I haven’t felt that in a long time, but I need more than a bodyguard. I understand your protective instincts will be riding you hard, and I think—hope—that because I’m safer here, you can dial it down a little while we get to know each other.”

Ryker could do that. He could guard his mate so stealthily Emmett wouldn’t even know he was there. “It’s my mating instinct, but whatever you need.”

Emmett narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “That seems too easy.”

“I feel like I’m getting a second chance,” Ryker admitted. “I’m not likely to do anything to blow it.”

“Well, we’ve got what, seven months to get to know each other?”

“Actually, a little under three now.”

It took Emmett a minute. “Wolves are only pregnant for five months?” he choked out. “But humans are pregnant for nine months.”

Ryker nodded. “She-wolves are generally around seven, but as I understand with omegas, it’s the lack of room inside. Bears are more as well, but their omegas can shift.”

Emmett was silent for a moment. “I never thought to ask that. To be honest, I didn’t ask for any details, and I guess I should.”

“Dinah can help you. She’s the pack mother, and we have a medic as well, but he works for the ranger service, so he’s not always here.”

“Marco. Chrissy told me.” Emmett yawned, then snuggled down again.

“Are you hungry?”

He shook his head.

“Then why don’t you get some more sleep? I know it’s early, but you have a bit of catching up to do, I’m guessing.”

“Where are you sleeping?”

Ryker studied Emmett, trying to work out what he wanted to hear. “I was going to use the couch. It’s big enough, and I’ve slept on there a few times. I won’t disturb you, but I’d like to stay close in case you need anything.”

Emmett didn’t reply right away, but then he nodded agreement. “I’m going to go to the bathroom, then I think I’ll take your advice.”

Ryker grabbed a couple of bottles of water from the fridge and left them on the nightstand while he was in the bathroom. Then he went to make himself some dinner and a few snacks for the fridge in case Emmett was hungry later.

Emmett feltokay when he woke. He felt safe sleeping in Ryker’s bed, pretty much like he’d felt whenever he was with him. The cabin seemed silent, so Emmett got up and went to the bathroom to pee and brush his teeth. He wanted a shower before he got dressed, so he pulled on a robe that must have belonged to Ryker. It was really big, but he loved the thought of being wrapped up in something Ryker wore. Emmett smiled at the thought of Ryker taking care of him. It seemed like Ryker did it without thinking. Instinct? Mating instinct? What exactly did that mean? Emmett wrapped the robe tightly, having to roll up the sleeves, much to his disgust, and found some thick socks that had been left out with the robe and guessed they were for him.

He walked into the living room and saw it was empty, then glanced over to the windows and the deck. He helped himself to some orange juice and carried the glass to the door, something in him urging him to step outside. He wasn’t one bit surprised to see the large black wolf lying on the deck, head on its paws, and recognized Ryker right away. The wolf—Ryker—lifted his head and eyed him warily.

“It doesn’t bother me,” Emmett said, knowing it didn’t. “This is your home, and your wolf is as much a part of you as the man is.” He sipped his juice, hoping he’d said the right thing, and after a few seconds, Ryker laid his head back on his paws.

Emmett’s belly rumbled, and he put his hand to it in embarrassment. Ryker lifted his head and made a sound like a sneeze. Emmett thought it was probably the equivalent of a laugh. Ryker slowly got to all four paws and watched Emmett calmly. Emmett returned his gaze.

“Your eyes are the same. A little more golden in this light, but I know it’s you.” He put out a hand, worried he might be treating Ryker like a dog, but Ryker took that as encouragement and came closer. He nudged Emmett’s fingers, and Emmett’s heart might have melted a little. Ryker pushed under his hand, and Emmett took the hint, stroking the thick fur down Ryker’s head.

“Do you like that?” Ryker pushed under his fingers and came much closer, his body rubbing against Emmett’s legs, so Emmett got even braver and scratched behind his ear, chuckling as Ryker twisted his head in encouragement for Emmett to reach some obviously itchy spots. “You’d better not have fleas,” Emmett said without thinking, but the disgusted look Ryker sent back had him giggling.

Then he subsided. It had been a long time since he had laughed. “I’m hungry. Do you want breakfast?”

Ryker changed back so suddenly Emmett grinned.

“I guess that’s a yes.”

Ryker put out a hand, and together they went back into the cabin. Emmett tried to ignore the fact that Ryker was naked. And gorgeous. Had he mentioned how droolworthy Ryker was? Emmett snorted. It sounded like he was doing a mental diary. Dear Diary, I met a gorgeous hunk of man today. Did I mention he changes into a wolf?

“What are you hungry for,” Ryker said in a low, gruff tone that went right to Emmett’s knees. He wobbled, and Ryker immediately caught him.

“I think I need to lie down first,” Emmett said breathlessly. Ryker’s face flooded with concern until Emmett gazed at him with big eyes, and he smiled, catching on. He bent his head and nuzzled Emmett’s neck.

“I think that’s an excellent idea.” Then Ryker swung Emmett up into his arms.

“I can walk,” Emmett protested, half to himself, but having all of Ryker’s attention was bone-deep satisfying. Maybe he was more shifter than he realized.

“But why do you have to when I can carry you?” Ryker murmured back and walked into the bedroom, lowering Emmett to the floor and helping him take off the robe. He pushed Emmett back to sit on the bed and took off the socks. Emmett scooted back and stared hungrily at all the glorious muscles on display. And his cock. Emmett licked his lips, and Ryker groaned.

“You can’t do that.”

Emmett looked up until he had his own moment of comprehension, and slowly he licked them again. For a six-foot man of muscle, Ryker had an adorable whimper. It was also incredibly satisfying that he was having that effect on him. This mating instinct was incredible for his ego, and he felt powerful like he never had before.

Ryker moved closer to the bed, but Emmett stopped him just before he sat down. Standing there, Ryker was the perfect height for what he wanted. Emmett shuffled to the edge of the bed, his hands reaching up and skimming Ryker’s hips until he clasped his ass and brought him a little closer. Ryker made another sound suspiciously like another whimper, but all Emmett’s focus was on the beautiful leaking cock in front of him. He remembered how wide it was, how it had pulsed inside him, and he quashed the fluttering in his belly and the way his ass clenched in delicious memory. This time he knew exactly what he wanted though, and before Ryker got any ridiculous ideas about stopping him, he bent and fastened his lips around his length.

Ryker jerked. “Sorry,” he gritted out as Emmett pulled back, a little panicked he would go too far, but Emmett hummed around the amazing taste and let the feeling of control settle in him. He adored that Ryker had reacted like that to his touch, but he clasped a hand around the base just in case.

Ryker groaned, louder this time, and ran his fingers through Emmett’s curls. “Fuck, you’re amazing,” he said almost reverently. Emmett felt his own cock lengthen some more and warning tingles in his groin he tried to tamp down. Emmett hollowed his cheeks as much as he could and drew back, swirling his tongue around Ryker’s tip, then sucking hard and going down to his fingers. Ryker gasped and tightened his fingers in Emmett’s hair, and Emmett moaned approvingly. Ryker had been a little less careful that time, and he liked the thought of his big, controlled alpha becoming a little more unglued.

He liked it a lot.

Emmett kept one hand on Ryker’s cock as he sucked and laved. He teased with a gentle scrape of his teeth and was rewarded with a shudder and more precum on his tongue. He brought his other hand to Ryker’s balls and gently rolled them in his hand, loving how the skin puckered with his ministrations. His own cock throbbed, but Emmett couldn’t do anything about that. He was lost. Lost in how Ryker’s body smelled of sex, of man, the heady taste, and the way Ryker responded to every touch. He felt Ryker swell under him, and he muttered a warning, but Emmett had no intention of stopping. A burst of cum hit the back of his tongue, and he swallowed frantically, moaning around the taste and helpless not to let some dribble out as more and more flooded his mouth. Ryker’s fingers tightened again, and the zing of pain went straight to his cock and set off Emmett’s own orgasm.

Ryker thrust into his mouth and yelled his completion. Emmett felt Ryker bend over him, and he slowed. He swallowed once more, but cum was all over his face and chin, and he let go, raising his hand to wipe himself, only for Ryker’s hand to clasp his wrist. “You’re fucking beautiful,” he whispered and bent, kissing and licking Emmett’s lips and throat and cleaning all the cum off his skin. The thought that Ryker was tasting his own release nearly set Emmett off again, but Ryker hadn’t finished. He eased Emmett back down on the bed and proceeded to lick and kiss Emmett’s cock until he groaned because he was hard again.

“Ryker,” he protested half-heartedly. Ryker didn’t answer, just lifted Emmett’s ass in his big hands. Emmett blinked. “You’re still hard,” he whispered.

“That’s because my body knows we aren’t done.” Ryker lined himself up.

“Don’t we need lube?” Emmett asked, desperately trying to hang on to some thread of sanity. Ryker shook his head and skimmed Emmett’s hole with his finger. He raised it to show Emmett, and it glistened before Ryker pushed it between his lips and moaned at the taste. Emmett’s cock jerked at the sight.

“Our bodies recognize their mate. Even though you are carrying my pup, we will still react like this to each other.” And Ryker kept his gaze on Emmett as he pushed inside. Emmett couldn’t look for long as the most glorious heat and fullness seemed to fill his body. Ryker stilled when he seemed to be as far as he could go, and Emmett whined, the pressure building up incessantly.

“Please,” he begged.

“Please what, my mate,” Ryker asked softly.

“Move,” Emmett nearly shrieked, but his words were silenced as Ryker’s mouth slammed into his. A second later, bone-deep pleasure hit all Emmett’s nerve endings at the same time, and his body lit with heat in sheer ecstasy. Ryker lifted his head, and a definitely animalistic cry came from his human throat, almost as if he was staking his claim. Then he lowered his head, nuzzled Emmett’s neck, and bit him.

Emmett reacted like he’d been stung, but his body turned the sharp pain into intense pleasure, and another orgasm barreled through him. He wasn’t a hundred percent certain if it was possible to pass out with pleasure, but for once he didn’t try and stop his body as it seemed to drift away.