Sold for the Night by Ki Brightly



Anger stirred inside me.When Madam Winters had told me he’d fight, I hadn’t realized it was because he genuinely didn’t want to be here. I’d heard about those auctions before, and the people sold paid for the privilege to be used, but apparently Mark hadn’t. Which meant I’d….

I shook my head. I wasn’t going to worry about it, not right now. The thought of approaching Madam Winters set my teeth on edge, and I wouldn’t say anything nice when I saw her again. Mom had always said that the madam cared for her people and never forced them to do anything they didn’t want to do, which was why this whole situation didn’t make sense.

Mark didn’t make sense.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and stared at the thin line of his mouth as he gazed intently out the window of my truck. He’d made a point of not even looking at me, and guilt knotted with my anger. I wanted to get him far away from the Courtesan so we could talk, hopefully without the fear and fury he’d shown me since the beginning. I’d stupidly thought it was all part of the act because I’d had prey like him before, people who enjoyed the chase.

Bitterness settled on my tongue, and I scrunched up my nose as we passed some not so great neighborhoods on the way to my two-story house. I lived east of the city in a newly developed suburb filled with family homes that were cloned designs. Most people I worked with had no idea our little spot existed, and they were horrified when I told them I lived on the east side. New Gothenburg was bad that way, in that everyone had their ideas about people based on where they lived. The area was quaint and quiet, and it’d been a good place to raise my kids with my ex-wife, Olivia. She lived around the corner from me now, close enough that our girls could see me whenever they wanted.

I drove into my narrow driveway and hit the button on my keys. The garage door slid up, and I parked in the two-car bay. Mark stayed very still, even after I turned the truck off, and for a moment I didn’t know what to say to him. The garage door closed, and he still didn’t move a muscle.

“Would you like to come inside?” I asked after the silence stretched out too long.

He finally looked at me, eyes burning with a fire that had my body buzzing, much to my shame. I’d always had a hard-on for men who fought against me, gave me a run for my money, and Mark would do exactly those things—I could tell.

I wanted him.

“Do I have a choice?” he snapped, face flushing in anger.

“Yes, but I’d really like you to come in so we can talk.” It took all my effort not to drag him inside by his arm and throw him over my lap and spank him. He wasn’t my sub, and even though I’d bought him for the night, he clearly had no desire to be part of this. I didn’t force men into participating in things they had no desire to do, and even though Mark had obviously been aroused by what had happened tonight, that wasn’t consent. I’d just assumed…. Assumption—that had been my issue. I’d trusted the madam that this man was a consenting adult.

He nodded and opened the door, and I got out at the same time. I guided him through the attached door that led into the house and flipped on the light switch. The garage went straight past the pantry and into the kitchen, a design I’d never really liked but Liv had loved. She’d always said it was easier to get groceries in that way.

I stopped by the kitchen counter to toss my keys onto it before I walked past the dining area and into the family room. Liv left a lot of the furniture, opting to buy different stuff for her new home, which meant I was left with a large L-shaped beige couch I’d never really liked to begin with but was comfy all the same. Some weeks, especially during summer, I wasn’t home enough to care. I worked long hours as a construction foreman.

I fell onto the soft cushions and sighed, patting the spot beside me. “Come sit down.”

Mark hesitated, gaze flicking to the short hallway that led to the front door. He huffed and walked around to the couch, dropping into a spot two spaces away from me, as though he was afraid to get close. “I’m here. So talk.”

“I want to know the truth. From the beginning.” I lowered my voice, adding an order to my tone, like I did for any fiery sub who wanted to be told what to do. “How did you end up at the Courtesan?”

He heaved a sigh and glanced toward the fireplace. I had pictures of me, Liv, and the girls on the mantelpiece, and I didn’t miss the way his mouth curled into a poisonous scowl. “Do you make a habit of cheating on your wife?”

I pressed my lips together to hold back the laughter that threatened to pour from me. He definitely needed a spanking for the attitude. “That’s Olivia, but she’s my ex-wife now.” Standing, I grabbed one of my favorite photos from when we went to Disney World in Florida last year. I passed the frame to him as I sat back down right beside him. Pointing at my oldest girl, I said, “That’s Adelaide. We call her Addy, and she’s got a smart mouth. Likes to argue, and she’s only seven.”

Mark’s lips quirked in a half smile.

I tapped on my youngest’s vibrant face next. “And that’s Eloise. My Ellie. She’s five and stubborn as a bull. Liv tried to make Addy wear dresses when she was four, and she resisted. Eloise refused in solidarity for a few months. Addy has only worn boys’ clothes since then. She’s a particular fan of Marvel.” We never wanted our girls to be unhappy, so the moment we’d realized Addy didn’t want to wear feminine clothing, we hadn’t made her. Liv took her shopping with her instead, so Addy could choose her own look. She liked everything I expected a son would—baseball, superheroes, toy cars, trains—and I didn’t want her any other way. She was my little star.

He ran his thumb around the gold frame, dark red eyebrows dipped thoughtfully. “You have a beautiful family.”

“I do. I love them very much.” I took the photo from him again and placed it on my other side on the couch before I turned back to him. I tucked my leg under me and rested my elbow on the back of the couch, staring intently at him. “So, are you going to answer my question or avoid it again? Why were you at the Courtesan?”

He shrugged, and the predatory part of me wanted to grab his arm and lay him across my lap, but I shoved down the urge. “Long story short? I was there for a friend’s party Thursday night. I made a comment about… professionals. Ms. Winters took it personally. She said that she wanted me to know what it’s really like, so she put me in this damned auction.”

“Against your will?” I asked carefully.

“What do you think I’ve been saying?” he asked sharply, glaring at me.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry. Madam Winters doesn’t seem like the person to do that kind of thing, or I wouldn’t have… done what I did.”

Mark cleared his throat and glared for a moment before he sighed. “I might not have thought it was too bad.” His eyes narrowed on me and he pointed a finger. “But that doesn’t mean I forgive you.” He lowered his hand again. “You’re also really hot. Not the type of guy I’d usually spend a night with, though. I… am used to geeky guys like me. Not….” He made a wild gesture my way. “Guys like you. What do you do, anyway?”

“I’m a foreman for Ledecky and Dressel Construction. It’s part of the Devine Conglomerate. You’ve probably noticed the signs for them. I’m working on those new bank offices in the city. You might have seen the building going up.”

He snorted. “I haven’t just seen it, I worked with the people in city hall to approve it. The building design was unique, and we wanted to make the city more contemporary.”

I cocked my head with a smile. “You work at city hall?”

He flushed as bright as his hair and shrugged. “I do. I’m the personal assistant to the mayor.”

“The one who got shitcanned?” I asked without thinking. I wasn’t into politics, but it was hard to miss the hype about Ross Midberry being arrested and jailed for fucking a whore. The controversy had made national news, and the new mayor, Vane Elwood, had multiple interviews trying to douse the flames with sweet words and promises of continued support for the New Gothenburg people. As far as I was concerned, though, I didn’t see the issue. Prostitutes were doing their job, like everyone else.

Mark’s face soured and he glared so hard I expected my shirt to catch on fire. “Ross did nothing wrong,” he hissed, before frowning and sighing. “No, that’s a lie. He had sex in the city hall stairwell, and that wasn’t a good idea, but they shouldn’t have thrown him in prison. It’s stupid. The cops and DA had it out for him. They wanted to make an example of him because he didn’t tolerate their abusive behavior.”

I held up my palms to him. “I just asked. Not any of my business what happened.”

He slumped forward. “Then yes, he was fired.”

I smiled at the nasty look he gave me, like he wasn’t too happy with me, but he hadn’t walked out yet, so that was a positive. “Back to when you called me hot.”

His cheeks bloomed a deep red and he ducked his head, running his hand over his hair. Now that I was closer, it looked like it’d been straightened. A few stray, rebel curls coiled at the sides of his head, and I didn’t miss the way he patted them down, trying to make them sit against the rest of the red strands. “You are. Hot, I mean.” He sent me a narrowed look. “Why did you buy me anyway? There were better guys there. I saw one I swear had an eight pack. You could have washed your clothes on those abs.”

I raised my brows. “Why would I want a guy like that? I prefer softer men, the kind I can cuddle. Smaller than me.” I took a chance and reached forward to cup his cheek, and he let me, not fighting against my touch. My palm was so big it nearly enveloped the entire left side of his face, and the heat radiated off his skin to my hand.

He closed his eyes and swallowed, the lump in his throat bobbing. When he looked at me again, his pupils had dilated and widened, and there was something hungry in the way he stared. But he was a rabbit, scared and small, and I didn’t want to chase him off. I needed to move slowly, gently prod him into a sense of security before I attacked and made him mine.

“You’re so beautiful. Soon as I saw you in that brochure, I knew I wanted you. Those other men had nothing on you,” I whispered, smiling without showing my teeth like I might have usually done. “I won’t hurt you.”


“Thank you,” he mumbled awkwardly, wincing in embarrassment. “Um. Thanks. I mean, that’s nice of you.”

I laughed. He was perfect and didn’t even know it. “You’re welcome.”

Mark cleared his throat and nodded. “So now you know how I ended up at the Courtesan.”

“I do. I guess it’s my turn, right?” I leaned in closer, and if he noticed, he didn’t say anything. He was so tightly strung I was surprised he hadn’t snapped. “I know Madam Winters.”

“Oh.” He pursed his lips, jaw tightening.

“She means well. Most of the time.” Though I wasn’t sure if I really believed that anymore. After tonight, I felt like a real asshole. I’d chased Mark down, and while I’d never apologize for my kink, I didn’t drag in people who had no interest in it. Tickling my fingers down his neck, I smiled when he shivered. “I’m glad I met you, though, Mark.”

His blush extended down his clean-shaven throat and into his tank top. “Yeah, it was nice meeting you, too. I still don’t agree with what she did.”

“Me either.” I glided down farther, testing his limits, and when I had my palm cupping his hip and he didn’t pull away from my touch, I took a chance. I leaned forward to kiss him, and he allowed me, even going so far as to kiss back, his eyes slipping closed. He was a timid man behind that fiery exterior, shy and nervous, and it was the most adorable thing I’d ever seen. I wanted to eat him up.

“Would you like to have sex with me tonight, Mark?” I asked unashamedly. “I’ve been thinking about fucking you since I saw your photo. Imagining how tight you will be as I shove my dick into your little asshole.”

His wet mouth parted, and I couldn’t look away from his tongue, which peeked out from between his teeth. After a long moment that really couldn’t have been more than ten seconds, he nodded and raised his chin, as though searching for some semblance of confidence inside himself. “I will allow it, but it’s not because you bought me. It’s because I want to have sex with you. It’s my choice.”

“I can respect that. Prefer it, actually. I don’t have sex with men who have no interest in me.” I gripped his hip and dragged him closer until he was practically sitting on my lap, his legs hooked over mine. The flush had spread across his face, all the way up to the tips of his nicely rounded ears, and downward to his chest. There was still a fire in his eyes, daring me to show him a good time, which is exactly what I was going to do.

I lifted him with ease, standing from the couch, and smiled when he gasped, holding onto me as though he was afraid I’d drop him. It took little effort to carry him up the U-shaped stairs and down the small hallway on the second floor to my bedroom, but I held him close to me until I could throw him on the bed. He bounced on the California king and glanced around.

There was nothing special about the room to the untrained eye—it was an ordinary masculine area, designed with blacks and reds. Two wide, arched windows with deep red curtains broke up the left-hand wall. The bed was in the middle and had thick dark wooden posts and a headboard, and there was a tall closet to the left of it. Beside the closet was another door, which looked like it led to a bathroom, but I had my own special room my little girls were never meant to see, so I kept it locked at all times.

Mark wasn’t going to see my den—at least not yet. If he came back and wanted more, then I’d show him around. I’d go easy on him tonight.

He stared up at me with wide eyes, the hazel irises glinting with desire, which had my dick nudging awake, even though I’d come not even an hour ago. I liked to think I still had it in my forties. I looked at him and made a production of licking my bottom lip slowly, gaze dipping down to his clingy shorts where it wasn’t hard to miss the weapon he was carrying. He had to be only half hard, but for a smaller guy than me, I was impressed.

“How about we get naked?” I murmured, tugging at the annoying tie around my throat. I hated being collared like this, but now that I had my prey, I could release the chains that held me, which in this case was this suit. After sliding the tie over my head, I slipped off the jacket and threw it across the room.

Mark watched, his eyes eating me up hungrily as I took my time unbuttoning my dress shirt. With every button that popped, his gaze grew more desperate, and I fucking loved seeing his descent into passion. When the shirt came off, I didn’t miss the quiet whimper that escaped from between those pretty lips.

He frowned like he couldn’t believe that sound actually came from him. I would have laughed if I wasn’t so turned on. My dick throbbed where it was trapped in my underwear and pants, and all I wanted to do was get naked and fuck him into oblivion. I wanted to see that blush over his entire body.

I stepped toward him and pressed my knee into the bed, leaning closer to stick my tongue out and lick across his cheek. He stilled, inhaling sharply. Perfect little rabbit. “I’m going to eat you up,” I growled low in my throat.

He laughed nervously and glanced at me, but I seized his lips with mine, devouring him. He moaned into my mouth and grabbed my shoulders, fingernails biting into my skin. When I was done with him, I pulled back and smirked.

“Are you going to run, little rabbit?”

He shook his head, and that look returned in his eyes, challenging me to win him. “You don’t scare me.”

It was funny how easily he slipped into primal mode without even realizing it. He probably had no idea the effect his words had on me, but my dick’s throbbing nearly became unbearable with four little words. Mark was going to ruin me, and we hadn’t even started.

I grabbed his tank top, thin and barely there, and yanked at the fabric. The sound of ripping material filled the room, and he gasped as his shredded clothing fell on the bed around his waist. “I hope you didn’t like that.”

He snorted out a laugh. “No, it belonged to the Courtesan. I hated it.”

I smirked and tapped his thigh and the shorts he had on. “And these?”

His gaze trailed down to my finger and turned hot. “Take them off.”

I didn’t need to be told twice. I hooked my fingers into the waistband. The shorts weren’t delicate enough to rip like his shirt, but I dragged them off with little finesse. They were a barrier between me and what I really wanted, and they needed to go. I threw his clothes somewhere near mine and sat back on my knees, taking in his soft belly, strong thighs, and thick dick, which curved upward. My fingertips tingled with the desire to stroke through the trimmed thatch of red curls around his shaft. His chest was smooth except for a few red tufts of hair, unlike mine, which was much furrier, and he was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. Not perfect, but I hated perfect anyway. I wanted a real man, not some fantasy.

“I don’t know where to start,” I growled out, my stare gliding all over his body. “I want to taste every bit of your skin. Lick and suck until you’re full of my marks.”

He visibly shivered and nodded at me. “You can get naked. I want to see you.”

I grinned and reached down to my belt. I unbuckled the leather and drew it out of my belt loops, and he snorted as I attempted to be sexy about it. In the end I just threw it off the bed, and he grinned. My shoes hit the floor next. Unbuttoning the suit pants, I shifted off the mattress to slip them and my briefs off my legs, leaving me naked for his eyes to feast on. He stared and his attention felt like fire on my skin. My dick jerked under the scrutiny. “Do I live up to your expectations?”

“Fuck yes.” His cheeks flamed again, and he shuffled forward, stopping at the edge of the bed to sit there with his feet touching the floor. He reached out, fingers surrounding the base of my solid dick. I groaned at his timid touch, as though he was afraid of doing the wrong thing.

“Lick it for me, little rabbit.”

He glanced up at me, his eyebrows dancing high, and then moved forward, wrapping his lips around the mushroom head. Sucking gently, he took his time tasting me, and it was all I could do not to slam my cock into the back of his throat.

Slowly, I reminded myself. I didn’t want him running away. Holding his head in my hands, I rocked forward, guiding more of my dick into his mouth. He moaned around my wood, closing his eyes and letting me take control like good little prey. I started with shallow thrusts before I upped my pace. He groaned, the vibration sending waves of pleasure through me. Even after the blow job earlier, I wasn’t going to last long, I knew it, and this time I wanted to be inside him.

Pulling out, I winked at him. “Lie on the bed, little rabbit. I’m going to get supplies.”

I’d tested recently, and while I was sure the Courtesan must have tested him, too, scaring him off wasn’t an option. I needed to be inside him. Walking to my closet, I quickly opened the door and found my box of what I called my “normal” gear. Nothing in here would scare anyone. I grabbed a few condoms and lube out before I made my way back. Like a good rabbit, he was lying in the center of the bed on his back, legs spread apart so that I got a peek of his hole between his asscheeks.


I kneeled on the mattress again and shifted to the middle where my prize was waiting for me. Licking my lips, I took the time to devour him with my gaze, eating up the sight of his pale flesh on my black-and-red blankets. He was a light in the darkness, enticing me to take him, and that’s exactly what I was going to do.

I touched his knee, and he jumped slightly, but I shook my head. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

He glared. “You couldn’t hurt me this way.”

Laughing gently, I slid my hand down his thigh and to his dick, wrapping my fingers around his flesh and tugging lightly. I got a moan for my efforts. “Beautiful.” Grabbing the lube, I squeezed some onto my fingers and dipped a digit between his cheeks, finding that tight little hole I just knew would suck me right in. He wanted this, there was no denying it. The way he stared at me was begging for it.

“Feel okay?”

He nodded and drew in a sweet little breath, his cheeks burning brighter. “They wanted to, uh… lube me. Before the auction. But I didn’t let anyone near me. I guess… maybe I should have, considering what happened.” He shook his head and glanced away.

A growl rose in my chest and I tamped it down. “Good, I’m glad you didn’t let them touch you.” Right now he was mine, and no one else was pawing at my little rabbit. No one.

“You can fuck me. I’m ready,” he said, raising his chin again.

I smiled and grabbed the condom, rolling it onto my hot, hard dick. Squeezing some lube onto myself, I spread it out before I cupped his knee. “Are you sure?”

He nodded. “I want it. Just fuck me.”

I couldn’t argue with that—and didn’t want to. Smirking, I settled between his legs and shoved his knees to his chest. He went like the bendy little rabbit he was, and when I lined my dick with his hole and pushed in, he whimpered.

“Oh God. You’re… a lot.” His words accompanied a long groan, and he threw his head back. “Oh my God. I’ve never had someone so big.”

Pride squeezed my chest, and I held back the urge to tell him he never would again. He was mine. I’d won him, in more ways than one. He didn’t know it yet, but he would come back for more—I could tell. I shoved inside him until I was balls deep, and he let out a long, drawn-out moan mixed with a whimper, but I didn’t give him time to breathe. I jackhammered into him with a rough, unforgivable force that had the bed rocking. He clutched at my shoulders, whimpering and cursing my name, and I fucking loved every sound he made.

“Put your hands on my back. Scratch my fucking skin up,” I growled, smiling in pride when he slid his hands to my back, nails digging into my flesh like I’d ordered. He screamed and whined when I managed to jab his prostate.

“Please. Holy hell.”

My balls slapped his skin with every thrust inside, the sounds of our meeting bodies filling the room. The pain from his nails vibrated through my body, and I was so fucking close to coming it physically hurt. Between the pleasure and delicious agony from the way he was clawing my back, I knew I wasn’t going to last long. An explosion of heat bigger than a nuclear bomb detonated inside my stomach and there was no way I was going to hold off my orgasm.

“Fuck,” I groaned out, burying my face against his neck as I tensed. Waves of pleasure swept through me, and I shook through my orgasm, shooting into the condom. Hell, I wanted to be in him bare. I reached between us, grabbing his dick and yanking fast on his hot flesh. He yelled, spurts of cum splattering both our stomachs and chests.

He trembled against me, groaning. “Oh God.”

“No, just Camden will be fine.” I grinned down at him and slowly pulled out, hissing when my head slid past his tight outer muscle. Standing on shaky knees, I dumped the condom and turned back to him. “Shower, little rabbit?”

He frowned at me, shivering, and ran his fingers through the wetness on his belly. “Why do you call me that?”

I smirked. “I’m not telling you. Come on.”

* * *

The next morning, I was fucking sore. My body ached after another two rounds of rough sex that had left me with a scratched-to-hell back and a tired dick. I managed to pull on my pajama pants before I went downstairs for coffee, leaving Mark fast asleep and looking peaceful in my bed. Stumbling over to the coffee maker, I yawned so widely my jaw cracked.

“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Liv’s jovial voice made me wince. It was too fucking early. What time was it anyway? Six? Seven?

I turned my head to see her walk through the door that led to the garage, the girls trailing behind her while arguing over the Nintendo Switch we’d bought them for Christmas last year. Blinking blearily, I frowned at my ex-wife. “What are you doing here? You knew I was going out last night.”

“I know, and I was curious who the man was.” She waggled her blonde eyebrows and brushed back her shoulder-length hair. Liv had always been beautiful—too beautiful for me—but we’d met young, and back then I’d thought being gay was unforgivable. I’d just been lucky I’d found a woman who understood me.

“Daddy!” Addy raced to me, and I heaved her up into my arms, cringing at the pain that resonated through my body after the multiple fuck sessions last night. Ellie wasn’t far behind her, latching onto my waist in a hug.

Liv chuckled and patted me on the back gently. “Who’re these from?”

Fuck. I’d forgotten I wasn’t wearing a shirt, and the sex tattoos were on display.

Footsteps on the stairs made me freeze, and Mark’s scratchy morning voice echoed through the house. “Is that coffee I smell? Please tell me it is.”

Liv smirked at me. God help Mark. Once she got her hands on him, there was no going back. I might have claimed him as mine, but she’d definitely make sure he stuck around.