Sold for the Night by Ki Brightly



Cam’s faceappeared almost loving, and my heart twisted with an unexpected pang. The corner of his lips kicked up and his brown eyes were soft. I shivered with the weight of my confession—fuck, the sex was pure filth—and rested a hand against the warmth I’d made on the tiles while he’d fucked me. I dragged my fingertips across the smooth surface until they hit a chilled spot, attempting to wake myself up out of this pleasure-fueled, foggy dream state that had taken me over. My most secret, brutal desires suddenly seemed possible.

No, this was wrong. I wasn’t the type of man who liked being branded and bruised like an animal… except apparently I was, because the ache on the back of my neck, along with the twinges in my asshole as I shifted, reminded me I was alive. Sexual. And yes, he’d fucked me like a sex toy, but it made me feel powerful that he’d wanted me enough to hurl every social rule I’d ever learned out the window. He’d tracked me down and had come using my ass in a bathroom on his lunch break.

Who the hell does that? He dragged his thumb across my bottom lip as if he was as mesmerized by me as I was with him. I nipped at his finger, and he hooked a hand across my lower back. With an easy burst of strength, he dragged me against his front. I moaned. My pants were still around my ankles and my cum-sticky semi was trapped against his thigh. I hadn’t gone down. This was a first for me because I always deflated after sex—every time. I’d never been a twice-in-a-row guy, even though I’d known a couple. I blew out a long breath and didn’t fight too hard to stop myself from rocking against his leg.

Everything with him felt good.

“That’s it. I like to see you giving in to your baser instincts. That part of you that wants to forget you’re a man and become a beast.” He dragged his teeth across the shell of my ear, and I shuddered, rutting against him.

“You do realize you can’t actually own me, right?” I whispered into the space between us. “Not even if you paid an ungodly amount for me.”

My answer from Cam was a low, disbelieving chuckle, and with his warmth surrounding me and his sex musk in my nose, perhaps he had a point.

“What makes you think you have a say in this?” He bent his head and forced my chin up. His lips were on mine in less than a second and he attacked my mouth like he might never get another chance. He thrust his tongue between my lips and ravaged as if he wanted to make sure I knew not a single part of my body would be left without the searing brand of his touch, not even that silly little dangly thing at the back of my throat—thankfully, he was still human enough that he couldn’t reach it, or I was sure he would’ve tried.

Enough of this.I shoved him back. It was clear he’d chosen to straighten up a bit and my feeble pushing had nothing to do with getting him to move. He slid his hand up my spine and rubbed at the bite on the nape of my neck. The deep pain that rushed through me and buzzed need to life low in my gut had me resting my forehead against his solid pecs. I didn’t ask him to stop or do anything except hold my breath while my dick chubbed up and swelled to its full size where it was pressed to his solid thigh. I began to work myself against him in time to the way he swirled his finger around the bite, not caring about anything except the urgent heat that slammed through my groin in waves.

“Oh, I think I can own you,” he murmured, then grabbed my hips to urge me harder against his leg. Need built in me faster than I would have thought possible, and I rocked there, straining, gasping.

One evil laugh later and he turned us to shove me back until my ass was flush with the cold tiles on the wall. He grunted as he bashed his leg against the toilet. I hated the loss of contact. My cock curved up and slapped against the soft cotton of my shirttail. I struggled against him until his hands on my arms gripped me so tightly it hurt—which wasn’t much of a deterrent. Everything he did right now stoked my need higher. I wouldn’t have stopped then, either, except he leaned down and nipped at my bottom lip until I was sure his sharp teeth would break through the skin. I stilled, quivering in place, and he sucked away the hurt.

“I’ll be hunting you again soon,” he whispered against my lips. With one final, too-quick kiss, he was gone. I had to scramble to close the stall door as the outer one that led to the corridor opened and someone else came in. I took my time dragging up my pants, then zipping them. The cuffs of my shirt had somehow gotten twisted, and I tried to straighten out my clothes, but I had the feeling anyone who looked at me would be able to tell I’d just been fucked in the sixth-floor bathroom, which I knew was impossible. I waited until the faucets turned off and the door opened and closed again before I ventured out on knees filled with sand.

My brain would not click over. It was stuck in fuck mode. My dick ached and pulsed, half hard and optimistic, even though Cam was gone. I stumbled my way to the sink and pressed myself against the cool porcelain and waited, hoping the chill would make me settle. My face in the mirror was flushed a brilliant red because my pale skin hid nothing. Tears leaked out of my eyes, but I wasn’t feeling bad—simply overwhelmed. I turned on the cold water and bent down to splash it on my face, gasping at the temperature. Then, I did it again. After a few minutes my body got the idea I wasn’t about to get fucked again anytime soon, but the excitement didn’t quite fizzle out of my veins. I had a used, stretched-out sensation in my ass that wouldn’t let me forget Camden power fucking me.

“What the hell just happened?” I asked myself as I stood there dripping wet. The Mark in the mirror looked every bit as confused as I felt. My chest heaved as I tried to suck in air. I spotted what might be a cum stain on my pants. How much of it is on my skin? My suit? I couldn’t remember Camden cleaning off his hands after I blew my load in his fist. Sex musk was heavy in the air, but maybe it was just me I was smelling.

Is this what he’s into? Jesus fucking Christ, I’ll never survive. He wants to stalk me and fuck me wherever he finds me, like a wolf after his mate in heat. The idea was strangely more appealing than it should be. I splashed more cold water on my face. It didn’t help. The bathroom door opened slowly, like something out of a horror movie.

My breath caught, but then Max stood there, leaning. His thin, pretty face was flushed in amusement and he fought a smirk off his pink lips as he bit at the corner of his mouth. His deep brown eyes damned near twinkled, which was unusual for him.

“Who was that?” he asked, then took a step back as if he’d heard something of interest in the hallway behind him. Was Camden still out there? I hurried to Max’s side, but he was just eyeballing some people in business attire—I believed they were in the New Gothenburg Chamber of Commerce—who’d left Vane’s office and were now having a small gabfest while they waited for the elevator.

Max wandered his gaze down my body. To my horror, I realized I’d zipped the hem of my shirt into my pants. I fumbled and fixed everything, face hot and dread hammering me.

“Uh… did you…?” Max stuck his tongue against his cheek and raised his eyebrows in my direction.

“No,” I snapped.

Max tilted his head against the door and gave me that trademark snotty smirk that low-key irritated Vane every time he saw it. “Uh-huh.” He reached out and tapped the back of my neck with one lazy finger. An adrenaline-fueled pain sang heat through my veins.

Nothing. I did nothing at all,” I said and dodged away from another poke. I still didn’t entirely trust Max, though I’d come a long way from thinking he was a snake who deserved to have his head cut off. I was still getting used to the way he acted, and I had to trust that JP thought he was a good person. I gripped the door handle to keep from falling over. Wouldn’t the ruined ex-mayor’s PA following in his footsteps with public indecency make fantastic gossip? I stared hard at Max again, but there was nothing malicious about his body language. He seemed to think I might have been getting up to… exactly what I had in here, and judging by his amusement, he thought it was funny more than anything.

“He was with you?” Max glanced pointedly at the bathroom stall, where the door was still hanging open. I walked over and closed it, and he held in a laugh.

I raised my head high, and mumbled, “No more El Sabroso Sur for me at lunch.”

As I stalked past him, Max shook his head and turned to follow me. “Your friend… uh, seemed extraordinarily single-minded when he went after you.” Max’s eyebrows hitched when I glanced over my shoulder at him. He was fishing, and I wasn’t about to offer myself up to be caught—not again, and never over something that could affect my career. My bad feelings about getting in trouble for screwing around at work congealed into anger. What had Camden been thinking? Invading my workspace with his… game? Although, calling the heart-pounding sex I’d just experienced a game was a little like calling nuclear war an international spat. I walked through the door into our office with Max hot on my trail.

When we were inside in front of my desk—after I checked around to make sure we didn’t have an audience—I bent closer to Max and whispered, “Why did you come looking for me?”

Hurt rippled across his features, then the smile that had been there before was replaced with a cool neutral expression. “I was worried. You’ve never mentioned a boyfriend. You’re not the type to disappear when we’re in the middle of a discussion like you did.”

Setting our team unity back was the last thing I wanted, so I grabbed Max’s shoulder and gave it a friendly squeeze. His hair flopped onto his forehead as he dropped his chin and a smile kindled back to life on his lips. It wasn’t Max’s fault I couldn’t control myself. If I had said the safeword and then Camden had forced the issue, it would have been a different story, but I’d wanted what happened. I didn’t… fuck, why didn’t I just say the safeword?

Max was quiet, and while I didn’t think he knew what was going on with me, he was at least empathetic to the fact I wasn’t acting like myself. He’d said as much. “Thank you for your concern.”

He nodded.

“I’m fine. Thank you.” I still wanted to be angry at Max just because he was a convenient target, but it had taken him a while to warm up to everyone. “I mean it.”

He gave me a hesitant smile. “Of course.” Something sparked in his gaze, a small mischievousness that had only been popping up recently, but it was the worst time for it. I groaned preemptively. “But really. He was”—Max lifted his hands over his head to demonstrate Cam’s incredible size—“so what is a guy that big even like? What did you do with him?” Max bit his lip and checked over his shoulder as if JP might wander in and berate him for asking inappropriate questions. He sent a quick glance at the empty couches in the waiting area as well.

Embarrassment ate at me and I stepped away to rub at the back of my neck. Pain skittered down my spine—a decadent reminder of everything Camden had done, and made my body do for him. “Nothing.”

He walked over to the desk and shuffled around a stack of papers, and I was fairly sure it was only an excuse not to look at me. I let out a long breath as his shoulders shook. For a moment I was certain I’d upset him somehow, but then he peeked at me and said, “That’s my favorite thing to do with JP. Nothing. Whatever nothing he decides.” He glanced back at me and his cheeks glowed rosy.

I had to chuckle because embarrassment was a good look on him. While it still worried me that he knew what I’d been up to in the bathroom, and God knew there was more than a chance whoever else had come in to piss probably had been aware something was happening, it was interesting to think we might have more in common than I’d first suspected.

A minute later I was still considering the mystery of Maxwell Kalinski and what JP might do to him, when the outer door of the office opened and Jaxson, JP’s assistant, breezed through. His Cupid’s bow lips twisted down in a frown. I liked him, and I especially enjoyed that he didn’t tower over me like a certain someone I was trying not to think about. His chestnut curls were tamed and sleek with whatever product he used, and I allowed myself a second to wish mine would ever do the same thing.

Max opened his mouth, but I cut him off. “Do not say a word to him about it.”

He sent a hurt pout my way. “I wouldn’t.”

“We’ll come back to whatever this is,” Jaxson said, twitching his pointer finger between me and Max with a laugh as he squinted at my face, which had reheated to the temperature of the sun. “But, for now, we need to go pull one of our big campaign signs that we just put up from in front of the beer distributor on Franklin Avenue near that little bong shop.” He unbuttoned the cuffs of his long-sleeved shirt and rolled them to his elbows as he talked.

Jaxson glanced up, and his sad expression hit me in a bad way.

My stomach dropped. “Why?”

His nostrils flared and he cleared his throat. “There was a shooting. The owner killed his wife. It’s going to be all over the news for weeks, or longer, and we don’t want the sign we just placed on their lawn for Vane and JP to be seen every single time this story is aired. It’ll give the campaign a bad association.”

Fear sliced through me. Talk about shit timing. “Damn it. Yeah, there is such a thing as bad publicity.” I sighed. “You know what? I wasn’t in the frame of mind to sit down at my desk and work anyway. I’ll go. I have tools in my trunk. I can pull the sign down and trash it.” And having some physical work to do might burn some of my energy and take my dick off Cam Watch. Electricity zipped through me and warmth sizzled along my spine at the mere thought of Camden.

Jaxson blew out a long breath and winced. “Thanks. I don’t really want to do it because when people see me they kind of tie me together with Vane, you know?”

“I can go, too. Make it happen quicker.” Max smiled around at us.

“Fine. Come on.” I’d wanted some alone time, but the grateful relief on Max’s face made me glad I’d agreed. He was trying to be a team player, and I didn’t want to stifle his efforts.

Valuable minutes ticked by as we rushed out to my car. I drove to the east side, fighting the last of the lunch-hour traffic the whole way, and it was a pain in the ass to get near the beer distributor with all the cops puttering around. I had to park at the bong shop, and one of the employees glared at me as they stood outside smoking while watching the police circus. The reporters were arriving, and I worked faster, rushing to the trunk to open the toolbox I kept there. I grabbed out the hammer and raced toward the beer distributor, very aware that time was of the essence.

It took several quiet and then rather rude words to the detective in charge of the scene before he would let Max and me underneath their yellow crime-scene tape so I could go over to the lawn outside the rundown, boxy gray-block building with my hammer. The sign for the campaign was tacked to a solidly built wooden backing and faced the street. I groaned, and Max nodded in agreement because this was a quality sign that had probably cost about a hundred and forty bucks. It could weather whatever Mother Nature threw at it, so it sucked to rip the plastic off the wood. We could come back later to pick up the base, but we’d need a truck for that.

As I used the claw of the hammer under the edge of the sturdy sign, Max picked up all the nails that popped out. When the plastic was free of the wood, we squashed it until the material was in a small enough mess to fit in the back of my car, then dragged it over. We’d finished just in time because the reporters were already everywhere, thicker on the ground than flies on dogshit. I took a moment to hate them—just really fucking despise them. If it hadn’t been for the press, Ross might still be mayor, and I’d never fucking forgive this town for the way it treated people. Ross had been… okay, well, pretty much useless at his job, but I’d put him on the hot seat and would have kept the office going without his help.

All he fucking needed to do was smile and look pretty, but no…. I growled under my breath, pissed off all over again. My pride was injured, plain and simple. So I glared at the reporters, and Max did his best not to look at them at all. Avery Wysocki gave me a wave, and I sent him a smile because there was no use in actually antagonizing him.

“I see city hall is concerned about the community.” He wasn’t confused as to what we were here to do, and I saw no use in pretending otherwise.

“Oh, Avery.” I sent him a winning smile that had him rolling his eyes. “We’re always concerned. City hall deeply regrets this violence and sends condolences to the family,” I called as a policeman I didn’t know held up the yellow tape for us, which Max and I then ducked underneath on our way back to my car.

Wysocki laughed, and I seriously doubted what I’d said would make it into the paper. Anything good always got lost with him. He smirked at Max, though, and I realized Max was doing his best to pretend Wysocki didn’t exist. That made me mad, too, because at the end of the day Max had been used by the machine that ground down everyone who worked at city hall, and Wysocki had been part of the problem. I sincerely hoped he got whatever was coming to him one day. Maybe I’d sic Cam’s daughter on him.

Smiling at that and the way she’d shaken her little fist, it made me not mind the work of wrestling the sign, which wanted to unfold, into the back of my car. Triumphantly I slammed the back door shut a few minutes later. Max and I gave each other very serious nods, then laughed away some of our stress.

On our way back to city hall, the traffic was light, and it allowed me time to think as I absentmindedly steered us along. Max was contemplative and sent me looks from his spot in the passenger seat, almost like he was worried I would be rude to him, since I’d spoken to Wysocki. Max clearly hadn’t forgotten what he’d done to Vane and Jaxson, and a small, spiteful part of me was happy he was uncomfortable; the rest of me just wanted to forget about it.

“You learned your lesson about the press. You’re a valuable member of the city hall team.”

He huffed out a snort and glanced at me. “How did you know what I was thinking about?”

“It wasn’t difficult to deduce.” We got caught up in a bottleneck near a construction site, and I had to stop the car as a large truck carrying a mound of strapped-down dirt stopped traffic on both sides of the street to swing ponderously between the gates of the cheap metal fencing that blocked off the work site. Idly I glanced to my left at the new building going up. Standing out in the center of a dirt lot, pointing at a crane lifting a steel beam, was a massive man with deliciously strong shoulders and a stance like he owned the world. My jaw dropped. It was Cam, and he was obviously at his job. Another man in a hard hat walked over to join him.

Smirking, I waited until the traffic started to move again and then pulled to the side of the street, bumping up onto the curb so my tires went onto the grass along the fence. I came to a stop with the car facing the wrong direction but didn’t care.

“What are you doing?” Max asked, and a small, upset furrow settled deep between his brows. He ran his hands along his thighs and gripped them hard. “Why did we stop?”

“Turning the tables. He thinks he’s so damned smart. He thinks he can just burst into my workplace,” I muttered. “Open my glove box. I have a city hall badge in there for when we do press conferences. Get it.”

Max did as I asked and gave me the most astounded look as I slipped the lanyard over my head. The badge dangled on my chest and the golden city seal in the corner winked in the sunlight. I sent him a smile. “Come with me and make sure you look extra annoyed.”

He sputtered.

“There you go. Like that.” I laughed and opened my door, and Max followed my lead. As I walked to a break in the fencing large enough for us to squeeze through, I had myself chuckling. I’d turn the tables and see how Cam liked having his day interrupted. Then we’d see who was the big man.

Max huffed along at my side while I strode across the grass that gave way to dirt. He tapped my arm, and I glanced at him, caught up in the satisfaction of being a pain in Camden’s ass. “Why are we here?”

“Just keep your mouth shut and go with whatever I do,” I said.

Thankfully he nodded. It didn’t take long for Camden and the man at his side to notice us walking toward them, and when he did, his mouth dropped open. Camden stormed our way and snatched the hard hat from the top of his head. The second he reached me, he dropped the hard hat right onto my head, and his face was a thundercloud.

“My hair!” I poked at his side, but he just slapped his hand to the top of the hard hat.

“This is an active construction site! What do you think you’re doing? There’s steel going up!” I glanced across to the skeleton of the building where the crane was working but couldn’t imagine what could possibly happen to get one of those beams all the way over to drop on our heads. I fought off a smile as the man he’d been talking to when I pulled up came over to join us and caught the tail end of Camden’s tirade.

“This is an inspection by city hall. I assume all of your paperwork is in order.” I raised my eyebrows as I glanced between the two men.

The other guy groaned and rubbed the back of his neck. He was nearly as big as Camden, with a shaggy beard and a deep suntan. “Oh, jeez. I’ll grab our permits.” He turned and hustled off in the direction of a small white trailer to the left of the work site, and I internally rejoiced at the absolute wrath that passed across Camden’s face. How do you like it?

“Are you serious right now? You’re not an inspector. You’re not, are you?” he asked, all at once seeming to come to the realization he had no clue what my job might entail.

It was impossible to keep my lips from twitching. This was more like it. “It’s not so nice to have someone swoop into your work, is it?” I gave him a sharp smile.

For a moment or two his face went a dangerous maroon I didn’t think I’d ever caused on another person, but then he began to chuckle, and that turned into an outright laugh. “You are something else, Mark.” He glanced at Max. “I see you were scared enough to bring backup, though.”

I played up shaking my head even though my heart took off at a gallop. “I’m not stupid enough to come after you alone. I know how much of an animal you can be.” I managed to keep a straight face as I said that. Max turned and coughed, as if maybe he’d finally caught on to the undertones in our conversation, and Camden roared with laughter.

He was wiping at the corners of his eyes when he finally drew enough breath to say, “Point proven. Maybe we can consider the workday out of bounds? Nine to five is a no-no?”

“You’re tricky. You didn’t say city hall was out of bounds.”

Camden smirked as his buddy came back with a folder and handed it over. I had no idea what was right or wrong for this type of construction site, but I pursed my lips and flipped through the paperwork anyway. “Well, these certainly all seem to have signatures,” I said vaguely, and Camden snorted before he snagged the folder out of my hands and snapped it shut.

His friend groaned. “What are you—”

“He’s pulling your leg. Mark, this is Wyatt. Wyatt, Mark,” he said, waving between us.

Wyatt sighed and his shoulders slumped. “I did not need that today.” He slapped his chest as if to get his heart going again.

Still pleased with myself, I held out my hand to Wyatt. He didn’t begrudge me and gave my hand a shake, but I was pleased to see Camden kept a careful eye on his friend, as if maybe he didn’t like another man touching me. A thrill spiked in my chest and had goose bumps raising on my arms. Jealousy was problematic at best and dangerous at worst, but it did give me an evil little delight that he cared enough to feel that way.

Wyatt took the folder from Camden and gave me one final smile. “I’m going to put this stuff away. Have a good afternoon, guys.” With that he sauntered off.

“Max, go wait by the car,” I said. Max nodded at me and turned, obviously happy to be out of whatever was going on between me and Camden. We both waited until he was far enough away he wouldn’t hear us, then glanced at each other. The summer air was hot, thanks to the unrelenting sun, but the atmosphere between us boiled and had weight to it. I could barely breathe.

“Did you mean what you said earlier about me being yours, or was that heat-of-the-moment talk? I can’t be caught. It can’t happen. I’m a man.” I gripped his wrist and begged him to get what I was saying without me having a full-on breakdown about the situation.

“Meant it,” he said quietly.

“Sanity needs to prevail. Not at my office.” I spun on my heel and walked away with my head high. I’d said my piece and it would stand—or else.

“I didn’t hear you say the safeword earlier.”

I turned around and walked backward, then realized I still had his hard hat. Feeling incredibly happy for some reason, I snatched the hat off and sent it sailing toward him. He caught it, of course, with no issue. “What was that again? Butterflies? Beetles.” I shrugged and my stomach fluttered like there was a pack of excited wings in there.

He laughed and shook his head, slapping his hard hat back on. When I got to the car, Max was leaning against the front quarter panel staring, with far too much interest, at the tire that had bumped over the curb onto the grass when I zipped across the road earlier. My amusement fled as I stopped beside him and caught sight of a large, thin piece of metal protruding from my deflated tire. I groaned.

Max nodded. “Want me to call JP to rescue us?”

“No, don’t bother him. We can be back at city hall in twenty on our own two feet. It would take anyone at the office at least that long to get to their car and here, and it’s a nice day. I’ll come back and take care of this after work.” Sweat rolled down my neck into my collar and I loosened my tie as I spoke.

“What’s going on? Ouch.” Before I knew what was happening, Camden was near us, squatting down to check out the tire. He glanced up. “Want me to give you a lift?”

“We’re not that far,” Max said, and I appreciated how he had my back. He wasn’t stupid and had clearly caught on there was quite a bit happening between me and Camden.

“I’ll come back later for it.”

Camden shot to his feet and glanced at the work site as someone shouted his name. “Okie dokie. I’ll make sure no one plants a beam on it.” He winked, then jogged off.

Unfortunately my day didn’t improve from there. We had the typical work that came with running the mayor’s office, mostly directing a constant flow of paperwork to either Vane or JP, and then sometime around three thirty Vane decided we should capitalize on the current spike in crime happening in the city. He wanted to hold a press conference to address the gun violence. There were always more shootings in the summer, due to people flocking outside for sun and inadvertently pissing one another off, but he thought the beer distributor mess was a perfect speaking opportunity.

We scrambled to put together an event by six o’clock that evening. Everything went off without a hitch, the press behaved themselves, and we got the first-floor conference hall cleaned up in record time, but it was still almost nine o’clock by the time I trudged along the sidewalk through the dark by myself back to my car. The last rays of sunshine in the west were streaking the gathering twilight and making the sky a pinkish purple where it wasn’t already indigo and scattered with stars.

Exhausted, I took out my phone and prepared to call someone to come fix the tire. When I got to the car, I stared down stupidly at a perfectly whole and fine tire where there’d been a flat sad lump of rubber earlier. My exhausted mind didn’t get it for a moment, and I kicked at the tire. Yep, still whole. I glanced back, thinking maybe I’d forgotten which one was ruined, but no, both tires on this side were good. I went to the other side, and they were inflated, too. Happiness kicked up in me as I wandered back around to the driver’s side.

“Oh.” I swallowed and rubbed at my chest. It had been a while since someone did something this nice, and I had no doubt Camden had been responsible.

I squatted down just to double-check everything was the way it should be and poked at the stem of the new tire. Strong arms closed around me from behind, and I squawked. Muscles tightened around me, and I struggled, but the scent was what got to me first: musky, masculine, and very familiar. My head had been swimming in Camden’s smell earlier as he fucked me, and my dick immediately plumped at the reminder. I kicked and twisted as he let out a low moan in my ear and his hard-on pressed against my back. He wrapped his hands around my waist and picked my feet up off the ground to haul me a few yards down the street to his black truck, which I hadn’t noticed as I’d walked up, too focused on the impending irritation with my car.

He smashed me against the side of the truck hard enough to knock the wind out of me, then turned me around so my back was to the cool metal as he slanted his lips over mine.

We didn’t speak at all—couldn’t. His tongue was jammed too deeply in my mouth. I shoved against him and fought—a little—but he bit at my bottom lip and squeezed the back of my neck, sending a pleasant throb of pain through me that reminded me of his claim of ownership.

My body agreed with him, apparently, because my cock went from excited to so stiff it ached in almost no time at all. I rubbed against his thigh even while I tried to throw an elbow to get him off me. He gripped the back of my neck harder, and I cried out against his mouth. The jangling of his belt alerted me that something was going on, and then I was shocked as he backed off and used his lower half to trap me against the truck. He quickly looped the belt and dropped it over the top of my head. I panicked for a second, afraid it was going over my neck. I opened my mouth to tell him in no uncertain terms that wasn’t happening, but he shoved the leather between my lips and tightened the belt while I tugged at his arms.

Dirt and sweat hit my tongue, and God knew what else. My cock went crazy and I nearly doubled over at the sensations that pelted through my stomach. I moaned. He dragged me a few steps over and opened his truck door. Inside on the seat were two coils of rope.

No fucking way.I flailed, and he did something I didn’t expect: leaned down and sank his teeth into the side of my neck until I almost dropped to the ground from the shock. I whimpered and trembled. He snagged my left wrist and looped rope around it, then unclenched his jaw from my neck to glance down and see what he was doing as he trapped my other wrist. I stood there dazed from the pain. When he was satisfied with his work, my hands were tied. I didn’t have time to do much before he spun me and used the second coil of rope to do the same thing to my ankles. When he stood back up, he laughed, and I glared over my shoulder at him.

“Now what?” I grunted around the gag, or at least, that’s what I meant to say, and he seemed to understand because he turned me to face him again before he picked me up like I was a sack of cement and slung me over his shoulder. I glanced around but didn’t see anyone on the street. A spiteful part of me almost wished someone was here to notice. I’d like to see him explain a fucking kidnapping away. He opened the passenger-side door and dumped me onto the floor. There was no gentleness as he moved me back far enough to be able to close the door. There would be bruises on my hips and waist.

“Stay, little rabbit,” he said with a smirk, and I narrowed my eyes, but he only shut me in. I kicked at the door in frustration and refused to look at him when he got in and started the truck. He ran his fingers through my hair and chuckled.