Sold for the Night by Ki Brightly



Liv gave me the look,the one she usually used when she demanded to know what was happening. After yesterday, I didn’t blame her, but I’d ignored her questions, too busy playing with the girls as we continued to build the tree house I’d been making them in the backyard. This morning was another story, though. The kids were getting ready for summer camp, and there was no way in hell she was letting this go.

“Well?” She tapped her foot, leaning against her kitchen counter with her hip. She reminded me a lot of her mom, with her tightened lips and scowl, blonde hair pulled up in a messy bun. Her mom wasn’t a bad person, but she’d never liked me. She’d always told Liv to run in the opposite direction, and even though I could admit I was gay now, I was glad she hadn’t. We had two beautiful girls I loved more than words could express, and I didn’t want to give them up for the world. Besides, Liv was my best friend. My confidant.

“Well, what?” I gave her the most innocent smile I had in my arsenal, but she snorted and slapped me on the shoulder.

“Come on, Cam. Tell me what’s really happening between you and Mark. Why are you keeping this a secret?” She pouted, and it wasn’t hard to see where Addy and Ellie got it. Liv had trained them well, and they could take over the world with expressions like that.

“There’s nothing to tell you,” I lied, laughing when she poked me hard on the side of my belly. I jumped away from her as she went to do it again and held up my hands in defeat. “Fine. I bought him.”

Bought him?” Her eyes went as wide as quarters. “You didn’t.”

I chuckled. “Not in the way you think. Madam Winters, you remember her?”

“The nice lady that plays rummy with your mom?”

“Yeah, she… uh, owns a hotel, and they were doing an auction for a date. That’s all it was. A date.” I hated lying to Liv, but she couldn’t know the truth about the Courtesan, either. I knew enough about the madam to know how dangerous she could be, and I didn’t want to risk my family’s safety.

“And you had sex with your date?” she asked slowly, drawing out the words like she was waiting for me to deny it.

I shrugged and stole one of the pieces of toast she had sitting on the plate beside her hip. The food would go cold soon, and I wasn’t letting it go to waste. Taking a huge bite, I chewed to give myself time to think. “It happened naturally.”

“I don’t believe you.” She huffed and pouted, and that was Addy’s favorite face to make at me, too. Sometimes I wondered if we’d ever had a boy, if he would have taken after me, because the girls were so much like Liv.

I was saved by Addy dragging herself down the stairs and into the dining room, her short brown hair—something she had inherited from me—looking like a crow’s nest. She still wore her favorite pajamas, the Avengers short and shirt set my mom had bought her, and she blinked at us with sleepy eyes, as though she’d only just woken up.

I checked my watch: 7:30 a.m. gleamed back at me. “Aren’t you supposed to be ready for camp?”

She froze on the way to the fridge and glanced at Liv for help.

Liv cleared her throat, and I braced myself for whatever was coming. “So, I haven’t told you yet….”

“What?” I asked, afraid I didn’t want to know. Addy was a rowdy child for seven years old, and we’d been called into the principal’s office from the moment she hit school. It wasn’t a shock summer camp wasn’t working out any differently. A lot of the issues were little things, like she refused to come in from recess when the bell had rung, and how she’d rather read a book she’d brought to school than listen to the teacher. Numerous times we’d only get warnings, but I thought that had something to do with Liv flirting with the principal. I’d wondered if something was going on there for the last year because each time we entered that small room with achievement awards placed on the back of the wall behind his desk, their flirting intensified. Even I could admit Mr. Evans was fuckable, although not my type. Definitely Liv’s. But there was no sexy principal to flirt with at camp.

“Here’s the thing….” Liv straightened and grabbed Addy’s shoulder, dragging her close.

She nudged her shoulder, and Addy glanced up at her for a moment before opening her mouth and going “Oh.” Then the pouting came, and I snorted. They had this act down pat, and I didn’t stand a chance.

“What happened?” I asked, trying for gruff. I couldn’t stop the gentle smile from crossing my face.

“Addy is on a two-day time-out.” Liv patted Addy on the back, and Addy’s mouth dipped sadly, her pout deepening.

“It wasn’t my fault, Daddy. I swear.”

I grunted and crossed my arms over my work clothes—a red plaid flannel and gray T-shirt. I wasn’t one of those types who wore suits, and I never would be. My company had offered me a position in the office coordinating build sites, but that had never been my thing, so I’d stayed as a construction foreman. I hated those office types, except Mark. He was different, and I barely knew him. But he had my cock threatening to harden every time I thought about Saturday night. He’d made the prettiest noises I’d ever fucked out of a man, and I wanted him again, and again, and again….

“What happened, Adelaide Meredith?” I asked, focusing on the topic at hand. I’d chase Mark down later. I held up my finger when she cleared her throat, exactly like Liv had done, and prepared for a full, dramatic production. “The truth. No waterworks. No hysterics. I just want to know what happened.”

She sighed and patted Liv on the arm. “We tried, Mommy.” When she turned back to me, the smile she had on her face said she didn’t regret whatever she’d done in the least. “I punched Mitch Hopper in the eye.”

I groaned and stared at Liv, whose mouth was pressed so tightly together to stop herself from laughing that her lips had turned red. “Do I want to know why?”

Addy waved her fist and grinned. “He deserved it, Daddy. He was making fun of Henry, and I whacked him one like you taught me, then I kneed him in the privates.”

I cringed in sympathetic pain. Kneeling so I was at her height, I shook my head. I touched her shoulders and squeezed them, and she continued grinning, proud of herself. “Adelaide, we taught you self-defense to protect you from people trying to abduct you, sweetheart, not to hurt schoolyard bullies.”

She rolled her eyes. “I know that, but he deserved it. You said if someone deserves it, then do it. So I did it.” She nodded in time with her words before her eyebrows dipped in thought. “Though, now Henry says he doesn’t want me to punch his tooth out. I scared him off. It’s why I needed to kiss Wayland for luck. We need that money.”

“Okay, stop.” I gave her a look, the kind I knew would shut her mouth, and it worked. “What did Mitch Hopper say to deserve being punched and kicked?”

She glared, and I assumed it wasn’t at me but at the thought of the bully. “He said the F-word. The really bad F-word for gay men.”

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “And how do you know about that word, sweet Adelaide?”

“Mom told me it was a bad word.” She went back to pouting. “Not cool, Daddy. Not cool at all.”

I held back a smile and let go of her shoulders. I stood, crossing my arms again, and stared down at her carefully. “And now you’re out of camp for two days, angel, and that’s punishment for you, not him. Violence against bullies is not the answer.”

She sighed loudly. “Well, damn.”

Liv smothered a smile behind her hand and turned her back on us, grabbing toast to shove into her mouth.

“What am I going to do with you?” I asked, more to myself than Addy. Shaking my head, I smoothed a hand over her messy hair. “No more fights. If you have a problem with what someone at camp says, you take it to the counselor, am I clear? Or whatever they call the teenagers keeping everyone in line.”

“They’re helpers. But Miss Jenkins is in charge!” She nodded and turned to head back to the fridge, yanking it open and pulling out a small bottle of chocolate milk.

“This isn’t a day off,” Liv said when she’d finally swallowed her food. She pointed at Addy. “You’re grounded, and I expect to find you in your room, practicing your guitar. Am I clear?”

Addy smiled so sweetly it verged on suspicious. “Yes, Mommy.” Waving at me, she fled out of the room. The sound of her bare feet on the wooden stairs made me shake my head and return my attention to Liv.

“When were you going to tell me she was in trouble, Liv? If she does something like that in school, it’ll go on her permanent record.”

She shrugged, mouth twisted in discomfort, a sign of her guilt. “She had a good reason to hit him.”

I blinked at her. “We didn’t teach our kids to fight to use violence against bullies.”

She grinned. “I bet he won’t be using that word again.”

“Liv. You’re lucky his parents didn’t press charges.” The thought had only just occurred to me, and I gave her a look. “They didn’t, right?”

“Of course not. The Hoppers attend the same yacht club as Mom. One word from her, and they were very forgiving.”

I groaned, falling against the counter with my ass and covering my face with my palms. “Your mom knows? What did she say?”

Peeking through my fingers and seeing the face Liv made was answer enough. I could already imagine Laura Yates’ shrill voice as she told Liv I was a bad influence for teaching the girls how to defend themselves, and how we should have hired them bodyguards like a lot of her rich friends did for their children. But Addy and Ellie weren’t just anybody, they were strong, confident kids, even at seven and five, and I wasn’t going to have them become spoiled and entitled, no matter if their grandmother was an award-winning actress.

Laura mostly hated me for coming out as gay, though, believing I was the reason her daughter was divorced and a “single mother.” It didn’t matter that I had the kids as much as Liv did. She couldn’t comprehend that Liv realized we were better as friends. I didn’t think Laura was very gay-friendly, either, which was probably why her son hadn’t come out to her. He was also afraid of what the media would say, too, as he had his own acting career happening. The only reason I knew he was gay was because we’d slept together after Olivia and I divorced, following a night of far too many drinks. The entire thing got awkward when he started calling me Daddy, and we agreed our kinks didn’t align and that the sex wouldn’t happen again.

That was probably the only story about my sex life Liv hadn’t heard.

“Liv.” I dropped my head forward and forced myself to straighten. If Ellie didn’t get down here soon, we’d both be late. “We’ll talk about this later.”

“Do we have to?” she teased, but I pursed my lips at her and strode out of the kitchen and to the bottom of the U-shaped stairs—made from walnut hardwood, exactly like mine. Liv’s house was decorated so much nicer than mine, with more picture frames and artwork hanging from the walls, including a photo of the four of us at Waikiki Beach from a trip we took a few years ago. I’d had a good summer of overtime, and I’d promised my girls I’d take them to Hawaii so that’s exactly what I’d done.

For a moment my mind wandered back to Mark. Would he appreciate a trip to Hawaii? He didn’t seem like the kind of person who’d enjoy the beach, but I suspected he’d never seen a real one before, either, the kind with large waves from the ocean rather than a lake. He’d have to leave the suits behind, of course, and I’d buy him a Hawaiian shirt for the occasion. The fantasy image of him in a pink flowered shirt made me snicker before I focused on the present.

“Eloise, come on or you’ll be late for camp, young lady,” I yelled up the stairs.

“Daddy.” She dragged out my name as she came storming out her door, her hair half pulled up into a ponytail on the back of her head.

I sighed. “Come down here.”

She trailed down the stairs, her blue plaid knee-length skirt, which I knew had shorts underneath so she could play, swinging around her legs as she skipped a step and landed on the floor with a clomp of her sneakers. I gave her a pointed look. She knew I hated it when she did that because I expected she’d fall one day and hurt herself.

Grabbing her shoulders, I turned her around and pulled at the hair tie gently, untangling it from her hair. I ran my fingers through her locks, straightening them the best I could without a brush, before I used my best dad skills and got her hair into a straight ponytail, the kind she was aiming for in the first place.

She grinned over her shoulder. “Tank you, Daddy.”

Thank you. Remember that th sound, baby girl.” I got onto my knees, which was easier than trying to bend, and bopped a kiss on her forehead. “Go to Mommy and get your lunch and backpack. We need to go now.”

Ellie nodded and took off down the hallway.

I laughed and followed her.

* * *

Wyatt glared at Royce Hawthorne, an executive who’d come down to check how things were going with the construction of the new head office for NG City Bank. It was about the fourth time Hawthorne had been here since we’d started the project, asking silly questions in his expensive suit, with his blond styled hair and endearing smile, and even after we’d answered everything he wanted to know, he stuck around longer than what was necessary.

Leaning in closer to me, Wyatt snorted, fingers drumming insistently on the blueprints we had spread out across the drafting table. “He’s a fucking spy, Cam.”

I laughed, peering out across the piles of timber to the languid man who was conversing with one of our head carpenters. Whatever Hawthorne was saying had Jim frowning. Jim ran his hand over his bald head and nodded, even though the confusion was evident on his face.

“If he was a spy, he wouldn’t be dressed like that. He sticks out like a sore thumb. Spies have more sense.”

“Then why is he here?” Wyatt grumbled, crossing his arms and continuing to glare at our resident businessman. My second-in-charge looked more tired than usual today, the dark rings around his eyes bruising his sun-kissed skin. His brown beard was shaggier than I was used to seeing on him, and while I didn’t mind because we were in construction and had no one to impress except other workers—unless we got surprise visits from executives, which had never happened on any other jobs we’d done before—I was worried for him.

I touched his shoulder, and he jerked in my direction, his messy hair bouncing. Typically he kept himself presentable, but something was off. “Are you all right, man?”

Wyatt was almost as tall as me, which was nearly impossible for most people, and had almost the same muscle mass. Before my girls came along, we used to exercise together after work. Straight from heavy-lifting construction to weights at the gym. We’d been strict with ourselves, diet included, but then life changed. We both moved up the ladder in the industry, and Liv had given birth to Addy. We caught up for exercise when we could, but it rarely happened anymore.

“Fuck.” Wyatt drummed his fingers harder and glared out toward Hawthorne, and I didn’t miss the way he glanced away quickly when Hawthorne turned and stared back at him. “I’m fine. Lena wants a divorce.”

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked tentatively, squeezing his shoulder tighter. He’d told me he and his wife were arguing more than ever, and after Lena cheated on him with her tennis instructor, they’d become practically strangers. He’d moved out of their home a few months back, and they were on a break.

Wyatt’s gaze roamed to Hawthorne again, and I followed it. Hawthorne had his back facing to us and was yammering at another one of our carpenters, a young newbie by the name of Kaulana. They laughed and Hawthorne slapped his hand on Kaulana’s bicep, and Wyatt’s jaw tightened, his bottom lip twitching. I’d never seen him like this before.

“Hey.” I shook him, and he glowered at me before his shoulders relaxed.


“I need your mind on the job.” I gave him a bright smile. “We’ve got the summer and some of fall before we need to close down for winter, and these bankers aren’t patient people, Wyatt. I need your head in the game, so if there’s something you want to tell me—”

“There’s not. It’s fine.” The quick gaze he flicked at Hawthorne said otherwise.

I shook my head and straightened when the executive walked back to us and under the tent that kept us shaded from the sun. He smiled, pleasant and charismatic, and Wyatt tensed.

Hawthorne held out his hand to me and I took it, shaking. “Thank you so much for letting me visit again, Mr. Wolf. I really appreciate you taking the time to put the board members’ minds at ease.”

Wyatt snorted, and I gave him a glare before smiling at Hawthorne. “It’s my pleasure, sir. You’re always welcome here.”

“Thank you.” Hawthorne’s attention slid to Wyatt before he swept past us and toward a Rolls Royce he’d parked beside the construction trucks. Very on-brand for him, considering his first name was Royce.

Wyatt grumbled something, and I sighed, not willing to get into his issues with Hawthorne today. “I need to go out and visit city hall for an hour or so. Can you handle the place for that time? I don’t need to come back to find out you’re fired because you said something stupid to an exec.”

“It’s only him who drives me crazy,” he said, then sighed. He waved his massive paw at me. “Go, I’m fine. Do what you need to do, Boss.”

I patted him on the back and went into the office trailer, sliding open the glass door and grabbing my keys from the small two-seater table. The building had a kitchenette setup, a running air conditioner, a couple of small chairs, and was specifically for me and Wyatt, but we shared it with the other boys when they needed a good break. The heat could be a killer, and no one needed heatstroke when the temp pushed ninety. While we were in charge now, it hadn’t been long ago that we were in the same position as our men, working hard in the scorching hot sun with only a hard hat to keep us safe.

Walking out again, I saluted Wyatt on the way past to my big black Ram truck. I wasn’t far from city hall, about fifteen blocks away, but lunchtime traffic was hectic, and it took longer than I would have liked to get there. Parking cost a mint, too, but it was worth it. Mark had said to hunt him down, and that wasn’t a challenge I could resist. I’d thought about him too much last night, the memory of his writhing body on my sheets burned into my brain while I jerked off to it. I wanted him again, the urge to taste the sweat on his skin while I fucked into him too great to ignore. I wanted to mark him, bury my teeth in the succulent skin of his neck.

He was mine, and I needed every other man to know it, too. They couldn’t have him.

By the time I got to the front doors of the building, my body was buzzing with lust, my cock plump in my underwear. It took all my effort to stop myself from popping full wood right then and there. That would get me the same jail cell the previous mayor had occupied.

I pasted what I hoped was a kind smile on my face as I strode through the lobby to the front desk. My size scared most people, and even if I wasn’t doing anything they reacted negatively, as though I’d hurt them, so when I wanted something, I had to be extra polite.

The polished tiles gleamed under my muddy boots and I felt bad for the tracks I’d leave behind on them. The desk the receptionist sat behind was thick and solid, beechwood if I had to guess, and the finish was flawless. Even though I was here to charm the pants off Mark, I couldn’t help but stop to appreciate the design.

The receptionist smiled nervously, pushing her red glasses up her nose as she raised her gaze up my chest and to my face, eyes widening. “Hello.”

I flashed her my teeth in what I hoped was a noncreepy way and resisted the urge to lean on her clean desk. That would get me on her bad side if I left dirt behind, and I had plans to come back here often. “Hello, ma’am. My name is Camden Wolf. I’m here to see Mark.”

“Mark… who?” She blinked big brown eyes at me, and I faltered. Shit. I didn’t actually know his last name, and Mark was a popular first name.

“He works for the mayor?” I offered, but all I could get was a thin-lipped expression from her. Fuck, I was in trouble. “Listen, I met Mark over the weekend. He told me he is the mayor’s assistant, but he didn’t tell me his last name. He left his wallet at the bar.” I tugged out my wallet and shook it at her, hoping she’d take the bait, but she held out her hand expectantly.

“I can give it to him.”

I snatched the wallet back before she could take it. “I’d rather do it. We’re… friends.”

She stared at me for a long moment, and I didn’t hold my breath because I didn’t want to seem obvious, but when her eyes widened and a grin spread across her pink lips, I frowned. “Oh my God. Are you his boyfriend? Oh my God. You are!”

I didn’t get a word in before she stood. Heels clacking, she raced around the desk to step in front of me while sizing me up with an impressed stare.

“You’re huge. I told Becky over at the law firm Mark would be into big men. I told her, but she wouldn’t believe me. She said she saw him with a skinny, nerdy type, and I told her no. I said Becky, he’d like to be thrown around.” She went to touch my chest but snapped her hand back as though she realized she couldn’t touch, and all I could do was raise my eyebrows and wait. “Oh. You want to see him. Of course.” Waving her hand at the elevators, she grinned. “He’s on the top floor. You’ll find him in the mayor’s office at the front desk.”

I nodded and thanked her as I strode past the sparsely decorated reception area and toward the elevator she pointed at. It was hard to miss the wide stares sent my way, but I was used to it by now, from kids and adults alike. At least children addressed the issue and asked why I was so big, but everyone else thought it was okay to gape.

When the elevator opened on Mark’s floor, I stepped out and glanced in both directions, my gaze stopping on a door to my right where the very prey I was searching for stepped out. His head was down, but when a man in a suit at his side stiffly grabbed his arm, mouth dropping open, Mark’s attention focused on me. My prey froze.

The predatory ache inside me began, like a beat to a fast-paced heart. Thump. Thump. Thump. I watched every flicker of emotion that crossed his face, even from this far away, and I saw the moment when he chose to run. It was his deep breath and full-body shudder that alerted me, and when he turned to throw some documents into the other man’s hands and scamper in the opposite direction, I followed. My strides were even and powerful, and the man Mark had been with watched me pass without stopping me.

I stalked past multiple glass doors that led into offices and no one batted an eyelash, too engrossed in their work to notice a giant of a man chasing a small redhead. When Mark finally swept into a door a little farther down the corridor, I smirked when I reached it, the words Men’s Restroom painted on the front.

“Is this how you want to play, my little rabbit?” I said, loud enough that I hoped he could hear me. I shoved open the door and stepped inside. Surprisingly, a fresh citrus scent assaulted my nose, and the room had been recently cleaned, no doubt. It certainly had a better odor than the porta potties at the construction site. “Little rabbit, where are you?” I took slow, even steps farther into the bathroom, passing urinals and multiple open toilet stalls.

The sound of him sucking in a breath sent goose bumps of excitement running over my arms.

“Little rabbit, come out, come out, wherever you are. Your big bad wolf is here to devour you.”

“I’m very busy right now.” The sweet thing tried to sound confident, but I didn’t miss the tremor in his voice.

“You said to hunt you down,” I murmured, stopping at the blue door that belonged to the accessible stall. I faced it and stretched out my neck.

He gasped, the sexiest sound I’d ever heard, and I grinned.

“And if you don’t want this, I want you to give me your safeword. You never picked one, so I’m telling you what it is. It’s roach. Disgusting little pests. Am I clear?”

“Yes.” His voice went small.

“Do you want to say it now?” I asked, waiting.

Silence stretched out between us as I held my breath, but I relaxed when he whispered, “No.”

Power surged through me, and my cock pushed at the zipper of my jeans. I smirked. “Open up, little rabbit, or I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow it all down.”

Something clicked behind the door and it swung open, revealing a flushed Mark, his face almost as bright as his hair, which was naturally curly today. I preferred him like this, even with the fancy suit. Desire and need clawed through me and I wanted to eat him all up. I stepped forward and crowded him inside the stall before I closed the door behind me, locking it again. There wasn’t much space, but there didn’t need to be for what I was about to do.

“I’m going to mate you right here and now, little rabbit. Fill you with my seed until you’re overflowing. You left me waiting too long.”

His eyes widened as he dodged the toilet and backed against the white tiled wall. I grabbed his face between my fingers and dragged him toward me. He started to follow my lead for a moment before realization must’ve dawned on him and he shoved at my chest. I barely moved, though. I was three times his size, he didn’t have the strength to push me back, and he didn’t want that.

I slammed my mouth against his, the bitter taste of dark coffee on his tongue as I shoved mine between his lips. I preferred sweet beverages, just like I enjoyed sweet men like Mark. Cupping his cheek, I shoved myself against him, brushing his stomach with my hard dick. He whimpered into my kiss, body trembling.

“I’m going to own you,” I growled out, dotting hungry kisses across his jaw and down his neck. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll go back to work full of my spunk. If we were animals, the other men in your office would be able to smell my claim on you. They’d know I filled you up.”

He shuddered, lashes fluttering against his pale cheeks as I licked across the pulse in his neck. I felt the beat against my tongue, racing fast. “I’m not yours.” The fight in his voice made my cock throb in time with his heart. Fuck. I wanted to destroy his pretty hole, thrust into him until I had him stretched wide before I bred him.

I grabbed his arm and spun him to the right, slamming his chest against the tiled wall the stall was connected to, since it was the last one in the row. He gasped when I shoved my knee between his legs, prying them open. I nibbled at the back of his ear and whispered, “Little rabbit, you were mine the moment I saw you.”

I reached around him, made quick work of his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and pulled at the zipper until I’d lowered it. He stayed frozen for a moment, and disappointingly, I thought he wasn’t going to fight, but then he struggled by slapping me on the hand. Fire consumed me, making my skin hot. He tried to turn, but I slammed him against the wall harder.

“Don’t move,” I whispered dangerously, yanking down his pants and underwear to his knees.

He sucked in a deep breath. “I don’t have a condom and lube.”

I laughed heatedly into his ear and licked the shell again. “I do. I wouldn’t have come here without it. I knew I was going to fuck you.”

“Oh.” He glanced over his shoulder, and I kissed him hard. He moaned into my mouth when I ran my palm over his smooth, pale ass. So fucking delicious. As tempted as I was to get on my knees and eat him out, I didn’t want piss or who knew what else on my jeans.

I played with my zipper and yanked it down, reaching in my pants to pull my cock out from my underwear. The cool air-conditioning of the bathroom made me shiver, but all my thoughts were on Mark and getting inside him.

“We can’t do this here,” he whispered, making me pause. The look of realization he gave me came with wide, fearful eyes, and I both hated and loved that his terror made my cock harder. “My old boss got caught having sex in city hall. He ended up in jail. Arrested. I can’t—”

He went to turn, but I grabbed his arm, holding him tightly as I tugged out the single packet of lube and a condom from the pocket of my jeans. “Shh. It’s fine.”

“You don’t understand, Camden….” His voice rose in panic. “I can’t lose my job.”

“You won’t.” I tightened my hold on him until he gasped. “We’re behind closed doors. Your boss wasn’t. I read all about it. It’s fine. I won’t let us get caught.”


I slammed my mouth against his, eating up any protests he had. He knew the safeword. I’d made sure of it. Now he was mine. I caught the condom wrapper between my teeth and pulled at it, ripping it open. It wasn’t an easy challenge to press him against the wall while I slid on the condom, but I managed to get it done. The lube was more trouble, but once I had it open, I squeezed the majority of it onto my cock. The rest slicked my fingers, and I dropped the packet onto the floor so I could reach between Mark’s asscheeks and wipe the gel over his hole.

He gasped and struggled again, but I used my chest against his back to keep him still.

“I’m at work,” he hissed.

I smiled. “And? You know the safeword, little rabbit. Say it and this will all be over.”

Silence was the answer I wanted and got. I laughed gently as I slid one finger inside him, popping past the tight ring. He leaned his chest against the wall, palms flat against the tiles, and moaned quietly. I didn’t want to waste time, not today when I wanted it to be rough and dirty, so after the second finger I decided I was done.

I yanked my fingers out, grabbed my cock, bent my knees until it was almost funny, and lined up with his hole. Sweet pressure greeted me as I pushed inside. There was no gentleness about the way I rocked into him, and his groan was filled with a mixture of pain and pleasure. It was the prettiest sound I’d ever heard. I seized his wrists, holding them against the wall in front of him as I thrust until I was balls deep.

His groan transformed into a whimper of need, and I took that as my signal to let loose. I pistoned into him like the big bad wolf I was, fucking him wildly, my cock spreading him as I drove it in and out of his tight little hole. I was a man possessed, and I needed him in ways I hadn’t wanted anyone before. My insides were on fire, the predatory sensations taking control.




The words resonated in my head. I buried my face against his neck and let go of his wrists to curl my arms around his waist, holding him tightly. With every thrust he banged against the wall and let out a whimper of desire.

“Oh God,” he whispered desperately, shuddering and moaning. “You’re so big.”

“Fuck yeah, I am,” I growled out. “Tell me how my cock feels, little rabbit. Do you feel claimed?”

“Get lost,” he snapped, but one particularly hard shove inside had him crying out in pleasure.

The sound of the door of the bathroom jerking open had him gasping and staring at me over his shoulder pleadingly, but I smirked and slammed my hand over his mouth. I continued thrusting, aware of whoever was outside the stall door heading to the urinals. The sound of piss hitting porcelain filled the room.

Mark whimpered and grasped the wrist of the hand covering his mouth, his body shuddering and trembling as I continued to fuck inside him. The desperate glance he gave me only enticed me to move faster and harder. I reached in front of him to wrap my hand around his cock, and his eyes widened. He shook his head desperately, and I smirked in response.

I kissed his ear and whispered so quietly that only he could hear me, “You’re mine.”

The urinal flushed and the sound of water running echoed through the bathroom. I moved my hips faster, my cock disappearing into his hole over and over again. I jerked him off slowly at first, then picked up my pace. His huffs of pleasure danced across the palm of my hand where I still had it placed over his mouth, and he exploded into whimpers when the tap turned off and the door to the bathroom swung open and closed again.

He bit at my palm hard enough to make me hiss and jerk it away from his mouth, and he spun a glare on me. “What were you doing?” His eyes were ablaze, angry and hot. “We could have been caught.”

I chuckled, slid my hand down to his throat, and tightened my hold on it.

His eyes widened again, and he gasped when I pressed my fingers into his windpipe with light pressure, but not enough to hurt him.

“I can do whatever I want with you. You’re mine.” I flicked my hand on his cock to make a point, and he moaned, dropping his forehead against the tiles. He tensed, and I could feel how close to the edge he was.

I smirked and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck, right above the collar of his dress shirt. The light purple of a bruise I’d made the last time we were together peeked out from under the fabric. I didn’t have much room to play with his skin, but there was enough for me to do what I’d wanted to do since I’d laid eyes on him in the hallway. Jerking him quicker, I watched the reactions in his body—the tenseness, the shivers, and the sounds of his moans. He was close, so I quickened the flicks of my wrist until he froze and groaned, hot seed splattering across my hand.

Grinning, I widened my stance, bent my knees more, and fucked into him two more times. That’s all it took before my balls burst and my orgasm stole my breath. My toes curled in my boots and tingles swept through me as my balls tightened. The predatory need stirred in my gut, low and feral.

My release filled the condom in his ass, and I wished more than anything we were bare so I could stuff him to the top with my spunk. I’d have to talk about bareback soon.

This was the perfect time to claim what was mine, so I did exactly that—bit down on the back of his neck—hard. He yelled out in surprise and agony and shuddered, more cum shooting from his cock onto my hand and the wall.

“Oh sweet Jesus,” he cried, smacking his head against the tiles.

I bit until my jaw ached, and only then, when I was satisfied it’d leave a mark for a week or so, I released his flesh. I stared down at my handywork. The indents of my teeth were red and deep in the skin on the back of his neck. Perfect. Mine.

I laid a few sweet kisses on the same area and slowly pulled my cock out, taking off the condom and tying it at the end. I zipped myself up and opened the door to the stall so I could sneak out and throw the used condom into the trash. When I came back, Mark was still in the exact same position. His shoulders trembling and the small whimpers that sounded like tears made my heart ache.

I grabbed him, turning him toward me, and was met with watery eyes. “Oh, little rabbit. Did I hurt you?” Guilt consumed me and I brought him into a hug, cradling his head against my chest. “I won’t do it again.”

“No,” he whispered, gasping. “I want… I want that. Please. I… want that.” He said the words as though he was trying to convince himself it was okay, and I smiled, my heart fluttering at my little prey and his sweetness.

“Good, because you’re mine.”