Sold for the Night by Ki Brightly



By the timeI was on the way back to my house, Mark was wriggling around like an impatient worm, glaring from where he lay on the floor of my truck. He muttered something around the gag, and I thought I heard the word “asshole.”

I laughed, thumping my fingers on the steering wheel in time with “Fat Bottomed Girls,” which blared on the radio. Stopping at a red light, I glanced at him and smiled. “Don’t play with a wolf if you don’t want to get bitten,” I said, smirking down at him.

He grumbled and squirmed some more before he sighed and went still. I stared at him and couldn’t help but appreciate how absolutely delectable he looked all tied up, his face flushed and bright and his cock plump in those tailored black pants. As far as I was concerned, I’d already claimed him as mine with that bite on the back of his neck, and all I had to do was make sure he understood who owned him. It was clear he wasn’t used to primal play, but he was a natural, even if he hadn’t realized it.

We passed two cop cars on the way home, and I couldn’t help but chuckle as I thought about what the police would think if they pulled me over. They’d definitely throw me in lockup for kidnapping, even if it was obvious Mark wasn’t fighting hard enough to warrant any real concern. When I got him back to the house, we could talk about a visual signal to stop what was happening. For now I wanted to feed him and show him a very special room: my den.

What he’d done today took balls, and there was something insanely attractive about how he’d egged me on, meeting me in a challenge for dominance. What he would learn is that I would always be the one in charge, the Alpha, but I enjoyed a good struggle with my prey and mate.

We arrived home, and Mark was so still I thought he’d fallen asleep, but when I popped the door open on his side after getting out of mine, he jerked upward. I slapped my hand on his head and took the brunt of the hit against the glove box.

“Careful,” I soothed.

He glared at me and huffed around his gag when I hooked my hands under his armpits, yanking him out and standing him up on his feet. Once I had his door closed and I’d locked the truck, I grabbed him around the waist and threw him over my shoulder. He grunted and wriggled and I slapped him on the ass hard enough that the sound echoed in the garage.

He gasped and his cock pressed insistently against my shoulder.

I smoothed my hand over the spot I’d hit, my palm rubbing over his soft, round asscheeks, and my dick throbbed as I thought about getting inside him again. But I wasn’t going to rush tonight. First, I wanted to play. When I got to the door that led from the garage into the house, I unlocked it while juggling Mark. Kicking it closed behind me, I took him into the dining room and sat him down on one of the wooden chairs. Only then did I unbuckle my belt and pop the leather out of his mouth.

“What the hell are you thinking?” he snapped, eyes blazing with fury. “You kidnapped me.”

I laughed gently and tickled my fingers over his cheek and jaw. He shivered, obviously fighting between being angry and lusting after me. “I took what belonged to me.”

“I’m not a possession.” He fell back against the chair and sighed.

“You’re my prey, my mate.”

He frowned, his dark red eyebrows furrowing. “I don’t know what that means.”

“Wait here.” I turned and left him in the dining room as I swept into the kitchen. I grabbed a menu for a Chinese takeout place nearby and a couple of beers from the fridge before I made my way back to him. Much to my relief, he hadn’t moved, not that he could go far even if he tried. The knots I’d tied were tight against his ankles and hands and getting them loose would take a lot of time and energy.

Opening the trifold menu, I slid it across the table for him to see what they had to order while I grabbed two beer coolers and slid the cans into them. Popping the tabs, I took a seat as he gave me a similar frown to the one he had earlier.

“What is this?” He glanced around as though searching for hidden cameras. “Did Vane put you up to this? I don’t think it’s very funny.”

“The mayor?” I chuckled and shook my head. “No, little rabbit. This is all me. Tell me what you want to eat and I’ll order. They have a guaranteed half-hour delivery. We can have some food and then get to the more interesting fun.”

“And what fun would that be?” He laid his bound wrists on the table, the skin under the ties already reddening. Even though he had his mouth free, he hadn’t said the safeword, so while I didn’t want to hurt him, I didn’t rush to take the ropes off, either. I liked my prey to be bound and at my mercy.

“You’ll find out. What do you want?” I nodded at the menu again, and he sighed.

He stared down for barely half a minute before he made a sound in the back of his throat. “I’ll have the Cantonese roast duck and the steamed prawn dumplings.”

I grinned. “Good choices.” I tugged my phone out of my jeans’ pocket and hit the contact info for the restaurant. After I was done ordering, I put my cell on the table and dragged my chair closer to his. I grabbed his beer and raised it to his lips, and he froze.

“What are you doing?” he whispered.

“Giving you a drink. Do you like beer?”

He shrugged. “I’ve… never really tried much.”

I laughed gently. “Then this will be a test for you. It’s Coors.”

Mark hesitated, then nodded, and I pressed the can to his lips. He swallowed some of it and grimaced away from the beer with his mouth twisted in disgust. “That is horrible.”

I snorted in laughter and took a big swallow of the beer myself, humming as the cold liquid slid its way down my throat and settled in my belly. I couldn’t have too many, especially during the summer when I worked long hours, but one every now and then never hurt.

He stared, and I felt his gaze like fire on my skin, scorching and hot, burning a hole into me until he could see my very soul. His intenseness had intrigued me since I first saw him up on that stage, glaring out at the men who had the balls to even think about bidding on him.

“Primal play.”

He startled, eyes widening. “What?”

“What I’m into. My kink. It’s called primal play.” I took another sip and held the beer out to him, and much to my surprise, he leaned forward for it. I tipped the can against his lips and he swallowed greedily, some of the alcohol missing his mouth and trickling out of the corner. I seized his chin and leaned forward, licking a stripe up his skin to catch the escaping beer, and he moaned, the sound going straight to my already fattened cock.

“What does it involve?” A flush swept across his face and his lashes fluttered against his cheek, like he was trying hard not to close his eyes when I dotted kisses across his jaw. “I mean, is it like pet play? I’ve heard of that.”

I chuckled, sliding my thumb across his chin. “No, it’s not pet play, though I am curious how you know about that.”

He went to look away, but I dragged his face back toward me. “My cousin’s into it.” He shrugged, glaring with little heat. “He’s a puppy, and he’s not ashamed of it. He’s talked about it a few times when I visit for the holidays.”

“Your family just got more interesting,” I murmured, stroking my thumb down his neck and over his pulse point, feeling the gentle beats of his heart. “But no, primal isn’t the same as pet. Pet is usually someone pretending to be a domesticated animal, and they have an owner who takes care of them and gives them what they need. Primal is… more primal.” I laughed. “It’s about letting go of your inhibitions and giving in to basic instincts. I’m the Alpha and you’re my prey. I want to mate you, fuck myself into you without feeling like I need to control myself. I want to breed you, fill you up, and put my marks on you. I wouldn’t be your owner like I’m a human and you’re the animal, Mark. That’s what pet play people are missing, if you ask me. We’re all animals. I’d be your mate, the one who provides for you, takes care of you just so I can fill you up with my spunk, and everyone will know you’re mine.”

A shiver went through him, and he blinked at me, eyes clouded with need. He swallowed and nodded. “Oh.”

I smirked and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I want to claim you with my bites.” Sliding my hand around his neck, I touched the teeth marks stark on his skin, a reminder of what we’d done earlier today. I’d already made sure everyone knew he was mine, and I’d continue doing it until he was littered with my bruises—my claim.

“What made you… realize you like this?” He leaned into my touch and jolted in surprise, like he hadn’t realized he was doing it.

“I’ve always been the possessive type. After a while it made sense to me that I liked letting go in the bedroom, and needed to give in to the animal I wanted to be.” I slid my hand down his chest, over his wrinkled suit and shirt. I’d done that. A bubble of pride burst in my chest. Mark was usually so straightlaced, a perfect employee of city hall, but I’d ruffled him up, taken him from behind in his work bathroom. Excitement coiled inside me and went straight to my dick, stiffening it up more.

“So you like hunting me?” He reached out for the beer with his bound hands, and I waved them away, bringing the can back to his lips. As he gulped a mouthful down, his Adam’s apple bounced, and I couldn’t look away. He drank half the can before he recoiled and wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand. “I’m your prey.”

I smiled, warmth spreading throughout me until my body felt too hot. I didn’t want to wait for food. I wanted to fuck him, but I also had to make sure he was well fed before we did anything. This could take all night, and I was going to thoroughly devour him until he couldn’t walk straight.

“Yes, little rabbit, I enjoy hunting you before I claim you, over and over again. I want you to always remember you belong to me.” I slid my finger over the restraints on his wrists. “But I never want you to think you can’t say no. I gave a verbal safeword, and now I want to give you a physical one. If you’re ever gagged or unable to talk and you want me to stop, I want you to tap your hand three times on whatever surface you can, like this.” I slapped the table three times in front of him. “Understand?”

He nodded, drawing his bottom lip into his mouth. “Yes.”

“I want to talk about something else. Condoms.”

He winced, and I thought I knew the answer already. Mark seemed like a safe guy, the type who hated the thought of bareback, but that didn’t stop me from asking.

“I like being bare while I hunt. I want to feel the heat of your asshole squeezing down on me.” Unlocking my phone, I turned it to face him, showing my latest STI results. “I don’t have any infections. This is proof. I’d like to fuck you without a condom.”

He glanced up at me from under long eyelashes and pursed his lips for a moment, then sighed. “Okay, but I want to see regular reports. I won’t take any risks. You should really ask about me, but since you didn’t, I’m good to go, too.”

I smiled, the need to feel his bare ass around my cock swelling in my chest. “Oh, little rabbit, I’d do anything to get into your hole naked.”

The doorbell rang, interrupting an intense stare-off we were having. As much as I wanted to stay there and watch him until night became morning, I had other plans in mind. I stood and walked to the door, taking the Chinese from one of my regular deliverers. He nodded in thanks at the tip I pressed into his palm before I came back inside. I dropped into my chair just as Mark held out his hands to me.

“Are you going to take these off so I can eat?”

I grinned. “No, I’m going to feed you myself.”

“You’re… but why?” He frowned at me.

“Because my prey is tastier when he’s well-fed,” I murmured, low in my throat, watching the tremble that rocked him. Exhilaration slid through me like molten lava, slow and blistering, and my cock pressed insistently against the zipper of my jeans.

I opened the boxes of food, and went to the kitchen to grab a fork. I’d always hated chopsticks, and even though I’d eaten Chinese since I was a kid, I could never get the hang of them. Taking a seat again, I stabbed his duck and held it to his mouth.

He stared at me for a long moment, his eyes inquiring and full of the kind of rebellion I’d always enjoyed, but when he finally opened his mouth, I was a tad disappointed I didn’t have to force the food between his lips like I craved to do with my dick.

He chewed on the duck carefully, licking some of the liquid off his lips, and I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the sweet pink tongue he had.

“Another?” I whispered, rocking forward to kiss him, but thought better of it and sat back. There’d be enough time for kissing and fucking later.

“Yes, please.” He opened his mouth, and my cock throbbed.

I took the time to feed him, one piece of duck and dumpling after another, until he finally admitted he was full. Only then did I feed myself, but I wasn’t very hungry, so I had a few bites and was done. My excitement at getting him into my den was overpowering, and nothing could stop me from taking him up there and playing.

After I’d dumped the containers and placed the leftovers in the fridge, I strode back into the dining room and yanked him to his feet and into my arms. He grunted in surprise as I lifted him, and I held him close to my chest as I stalked to the wooden stairs, clones of the same ones Liv had in her place. Our houses were almost identical, like most of the homes around this area, but mine had one difference, which I’d constructed myself—a dark den where I could take my prey to play.

To get to the playroom we had to go through my room, so once in there, I dragged the key ring out of my pocket and unlocked the door beside my closet. Mark’s lips twitched toward a smile as I attempted to balance him and wield the key at the same time. Once the door was open, I walked inside and went across the room to drop him on the couch near the far corner before I went back to close the door again. I used the key to lock us in. Slipping the key ring back into my pocket, I spun on him with a smirk.

The den was crafted to keep the dimness in the room. The walls were painted black, the floorboards were the same dark wood as the ones in the rest of the house, while the furniture Mark lay on was a black leather swan couch, with one end curved much higher than the other and a dip in the middle—perfect for fucking.

Storage drawers were built into the wall beside the couch to allow easy toy and supply access. A bar sat at the right of the door, hidden behind a retractable wall so when it came time to play, my little rabbit wouldn’t hurt himself by smashing the glass bottles. To the left of the door was a wall lined with leather padding, and hooks were embedded high up so only I could reach them. A few toys I’d found I enjoyed hung there. I wasn’t the type of person to use sex toys often, but the ones I did prefer, I wanted close—ropes, soft black handcuffs, a paddle, and a collar for when I found my forever prey. I could already imagine Mark wearing the collar on his frail neck, hiding it beneath his shirt and suit without his coworkers ever knowing.

“What is this place?” Mark whispered, glancing around.

“My playroom. I call it my den.” I stalked over to him and pulled at the knot on his wrists until it loosened and fell on his chest. His ankles came next, and when he was free, he sat up on the couch and rubbed at his wrists. I dropped to my knees in front of him, grabbing his right hand and laying a kiss on the pulse point where his arm met his palm, tracing his blue veins with my tongue. “Predators like to hunt in the dark, little rabbit, and these are my hunting grounds. The windows are covered with blackout blinds, so as soon as I turn off the lights, you will see nothing. You will hear nothing through these soundproof walls but the beating of your heart and my growls as I chase you.”

His cheeks flushed and his mouth parted. “Oh.”

I smirked at him and rose again, striding over to the bar and closing the retractable wall in front of it. When I had everything in place, I went over to the drawers, opening up the one at the bottom. I pulled out my favorite claws, sharp enough to feel but not dangerous enough to leave behind permanent marks.

Mark stood, nearly falling as his knees shook beneath him, and he watched me slip every claw onto my fingers. His breath hitched loud enough for me to hear in the deadly quiet room, and he took a step back.

I smirked. “That’s it, little rabbit, run.” Making my way around the couch—Mark rounding it in the opposite direction—I headed to the light switch and flipped it off, leaving us in complete darkness. Quiet. In my fantasy I could hear Mark’s heart racing from the fear flooding his body and sending his instincts wild. Hide, that’s what his mind would tell him.

I clicked my claws against the wall and heard his sharp intake of breath. “Little rabbit, where are you? Come play.”

The rushed thumps of his feet on the wooden floorboards made me laugh. I slipped off my boots to make my footsteps quieter in my socks and took slow, steady steps in the direction I’d heard him.

Power surged through me, igniting my adrenaline. I wanted to fuck until he was full of my spunk, then pump into him some more. I needed him wide-open for me, marks from his fingernails on my back like the other night. I still felt the reminder of how wild he’d been.

“Come out, little rabbit, so I can fill you up with my cock.”

Adrenaline roared in my veins and my skin crawled in anticipation. I stopped when my knees hit the couch and waited patiently, listening to every sound… until I heard him—an escape of breath from that pretty mouth of his.

I crouched, drumming my claws against the floor. The tap, tap, tap was an exhilarating noise, even for me. “Let me mate you, fill you up until your body has no choice but to bear me young. I want to plug you up until my cum is overflowing, running down your soft thighs, and then I’ll lick it off your skin and feed it to you with a kiss.”

“Oh fuck.” The words were quiet, barely a whisper, but my ears picked up on them.

I smirked and rose, taking slow steps in his direction. “Little rabbit, I can smell your fear and desire. You want me to shove my thick cock inside your tight hole, spear you apart until I’m balls deep. Are you wet for me? Leaking out of that ass like an animal in heat?”

He ran, his shoes slamming against the floor, tracking toward the door, but I grabbed him around the middle before he could reach it. I slammed his back against the wall, and he gasped, and then I slotted my mouth over his in a harsh kiss that would leave his lips bruised and rocked my hard, trapped cock against his stomach. Curling my arms around his ass, I heaved him up until his legs wrapped around my waist, his erection pressing insistently against me, telling me he liked this as much as I did.

“You’re mine now,” I growled out, burying my face against his neck and licking a stripe of saliva over the spot in his throat that pulsed with his heartbeat. “I’m going to breed you until you’re full of me.