Forget Me Not, My Scottish Love by Allie Palomino

Chapter Eleven

“Where’s Abigail?” Alice asked in a huff the next morning.

“Mother, doona take that tone.  Ye only use full names when ye’re angry.  What could poor Abby have done to anger ye?” Keith asked.

Poor Abby doesna need yer pity now.  She needs to know that we accept and support her through this difficult time.  I doona believe her mind is broken for one moment.  Coddling her does her no good.”

“For once, ye and I agree, Alice.  She doesna need to be coddled,” Gillyanne said, walking into the great room.  “Ever.”  She took berries from a trencher on the table.

“Gillyanne, get the hell out of here once and for all,” Alice said, not making an effort for niceties.  “Doona ye understand when ye’re not wanted around?” 

Gillyanne smiled at Alice, popping more berries into her mouth, and left the room.

“What Cameron ever saw in her will forever remain a mystery to me,” Alice said.

Cameron took that moment to walk into the great room.

“I agree with ye, Mother,” Cameron said.

They sat at the table waiting to break their fast.

“Where is she?  I doona think she’s coming down,” Amy said.

“My wife is more than likely sleeping.”  He sat down at the table.

“Where were ye?”

“Sleeping outside, where he has been since Abby began sleeping in his chamber.”  Keith’s tone reflected his annoyance.

“The affairs between my wife and I are of no one’s concern.”

Keith stood and slammed his fist on the table, surprising everyone.  They each stopped what they were doing and looked at him.

“That’s enough!  I grow weary of ye claiming her as yer wife when it suits ye.  In the time that she’s isolated herself, ye have neither inquired about her nor have ye gone to see her.  Ye make no effort to consummate the marriage even with a threatened annulment dangling over yer heads like storm clouds.  If she remains a virgin, Haynsworth could successfully petition for an annulment earlier than the year.  If she is nay of sound mind, ye can petition for an annulment.  If she doesna conceive, the marriage will be annulled.  With all of this shit looming overhead, ye still find the energy to drag yer feet when it comes to consummating a marriage with a beautiful woman?  Doona ye think our clansmen know about the sorry station of yer marriage?  All want a MacPherson heir, but doona be fooled, Cameron, for they all covet yer young, sweet, beautiful, virginal wife despite being English. 

“Every opportunity ye have, ye claim she is yer wife, yet yer behavior would say otherwise.  So which one is it, Cameron?  She’s either yer wife or she isna, but choose one and stand by the decision for crying out loud,” Keith said, fire lighting his eyes.

Cameron stood up, and slammed his fist on the table as Keith had.  Everyone turned their heads like attentive spectators. 

They looked at Cameron.

“Damn it, doona ye think I know that!  I know they covet her.  I covet her!”

They looked to Keith.

“Then consummate the damn marriage and stop sitting on it like ye’re hatching a damn egg!  Ye doona have to covet her- she’s yer wife.  Consummating the marriage and failing to beget an heir doesna make ye less of a man, Cameron!  Doona let yer fear of the inability to sire an heir control ye or yer marriage.  I’ve seen the way ye look at her and the way she looks at ye.  Ye’re meant to be with one another.”

They looked to Cameron.

He was smiling.  “I’ve never thought of ye as the heartfelt and sentimental type, Keith.  I’m moved,” Cameron said, bringing a hand to his chest, laughing. 

Laughing, they looked to Keith.

“Screw off.”  Keith threw a piece of fruit at him.

“I will go to her.”

He shot them an annoyed look when he saw their knowing smiles.

Once in their chamber, Cameron stared down at his wife.  His eyes touched all points of her face, and moved to her body that was hidden underneath the quilt.  He lay down next to her and, propped on one elbow, gazed down at her sleeping form.  He ran his thumb along the soft planes of her face.

She was an amazing and strong woman, and he was fortunate to have her as his wife.  He thought about her temper and the feisty way she stood against Gillyanne.  He smiled.

Cameron fell asleep with his hand possessively on her stomach.

Abby stirred awake.  She felt something heavy on her stomach and looked.  There she saw a hand and followed it to its owner.  She looked over to her right.


He was staring right at her.  She released a sigh of relief. 

“Good day, Abby.  How are ye feeling?”

“Confused as to why you’re here,” she said sleepily.


Her cheeks flamed.  “Because you don’t want me.”

He shook his head, and let a lock of her beautiful blond hair wrap around his finger. 

“I do.  I’ve been reluctant to be with ye.  I canna get ye with child, and believed it would be best for ye to remain untouched so that ye would make a sound match with another after our annulment.”

Abby sat up.

“Nay.  It is not solely your decision to make, Cameron.”

He nodded his head.  “Aye.  So I’ve been made to understand that through my meddlesome family.”

Abby laughed but grew serious in the next instant.

“I will not return to my father, annulment or nay.  I care not to be at the mercy of his whims.  If the circumstances force me to him again, I will live by my own accord, happen to me what may.  I will do what it takes.” 

He was quietly taken aback.  Her eyes found his.

“But I will never return to that man.”

Cameron studied her long moments and she met his gaze directly. 

Who had he been fooling?  Himself?

Cameron would have never given her up. 

He will never give her up.

He would fight until his death to keep her, not only from her father, but fight to keep her with him for always.

“Ye’re nay returning to yer father.”  He looked down at her hand and grabbed it.  “‘Til my dying breath, Abby, I vow to ye that I will always protect ye.  Ye are mine, and mine alone.”

Her inhale was sharp at his words.

“I would never allow you to sacrifice yourself for me.”

His grip on her hand grew tighter but he looked away.  “‘Twould nay be a sacrifice.”

“Why not Cameron?”

Why not indeed.

Cameron’s eyes captured hers again, and he leaned down to kiss her.  Abby’s lips were so soft, so untried.  Some men preferred a skilled lover, but after Abby, he no longer did.

He wanted to devour her mouth.  Cameron pulled back and smiled down at her.  When she looked up into his eyes again, everything stilled.  Cameron felt his world slow.  She looked enchantingly beautiful, like the fairy Gillyanne mocked her being.  Her glorious golden hair cascaded down her back.  Her green eyes glowed up at him.  He couldn’t resist as his hand went into the mass of hair.  His other hand fisted as he fought for control.

“Cameron, I…”

“Shh.”  He placed a finger over her lips.  His head dipped down and possessed her mouth.  The kiss began slowly and sensuously, but grew passionate.  Although she was new to the activity, she was a quick learning pupil. 

Abby moaned.  Her hands came up to his chest, her breath coming in shallow spurts.

“Cameron,” she sighed.  His mouth claimed hers with renewed fervor.  His hand bunched into her hair, his control losing the battle to need.  His breathing was labored.

“I need ye, Abby.  I need ye.  I want ye.”

His words were guttural and raw.

Abby moaned loudly, not able to catch her own breath.  She looked up into his silver eyes and was lost.  She saw the promise of passion and pleasure in their depths.  She saw the safety she would always know by being with him.  He beheld the haze of passion in her emerald gaze.

For a moment, time stood still.

“I need you, Cameron.  I want you, too.” 

Cameron’s fist in her hair tightened.  Those words did more to him than ignite his fire.

They ignited his heart.

Cameron kissed her until they were both out of breath.  She pressed herself against him.  Her soft chest cushioned his masculine one.  She wrapped her arms around his neck.

He broke the seal of their lips.

“Are ye sure, Abby?  Are ye ready for me to make love to ye?”  His voice was hoarse with need.

Her eyes were enormous pools of gleaming emeralds.  She took his breath away.

“I’m certain, Cameron.  I want to- to make love with you.  I want to become yours.” 

He kissed her in response.  He laid her back onto to the bed and moved over her.

“Am I to heavy for ye?” he asked in between kisses.

“No,” she said breathy, “I love feeling your weight on me.”  Her hands swept through his hair.  “You make me feel alive, Cameron.”

Their kiss grew frantic, as the passion flowed from one to the other in a cycle.  He wanted his skin to touch hers.  He wanted to share the same warmth as they were sharing the same air.

Cameron began taking their clothes off.  He slipped her shift over her head and took his plaid off.

She gasped loudly when his naked chest touched hers. 

“Feel good?”

Her beautiful green eyes looked into his and she nodded.  He kissed a path to her throat.  Her hands fisted into his hair again.  He sucked at her neck, licking the spot directly below her ear.  He trailed kisses down to her right breast, taking the nipple into his mouth.  Her back arched.


He suckled at her nipple lovingly, reverently.

“Oh, Cameron.”

She moved against him, her hips moving.  She was restless, and he groaned in response to her innocent movements.  He kissed the valley between her breasts and moved to suckle the other nipple.

“Cameron!  Cameron, please.”  Her throbbing needed easing.

Abby’s moans drove him mad.  She purred in his arms, and moved restlessly against him.  He couldn’t believe what was happening.  Finally- finally she would be his in every way.

Why had he waited so long to claim what was his? 

And she was his.  There was no doubt.  She had always been his.

And would forever remain so.

He breathed in the scent he knew only as hers.  It encompassed him, and floated around him.  He became intoxicated by it.  His blood began surging against the walls of his body, urging him to possess her.



He stopped for a moment to regain control.  If she asked him to stop now, he would die.  He would die, but he would stop for her. 

Never had he felt this kind of passion with a woman- this kind of need that brought him to the brink of madness. 

For her, he would enter into the battlefield a lone rider. 

For her, he would carve his own heart out in sacrifice for her life.

Cameron was halted in his romantic thoughts when she said, “I you…hard…pressing against me.”  Her cheeks were rose-colored.

He touched his forehead to hers, looking into her eyes.  He smirked a little, not wanting to embarrass her further. 

“That is what will bring us so much pleasure, Abby,” he said, smiling into her eyes to alleviate her fear.

His head dipped down and suckled at her breast again.  Her back arched and she moaned.  Her nails were scratching a path down his back.  She could no longer refrain from the overwhelming feeling of their passion. 

Abby kissed and bit his shoulder.

Cameron thought he would come off the bed.

“Abby,” he breathed in a sexy, breathy, deep voice.

He suckled her nipple more and her arms wound around him.  She scored his back over and over again.  She moved her assault onto his other shoulder.

“Cameron, please!”  He heard the urgency in her voice.  “I know not what I need, but whatever it is, give me it!”  Her words were urgent.

His hand moved down to her core.  He eased a finger inside and groaned loudly- she was very wet, very hot, and so very tight.

“That feels good,” she breathed as she rocked her hips.

“Ye are ready for my entrance, Abby.”.

She opened her eyes and stared into his.  Fire met fire, searing them both. He kissed her hard on the lips, reveling in their plump, juicy moistness.  They were swollen and berry-pink from his attentions.

“It will hurt, but the pain will subside,” he said, clamping his jaw down to regain some of his control.  He was acting like a green lad with his first maid.

“I trust you, Cameron.  I’ve always trusted you.”

His desire flared at her words.  He positioned himself over her and pressed the tip of his cock into her.

“Cameron,” she breathed, shifting herself.  She closed her eyes in pleasure as she felt the sensation of his entrance.

Cameron wanted to bark at her, to tell her not to move.  As it was, his control was on the verge of snapping.

“Stay still, Abby, else it’ll hurt more,” he said in a near growl.

“Oh, Cameron, it feels good!” she said with a small smile on her lips.

He eased himself further until he felt the proof of her innocence.  They stared at one another.

“Cameron, more.”

She lifted her hips in an urgent, voracious need.  She instinctively wrapped her legs around him and ground her hips upwards, impaling herself with him.

“No, Abby, hold still!”

It was too late.  Her eagerness overcame his order.  The room echoed her anguished cry of pain.  Her eyes watered.

Cameron strove for control.  He wanted to, no, needed to comfort her but all he wanted to do was plunge in and out of her to brand her as his for eternity.

He held her close.

“Shh, sweetness, it’s alright,” he whispered softly.  “I know it hurts, but it will pass, I promise.”

Cameron passed his hand over her head.  She rested her head in the curvature of his shoulder.  Beads of sweat were accumulating there.

Her breathing grew calmer.

“I’m sorry.”

“Doona be sorry, Abby.  Ye’ve given me the most precious gift a woman can give to a man.  It hurts the first time for a woman,” he said gently, nuzzling her neck.

“That feels good,” she said tentatively.

“It’ll feel better, Abby.  I’ll make it feel better.”

Cameron suckled her breast again.  Her groan was loud in the quiet room.  “Cameron.”  Her breathing grew harsh again.  She scored his back.

He moaned at the erotic feel of her nails on his back.  “Abby,” he said in a harsh whisper.  “I want ye.  I want ye to feel my full possession,” he said through gritted teeth.

“You feel deep already, Cameron.”  Her voice was a slur, as if she’d consumed too much ale.  She was lost in the sensations he was evoking in her.

“I want to be deeper.”

She moaned loudly.  “Cameron,” she said in a plea, “possess me…possess me, Cameron.”  She arched her head, exposing her neck and he began to suck the exposed skin.

He had remained still until that moment.  Her words engorged him until he felt he would burst within her.

“I feel myself getting tighter, as if ye are growing within me,” she whispered in a mixture of awe and pleasure.

Sensual- it was the only word he was able to form in his head. 

He felt the throbbing pulse of his manhood and sunk deeper.  She looked at him in awe and then he withdrew.  She gasped at the tingling sensations she felt.

He plunged back in.

“Oh, Cameron.”

She groaned as he took a nipple in her mouth and withdrew from her sheath.  He flicked the nub with his tongue and surged within her.


Abby wrapped her arms tighter around him.  She arched her back, wanting to feel more of his skin on her.

“Abby, ye’re so tight and hot, sweetness,” he said in a harsh whisper.

“More, please.  I need ye.  I need, it.”

She brought her legs up and wrapped them around him, trying to keep him inside her.

Her eyes locked with his.  They stared at one another intensely, as if peering into each other’s soul.  He withdrew and pumped her, their delicious tension rising.  Abby began feeling as if she were on the tip of an edge.  It was the most exhilarating feeling she’d ever had.

“Cameron?  I feel as if I will shatter.”

Her voice held all the wonder and amazement of journeyman on his first adventure.  Her lips turned upwards into a smile.  He looked down at her, basking in her joy- in the joy of their lovemaking.

“Trust me, sweetness, trust me.  I shall always catch ye when ye fall.”

“I trust ye, Cameron.”

Abby rose to touch her lips with his.  Cameron devoured her mouth again, taking from her, her very breath.  He thrust further and withdrew quicker.  The pace he set ignited the lion within him.  She felt so wonderful.  It felt as if he were experiencing this for the first time as well.

“Cameron, I’m falling!”

Abby arched her back, moaning loudly. 

“Come with me, sweeting.”

Cameron’s eyes captured hers.  She felt the pressure within her build.  Goosebumps covered her moist, sweat-covered body.

“You feel so good, sweetness.” 

Cameron pumped quicker until he felt his release and her tightening sheath around him.  He roared as his seed erupted.  His roar reverberated in his head and throughout the castle, as her tight sheath squeezed every last drop from him.  It was months of pent up seed.  She moaned and yelled his name, feeling as light as a feather.  Again, her skin broke with more gooseflesh underneath the fine sheen of sweat. 

“Cameron,” she said laughing as she inhaled.  He heard her laugh in wonder and joy.  “That was amazing!”  Her smile was broad.  “Is this what I’ve been missing?”

Rather than answer her immediately, he licked her neck.  She laughed and brought her hands up to his head.  Cameron popped his head up to look into her eyes.  They were still hazed with passion.

Abby was laughing carelessly now.  It was a wild abandon of laughter erupting from her silken, sultry throat.

Cameron studied her, surprised at the feeling of satisfaction he felt watching her.  He smiled slowly in response.  It was a slow, sexy smile that took her breath away.

“Aye, Abby.  ‘Tis how it will always be between us.”  He touched his forehead to hers.

She stretched her arms over her head and arched her back, yawning.  “Ye have such a sensual smile, Cameron.”  She stretched again, and he looked down at her beautiful, lush breasts. 

“I believe I like this activity, Cameron,” she said yawning again.  “We’ve missed much excitement and I feel a need to compensate for the time we’ve been remiss.”

He laughed as he saw her eyes close sleepily.  He hated to do it, but he withdrew from her and looked down at his angel.  She was so pure and innocent, and had brought him the most passionate night he’d ever experienced.

“Abby, ye were amazing, sweetness.  No one has made me feel as satisfied as ye have this night.”

She was sleeping soundly already.

Cameron lay on his back and pulled her into his arms, nuzzling the crown of her head.  Damn, he was fortunate.

“Cameron?” she asked sleepily.

“Yes, my sweetness.”

“Is it always like this?” she asked, groggily.

“What do ye mean?”

She wasn’t making sense because she was half asleep.

“Is it always like this between a man and woman?” she asked, moving to snuggle closer to him.

“It could be,” he said, stroking her smooth, silken back.

“No,” she said sleepily.

“No?” he questioned, his curiosity peaking. 

He smiled, experiencing pure male satisfaction at the state he had brought her to with his lovemaking.  Then his smile faded as he heard her words.

“It can only occur…when a wife…loves her husband.”

His heart stopped.  Was it possible?  Did she love him?

She nuzzled his neck in her sleep.  He looked down at her peaceful face and knew that she spoke the truth. 

As he drifted off to sleep, keeping his precious wife in the safe enclosure of his strong arms, he wondered whether she would she remember in the morning what she had told him just now?

He hoped so, but nevertheless, he knew the truth. 

His wife loved him.