Forget Me Not, My Scottish Love by Allie Palomino

Chapter Eight

It was a month before Cameron finally rode through the outer wall.  He quickly washed the grime off his body before seeking his family out.

Cameron rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.  He stretched his arms out and rolled his shoulders.  His body was wound tighter than the end of a noose.

They’d underestimated the battle.  The Stewarts fought a hard battle and the Campbells had been low on men.  The Stewarts had been smart to launch a night attack.  After having defeated the Stewarts, Cameron stayed an additional week to make certain that the Campbells were stabilized. 

Once he donned a fresh new plaid, he entered into the great room.  His muscles were slowly releasing their tension.  He continued to roll his neck in an effort to relax his overworked muscles.  Cameron wanted strong ale to relax the tension within him, and numb his mind a bit. 

He also wanted to see Abby. 

She had been on his mind throughout the long month.  Cameron had looked forward to coming home, which was a new feeling for him.  It wasn’t that he didn’t like being with his family.  He enjoyed the physical exertion of battle.  Cameron didn’t lie to himself, though.  He wanted to be home because he was eager to see Abby. 

When he came into the great room, he looked towards the hearth.  The site before him stopped his tongue.

Abby sat on the floor on spread fabric.  Her glorious hair was all around her.  Amy and Alice were sitting in chairs around her.  She was smiling at Owen.  Drool was coming out of the baby’s mouth as he tried crawling to Abby.  After many tries, Owen finally crawled to her and she picked him up, laughing in carefree abandon.  She gingerly held him to her chest, her laughter resounding melodiously around them.  She held him away from her and the baby erupted in a fit of bubbly giggles.

“He has grown to love ye, Abby.”  Amy smiled at her.

“Ador-able,” Abby struggled to say.

“That was very good, Abby.  Yer speech is improving,” Alice said encouragingly. 

Abby held the baby close to her chest, hugging him tightly.  The baby loved every moment of it and was cackling heartily.  Amy looked up just then, jumped out of her chair, and squealed in delight.  Abby looked up to see what had caused Amy’s outburst and her focus centered on Cameron.

“Cameron,” she breathed heavily, as if in relief.

He took all of her in.  Never had he felt as welcomed as he felt now.  Never had he wanted to return home with such a quickness.

He walked over to her.  She still held the baby close to her, rubbing its back.

“Hello, Abby.”

Alice took Owen from her.  Abby made an effort to stand up but Cameron grabbed her around her waist and brought her to her feet.

“H-hello, Cameron,” she whispered.  He saw the relief in her eyes and smiled in response.  He couldn’t resist; he brought her into his arms for a hug.

Cameron saw differences in her.  She’d gained a little weight, which he was relieved to see.  The dark circles still remained under her eyes, though.  He smelled her hair and her flowery scent enveloped him.  He sighed in contentment.

“Cameron!  I’m so happy to see ye back.  Ye hadna told me ye were leaving!” Gillyanne said, pushing Abby out of his arms and wrapping her arms around his waist.

The stricken and confused look on Abby’s face hurt him. 

“Gillyanne, I am with my wife and family.”  Cameron plucked her hands off him.

“But I’ve been with ye longer than she has, and I am like family.”  Gillyanne cast a scalding glare at Abby.

Keith held Amy back.  Cameron noticed the telling action.

“I think that it’s time ye leave here, Gillyanne.  Abby is my wife, and I will respect the sanctity of this marriage.”  He walked over to Abby.

Gillyanne’s face flushed red.

“Ye canna mean that, Cameron.  We’ve been together for years.  What will ye do when this mousy weakling leaves ye?”

“Nay another insult, Gillyanne.  I willna tolerate yer insolent remarks against my wife.  ‘Tis time that ye start yer own family, and yer own life.  Elsewhere.”

Gillyanne noticed his eyes didn’t hold any of their usual heat.  She wasn’t such a fool as to believe that he loved her, but she always knew that he wanted her.  Now she knew she was losing him.  Gillyanne would rectify that later, when she was alone with him.

“Verra well, I’ll pen a note to my sister, if that’s acceptable with ye, milord.  This correspondence may take a while.”

“Take as long as necessary, Gillyanne, but doona dawdle.” 

Aidan came in at just that moment.

“Cameron, sit here at the table.  Keith and Patrick, ye also.  I’ve a need to inform ye both of the last month’s affairs.”

Cameron and Patrick walked to the table.  Keith kissed his son and Amy, and sat next to Cameron.  Cameron listened to Aidan’s account, but he was powerless to stop his gaze from moving towards Abby.  She was once again playing with the baby, enjoying the baby’s antics.  His heart skipped a beat at the thought of having a child with her.  If only he hadn’t been cursed.  If only he could sire children, then he could have a life with her, and a life with their child.

That could never happen.  It would never happen.

“Are ye listening, Cameron?  What d’ye think of the suggestion I made on improving the structure?” Aidan asked.

Cameron’s thoughts were brought back to the present conversation.  He replied and the men discussed other clan matters, until Abby laughed.  Cameron’s gaze traveled to where she sat on the floor with Owen.  He was gnawing on her finger.

“Gillyanne was never warm to Owen.  She never carried him, much less allowed him to drool on her,” Keith said, looking over to the site that kept holding his brother’s attention.

“There’s nay comparing Abby to Gillyanne, Keith,” Aidan said.

Cameron agreed to that.  There was no comparison when it came to the two.  They were complete opposites.

“How has she been?” Cameron asked.

Aidan stayed quiet for a moment.  Cameron’s gaze returned to Aidan’s face and narrowed.

“What?  Did something happen?”

“When ye left, she was verra upset and uneasy.  Mother stayed with her in her chamber for a few days.  Nightmares plagued her, at least that’s what Mother said.  After that, she grew more quiet and distant,” Aidan answered.

“Is she regressing from the small improvement she made?” 

He knew that she felt comfortable with him.  Even in the two days he’d spent with her before he left, she seemed more coherent than she had appeared on their wedding day.

“I doona know, Cameron.  She confessed to Mother that she’s been seeing oddities in her chamber at night,” Aidan said.

Cameron thought about this for a minute, and asked, “When did this begin occurring?”

“A fortnight ago,” Aidan responded.  “Mother has been helping her with her speech and so she speaks more, but she only tells Mother and Amy about these occurrences.  Mother says she has difficulty sleeping.  Other than that issue, however, she has been more stable of mind, and nay as aloof or detached as she was before.  She doesna hum or rock herself.”

Cameron nodded his head in understanding.

“Gillyanne has been verra offensive to Abby.  I’ve told her to stay away from Abby or she would be asked to leave.  I had to do that, Cameron.”

“I am in full agreement with yer decision.  Abby is too vulnerable, and Gillyanne must learn her place,” Cameron said, staring at her as she played with Owen.

“And her place shouldna be here,” Keith added.  “Trust me on that, Brother.” 

Cameron didn’t hear his brother, though. 

“Well, since we’ve been briefed on affairs that occurred while we were otherwise occupied, I will bid ye all goodnight, and spend time with my wife and son,” Keith said, getting up from the table.

Keith went over to Amy and kissed her.  He squatted down next to Owen and tumbled the baby’s brown feather-like hair.

“I think that it’s time to say goodnight to Auntie Abby, Owen.  Say bye-bye,” Amy said, picking him up off the floor.  The baby started crying at being taken away from Abby’s arms.  Abby smiled and kissed the baby.

Cameron smiled in reaction.  His silver eyes warmed as he looked at the way Abby reacted to the baby.

“Night, O-wen,” she said slowly.

“Ye still have eleven months, Cameron,” Aidan said as he stood next to Cameron.

Amy and Keith heard Aidan as they passed by with Owen and they chimed in with their opinion.  “Aye, Cameron, only eleven months remaining.  Owen loves her and he doesna take easily to just anyone,” Amy said.

Cameron took the baby from Amy and carried him.

“Ye, too, can have one of yer own, Cameron.  Just try,” Alice said, also overhearing and coming forward.

Cameron looked up and said, “Enough.”  The baby took that moment to put his hand in Cameron’s mouth and thought that was so funny, he squealed.  Cameron smiled at him.

Abby timidly walked forward and when the baby saw her, he lunged towards her.  Cameron held him tight to prevent him from falling.  Abby laughed and Cameron enjoyed hearing it.  She looked radiant and he vowed then that he would do anything and everything in his power to keep her doing just that always.

Eleven more months, he reminded himself.  He only had eleven more months to make her laugh.

“All right, Owen, time for bed.”  Keith reached for the baby.

“Good…night, O-wen,” Abby said to him, kissing him on the forehead.

Everyone departed, leaving Cameron and Abby alone downstairs.

“I’ll walk ye to the east tower, Abby.”

Her eyes showed a moment’s panic before she nodded her head in agreement.  He didn’t know how to approach the topic of the oddities she’d seen, so he kept quiet about that for now.  As they walked, he told her about the castle’s history.

“See this corridor?  It was built by my grandfather’s great great-grandfather.  Aye, ‘twas that long ago.  Afterwards, two more towers were built, totaling four.  They face north, south, east, and west.  Living on the border has taught my clan many hard lessons.”

Abby stopped and faced him.  The light from the wall sconce illuminated her face.

“My f…family,” she said sadly.

He didn’t want her looking sad.  He reached out to smooth back a wayward tress that had fallen into her eyes.

“Yes, our families have been enemies for hundreds of years, Abby,” Cameron said, without inflection in his voice.

She reached out and touched his forearm.  “I…am s-sor-ry.”  Her eyes captured and held his.

He shook his head.  “Doona apologize over that which is nay yers to apologize for.”

She pursed her lips together. 

They continued to walk through the long corridor and finally reached her door.  He turned to her and studied her.  She looked so beautiful and innocent, that he couldn’t resist.  He leaned down and kissed her, something he’d wanted to do since their wedding day. 

Her lips were warm, soft, and pliable.  He drank from them like a man dying of thirst.  The kiss was so soft and sweet, but when she responded, it turned ravenous.

Cameron knew by her awkward response that she didn’t have experience kissing, which blatantly pleased him on a selfish and possessive level, and ignited his desire for her more.  He encircled his arms around her and brought her into him.  She didn’t shy away from his mouth, but rather responded with a delicious innocence he relished.  He’d been in the dark too long to refuse the light that she freely offered him.

Abby was lost in a mass of confusing emotions.  It was as if she only started to discover the world yesterday, after having been locked in a dark room for years.  She felt herself grow freer every day she was here and her sleeping mind slowly began to awake.  She was gradually emerging into a world of feeling, leaving behind numbness.  Her mind slowly began working again, after years of nonuse.  Feelings she had never before known unlocked within her during that kiss, and elation swept through her inexperienced body.  Tears rose to her eyes and fell down her cheeks.

Cameron felt the blood drumming through his veins.  Pleasure infused his whole body and he felt himself growing hard from their scorching kiss.  When he felt her tears, he stopped.  He slowly pulled away but was only a hair’s breadth from her.  The only sound in the hallway was their harsh breathing.

“Did I hurt ye?”  His voice was a whisper, as soft and tender as she was.  He looked deep into her eyes.  They had turned a beautiful velvety green.

Her tears kept falling as she shook her head.  A smile formed on her lips and she laughed.

“What?  What is it?”  He felt much like a young exhilarated boy.

“Y-ye…m-make…me…f-feel, Cameron.”  Her voice, like her face, was full of wonder.

“Feel what?”

Abby’s face was flushed a beautiful pink and her eyes had turned a vibrant green in the span of a moment.  She looked angelic.

“I am no l-longer n-numb.”  She shook her head and said, “Ye…m-make me f-feel some-thing oth-ther than fear.”  She laughed even more, a laugh that sounded carefree and joyous.

He smiled down at her and wiped the tears from her cheeks.  He stared at her for a long moment.

“This is yers, and I thank ye, for it kept me safe.” 

He pulled out the strip of green plaid she had given to him when he left.  He didn’t understand why he was telling her this.  The words just came out of his mouth. 

When had he become so tenderhearted

His sword kept him alive, not this strip of fabric, but for some reason, her happiness and feelings meant more to him than that truth.

She took it from him and rubbed it gingerly on her face, smiling. 

“Ye’ll be all right tonight?”

She stared into his eyes, her smile not wavering as she nodded.

“Goodnight, Abby.  If ye have a need of something, I am here for ye at any time.  Just turn here and walk forward.  That is the north tower, where my chambers are located,” he said gently, not quite knowing what else to say.  The kiss had left him moved.

She nodded and allowed him to open the door for her.  Once she was inside, he gently closed the door.

Abby leaned back, smiling.  She sighed.  These feelings were new to her.  It was exhilarating and energizing. 

Where have I been for the last several years?

It was a haze, as if she hadn’t lived at all.  It was almost as if overnight, when she saw Cameron a month ago at their wedding, her muddled head miraculously began to clear.

Abby felt wonderful.  Her speech was getting better and her brain wasn’t jumbled and incoherent anymore.  She looked over to the chest and saw the flowers.  They were so beautiful that she wanted to give him one. 

Abby took one vibrant yellow flower, opened her door, and stepped out.  Where had he said his rooms were?

“What are ye doing here?” Cameron asked from the entrance of his chambers.  He was staring at his bed where Gillyanne was posed, naked.

“Waiting for ye, Cameron.  I miss ye.  I know that it was just a performance earlier.  Ye want me, Cameron, I know ye do.”

It was all a charade.  She was unable to be anything other than superficial.  How he hadn’t realized it before now was a mystery to him.

“Leave, Gillyanne.  It wasna a performance.  I am married and I willna upset Abigail.”

“Yes, I forgot, she’s yer wife and she’s sooo fragile.  Honestly, Cameron, I never took ye as the domesticated sort.  She’ll understand that we’re lovers.  This was a marriage in name only.  I thought ye knew that.”  She sat up, putting on display all that she had to offer.

Although he had said much the same to Patrick, he despised anyone else saying it now.  This marriage wasn’t supposed to be in name only and he regretted saying that it was.  Now, he resented Gillyanne uttering those very same words.

“I doona want to hear ye saying again that my marriage is in name only.”

Gillyanne casually crawled out of bed and walked towards him.  Her hips swayed seductively and her breasts moved gently as she prowled towards him.  Her pale skin looked a deeper shade under the dim glow of the candles.  She stood in front of him, naked and haughty.

“Why are ye so cold to me, Cameron?  We’ve shared many loving nights.  I’ve tried to get with child and we’ve been more than zealous in those pursuits.  And now, because I’m deficient, ye cast me aside like stale bread,” she said pouting, wrapping her arms around him.

“Gillyanne, we’re finished.  Leave once ye’ve made accommodations.”  His tone was bland.  While they’d shared passions before, now, the only rise she caused in him was his temper and disgust.  He was utterly unaffected by her, and that perturbed her.

Although she was physically beautiful, her temperament left much to be desired.  She pouted, whined, and was spoiled.  She was the very antithesis of Abby, and although he once found Gillyanne attractive, now after having met Abigail, he wasn’t attracted anymore.

“That’s cold, Cameron.  Think ye that she could provide what I have provided to ye these many years?  She’s five bricks short of a wall, Cameron.  She is daft, in the true sense of the word.  She’s mousy and insignificant, and absolutely undeserving of yer attentions.”  She began rubbing herself against him.

“Gillyanne…” Cameron warned threateningly, moving his body away from hers.

“Come now, Cameron.  I know ye want me as much as I want ye,” she said huskily, and brought his head down for a kiss.

Gillyanne ravished his mouth.  She pressed herself tightly up against him, moaning.  Cameron was pushing Gillyanne away when he saw a movement to his right.


He hastily pushed Gillyanne to the side and walked after her.

“Leave her, Cameron.  She should know the truth,” Gillyanne yelled.

Cameron looked back and the look on his face stopped Gillyanne cold.  He had never used that frigid glare of his on her before.  It was cold rage, and it was frightening.

Abby had dropped the flower as she ran down the corridor.  Tears fell down her eyes and everything blurred around her.

She was so dim and naïve.  She couldn’t compete with Gillyanne.

Cameron saw the flower on the floor and his heart felt heavy. 


He caught up to her and held her by one arm.

“Abby, we’re no longer involved.  I asked her to leave,” Cameron said, not knowing why he explained himself to her.  He hadn’t asked for permission or given explanations to anyone for years.  He was the damn laird here, and he did as he pleased.

Her tears were his undoing.

She sniffed, catching her breath.  Her eyes reflected her pain, and her face was red from embarrassment.  “It didn’t l-look l-like it.”  Her breaths were shaky.

“Abby,” he began, but stopped when she tried to break free of his grasp.  He had done this to her.  He had made her upset.  He could only imagine what he looked like with a naked Gillyanne before him, kissing him.

“Doona, Abby.  She’s leaving.  I’ve asked her to leave,” he said, bringing her into his arms.  “I’ve asked her to leave,” he repeated into her hair.

Cameron hadn’t been able to get this woman out of his mind since that night years ago.  His dreams were filled with her image, good and bad.  Just one night so many years ago, and still her vulnerability and innocence called out to him for his protection.

Cameron had never been taken like this with a woman.  He had never felt this way for anyone.  She was in his blood, in his mind, and in his soul.  He hadn’t realized just how much she occupied his thoughts until he had seen her on their wedding day.  It made him realize that she had been present in his mind every day since that night.

Cameron kissed her forehead, his hand sinking into her feather-soft hair.

“B-but y-ye must lo-love h-her.”

How wrong she was.

“Why would ye say that?” he asked delicately.

“Why else w-would you k-kiss her wh-when she was unclothed?”  Her eyebrows dipped down as she looked up at him.

Cameron almost laughed.  She was so innocent that the thought that people could enjoy their bodies without being in love never occurred to her.

“I doona love her, Abby,” he said into her hair as he pulled her into him. 

How could he explain Gillyanne to her?  She wouldn’t understand.

“Gillyanne is leaving, Abby.  Now that I’ve married ye, I have asked her to leave.”

Abby nodded.  “I wanted t-to give you a f-flower,” she said, lowering her eyes.  She peaked her head out of his embrace.  “It’s trivial,” she said shaking her head, smiling.

He smiled in response.  “No, it isna trivial.  Come, let’s go get it,” he said, lacing his hands with hers.

They retrieved the flower and he walked her back to her chambers.

“Abby, I know…”  He stopped and began anew.  “Will ye be well here in yer room?” Cameron asked slowly.  He really meant to ask whether she was scared because she claimed to have seen things.

Abby looked up at him so trustingly.  She smiled and the sun rose within the cave of his heart.

“Y-yes, Cameron.  Thank you,” she said and gave him the flower.  He noticed her furtive glance towards her room, and the way she squeezed her hands together. 

Why didn’t she trust him enough to tell him about her fears?

“Is something troubling ye?”

She smiled reassuringly.  “Nay, Cameron.”  Her pretty blush deepened.

He wanted her.  The realization shook him.  The feeling was stronger than with any previous woman he had been with.  He knew he had to keep a reign on his desire for her sake.

“Why doona I come in for awhile?  We havena spoken much to one another.  Would ye like to get to know me and my family better?” 

It was Cameron’s intent to enter the room and observe what transpired, if anything.  He wanted to calm her anxiety.  He also wanted to do something else, namely something carnal.

He clenched his fists in an effort to control the urge.

Abby looked around, her brows furrowed.  She turned her green gaze on him.  “Are you certain that it is p-proper?” she asked, and swallowed.

He laughed.  “Of course it is, Abby.  We are married.”

She blushed.  It was beautifully endearing. 

Damn, but he needed some strong ale.  What was the matter with him?  He was becoming a milksop.

Abby walked into the room and he followed, closing the door behind him.  She awkwardly waited for him to say something.

“Let’s sit here.”  Cameron pointed to the bed.  Although she was shy, he knew that she wasn’t a submissive mouse.  He detested meek and cowardly women.  He knew, though, from that horrible night, that she was neither cowardly nor meek.  That night she was pure fire and courage.  She had protected herself when the need had arisen.

Abby sat on the edge and he sat across from her, resting his back on the wall.  His eyes roamed over her form. 

His desire flared.

“I already know about yer f-family.”

She watched him.  Just merely staring at her beauty robbed his breath away.  It seemed to him as if her green eyes were shimmering. 

“Really?  How so?”

“Alice told m-me,” she said with a small smile.  Still her speech was new to her tongue, and she stuttered quite a bit.

“Yes, Mother does have the gift of gab.”  He twisted his lips wryly but there was a light in his eyes. 

She laughed.  “Don’t talk about Alice s-so.  She is w-wonderful and very warm towards me.”

He appreciated her defense of his mother.  That told him much about her.  “How far back did she go?”

“Oh, very far back,” she said and laughed as he rolled her eyes.  “Your family is very interesting, Cameron.”

“Do ye believe all of it?  Even about the border wars being started by yer lineage?”  He studied her closely.  Their families had always been enemies.

“Aye, I d-do,” she said immediately and unthinkingly.  That pleased him.


After a long pause, her eyes returned to his.  “Because I know m-my father and he c-comes from b-bad men.  I c-come from bad men.” She couldn’t hold his gaze when she said that.  Abby began smoothing the quilt. 

Did she believe she was bad?

“Ye’re not, bad Abigail.”  She looked up quickly.  “Ye’re like yer mother.”

She shook her head.  “I l-love my m-mother, Cameron, but I am not l-like her either.  Although I am a c-coward, I c-could never stay with a man l-like my father.”

“It isna as easy for women, Abby.  Something tells me yer mother isna happy, but has little choice in the matter.”  She looked up at him.  He held her regard and asked, “What if I were like yer father?”

Unflinchingly, she answered him.  “You’re not, but if you were, I w-would find some way to l-leave you, Cameron.”

A long pause stretched before them.  He saw that she was beginning to regret her answer.

“That pleases me, Abby.”

She looked confused.  “What?”

“Aye.  I would never beat a woman.  I detest men who do.  Though it would never happen, if I were like yer father, I would hope ye would leave me.”

She studied his face for a moment and nodded.  “It isn’t as p-practical for my m-mother, is it?  It isn’t s-so s-simple.”

He slowly shook his head.  “Nay.  Women here have a bit more allowance to do as they please.  Never upset a Scottish woman,” he teased, chuckling.  Abby smiled.  “Wish that it were so for yer mother, but it is a complicated matter.  I respect yer mother.  In light of all that she had experienced at the whims of yer father, she managed to raise a beautiful and intelligent daughter with a strong spirit.”

Her eyes averted as the color bloomed in her cheeks.  “I do not have a strong spirit.”

“Aye, ye do.  Ye canna judge yerself by the previous six years.”

Her eyes continued to wander the room until his next words.

“Yer speech is getting better,” he said, changing the subject.

Her smile was wide.  Was that a dimple?  He found himself wondering what face she would make when she was in ecstasy. 

“Alice and Amy have been p-patient with m-me.  They have t-taught me how to form my m-mouth.  It is awkward, Cameron.  I r-remember when I was mute.  Even though, sometimes, I was cognizant of everything happening around me, it still f-felt as though I was asleep.  I finally feel f-free,” she said, smiling but her eyes showed heavy thought.

“Do ye remember that night so many years ago?”

She paled a little, shaking her head.

“Nay, though I remember that awful m-man, I have no m-memory of that horrible night, save for y-you, of course.”  She looked up at him.

“He was too old for ye, Abby.”

She shook her head, smiling ruefully.  “Aye, and I told much the s-same to my father.  He wanted the border estates Elliot owned.  Elliot was in d-debt and needed my d-dowry.  I was a c-commodity, like every o-other w-woman is,” she said, looking directly at him.

He thought about her words for a moment.

“He planned to kill ye, to acquire yer dowry and retain his estates.”

“Y-yes.  I came to that c-con-clusion.  How do you know?”

“Why else would a groom attempt to kill his bride on the night they were wed?  Aye, he commissioned those men to wear my plaid in an effort to shift the culpability of the attack to the MacPhersons, the hated enemy of yer father.”

“I also knew his tastes didn’t run t-towards the likes of w-women, anyway, so the r-rumors said.”  Cameron’s eyebrows rose.

“Aye.  He was always w-with his close friend.  I t-told my f-father but he d-denied it.”

“Yer father is ruthless, Abby.  He’s the devil.”

She nodded in agreement.  “Aye, that he is.”

“I would never marry off a daughter of mine just to gain possessions.”  His voice was strong, reflecting his distaste over the practice.

Her head tilted to one side as she studied him.  He was a good man, an even better one than she had first thought he was, and she already thought he was perfect.

“D-do you have ch-children, C-Cameron?”  Her cheeks slowly reddened with embarrassment when his face darkened.  “I-I’m sorry.  I d-didn’t want to upset you.  I sh-shouldn’t have asked s-such a private question, forgive me.”

Cameron shook his head looking at her.  He admired her more than he thought he could admire anyone.  She was strong and spirited, and that pleased him knowing that she would give him strong children.


Could she give him children?

“Better that ye know, Abby,” he began slowly.

“Kn-know what?”

“Our kings married us to one another in an effort to strengthen the ties between England and Scotland, as King Alexander had married Joan.  They believed merging the two warring border families together would help achieve this.  But, because I have been loyal to Alexander, he also ordered the annulment of this marriage should a bairn nay be conceived within one year’s time.”

His eyes glided along all points of her beautiful face, one that he would miss seeing once the marriage was annulled.

She blushed prettily.  Cameron wanted to kiss her.

“W-well, I’m speechless,” then she laughed loudly, and Cameron smiled in response.  “What am I saying?  I h-have b-been speechless,” she jested.  “Then we must conceive a child, Cameron,” she said with a firm nod, her eyes looking everywhere but at him.  “Unless, you want the marriage annulled.”  He saw a fear in her eyes.

Abby was shy, and he found it endearing.  In a flash he was in front of her, tilting her face up towards him.  Her gaze finally moved to his eyes.  She stopped breathing.  He was so handsome and gentle, yet she knew he protected those he loved with a fierceness. 

“I doona want this marriage annulled,” he said softly.  “Do ye know how bairns are conceived?” he asked, his voice like soft velvet.

Abby’s face blushed and her skin broke out in gooseflesh as she looked at him.  It took a lot of bravery to maintain his stare, but she did it.

“I, ah, I kn-know…something…I…”  Her voice trailed off.  She set her jaw firmly and lifted her chin a little. 

Cameron wanted to laugh at her little show of defiance but didn’t want to hurt her feelings.  She had an air of innocence.  He doubted she knew much.

“My m-mother and yours both conversed with me, telling me of the relations that t-transpire between a husband and wife.”  She began in a normal tone but ended in a bare whisper.  He noticed that Abby was busy adjusting the perfectly laid quilt again. 

Cameron was close enough to kiss her.  He stayed her hand with one of his.  The touch caused sparks to flow from one to the other.  Her head snapped up and her eyes stared at his.  Her lips were open and her tongue swept out to moisten them.

Cameron felt it, too.  His desire flared anew.

“I think that the quilt is perfectly pressed now that ye’ve given it yer full ministrations,” he said and tried to smile, but couldn’t.  She was so damned beautiful, innocent, and pleasing. 

Cameron couldn’t resist.  He leaned forward.  Abby panicked for a moment when she saw his head was dipping towards her.  She steeled her resolve, and leaned forward, meeting him half way.

Fire sparked between them as their lips touched.  Cameron felt the desire between them.  His body hardened and so did the other part of him.  She tasted good, and he wanted more.  The sweet nectar of her mouth was just the beginning of the meal, while his body craved the meat of the main course.

Abby didn’t know what was happening to her.  Her pulse was racing, her cheeks were flushed, and her hands were shaking.  It was a combination of several feelings and physical reactions all in one. 

It was the best, but most confusing, she’d ever felt in her life. 

She didn’t want these feelings to end.  She leaned forward, trying to lean into him. 

Abby moved her lips awkwardly, Cameron noticed, but he didn’t much care.  That meant no one had made her an expert in the art of kissing, which also meant that he had the honor to teach her. 

Teach her, he wanted to indeed. 

Cameron wanted to teach her everything about the marriage bed.

The kiss was tender, slow, and loving.  Cameron didn’t want to scare her, so he tempered down his passion.  He stopped when he felt a few drops sliding down her cheeks.  He slowly pulled back, and looked at her, watching as she slowly opened her eyes.  They were warm, dazed, passionate, and confused.

“Are ye alright?”  His brows furrowed.

Abby nodded her head slowly, closing her eyes for a brief second as she brought her hand to her lips.  Her luminous emeralds appeared a heartbeat later, and with that same hand that touched her lips, she touched Cameron’s.

Despite the solid hard muscle she knew existed below his plaid, his lips were soft like the finest of garments.  They were full and masculine, but soft and yielding.  The smile that spread across her face was warm and welcoming. 

Cameron watched her with amazement burning in his stormy eyes.  A deep-seeded yearning throbbed through him.

How could she bring forth such emotions within him- passion, lust, admiration, and affection? 



All of these unfamiliar emotions stirred with this battle-hardened warrior. 

“I’m alright.  I’ve j-just never felt the way I d-do when I’m with you.”  Her soft voice was full of wonder.

Cameron reached up to the hand that touched his lips and took hold of it, planting kisses in her palm.  She closed her eyes for a second and opened them.  There was a light in her eyes and he was drawn to it like a moth.

“How do ye feel?”

Her answering smile took his breath away.  With her other hand, she touched her lips.

“I-I feel embarrassed.”  She laughed.  “Yet I feel warm, and s-something within me aches for you.”  Her cheeks were flaming red now.  Abby hardened herself, though, despite the embarrassment she felt.  She wanted to share this moment with him.  She wanted to share this and so much more.  When he continued to look at her, though, she said, “I’m sorry.  I f-feel so foolish-”

Cameron’s other hand reached out to cup her cheek, never releasing her hand.

“There isna anything to be embarrassed or sorry about.  Nothing that transpires between us should be.  Ye are nay foolish.  Ye never could be.”  He caressed the softness of her cheek.  “I never want to hear those words from these lips again.”

“Is this w-what happens between a husband and w-wife?”

He rubbed the pad of his thumb over her succulent lips.

“Aye, Abby, and much more.”

“That is how I will get with ch-child.”

His hand dropped away.  Abby noticed him withdrawing emotionally.

“W-What is the matter, Cameron?”

He looked at her and she could see the pain in his eyes.  Her hand reached to touch his cheek.  She wanted to ease his pain.

“You make my heart ache w-with that look in your b-beautiful silver eyes.  What troubles y-you?”

“I may nay be able to sire children.”  His voice was flat.  He had lived with this truth for so many years that saying it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

“But we have not t-tried, Cameron.  Y-you cannot say f-for certain.”

How could he explain to her his previous affairs?

“Abby, ye doona understand.  I have tried and no children ever resulted.  Men are different from women.  Although ye are pure and innocent, I have been with other women.”

Her broken mind was now alight with new understanding.  She was grasping his meaning.

“So, even while this is your first marriage, you have lain with women such as Gillyanne.”

“Aye.  Ye doona have to be married to share a bed with another.”

She nodded her head, finally understanding.

“It is called lust, and it requires neither love nor marriage.  Some women are like this, and most men are.”

She stared at him for a long moment, and a tiny smile touched her lips.  He saw something move in her eyes.

“You m-mean I could s-sleep with another man, then, and nay be in love or married, Cameron?”

“Nay!  Ye will be with me and only me.”

Abby stared at him as seriously as she could before erupting in laughter.  He stared at her before realizing that she had been taunting him.

“Ye were teasing me,” he said incredulously, as if no one ever joked with him.

“Aye, I w-was,” she said, laughing.  “And you rose to the o-occasion.”

“Really?  And ye find it verra funny, do ye?”

“Oh, yes!”

“Let’s see just how funny ye think it is!”

He tickled her and she fell back on the bed, squirming.

“Cameron!  N-Nay, stop!  Please!” she said in between fits of laughter.

Cameron felt stupid and liberated at the same time.  He didn’t know what got into him but he was enjoying himself with her.

“Not until ye apologize, Abby, and say ye yield to me.” 

His deep throaty laughter pleased her ears.  His eyes were warm with happiness, and the sides of his eyes crinkled slightly.

“Nay, I will n-not!”  Her stomach hurt from squirming and laughing. 

“Oh, yes ye will!”  He continued the onslaught of tickling.

“How many hands have you g-got!” she yelled.

“Apologize and say ye yield to me.” 

She looked so desirable, he could feel his passion flaring.

“Alright!” she squeaked.  “Alright!  I’m s-sorry!”

“That’s nay good enough!  Say ye yield to me,” he said over her.

“Alright!  Alright!  I y-yield to y-you!” she said, in breathless laughter.

Cameron was kneeling over her prone form.  One large hand held her two small ones over her head.  She was out of breath and her chest heaved with effort to regain it.

Their eyes locked and the lightning crackled between them.  Both stopped breathing as Cameron leaned down towards her.  He couldn’t temper his desire this time as he took full possession of her mouth.  Fire engulfed him.  Their lips collided.  His kiss grew demanding and passionate.  Not a trace of the sweet slow kiss they shared before was present in this one.  In the back of his mind he worried that he may be pushing her too far, but he was helpless to control his desire for her.  Cameron wanted her with every fiber of his being.  The flame within him was burning hot for her.  Although his passion for women was never dull, he had never reacted to any woman as he reacted to her.

Abby responded to him as if she were dying of thirst and he was her water.  Somewhere in the back of her mind she heard someone moaning.  Was that him? 

Her moans were driving him mad.  She responded to him with fervor and not with the coyness he had experienced with other women.  She was unskilled but showing true aptitude.  Her hands remained entrapped in his above her head.  If he pulled his head back, she followed.  He let her hands go, only to rest them on her waist.  Her moans continued as her hands swept into his hair, which was no longer tied back.

Cameron moved his kisses to her chin and then her neck.  She shuddered and he smiled as he continued.  Apparently, her neck was a sensitive spot.  Cameron kissed the skin right below her ear and she nearly came off the bed.

“Cameron,” she breathed.  “Cameron?”

“Hmmm?”  He was lavishing much needed attention to her earlobe.

“I f-feel odd,” she said timidly.

“Is it a bad odd or good odd?”

“It isna bad, b-but I’m not sure i-it’s g-good, either.”

Oh, it’s very good.

“What do ye feel?”  He kissed her neck some more.

“I feel,” she breathed in deeply, “I feel b-breath-le-less and there’s a tigh-tightness in me.  I feel pressure and tin-tingling.  Everything is t-tingling!  And thr-throbbing.  I’m throbbing!” she said, sounding worried.  “And…” she let her voice drift off.

“And?”  Cameron began kissing the other side of her neck.

“And you have s-something that’s poking me.  Wh-What is that?”

She sucked in her breath as his tongue tasted her skin.  When he heard her last words, he stopped cold.

Abby didn’t know what happened to him.  One minute he was kissing her and the next he stopped all of a sudden and his shoulders began to shake.

“Cameron?  Is something the m-matter?”

He looked up at her and she saw the glimmer of humor there in his eyes.  Then she saw the smile.

“Why are you l-laughing?”

He thought about a quick response.  He didn’t want to hurt her feelings by thinking he was laughing at her. 

“Ye have yer hands in a sensitive area, and it made me laugh.”  He said the first thing that came to mind.

Abby pursed her lips together in thought and then brightened up.  “Ahh!  Now I know where you’re ti-ticklish.”

He inwardly groaned.  Would he now have to pretend to be ticklish? 

“You don’t have to w-worry, Cameron.  I will nay tell anyone you’re ti-ticklish.  And you d-do not have to w-worry about ch-children either.  I will get with ch-child.”

He shook his head and sat up.  Her words had the affect of throwing water on a flame.  He helped her to a sitting position.

“Yes, Cameron.  I am not b-barren, at least I d-don’t believe so,” she said, looking at him.  She reached out a hand to cover his.

Cameron almost laughed.  Nay, she wasn’t barren; he was the male equivalent of it, however.  He turned to her.

“Abby, ye’re not understanding.  No bairns have resulted from any of my prior relations.”  He paused for a minute and admitted that he hadn’t exactly been wanting to conceive during those occasions, either.  “Even with the lengthy relations with Gillyanne, there havena been any bairns.”

She saw the pain in his eyes.  This beautiful man had a love of children and family, and it hurt him to believe he could not sire children.  Her palm lifted to his cheek and his unfocused eyes moved towards hers.

“You have n-not tried with m-me.” 

Her whisper was oh so quiet and gentle.  His eyebrows furled.  They studied each other a long moment.  Cameron remained silent.  She was so honest and trusting.  He wanted to believe but he wasn’t a lad of ten. 

Dreams and wishes were for children, and he couldn’t sire children.

He shook his head.

“I will n-not allow… this, this m-marriage to…to b-be annul-anulled, Cameron!” 

Cameron heard the alarm in her voice.  He noticed that when she was upset, her speech worsened.  He had been surprised by how much she had improved when he was gone. 

Cameron saw her trembling with tears welling in her eyes.

“I cannot.”  Her voice was thick with tears.  Her hands clenched into fists at her sides.  “I w-will not a-allow it!” she yelled, slamming her fist down on the bed.

Abby couldn’t be with another man and he couldn’t be with another woman. 


Cameron was hers and she belonged to him.  They belonged to each other.  This thought echoed in her head and was etched into her heart.

Cameron hated seeing her quivering lip and watery eyes.  If he was being honest, the thought of being with others disturbed him, too. 

Damn it. 

She.  Was.  His.

He braced himself for his next words.  She would be better off if he didn’t touch her.  At least then, she could enter into another marriage pure.  Her prospects for a good match would be better under those circumstances than if he made love to her, as he so wanted to do at that moment.

“When the marriage is annulled, ye’ll find another husband Abby.  It will be someone who will treat ye well.” 

His words felt like a self-inflicted wound.  He felt like smashing his hand through the stone wall.  She was his. 

She was his! 

Why did he have to be cursed!

“Nay!  I’ll never accept another!  I don’t trust men.  Only you, Cameron.  Only you!”

He could watch men die on a battlefield without so much as blink of his eyes, but her tears undid him.

“It has always, only, ever been you.”

Cameron brought her into the warmth of his arms.  He didn’t want the marriage to be annulled, either.  Perhaps he could petition Alexander.

His hands combed through the silk of her hair.  The perfume of it flooded his senses.

“I will give you children, Cameron.  I will!” she whispered fervently.

He hoped God heard her vow.