The Earl, the Lady and the Song of Love by Fanny Finch

Chapter 21

Imogen finally awoke at noon. As she made her way down the stairs, Elena informed her of Aunt Rachel’s presence.


“Aunt Rachel? She is here?” she asked, joy in her voice.


Elena nodded. “She is on the balcony, looking out over the gardens.”


As the last word left Elena’s lips, Imogen started for the balcony. She almost skipped all the way there, reaching a short moment after.


“Aunt Rachel! When did you arrive?”


Aunt Rachel’s face melted into a smile as she looked up at her.


“A little over an hour ago. I see you are awake.”


Imogen went to her for an embrace. “Yes. I was not able to get any sleep last night. I finally fell asleep just as dawn broke.” She held on a little longer, relishing the warmth of her aunt’s arms before pulling away.


“I reckoned as much when Elena told me you were still in bed,” Aunt Rachel responded. “I asked that you not be disturbed.”


Imogen took a seat then. “Thank you, Aunty. I did not know that you were back in London.”


“Oh, I returned yesterday.”


“And Uncle Peter? Did he return with you?”


Aunt Rachel shook her head. “He will be back soon, though. Very soon.”


“I hope all is well?”


“All is excellent! There is nothing to fear, my dear. Worry not.”


Imogen searched Aunt Rachel’s eyes. She could easily tell that her aunt was being sincere. Whatever the reason for their trip, it was nothing to fret over. She was happy to know this.


“I am glad that you are back and so quickly.”


“It was a small matter for which my presence was required. As soon as I saw it sorted, I was free to return. To be honest, I was tempted to stay by my Peter’s side a little while longer. However, I remembered that I have been with him all year and it is you whom I should be spending more time with.”


Imogen’s heart warmed upon hearing those words. “Not that I would have minded if you had chosen to stay. Nevertheless, I am happy that you chose to come back to me.”


Aunt Rachel patted her hand softly. “So am I, my dear.”


There was a moment’s silence as she tucked a strand of stray hair behind Imogen’s ears. Then, breaking the spell, she continued.


“Have you been well? Is there any reason you are having trouble sleeping?”


Imogen nodded. “I have been very well. As for last night, my thoughts kept me awake.”


“Those thoughts would not have to do with a particular tall, dark Lord now, would it?”


Imogen felt her cheeks grow warm. “Well . . . a lot of my thoughts were of him.”


Aunt Rachel beamed. “Something happened while I was away, did it not? I can tell from the way your eyes are shining and that blush in your cheeks! Come now, tell me everything. I want to hear it all!”


Imogen could not resist. She told her aunt of the morning visit and the evening play. How they had run into Lord Exeter and Alicia, and how the Earl had come to her rescue. She spoke of her quickly growing feelings.


When she finished, Aunt Rachel’s eyes were twinkling more brightly than hers.


“Oh my! Was I truly only gone for a few days?” she asked. “With all that has happened in my absence, it could have as well been a month! Oh dear, I am so thrilled to hear of these events! You and the Earl appear to be getting along really well, Imogen. It would be impossible for anyone not to begin to develop feelings.”


Imogen sighed. “I do not think they are feelings I should be welcoming. Nonetheless, I hardly believe I can fight them. I like feeling this way about him. I am just afraid he does not feel the same.”


Aunt Rachel did not miss a beat. “Oh, he certainly does! You can be sure of that.”


Imogen was surprised to hear her aunt sound so convinced.


“How do you know?”


Aunt Rachel giggled happily. “Because I know these things, my dear. I told you to bring him to me for several reasons, you know. I watched him closely that afternoon. I daresay he is utterly smitten. Perhaps, he doesn’t know it yet, but it will not be long now until he realizes.”


Imogen’s heart stirred. She wanted to believe her aunt’s words so desperately. Yet, she knew it would be foolish to. She would best keep her hopes down until she heard a confession from his mouth.


“You do not believe me?” her aunt asked, seeing through her demeanor.


Imogen shook her head. “I want to, but I am afraid I will only get hurt.”


“You think what happened with Exeter will repeat itself?”


“Perhaps not exactly so. I know Nigel is different. He makes me feel loved, precious! I believe that he is a good man who wants to do right by me. However, he made it clear that he is not seeking love. What if he finds that I am beginning to love him and loses interest because he will never love me in return?”


“Nigel, uh?” her aunt asked with a wink.


It took Imogen a second to understand her aunt’s meaning. Her cheeks grew warm as she flushed even harder.


“I see that you two have progressed indeed,” Aunt Rachel observed aloud. Moving on, she took Imogen’s hands in hers.


“Your fears certainly are valid, my dear. However, I do not think it likely that they will come to pass. Remember, I asked him that afternoon, did I not? He is not averse to the idea of a love match, my dear. He simply wishes to keep his expectations low so he will not end up disappointed. A sensible thing if you ask me.” She shifted in her seat.


“Now, we both know that Lord Kensington is nothing like Lord Exeter. He is a proper gentleman, and I entirely approve of him. I can think of no one more deserving of all that pure love you have in your heart to give. It will all work out in the end, I believe. I say you keep the faith.”


A heavy weight lifted off Imogen’s chest, making her feel a thousand times lighter.


She heaved a sigh of relief then, resting in her aunt’s arms.


“I was right to talk to you about this. I feel so much better now. You are right. I cannot continue to hold myself back or live in fear of the worst that might happen. I shall do as you say and keep the faith. Thank you, Aunty.”


She could hear the smile in her aunt’s voice when she responded. “Always, my dear. I will always be here for you.”


They remained that way for a long moment. The silence was comfortable and neither of them felt the need to break it.


A while later, the air grew windy, creating a chill. Aunt Rachel finally spoke.


“I believe we best be going inside now. It appears there is a storm coming.”


Imogen pulled apart from her aunty to see that it was true. The flowers in the garden were beginning to dance to the tune of the blowing wind. A cold tremor even racked through her body.


Wasting no more time, they both rose to their feet and began the walk into the house. They had just entered and were headed for the drawing room when they saw Nigel arrive. In unison, they drew to a halt. He too stopped in his tracks, spotting them.


A grin spread across his face almost immediately, and he started to walk towards them. As he reached, he dipped in a bow.


“Miss Hartford,” he said, greeting Imogen first. Then, turning to her aunt, he continued. “Lady Darkwood. I see you have returned.”


Imogen’s heart wouldn’t stop fluttering. She was surprised to see him again so soon after the night before. Nevertheless, she was happy. Very much so.


Aunt Rachel was grinning wide as she responded. “Ah yes. Only yesterday.”


“It is wonderful to see you again. I hope the journey was a good one.”


“A little rough terrain here and there, but all in all, it was a safe trip,” her aunt answered.


Nigel’s grin widened. “I am pleased to hear it.”


“Thank you,” Aunt Rachel responded sweetly.


He would have turned to Imogen then, but her aunt spoke again, stopping him. “Are you here to see our Imogen?” she asked.


Imogen would have flushed from embarrassment if she were not so eager to hear his answer.


Thankfully, he did not hesitate one bit. Holding her gaze, he said, “Being able to gaze upon her lovely face again is definitely the best incentive I had to come all the way here. However, my main purpose is to speak with Mr. Hartford concerning some . . . matters.”


Imogen tried not to let her disappointment show. She had been looking forward to serving him tea and spending the entire evening with him. It was sad to know he had not come for her.


She supposed there would always be another time for that. Her father was still Nigel’s business associate, and they did have to discuss business matters from time to time.


She looked at the butler who was still standing where Nigel had been. “Mr. Ramson was leading you to Father’s study, I believe?” she asked, grateful that her voice didn’t betray her true feelings.


Nigel bobbed his head. “That he was.”


She gave into a warm smile. “Then, do not allow us to keep you any longer. Father must be waiting.”


“I will say my goodbyes before I leave,” he promised.


Imogen was going to speak again but Aunt Rachel beat her to it.


“That is if the storm does not catch you here. I sense a wicked one coming.”


Nigel agreed with her. “If it does come, it is bound to cause some trouble. Hopefully, I will be well at home, by then. If you ladies will excuse me . . .”


Aunt Rachel and Imogen nodded in unison.


Giving a curt nod, he muttered his thanks and spun on his heel.


Imogen kept her eyes on him as he retreated. She watched as he reached Mr. Ramson and they marched to her father’s study together, only looking away when they had shut the door behind them.


She turned to Aunt Rachel then. “I was truly hoping he was here for me.”


Aunt Rachel nudged her, eyes twinkling. “Do not sound so sad, now. He might just be here for you.”


Imogen frowned. “Are you trying to say something?”


Her aunt lifted her shoulder in a small shrug. “Only that the gentleman did not say what matters he is here for. For all we know, he might be seeking your father’s blessings in offering for your hand in marriage at this very moment.”


Imogen’s heart stopped. Could it be true?


It was not a likelihood that had crossed her mind.


“You really think so?”


Aunt Rachel nodded. “I have lived long enough to trust my instinct, my dear, and it tells me that young man is done waiting. He wants you as his wife, as soon as possible.”


Slowly, her heart started to beat again—quite erratically. She lifted a hand to her chest and rubbed absentmindedly. She could hardly breathe. Her throat felt like it was closing up and the butterflies in her belly were rioting.


A proposal? Already? Was it not only last evening that they had been jesting about it?


If Aunt Rachel were indeed right, it would mean that . . .


What would it mean? Lord, help me for my mind is all jumbled, I can scarcely think straight. She did not even realize when Aunt Rachel took her in her arms and led the way to the drawing room.


There, she could barely sit still. She remained on her feet, pacing, as she tried to gather her thoughts.


Her nerves were wreaking havoc, and her palms would not stop being sweaty.


Aunt Rachel would look up at her every now and then and shake her head, a smile fixed on her face.


What seemed like an eternity later, Mr. Ramson appeared by the door.


“My apologies, I did not mean to startle you,” he said when Imogen jumped.


She nodded. “It is alright. Is anything the matter?”


“Not exactly. Lord Kensington wishes to say his farewell before leaving.”


Her eyes widened. “Oh.”


Mr. Ramson stepped aside then, clearing the way for Nigel to come in. As he entered, his gaze easily settled upon her.


“The weather seems to be on my side. I am afraid I must take my leave now if I hope to make it back home before the storm breaks.”


“Of course,” she answered. Silence lingered as they simply stared into each other’s eyes.


Is this it? Isn’t he going to say something?


Her knees weakened when he spoke again. “How would you like to join me for tea tomorrow afternoon?”




Apparently, her aunt had been wrong about a forthcoming proposal. Either that or they had simply decided to keep it quiet for a little while longer.




For the second time that day, she found herself battling against the feeling of disappointment. Sharing tea with him would have to do.


Forcing a brilliant smile on her face, she answered. “I would love to.”


“I shall look forward to receiving you. Until then.” He took her hand in a kiss. “Farewell, Miss Hartford.”


He turned to her aunt as he released her hand. Dipping his hat, he said, “It was lovely seeing you again, Lady Darkwood. I hope we get to meet more often.”


Her aunt’s response was a warm chuckle. “As do I, my dear. Ride safely now.”


With a curt nod, he turned to leave.


Imogen would have accompanied him to the door, but she did not trust her legs to move.


When she was certain he was far away from the parlor, she rushed to Aunt Rachel.


“You do not think he did, do you?”


Aunt Rachel seemed pensive. “Hmm. I cannot say for certain. Nevertheless, I keep getting the hunch.”


Imogen gave into a pout as she sat. “Should I ask Father?”


“Do you want to?”


She gave it some thought. Deciding that it would make her seem too desperate, she shook her head. “No.”


“Then I suggest you exercise some patience, my dear. If indeed I am right, it will not be long now. All will be revealed in due time.”


Imogen supposed she was right. All she could do was wait. She hoped she would not have to wait for too long.


Suddenly, she found herself eagerly looking forward to the next day.