The Earl, the Lady and the Song of Love by Fanny Finch

Chapter 24

Nigel’s mother and stepfather arrived later in the afternoon.


As they exchanged warm pleasantries, Nigel apologized. “I am sorry for making you come all the way here.”


His mother would hear nothing of it. “If you ask me, we do not visit often enough.”


He was touched by this. “I could say the same myself.”


“Not to worry, dear, Mother understands,” his mother assured him.


When he stepped over to shake his stepfather’s hand, the older man was grinning from ear to ear.


“How long has it been since I last set foot in Kensington?”


“Too long,” Nigel answered. “You could not seem to stay away while Mother still lived here. The moment you got what you wanted, you refused to look back. For shame,” he teased.


Lord Cheshire took his jest in good faith, chuckling hard. “Ah. I deserve that. I have no excuse. I only hope you consider forgiveness.”


Nigel’s response was swift. “I shall give it thought.”


His chest was full just from seeing the two of them again. It had been a while indeed.


“I hope I did not cause you any trouble?” he asked as he started to lead the way into the house.


It was his mother who answered. “Not at all. Thankfully, we had no prior engagements for this morning. We were happy to receive your letter. It is a good thing that you thought of this, Nigel. I keep saying I would throw a ball to celebrate Ethan’s return, but I have been so busy. I am glad we can get to be together like this once again, all of us.”


“Speaking of Ethan, where is that lad?” Lord Cheshire asked.


Nigel swallowed a chuckle. “I advise you to not call him that within his earshot. He has a habit of challenging people to friendly duels on that account.”


“I shall have him know I was handling pistols long before he was born,” Lord Cheshire responded.


His mother joined in the jest. “Then you will be proud to best your own stepson? Goodness, I did hope I married a better man.”


They all ended up laughing as they retired to the drawing room. After they had been served tea, his mother spoke again.


“In truth, I do not see Ethan anywhere. He left this morning in such a hurry. I could tell he already missed Kensington after only three nights in Cheshire. Sometimes, I wonder how he managed to stay away for so long. When you were much younger, he would not stop following you everywhere. I see he still has the habit.”


Memories flooded Nigel and he fought to not be taken under the wave of nostalgia. He and Ethan had always been close as children, even though they were almost always at each other’s throat.


“He is taking a siesta, I believe. He does that often. I worry he does not catch much sleep at night.”


Lord Cheshire sighed. “It is because of the war he must have fought on sea. You might leave the service, but the memories remain with you. They keep you up at night, haunting your dreams if you dare sleep.”


Nigel was sad to hear this. He was aware Lord Cheshire knew what he spoke of. His stepfather had been in the army as well. He too had seen a few wars.


“But you are fine now, darling. Our Ethan will be fine too, I believe,” his mother said, looking at her husband affectionately. It was evident she was seeking reassurance. And reassurance Lord Cheshire happily gave.


“Certainly. He only needs time. I shall go check on him.”


With those words, Lord Cheshire rose to his feet, leaving Nigel and his mother alone.


As his footfalls faded, his mother turned to him. “Arthur reckons there is a reason you called us here today. I was inclined to think so as well, but I suppose a part of me wanted to believe you simply wanted to see us. However, from the moment I set my eyes on you, I knew he was right. There is something important, is there not?”


Nigel sighed. He had hoped to keep quiet until dinner so he and Imogen would make the announcement together as they had agreed. Alas, he had already told Ethan and he was hopeless to refuse his mother.


Nodding, he answered. “Yes.”


“Tell me then, what is it? Is it a woman?”


Nigel’s lips curved. He had not told his mother about Imogen. Nonetheless, he would not be surprised if she already knew. The gossip mill was, after all, effective. Then, there was something about a mother’s instincts.


Again, he bobbed his head. “Yes.”


His mother’s eyes shined. “Truly? Will she be visiting today?”


“She will be joining us for dinner. With her family.”


“Her family! Goodness! Nigel, you cannot have gotten engaged behind your mother’s back, could you? I know I worried you about your marriage prospects, but I did not think you would go about it so secretly!”


“It was hardly a secret, mother. We simply have not had the opportunity to see each other much lately. It is why I could not tell you.”


“You could have written me a letter! So, it is true then, you and Miss Hartford are finally going to be married?”


Nigel’s eyes widened. “You knew.”


His mother cleared her throat as she shifted in her seat. She looked everywhere else but him. “Of course, I knew. You are my son. It is only right for me to know what you are up to. As you said, it was not exactly . . . secret. People have seen you in the park and at balls I could not attend. Mr. Hartford also told Arthur of your friendship with his daughter. Well, we both know my husband keeps nothing from me.”


“Why did you not say anything?”


She looked at him then. “I was waiting for you to come to me first. If you were not speaking to me about it, it meant you were not ready to. I knew you would, in your own time. I was more than willing to wait. Simply knowing that you had found yourself a wonderful girl from a lovely family was enough to fill my heart. So, I waited and prayed that the friendship that had begun would blossom into something more. Thank heavens, it appears my prayers were answered.”


Nigel’s love for his mother was reaffirmed in that moment. She was simply the best.


“Thank you, Mother. I had hoped you would approve.”


“Of course! It is the best choice you could have made. I heard Mr. Hartford arranged this?”


“Yes. He thought I would be a good match for his daughter.”


His mother could not stop beaming. “Now I know why I have always liked that family. If your father were still alive, I am certain he would be even more pleased than I am. I have only met Miss Hartford twice. She is both pleasant and charming. I cannot wait to see her again. When did you say they would arrive?”


“In the evening, it will not be long now.”


Lady Cheshire could barely contain her excitement. “It is in moments like this that I wish I had the power to control time. I certainly cannot wait to meet her again. This time, as my daughter-in-law to be! Oh, Nigel! You have given my heart such joy and pride. Tell me all about it! From the very moment you first saw her.”


Nigel smiled at that. “The very first moment?”


His mother nodded. “Yes. The very first.”


“Ah. That is easy. I remember it as though it was just yesterday. The stars and moon could have been in hiding that night. Yet, the sky would have still shined because of her.”


His mother listened like an excited little girl, having dreamy sighs every now and then. By the time he finished, her grin almost reached her ears.


“I am certain your cheeks must be hurting, Mother.”


She only seemed to realize it then. “Ah. They happen to. Perhaps, I should stop smiling. Alas, I am afraid I am too happy to do so. Is it time already?”


Nigel looked at the clock hung on the wall.


“In another hour.”


“Very well then, I shall wait. Come now, tell me more.”


“I have told you all, Mother.”


“Then make something up!” she teased.


They broke into laughter, and as they laughed, Nigel knew that his mother would love Imogen like her own daughter. He hoped with all his heart that Imogen would do the same.



Imogen was trying hard to get ahold of her nerves as their carriage pulled to a stop inside Kensington manor. She was aware that all of his family would have arrived, and she would have to meet them.


It was not something that she had ever done before, and she was worried that things would not go as well as she wanted them to.


What if they do not like me? What if his family finds me a bore?


All the fears she had had before meeting Nigel had returned and this time, they were even more heightened. Now that she had met the man, was falling in love with him, had agreed to marry him, and was more than eager to spend the rest of her life with him, she did not want anything to stand in the way of the happiness he brought her.


Nothing at all.


She drew in a deep breath as her feet touched Kensington soil, muttering her thanks to Lewis when she withdrew her hand from his.


“Are you alright?” he asked, as always not failing to notice her demeanor.


She looked at him, managing a small smile. “Of course.”


“You are lying,” he said matter-of-factly.


This time, her smile was a little more genuine. “As alright as I can be, I suppose. Do not worry about me, Lewis. I will be just fine. I hear that it is normal to have nerves in times like this.”


“And who would be telling you that?”


“You know, books I have read and some gossip I happened to overhear, here and there. Not that you would know, you have never met a Lady’s family.”


His smile warmed her insides, making her nerves relax, even if only a moment. “I see,” he said simply, and she knew he had let the matter go.


Just then, their father who had been taking in the sight marveled aloud. “My, my. The sight is truly quite spectacular! It is as they say, the mansion is a beauty.” He turned to Imogen. “You are a lucky one, that you are. Imagine waking up to this for the rest of your life.”


A soft chuckle slipped past Imogen’s lips. “In all honesty, that is part of the reason why I agreed to this marriage,” she jested.


Her father and brother broke into laughter, and she soon found herself joining them.


As they sobered, the giant doors opened, and Nigel stepped out in all his glory. Even though the sun had begun to set, the day was still bright enough that she could see him.


He was finely dressed as always. This time, in a perfectly tailored dark blue suit that accented his broad shoulders, making him look sharper than ever.


And dashing. Very dashing.


Her insides fussed, and a tingly feeling traveled through her body. He was hers, in every sense of the word. It was just as her father had said, she was lucky indeed.


All she needed to do was get through the night, gain his family’s blessing, and if fortunate enough, pull the feat of convincing him that a love match might not be entirely out of the question, after all.


She took the arm her brother gave her and together they started to walk towards the Lord of the manor.


“It delights me to welcome you to my home,” Nigel chimed. The smile on his face could have convinced her dawn was only breaking.


Her father was the one who spoke first. “Thank you, Kensington. It is such a wonderful place you have here. Perhaps, I shall be granted the honor of a tour?”


Nigel’s smile deepened, “As you wish, sir, but only after you have met my family. We have all been waiting for your arrival. My mother, particularly, is quite eager to meet a certain someone.”


The look he sent Imogen’s way made her know he was speaking of her. She smiled back at him, pleased to hear this. Although secretly, it did nothing to ease her troubled heart.


He led the way into his home, the Earl, all the way to the drawing room. His mother, stepfather and brother were seated there, waiting, just as Nigel had said.


As they entered, the small party all rose to their feet and more pleasantries ensued. Imogen had met Lord and Lady Cheshire a few times before, but it was different this time. As for Ethan, it was her first meeting with Nigel’s brother.


“My Lady,” she greeted, sinking into a curtsy when the Countess came to her.


The older lady was quick to put her arms on Imogen’s shoulders. “Please my dear, enough with the formalities. I would very much like to embrace you instead. It is not every day one gets to meet her future daughter-in-law.”


Imogen looked at Nigel who shrugged. They had agreed to break the news together, but she supposed he had not been able to hold it in for too long. Not that she faulted him, she imagined news like this was quite hard to keep quiet.


She rose to her feet, stepping into the warm arms of the woman who would become a mother to her as well. The embrace lingered for a sweet, long moment before they finally pulled apart.


As they did, the countess took her in. “You are even more beautiful than I remember. It is no ordinary beauty either. Rare, unique, absolutely stunning! Oh, dear Nigel, you certainly made an excellent choice. Count yourself blessed that such a lovely woman agreed to be your wife. How have you been, my dear?”


Imogen could not help smiling hard. She had been impressed by the countess upon their former meetings. However, this time, it was easy to decide right away that she liked the woman. Something told her they would get along quite well. As Imogen began to look forward to the future, she found her nerves settling.


“Very well, thank you, my Lady. I trust you have been just as well?”


Lady Cheshire nodded happily. “Absolutely. Even more so now that my son has brought a fine woman home to me.”


She kissed Imogen’s cheeks tenderly then, gifting two soft pats on her other cheek before she went on to greet Imogen’s father and brother.


The Earl of Cheshire came next. “This is great news indeed. I am certain if my dear wife had known her son would end up making such a great choice in a wife, she would not have worried about him all these years. Welcome to the family, dear Miss Hartford. We hope you come to love us as much as we already love you.”


Imogen felt her eyes grow wet. It was easy to see that their words of acceptance were genuine.


Nigel might not have told her much about them but from the little he had, and knowing the kind of man he was, she had guessed that they were indeed, amazing people. He had never said those words, but she was aware he loved and adored his family. She had surmised he was just as loved.


Having them extend such warmth to her as though she was unconditionally deserving, threatened to melt her heart. How could she ever express the gratitude she was feeling, so overwhelming?


Amid smiles, she said, “I am most certain I will. Thank you, my Lord.”


He patted the hand she had given him affectionately, before stepping away. Then, there was the youngest: Ethan Derby.


He was only a few inches shorter than his elder brother. Eyes as blue as the sea twinkled with lightheartedness, the curve of his lips spoke of mischief and the chiseled chin reminded her all too much of Nigel.


They were brothers, alright. That much was certain. Only in the younger Derby, she saw more of the countess. Imogen believed that had to mean Nigel took more of his father’s features.


Lord Derby did not even have to speak a word. Imogen decided instantly that she liked him.


“My Lord,” she said, sinking into curtsy, and he answered with a bow on his own.


When they had both finally straightened, he took the hand she held out and kissed it, ever so softly.


“Miss Hartford,” he finally said. “Ethan Derby at your eternal service.” He bowed again.


Rising, he continued. “If my brother ever told me the true extent of your beauty, I am almost certain that I would have sought you out and tried to woo you for myself. It is a good thing he did not. Although, the way I look at it, it is not too late. Are you certain you do not want to reconsider which Derby you truly desire?” his eye blinked in a wink as he finished, and Imogen was hopeless to stop a chuckle before it broke free.


“Well, seeing as we have only been engaged a day, I suppose one Derby is just as good as the other. I must ask though, what is in it for me? I should know if I am to change my mind.” she said, surprising herself when she thoughtlessly teased in return.


Lord Derby threw his head back then, laughing heartily. When he sobered, he looked at Nigel, who did not seem to find it funny.


“Did you hear that, big brother? I might yet steal your lady despite your best efforts to keep her from me. Now that I have seen her, it is easily decided. I most certainly like her!”


Nigel looked like he might growl but he simply tsked, looking away from them.


Imogen wondered if that was the look of jealousy. Although, Nigel could not truly be jealous of his own brother, could he? It appeared both men had shared one too many such jests, often.


Jarring herself away from those thoughts as Lord Derby continued to speak with her, she turned to him.


“I have heard so much about you,” he informed her.


“Truly? Well, I could say the same for you.”


Lord Derby arched a brow. “Nigel speaks of me in my absence! Yet he claims to not love me. Ha! I have always known him to be a poor liar. Wait . . . I do hope they have been only good things? If they have not then I must tell you, my brother has improved on his lying abilities where you are concerned.”


This time, a chuckle could not cut it. Imogen giggled as Ethan gently took her arm in his and he steered her away from the others.


“Come now, I have a brilliant idea!” he continued. “How about you tell me what he has told you of me and I shall tell you what he has told me of you. In the Navy, we have a term for that. It is called ‘exchange of information.’”


Her grin was wide all the way to the atrium, her nerves now entirely forgotten.