The Earl, the Lady and the Song of Love by Fanny Finch

Chapter 23

“His blessing to marry you.”


If those words did not keep ringing in her ears, Imogen would have believed she had heard wrong. She had not. It was clear she had not.


She had seen his lips move as he had uttered them. Read them with her eyes as their sound filled her ears.


It is just as Aunt Rachel had guessed. He had truly sought Father’s blessing!


Even though a part of her had been hoping it was the case, she was still surprised to have confirmation. Pleasantly so!


Not knowing how she was expected to behave in moments like this, she decided to just go with her heart.


“What did he say?” she breathed. Her heart was thumping in her chest, and she did not think she could afford to speak louder than a whisper.


“He said yes. I received his permission to marry you, Imogen.”


“Then why didn’t either of you say anything yesterday? I never could have guessed!”


That was a lie, but he did not have to know.


His lips curved in a small smile, and she wanted to keep that picture in her memory forever.


“I begged him to wait as I wanted to ask you myself, formally.”




He bobbed his head. “Miss Imogen Hartford, as I told your father, I am aware that we have only known each other a short while. Nonetheless, I have no doubt in my heart, whatsoever, that you are the one for me. Every moment I spend with you further grounds my belief that we are very well suited. There could be no other person I would rather spend my life with.”


Tears rushed to Imogen’s eyes. She never could have imagined that the moment would be so beautiful, that he would say such perfect words.


“Now, I understand that this might seem too rushed for you,” he continued. “I want you to know that I am happy to wait until you are ready. You are also free to refuse. It would hurt, a lot. Still, I would understand and be more than content to remain your friend. I suppose, what I am trying to say in essence is that, if you would have me, I would like to be your husband.”


He leaned into her. “What do you say, Imogen? Would you do me the greatest honor of being my wife?”


Ever since Imogen was a little girl, she had dreamed of this moment. One when the man she loved and intended to love for the rest of her life would ask her to marry him.


She had thought she would cry, jump for joy. Perhaps, even twirl. Yet as she sat there, looking into those eyes, she simply wanted time to stand still so she could cherish the moment a little longer.




She shook out of her thoughts as he called her name. The question in his raised brow was evident. He was waiting for an answer.


He had said he would be patient; he would wait.


Indeed, she had not thought that they would be doing this so quickly. Still, she saw no reason to wait. She loved him, she trusted him.


Her heart especially knew that he was right for her.


Bobbing her head, she finally answered. “Yes.”


“Yes?” he asked.


“Yes, I will have you as my husband. Yes, I will be your wife. Yes, Nigel. Yes, to everything!”


The joy that spread through his face would have erased whatever doubt was left. It was clear as the blue skies that he was thrilled.


Perhaps, Aunt Rachel had been right on another account.


He seems to nurse affections for me as well.


Hope of a future full of love bloomed in her heart and it was as though she was floating in the air.


“Thank you, Imogen!” he chimed. “You have no inkling how happy you have made me. I do believe there is not any man in the entire world happier than I am at the moment.”


Imogen broke into a chuckle. “In the entire world?”


He nodded. “And beyond. I was really worried you would refuse.”


“Whyever? I agree with you, Nigel. It does feel like this is the right thing to do. Have you forgotten? You speak to my soul? How lucky can one get to meet a person who does that twice in one lifetime?”


“It is more than enough luck to even meet such a person at all.”


“My thoughts precisely.”


Silence reigned as they searched each other’s eyes. In his, Imogen saw nothing but joy and admiration. She wondered if hers betrayed the love in her heart.


“What do you say we go to your father right this moment and make the announcement?” he asked after a while.


Imogen gave it some thought. Deciding that it seemed a good thing to do, she nodded. “I say we best be on our way.”


No more words were needed. Together, they rose to their feet.


After informing his butler that he would not be returning until later in the night, they got into Nigel’s carriage and began the ride for London.


An hour later, they arrived at her father’s townhouse. Thankfully, both her father and brother were present.


After gathering them in the drawing room, Nigel made the announcement.


“I am happy to tell you that Miss Hartford has agreed to be my wife. As of today, we are engaged!”


Imogen was glad to see that her father and brother were pleased by this news. They rose to their feet immediately, walking to where Imogen and Nigel stood to offer their congratulations.


They shook Nigel’s hand one after the other, and drew her in for a warm embrace.


Her father came first. “My dear! How much you have grown. I have never been prouder to be your father. Congratulations!”


“Thank you, Father. I will always be grateful to you for bringing me and Nigel together,” she said in response.


“As you should!” he was chuckling as he pulled away.


Lewis came next. “Have you no conscience? Leaving me so soon?”


She laughed. “Shall I stay until we are old and gray then? Will you also not marry?”


“Never. We were not born to be separated, you and I. On a second thought, the Earl’s house seems big enough. Shall I move in along with you?”


Imogen couldn’t stop laughing. “Oh, Lewis, I will miss you too. Very much.”


They remained that way for a while still and when she made to pull away, he held her tighter.


In a whisper, he spoke into her ears. “Are you certain this is what you want? Right now? Do not feel pressured, Imogen. You know Father and I will always support you, whatever your decision.”


Her heart warmed. She knew she would never be able to entirely return the depths of her brother’s love. She could only remain grateful for it.


“I’m certain, Lewis,” she responded in a whisper as well. “This is what I want.”


Her brother released his hold on her then. “I shall be with you every step of the way,” he said as he pulled away.


Imogen knew that was a promise he would keep until his dying breath.


As the congratulations ended, they all took to the sofas.


“Have you decided when you want the wedding to be?” her father asked.


Nigel turned to her and she nodded. On the ride over, they had discussed it and agreed that a month from then was good enough.


“In two fortnights,” Nigel announced. “If that is alright with you, of course.”


“It certainly is! Knowing my Imogen, she will want an intimate ceremony. A month is more than enough to prepare for one. Nonetheless, you should reach an agreement with your family as well. When do you intend to inform them?”


Nigel was quick to answer. “Tomorrow. I plan to invite them to spend the day with me at the manor. I would be glad if you all joined us for dinner. My mother, step-father and brother will be present.”


Imogen’s eyes widened. She had not known that Ethan was back.


“Your brother has returned?”


He turned to her then. “Yes. He says for good this time. He has finally left the service, so he will be around for a long while. I should have told you earlier. It simply did not come to mind. You would have met him today, but he is visiting our mother.”


“It is alright,” Imogen assured him. “Tomorrow is not far away.”


“That it is not!”


His gaze lingered before he looked away, returning his attention to her father.


They continued to speak, already beginning arrangements for the ceremony.


Time for dinner soon arrived, and it was only after they had eaten that Nigel took his leave.


Imogen stood by the door, watching his carriage until it disappeared down the streets. Then, she went up to her chamber.


That night, she slept peacefully, and, in her dreams, she danced with that handsome stranger again. This time, she was able to see his face.


It was him. Her Nigel.



Nigel awoke the next morning feeling nervous about the evening to come. He had barely slept all night. He had woken up almost hourly to toss and turn before going back to another short round of sleep.


He still could not believe that Imogen had said yes, that they were truly going to be married in a month. It was a dream come true.


The memory was one he would treasure forever. When he had said those words, he had wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her. Great restraint had held him back.


He was aware that it was not enough to have summoned the courage to ask her to marry him. He still had to confess his feelings. Until then, he could not give in to any impulsive actions that would make her question his heart.


As soon as he got out of bed, he wrote a letter to his family, inviting them over.


He had just finished having breakfast when Ethan arrived.


“I did not think you would come so soon,” he said as he saw the younger man.


Ethan frowned. “You do not have a woman in this house, do you?”


“Well, there are at least ten maids, and that is not counting our dearest Geneva. I would say I have several women in this house. Why? Would that pose a problem? Has my dear brother suddenly gone shy?”


Ethan rolled his eyes at him. “I would laugh if you were any funny.”


Nigel did not miss a beat. “Not that you would be able to recognize humor if it was staring at you right in the face.” He paused to look down the hallway. “Mother and Arthur are not with you.”


Ethan shook his head. “Is there a reason why they should be?”


“I sent a letter, inviting them to visit for the day. I see you left before it arrived.”


Ethan nodded. “I suppose I did. As soon as breakfast was over. We had an early one. What is this invitation about? If you missed them so much, you should have gone with me to see them.”


Nigel smiled. “I have guests coming that I would love for them to meet. There is also a big announcement to be made at dinner.”


It did not take Ethan long to guess what it was. He stopped in his tracks.


“No. Do not tell me!”


“Tell you what?” Nigel asked. He could not stop smiling. The look on Ethan’s face was hilarious.


“Miss Hartford. Something happened, did it not? She is the one visiting? You said guests . . . I assume her family will be coming along as well. If it is an announcement you would term big, then it is indeed serious. You asked her to marry you!”


Nigel broke into a chuckle then. “As reluctant as I ever am to praise you, brother, I must admit, you are a bright lad.”


“Some praise that is,” Ethan scoffed. “My men would convulse if they heard you call their captain a lad.”


Former captain, you mean. Besides, it is no secret that to me, you will always be my little brother.”


“Will you like to have a friendly duel with your little brother, then?”


Nigel was quick to surrender. It was also no secret that Ethan was the better marksman. “Ah, a tempting challenge. Regretfully, I shall have to decline. I do not wish to be disgraced publicly, so soon after my engagement.”


Ethan beamed then. “A-ha! So, you admit it! You finally asked Miss Hartford to marry you.”


“And she said yes. Her father also gave his blessing!”


“Evidently. You look as happy as a quacking duck. Goodness! I suppose congratulations are in order.”


Nigel nodded. “Yes.”


“Well then, congratulations, brother! We most certainly should drink to this!”


Ethan rose then to go to the wine cellar. As he returned with a bottle of brandy and two glasses, Nigel shook his head at him.


“You only needed an excuse to drink liquor in the day.”


Ethan’s grin widened. “It is a good thing I got one, is it not? Here you go,” he said handing Nigel one of the glasses. When Nigel had taken it, he returned to his seat and raised his own glass. “Come now, we must toast! To your engagement!”


Nigel was still shaking his head as he clinked glasses. “Thank you, Ethan.”


As soon as Ethan took his first gulp, he said, “So, tell me everything. How did it happen?”


Nigel obliged his brother. As Ethan had left for their parents’ the day of the play, Nigel started from that evening. When he was done, Ethan looked betrayed.


“You knew I would be away and you invited her over! Tsk, tsk. I see I can no longer trust you, brother.” He narrowed his eyes. “You had hidden intent, did you not?”


“Yes, I wished to keep her away from you,” Nigel responded, his eyes narrowed as well.


“Eh. Afraid I would charm her socks off with my royal handsomeness and she would suddenly realize she chose the wrong Derby?” Ethan winked.


Nigel sipped from his cup once more. “Precisely,” he answered with all seriousness.


The both of them ended up having a good laugh. As they sobered, Ethan spoke again.


“You have yet to tell her of your feelings.”


“I will, eventually. I want to make certain she feels the same before I speak.”


“Do you think she ever will? You said it yourself. Her heart is still with the rake who hurt her.”


“That will soon be a thing of the past. When I show her what love should be, she will naturally forget him and come to love me.”


“And if she does not?”


Nigel had refused to consider that, but he knew he could not continue to do so. It was a feasible likelihood. What would he do then? What if after all of his efforts to make her see that he was the man who deserved her heart, she still loved another?


Heaving a deep sigh, he confessed his fears. “In truth, brother, that scares me. It scares me so much, I would rather not think of it. I do not know what I would do if she never loves me in return. However, I do know that I cannot live life without her. I must try. Failure to do so would have me living with regrets and thoughts about what could have been for the rest of my life.”


Ethan released a deep breath. “Then for your sake, I hope she does come to love you. You know, I do believe she will.”


Nigel looked up at him, finding a glimmer of hope. “You do?”


Ethan nodded. “You are my brother and sometimes, I wish that were not so, as you can be obnoxious, rude, condescending, proud . . .”


Nigel rolled his eyes. “Would you get to the point?”


Ethan’s smile could have blinded. “Still, you are the most amazing man I have ever known—well, except for me, of course. And trust me, I have met many men. You are noble, kind, just, and I dare say . . . charming.” Ethan looked like he might throw up as he said the last word.


“Any woman would be lucky to have you as her husband. I know Miss Hartford is sensible enough to recognize these qualities—howbeit, few. As she does, she will have no other choice than to fall hopelessly in love with you.”


“Ethan?” Nigel called as he finished.


“Yes, brother?”


“Have I ever told you that you are the only man I know who makes me want to kill him and hug him at the same time?”


“I will take that as a compliment. It is not an easy thing to be so . . . unique, special, gifted.”


Nigel shook his head. Ethan was also the only person he knew who could mix several insults and compliments, yet still make his words sound beautiful.


“I cannot believe I missed you while you were away at sea. Are you certain you do not want to consider returning?”


Ethan shook his head. “No. Annoying my older brother is much more entertaining than defending English waters, it appears.”


“I see.”


Ethan raised his glass at him before taking another drink.


Nigel could not stop his heart from warming at the sight. He was more than happy to have Ethan back home for good. His brother always knew the right words to say to comfort him and he found himself at that moment very much comforted and hopeful.


“Thank you, Ethan,” he said after a bit.


His brother did not need to ask. He understood. Holding his gaze, he nodded.

