Lured (Team Zero #1) by Rina Kent

Now that’s more like the ruthless Johnson I know. Still, he will keep Omega going because it’s his only guarantee that I won’t touch his French doll.

I smile on my way out.

The Pit is officially starting.

Let the fun begin.

Chapter Twenty-Four

My temples throb. My throat itches and feels dry and sandy like the desert.

I crack my eyes open and find myself on the bed in Dominic’s flat. Night has staked its claim outside. Soft white light illuminates the room.

The sheets rustle as I sit up, cradling my head.

Dominic sits by the side of the bed, holding a bottle of water. I snatch it and gulp half of it down in one go. The cool liquid soothes my scratchy throat.

Once I’m done, Dominic takes the bottle. My eyes roam his broad shoulders covered by a white T-shirt. The cloth stretches over his muscles as he twists to place the bottle on the nightstand.

My lower lip rolls behind my teeth as I admire the view. Even the throbbing in my temple is forgotten.

How can a simple motion turn me into a bundle of need?

Dominic faces me again, and although he catches me staring, he doesn’t give any of those infuriating smirks. If anything, his face is closed.

“Hi,” he says.

“Salut.” I smile and point at my head. “What happened?”

“We walked under the sun for so long. You fainted from perspiration.”

“Oh.” I pout. Who the hell does that? It’s so lame. I ruined the chance to spend as much time as physically possible with Dominic today.

“Are you tired?” He takes my hand in his and places two fingers on the pulse point in my wrist. There’s a frown between his eyebrows. “Do you feel like vomiting or fainting? Are you dizzy? Have you had any weird fatigue lately?”

That balloon grows in my heart as I realise that Dominic, who’s never concerned about anyone, is worried about me.

“I don’t think I’m pregnant if that’s what you’re asking,” I say in a joking tone. “I won’t tie you down just yet.”

Dominic grinds his teeth so hard that his jaw ticks. He drops my hand as if he touched fire.

My stomach sinks.

“I was kidding,” I whisper.

We always joke around. Why is he being defensive now?

He meets my gaze again, and this time, the deep brown of his eyes is shining with a tenderness that causes my heart to pound.

“I’m sorry.” His voice is quiet. Genuine. Calm. Too calm.

Dominic doesn’t do apologies. Dominic is the type of shameless who takes what he wants whatever and whenever and in any way he wants without any regrets.

So when he apologises out of freaking nowhere, I know something is wrong. Totally wrong.

We were having so much fun today. We were even talking about a hypothetical future that’s starting to grow on me without my damn permission.

What changed between this noon and now?

“Should I be scared?” I murmur, fighting against the tightness in my throat.

The tenderness disappears from his face. His dark eyes plunge in a frightening hollowness. It’s sombre and deep and entirely vacant. My fingers dig into the sheets as a shudder draws up my spine.

“Scared? You should be terrified, Camille.” His voice is monotonic, completely devoid of the Dominic I know. “Are you naïve enough to think you’re safe with me? Perhaps you thought you’re special because we fuck? You’re just another victim of mine, Camille.”

His words sting. Tingles start in my nose and pressure builds behind my eyes, but I rein it in. He’s being harsh on purpose. None of those words are true. The man who held me close today while walking in the streets was the sincere one. This one isn’t.

“You’re lying.” I stare him straight in the eyeball. “I’m the only one who can detect your lies, remember, Dom? I don’t know why you’re lying but save it. I don’t believe a word you’re saying.”

The monster mask is still strapped around his features. “You believed me enough when I made you think you were special. I only did that to fuck with you some more. You gave me a challenge, Camille, and I love destroying my challenges.”

“Liar,” I say the word calmly. “I’ve already made myself a cosy little place in your heart, you know. Your heart and I are like the best buds and we’re both agreeing that you’re lying through your teeth. So try again, Dom.”

I don’t get a warning before Dominic’s lips crash to mine. His strong hand grabs my nape as his mouth claims me. I gasp then moan.

His shoulders hunch and his kiss tastes of passion, surrender, and regret. All at once.

I’m dizzy by the time he gives us much-needed air. My eyes get lost in his turbulent ones. Dominic is baring me his soul. There’s no emptiness or calculations or the need to push me away. There’s only a deep sense of sadness that baffles the hell out of me.

I reach a hand and palm his stubbled cheek. Everything in me itches to erase that depressing look. “What is it, Dom? You can tell me anything.”

“Don’t ever marry the French lawyer.”

“Uh… okay?” I’m sure I appear as confused as I sound. “What does the French lawyer have to do with this?”

“I mean it. You know I’m crazy enough to murder the fucker.”