Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

It’d be easy to walk out of the door and pretend this never happened. My body is already angling towards the exit. I’m supposed to be in the gym, boxing and sweating like a dog, not trapped in this fancy dress and having to demonstrate escort skills I don’t have.

But that will also mean I’d lose my only lead to Zoe.

“No.” My voice is firm. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Lovely.” She admires her nails, seeming bored with the whole thing. “I have somewhere to go. Julian will come over and you’re to do a demonstration on him. He’s one of my most trusted men, so his word is like mine. If he gives the ok, you’re in. If not, you’re out.”

I curl my fingers in my dress to hide the tremor taking over my limbs. “What am I to demonstrate?”

“Aren’t you here to show your worth?” She stops examining her nails to zero her eyes on me. “Do what you think will get you a place here. Make Julian happy with you.”

She gives me another once over.

Mist is definitely in the ‘to be wary of’ category. I don’t like the vibe she gives. Not one bit.

After another moment of silence, she saunters out of the office.

I’m contemplating jumping out of the window.

My foot jiggles and sweat breaks on my forehead. I would do anything for Zoe. I would sell my soul to the devil to get her back, but I’m completely clueless in this department.

I have none of my friend’s elegance and natural charm. I’m just a boxer who’s always in sportswear, preparing for my next match or a barmaid serving drinks. These clothes are already way out of my comfort zone. How did being a waitress turn into an escort demonstration?

My brain nears exploding. I should’ve gone out with Zoe when she begged me to. Perhaps if I did, I wouldn’t be stuck right now.

Calm. I breathe through my nose. How hard can it be? I’ll just pretend the guard is a statue and straddle his lap or something. That should do it, right?

Besides, Zoe said that most men are into innocent girls and I’m clueless enough as it is, so I will nail that part.

No need to freak out. Yet, my leg won’t stop bouncing.

The door opens. My spine jerks up. I force my leg to remain still.

Measured footsteps fill the office’s tomb silence as the man approaches. The sound stops right behind my chair and heat radiates down my back. A tame cedar scent mixed with something else I can’t pinpoint whirls around me.

I can feel his gaze burning a hole in the back of my neck, but I don’t dare to peek behind me, both to appear submissive and from the nerves. I’m barely reining in the spasming of my leg.

After what seems like forever, the man walks to sit on the chair opposite mine.

I measure him from bottom to top. Black leather shoes. Pressed black trousers. Both his arms rest on the chair’s armrests. One of his wrists is bandaged. Intricate tattoos seep from underneath his cuffs and cover the back of his hand.


Those tattoos are familiar. Way too familiar.

My gaze snaps to his face. My body stiffens.

He’s watching me with a tilted head. The golden rings in his eyes swallow me like they did earlier today. They’re even more frightening now. Calculative. Dark.

The stranger from the alley.


Did he follow me? Was he keeping an eye on me on Mist’s behalf?

My brain goes into overdrive. He saw me fight. He knows I can fight. Will that stop Mist from accepting me?

No. She said if I impress him, I’ll be in.

All I have to do is make him accept me.

Whatever it takes.

Chapter Four

I can and will do this.

Ma was many things and I had my disagreements with her, but she was stunning. I inherited those genes; the deep blue eyes and chestnut hair and soft features. They always bothered me because no one took me seriously in the fighting ring.

Until I kicked their arses.

Now is one of those times to prove my worth. Only this is a lot different from an underground match. Punching, kicking? No problem. Talking to a handsome man? That’s an entirely different bag altogether.

The man staring at me with a tilted head is another type of opponent. I just have to impress him instead of kicking his arse.

For Zoe.

With a deep breath, I stand with a grace I’ve been copying from the girls I practised around. The key is to sway my hips a little, but not to the point of overkill.

I saunter to the mini-bar on the side of the office, making sure to take my time. I stop in front of the bottles. The smell of scotch and bourbon brings a wave of familiarity. Now, alcohol is something I can deal with.

“What would you like to drink?” I would guess whiskey. He seems like the whiskey type.

I think.

“What makes you think you can offer me a drink?” His deep voice sounds right behind me. His heat radiates down my back.

I flinch. I didn’t even hear him approach. He made himself noticeable earlier, but now, it’s like he floated through the air or something.

Reining in my reaction, I turn around. I’m struck by the proximity. My chest grazes his, and I swiftly step back against the cabinet to put distance between us. The wood digs into my back, and it takes everything in me not to knee or punch him away.

Instead, I adopt my sweetest tone. “Why can’t I offer you a drink?”