Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

I know why, but I don’t say it aloud so I won’t appear too smart for my own good.

Risk of poisoning, that’s why. It demands a level of trust to accept a drink in their world. Especially if he goes higher in rank. Is this Julian perhaps on the same level as Kyle?

As much as it was simple to categorise the latter in the ‘to be used’ list, I don’t think I’ll be able to stack Julian as easily in there.

His piercing eyes are fishing into my soul, and something tells me he’s not the type who gives up until he catches what he’s searching for.

Whatever that is.

“Why are you here?” he asks instead of answering my question.

“To work,” I say in my coolest tone.

He tilts his head to the side and measures me from the top of my head to the tip of my stilettos. Unlike Kyle, he doesn’t stop to ogle my chest. He just seems to be weighing me up in a non-sexual manner. Like I would do to an opponent before a fight.

A mixture of pride and fear overwhelm me. Pride because I like that he’s taking me seriously. People usually underestimate me. Fear for the same reason. It’s not in my best interest if he doubts me.

Unlike with Kyle, I’m so self-conscious, it takes effort not to tug on the stupid short dress.

“You want me to believe that someone who kicked Johnny in the crotch needs to work here?”

Think. Think. “He deserved it.” I go with the truth instead. Judging from how he twisted that wanker’s wrist, he must be on bad terms with him.

Julian’s lips twitch again, but he’s not smiling. Does he even do smiling?

“That he did, Firefly.” He tilts his head again. “Still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”

“What, a girl can’t defend herself? Do we all have to wait for someone else to do it for us?”

“As I was saying, someone like you wouldn’t want to work here.”

His hand reaches for me. I don’t have a warning before his long, lean fingers wrap around my neck. He holds me in place, firm enough to stop me from moving, but he isn’t squeezing. His thumb rests on my pulse point, probably trying some human lie detector technique. Liam trained me for this. All I have to do is remain confident.

Easier said than done.

My skin heats, and my hand twitches to punch him away. This position is so vulnerable, and I hate being vulnerable.

I swore to never be vulnerable after Ma’s death.

However, I rein in the reflex and stare up at him. His face turns stone cold. “Why are you here?”

“I told you. It’s to work.” I clench my fist on the hem of my dress, both to make him believe I’m desperate, and because I am desperate. “I can no longer go back to my house and if I don’t find work, I’ll be homeless.”

A flicker of something crosses the depth of his dark eyes. It’s similar to surprise, but not quite. Nostalgia? Pain? Whatever it is, it seems like he feels the meaning behind my words. Perhaps he could? The moment passes as fast as it came, and his face goes back to its impassivity.

“Just give me a chance,” I press. “I will do anything.”

His thumb glides from my pulse to my lips. I swallow. Tingles shoot down my spine and settle between my legs. The place where he touches me ignites in a thousand fires.

What the hell is this reaction? And why is my mouth itching to open for him?

I don’t get to decide. Julian parts my lips with his thumb and traces my lower lip in a slow, sensual touch. My legs weaken like I’ve just finished a marathon.

“Anything is a strong word, Firefly. Don’t use it idly.”

He removes his hand and for some foolish reason, my lips feel empty.

Julian turns around and heads towards the door.

“Wait!” I push off the counter. “How about my acceptance?”

“Only a waitress. Nothing more.” He throws over his shoulder, voice dripping with discontentment.

Julian reaches into his pocket and tosses me something way above my head and out of reach. I leap to catch it, and then I realise my mistake.

He’s tilting his head in questioning.

Julian is definitely testing my reflexes.

My eyes fall on the object he’s given me, and my lips part.

My bracelet. Zoe’s gift.

I almost cry with joy.

Julian does a once over with those inquisitive, unnerving dark eyes before he focuses on my face. “Don’t put your nose where it doesn’t belong.”

The door clicks shut behind him.

A tornado of emotions takes me over. Anger that he thinks I can’t be anything more than a waitress. Not that I want to, God no, but screw him for underestimating me. The last person who told me I can’t be something — like girls can’t box — had his nose broken in a match.

Relief that the audition was over without me having to do anything that would cause my skin to crawl.

Confusion about the whole voodoo that went through my body when he touched me.

But most of all, I grin with the sense of accomplishment. I’m in. A step closer to finding Zoe.

And Julian is one thousand percent on the ‘to be avoided’ list.

I have no time for his mind games and whatever is going on in those dark, sinister eyes.

Le Salon’s staff and workers are required to live in the mansion. They say it’s for security. I say it’s to keep a close watch on us and eliminate anyone if a problem arises.