Shadowed (Team Zero #4) by Rina Kent

The sadness from earlier returns. “Julian… I mean Ghost told me all about it.”

They must’ve been close if he trusted her with such information. My heart tugs. Shadow never deemed me close enough to tell anything.

Not that I reciprocated, but still…

Elle peeks through her lashes. I’m beginning to notice a rosiness to her cheeks whenever she mentions Ghost. “You helped Julian in taking down the previous factory?”

I nod, then circle back. “What do you mean by the previous? There’s a new one?”

“Not long after you disappeared, Hades started a new one. It almost caused a war between Le Salon and President Joe, but Julian prevented it by giving President Joe a big share.”

The dread I’ve been trying to avoid crashes down on me. I wrap an arm around my belly, afraid something will happen to my baby due to this onslaught of emotions.

After everything I did and sacrificed, President Joe gets an even bigger share. He must be laughing and counting his profits.

Hot rage burns through my veins and my fists clench in the blanket. Helplessness gnaws at my heart. There’s nothing I can do to hurt him anymore. Not with a child growing inside me.

Or maybe I can do something before I start showing.

“We’re out of that world now.” A touch of sadness laces Elle’s words and her eyes rim with tears again. “Whatever happens there is none of our business.”

Not even close.

As long as I keep feeling this unextinguished fire inside me, I’m not sure I can ever be at peace.

The air in the lounge area is suffocating.

It’s been three weeks since Elle arrived. Liam followed the very next day. I didn’t know how to face him, but like Elle, he was glad I’m alive. At least at first. After that, he put on the big bro suit and gave me grief.

Elle and Liam haven’t left my side since. Mist comes over to check on us, too.

It’s a bit overwhelming, but I’ve been focusing more on the shelter rather than the disturbance in my new life.

Today, we have another visitor; Scar.

I’ve been barely getting used to Mist’s quick visits, but Scar? She’s loud and impulsive. I have no idea what she’s after. Only she seems like she truly cares about Elle.

Scar is trying to talk to her, but Liam is standing on the threshold like a guard from hell. His shoulders are squared and his legs stand width apart. He knows she’s a killer and that her entire entourage could shred him to pieces if she asks, but it isn’t stopping him from shooting daggers with his eyes.

Although Scar usually hides her dismay under layers of a cheerful façade, she seems unable to do so in Liam’s presence. If her glares were knives, he’d be cut open and bleeding to death now.

“Apparently, my presence here isn’t wanted, and I’m allergic to police.” Scar smiles at us. “See you, Ellie and Zoe! Unless you change your mind.”

I sigh in relief. Liam needs to stay here after all so Scar stops coming over. I get mini heart attacks whenever she or Mist show up. I always look behind them, expecting those magnetic, overcast eyes to bore into mine.

An odd mixture of relief and disappointment hits me every time he doesn’t show up.

After Scar leaves, Elle remains rooted in place. She’s tracing her bracelet, her go-to gesture when thinking or nervous. Then, as if a lightning bolt hit her, she jerks and runs to the entrance.

Liam grabs her arm and brings her to a screeching halt. “Where are you going? Don’t tell me you’re listening to whatever that crazy woman just said.”

“You’ve been the best big bro anyone can ask for, Liam, and you’re a brilliant man. You are. But there are good men on the other side of the law, too.” She grins. “And I’ve found mine.”

My heart warms. Look at my little sis admitting she’s in love. I never thought such a day would come.

“Go for it, Rage Ball!” I give her a quick hug.

“We still need to talk.” She points a finger at me and then she’s running out of the door.

After Elle leaves, Liam rubs the back of his neck. “They brainwashed her.”

“Maybe she needs that to be alive, Li.”

“She won’t be alive when she ends up being killed because of them.”

He can be right, but who am I to dictate Elle’s life? I’m lost in mine.

If anything, she seems like she has the hang of what she wants more than I do. I don’t know Ghost well, but he seems like the honest type. Besides, Elle can’t choose wrong. Not with her hot-headed, no-nonsense personality.

“Let’s go back, Zoe.” Liam’s index finger taps his thigh. “Then we can have that talk about why you disappeared on us.”

My lips lift in an awkward smile, and I’m sure he can see it, but I lie through my teeth anyway. “I’m a bit tired. I’ll head for an early night.”

“You can’t run away from this forever.”

I can try.

“We’ll talk.” I place a hand on his bicep, tiptoe and kiss his cheek. “Promise.”

Liam is still unconvinced, but he nods anyway.

I take the stairs, then stop at the first step. “I’m glad you’re here, Li.”

This time, he smiles. From all people, Liam understands how ugly it gets when I’m alone.