Shadowed (Team Zero #4) by Rina Kent

Zoe sleeps on her back with the nightstand light casting a warm hue on her face. Her soft features are in peace and her lips slightly part which accentuates her cupid bow. The blond strands cocoon her head like a halo. The sheet covers her to above her stomach. The silky peach-coloured nightgown hints at the pale skin of her breasts. She seems to have gained some weight and it fits her to perfection.

For a moment, I sit there and take her all in, not wanting to miss any detail.

I never thought I would say this about another human being, but I missed her.

I miss her so fucking much.

Now that I found her, I’m never letting her go.

Chapter Twenty-One

He’s here.

After weeks of nightmares and dreams of those overcast eyes peering into my soul, one would think I’m prepared to meet him again.

I’m not.

Staring into those cloudy eyes for real is a whole different beast.

Shadow is still as handsome and as dark as I remember. The nightstand’s light casts sharp edges to his straight jawline and the stubble on his cheeks. A few locks of his dark blond hair fall on his forehead, begging for me to curl my fingers into them.

The clad hardness of his thighs straddle my stomach and his strong arms are taught on either side of my face. Even though our clothes and the sheets form a barrier, heat smothers me from head to toe. There’s no taming my body reaction when he’s this near.

It’s been so long.

What if he’s another dream? I can’t take this torture anymore.

I don’t dare touch him this time, afraid he’ll evaporate. Only, an inexplicable instinct tells me it’s real.

This time, he’s real.

Now that I’m looking closer, his eyes aren’t as hollow as the last time I saw him. There’s a glint different from the playful one and similar to… life?

“Miss me, beautiful?” He smirks, and my heart flutters.

He is real.

I don’t know if I want to cry in relief or scream in frustration. Instead, I school my expression into what I hope resembles dismay. “Like an insane person would miss the asylum.”

“You wound me, Zoe.” He places a hand on his chest in mock reaction.

“What are you doing here? Get out.”

Don’t. Don’t even think about leaving. My internal voice screams at him.

Apparently, Shadow can read the lies in my words since he gathers both my wrists and imprisons them above my head on the pillow.

Warmth seeps into my bones and tingles shoot down my spine. My nipples peak in attention underneath the nightgown’s silk.

I have no way to fight him off. Maybe I never wanted to, anyway.

For the past two months, I’ve been battling myself. Having him this close is like regaining a missing piece of my soul.

His fingers reach for my cheeks. Even if I want to breathe, I can’t. Every inch of skin leaps in anticipation, begging for his touch.

Shadow’s fingers remain suspended mid-air. “You ran away from me.”

“I didn’t.”

“Sure did.” He holds my chin prisoner and runs a thumb along my cheek.

The air is filled with Shadow. His scent. His dark, yet pulling aura. Those lively tiger tattoos who look ready to devour me whole.

I missed him, dammit. I missed him so much.

His finger stops near the corner of my mouth. The freaking tease. “But you know you were running away from yourself, not me, right?”

“I wasn’t.”

“You’re a fucking coward, beautiful. I thought you were more than that.” His voice is neutral, but the hurt note underneath takes me by surprise.

Pressure builds behind my eyes as tears try to fight their way out. They surprise me even more. Why the hell should I live for his expectations?

Why does it hurt that he’s disappointed in me?

“You thought I was more than what?” All the frustration and pent up energy cooking for months explode in my voice. “I was more than watching you kill another human being in cold blood? Did you expect a medal for that?”

“He wasn’t a human being. He was a machine made to kill.”

“Like you, apparently.”

His lips crash to mine. I gasp, and it turns into a deep-throated moan. Shadow doesn’t ask for permission. No. He dives right in. Once my lips are parted, he thrusts his tongue inside and claims me. His kiss is ravenous, desperate, and so out of control. It’s like he can’t kiss me hard enough or mould his body to mine close enough.

The passionate ferocity turns me mindless and firing up with need.

I can’t breathe.

I don’t want to breathe.

If he wants to consume me, then I’m willing to be consumed. I’m willing for anything as long as he satiates the ache inside me.

Shadow pulls away to whisper against my mouth. “Just like me.”

My head is foggy and I can’t make out the meaning behind his words. It’s after sharp intakes of air that I realise he’s referring to what I said earlier.

“You’re a monster,” I pant.

“Your monster.” He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth and bites down hard. No blood comes out, but the pain is enough to shoot the familiar need to my core.

I clench my thighs together in a desperate attempt to tame my reaction. “You’re hollow.”

His lips trail from my jaw to my neck, teeth grazing the skin. “Then fill me up, beautiful.”