Shadowed (Team Zero #4) by Rina Kent

This is the last place I expected to find Johnny in.

While he doesn’t scare me, he’s the malicious type, and I need to tread with him carefully. I adopt my most confident tone. “What are you doing here?”

“Followed you, babe. I was beginning to think you disappeared off the face of the earth until my contact spotted you in Le Salon.”

Dammit. Do Ghost and Shadow know they have a traitor?

Johnny is about the last person I need to be tangled with right now. My revenge against President Joe is pointless. His only sin is not locking his whacko daughter away.

Maybe he should pay for that, but I’m too exhausted to think about it. All I care about is the future. It’s possible that I’ve given up on revenge since I blocked Johnny’s number during those blissful weeks I spent with Shadow.

Johnny stalks towards me. His dark, greasy hair reaches his shoulders and he seems to not have shaven for days. From his slow, but not firm steps, it seems that he’s tipsy, if not drunk.

It’s confirmed when he stands close and his breath smells of Jack Daniels. He reaches to my cheek, wipes a tear, and licks his finger.

Disgust churns my stomach, but I maintain what I hope is a neutral expression. I can’t antagonise a volatile man like Johnny. It’ll only hurt me.

“Ready to go, love?”

I offer my sunniest smile. “I’ve been informed that I can’t leave Le Salon or I’ll pay the price.”

“I’ll protect you, babe.” He clasps a hand around my upper arm. “Now, come on.”

My throat constricts at the harsh grip. Sweat breaks down my forehead, and I can feel the panic attack bubbling underneath the skin.

Now, I know why I have this strong reaction to being grabbed harshly. It’s due to how Mum shoved me down when I attempted to get to Dad.

I try to keep my smile as I bargain with Johnny. “Let me take a few things and I’ll meet you, okay?”

All I have to do is contact Shadow, Elle, or Liam. Just a moment would do.

“No, babe.” Johnny’s repulsive alcohol breath fans my face. “You’ll go with me now.”

“I can walk on my own.” I’m sure my smile looks fake because it’s coming with that edge of panic. I can’t even control it. An invisible hand is squeezing my heart and I have no way to stop it.

He hauls me forward, and I nearly fall to my face. Whoa. His force is no joke although he’s tipsy.

“Walk, babe.”

My breathing calms a little now that he’s not touching me. The hell was I thinking when I struck a deal with this guy?

I hold the box close to my chest as my eyes dart to my surroundings, searching for an opening. My best shot at running away is to draw someone’s attention outside.

The sun is disappearing behind the buildings. If it becomes night, my chances will dim.

Twigs and branches snap under my ballerina flats. It takes everything in me to keep the calm façade.

“You’re really a gem, babe.” Johnny’s high pitched voice from behind me is threatening and amused.

“What do you mean?” I try to remain amicable. It’s for my best interest if he continues talking.

“President Joe thought he can kick me out like I was nothin’, but he’ll think again after this.”

I peek at him over my shoulder with a plastered smile. “This?”

“All in good time, babe.”

Dammit. I didn’t even know President Joe kicked Johnny out. If we’re not heading to their club, then where the hell is he taking me to?

I don’t know if it’s panic or the need to protect my baby, but I don’t stop to think. I run. I know Mrs Adler’s forest-like garden, so I have an advantage over Johnny.

Footsteps sound behind me, but as expected from a drunk, Johnny can’t keep up. I tighten the box against my chest and forge forward.

Some branches slash into my arms and legs. My breaths come in quick succession and a wave of adrenaline tightens my limbs.

All I have to do is find the main road and –

Something hard crushes against the back of my head.

… a rock?

Pain explodes in my skull and a hot liquid streams down my neck.

I fall, or I think I do. The box and my body hit the ground with a thud. Something churns in my stomach.

My baby.

No, please.

Johnny kneels beside me while tossing a rock in the air. A dark smirk moves his lips. “Sorry, babe, but you can’t run away.”

Chapter Thirty-One

I crawl.

What I assume is blood trickles down my neck. Sharp pain nearly splits my skull open.

I don’t stop crawling.

My T-shirt bunches up my stomach. Pebbles and dirt scrap the skin. I ignore the burn, all I think about is saving my baby.

Someone laughs and it’s like being stabbed in the head by tiny needles.

“Give it up, babe. I always get what I want.”

Using my elbows, I drag my body down the dirt. My pulse spikes with each inch I take, but it’s not enough. My strength is waning and my limbs scream with pain.

Johnny is still laughing. The repulsive sound echoes in the emptiness around us. I know he’s playing with me. I know he’ll let me crawl just so he’d snatch the hope away.

I can’t stop. I’m not dying today.

Tears fill my eyes, but a surprising energy shoots in my limbs. I groan as I lift myself to my hands and knees. The agony rips through me as I push forward.