Shadowed (Team Zero #4) by Rina Kent

I tell her all about my mum’s familial ties with President Joe, my revenge, and eventually learning the truth. I choke on words, and Elle pats my back.

When I’m finished, she regards me with support. She doesn’t have ‘Poor girl’ written all over her face like the social workers did when my parents died. Elle lost her mum as a child due to an overdose, so she understands. People like us don’t need pity, we need a shoulder to lean on.

A hope.

A promise of something better.

“I wish you told me before so I could be there for you, Zoe.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s better late than never, right?” She strokes my hand. “What will you do now?”

“I want to be a good mother. It terrifies me that I’ll become like my mum one day.”

“You’re nothing like that woman, Zoe. You’re full of injuries because you wanted to protect your child. The first thing you asked about after waking up isn’t yourself, it’s your child. I’m sure you’ll be a marvellous mother.” She pauses. “But how about Shadow?”

I swallow audibly. “I don’t know what I’ll do about him. What if he takes it badly?”

“Hmm. I’ve seen how he was concerned about you when he brought you over. He even hauled Aaron from a business meeting so he’d come to treat you.”

“He… did?”

“Yup. Besides, he always looks at you like he wants to devour you and protect you, so I believe he cares about you, but…”

I lean over. “But?”

She releases a long sigh. “Shadow is unpredictable. Also, there’s the whole problem with The Pit so he might dedicate his attention to it.”

My shoulders tense. “The Pit?”

Elle’s hands clench in the mattress. “Julian thinks I don’t know, but Scar told me everything. Hades is demanding that one of Team Zero returns to The Pit if they don’t give him double profits. The previous month, Julian sold twenty-five per cent of the factory’s shares to President Joe and therefore managed to get profits.”

“Can’t he sell more shares?”

“President Joe refused to buy less than twenty per cent. If he gets forty-five per cent, Hades will find out and everyone will be in worse trouble.”

“Why does Julian have to go?”

“One of Team Zero hostages will be killed or tortured to death, and Julian can’t allow that. I know how loyal he is, but I wish he wouldn’t offer himself as a sacrifice… you know.” She chokes on words, tears shining in her eyes.


“It’s okay. I know I signed up for his cruel and unpredictable world.” She pauses whenever words strangle her. “I think he’ll leave without telling me. What am I going to do?”

I wrap my arms around her and pat her back as she sniffles on tears. “What if I can help?”

She pushes away to stare at me. “How?”

“I told you that President Joe is my grandfather. He doesn’t know about me, but I can try to convince him to buy lesser shares.”

“What makes you sure he’ll listen to you?”

“I’m not, but I can’t know until I try.”

She bites her lower lip. “What if you get hurt? President Joe is known to be ruthless.”

“He wouldn’t hurt his own granddaughter.” I curl my hand around hers. “Hey. I’d do anything for your happiness. Ghost helped me once, so this is a small payback.”

“Let me tell him about it.” She clutches my shoulder. “Don’t do anything before we plan it.”

I nod.

She smiles and her hand cradles my stomach. “Hey there, little one, nice to meet you. I’ll be your godmother.” She throws me a glance. “Right?”

“Of course.”

“Thank God. I thought you’ll betray me and choose the redhead witch Mist.”

I laugh. “I don’t think she’s into the godmother scene.”

Elle’s attention goes back to my stomach. “You better be a girl so I can teach you how to kick some arse.”

I grin despite myself. “That’s so sexist, Ellie. Does that mean you won’t teach a boy?”

“His father can do that.”

My grin widens. His father can do that on one condition that he doesn’t raise him into a professional.

The door opens – no knock whatsoever – and Shadow storms inside.

A bag of med dangles from his hand, but he doesn’t seem to be hurt anywhere. Thank God.

Elle stands. “We’ll talk later.”

I make an affirmative sound. She squeezes my hand one more time then she’s out of the door.

Shadow strides to my side, fishing into the bag and reading through the labels. “This is for now. This is for after meals and this –”

I stand up, ignoring the ache in the back of my head, and hold his hand. “Why aren’t you looking at me?”

He does, and the deep ache and anger in his metallic gaze takes me back by surprise. Biting words come out of his lips. “What the fuck were you doing there alone, Zoe?”

I resist the urge to flinch. Being out alone for Johnny to single me out is my fault, and I should take responsibility. “I’m sorry. I went to dig Dad’s capsule… wait. Where is it?”