Shadowed (Team Zero #4) by Rina Kent

Johnny stops laughing, and I think he’ll be on me. I crawl on four as fast as my scraped hands and knees allow. When I find a tree trunk, I clutch it with trembling hands and use it to stand up.

Sounds of hushed footsteps run my way. They’re nothing like Johnny’s heavy, drunken ones.

“This isn’t over, babe,” Johnny shouts from a distance.

I cast a glance his way and he’s already disappearing behind the trees. A shadow passes in my peripheral vision before Shadow himself stands in front of me. His T-shirt sticks to his chest with tension. The overcast of his eyes darkens to a frightening colour as he looks to where Johnny disappeared.

He’s here.

Relief floods over me. It’ll be fine. If Shadow is here, my baby and I are safe. I grab his arm, my nails sinking in the flesh to keep myself standing. His gaze snaps my way.

The darkness is still there but something a lot warmer disturbs his handsome, sensual features.

Save our baby. I want to tell him, but no words come out.


He calls my name again and curses.

I fall against him and let the darkness drift me away.

I crack my eyes open and a splitting headache pounds my skull. My mouth feels so dry and grungy as if I were eating sand.

Space is turning in a slow, hazy circle. I can’t make out my surroundings or the distorted voice coming from somewhere beside me.

I was hit with a rock. I fell. My stomach twisted.

I sit up with a jerk. Pain explodes in my head, but I don’t pay it attention.

My hand cradles my stomach. My baby is still in there… right?

What if… What if…


My head snaps to the feminine voice. Elle sits on the edge of the bed watching me with furrowed brows. Now that I’m not dazed out of my mind, it seems that we’re in Shadow’s room in Le Salon.

“My baby…” I swallow. “My baby is fine, right?”

Her lips part and she’s speechless for long seconds. “You’re... pregnant?”

I nod, and a tear slides down my cheek. “Am I still pregnant?”

A tall man with dark, solemn features strolls in from the bathroom. His eyes are so black, it’s like they’re a piece cut from a moonless night. He rolls down the sleeves of his fit navy blue suit, seeming just finished with washing his hands. He doesn’t spare us a glance as he fetches a brown leather briefcase from the floor.

Elle clicks her tongue. “This is Aaron. He’s Julian and Shadow’s disciple and apparently a doctor. Not that I’m convinced.”

“Too bad your opinion doesn’t matter.” Aaron’s face lacks any expression. He has a cool, imposing presence that fits a killer more than a doctor.

But he’s all I have right now.

“How is my baby?” I ask in a small voice, terrified of the answer.

“Alive and well.”

I release a long breath and tighten an arm around my stomach.

“You needed a few stitches for the wound in your head and plasters for the scratches on your knees, but there’s nothing serious.” He states with a bored expression but a firm tone. “Focus on nutrients and your iron intake. Your body is weak.”

“I will.” I trap my bottom lip between my teeth. “Have you told Shadow?”

“Patients’ confidentiality.”

“Wow.” Elle mocks. “I’m surprised you care about that.”

“Thank you.” I’m so glad he hasn’t told Shadow. I want to deliver the news myself.

“If you want to thank me, stop getting hurt. I’m tired of being forced to come to stitch wounds.” He turns to leave.

Elle springs to her feet. “Did anyone tell you that you’re obnoxious?”

He throws her a dark look over his shoulder. “Do I look like I care?”

“Ugh.” Elle falls on the bed after the door shuts behind Aaron. “He’s so annoying. I need to find Julian a new doctor.”

“Where’s Shadow?” I try not to sound disappointed that he’s not by my side.

“He went to buy you the medicine that Aaron prescribed and…”

“And what?” I straighten.

“He seemed pissed off so maybe he went after Johnny. Why did he attack you anyway?”

“He wanted to take me somewhere, but I don’t know where.”

“I hope Shadow teaches the wanker a lesson.”

I hold the sheets close to my chest as a shiver crawls down my spine. I want Johnny to pay, but not on the expense of Shadow’s life. He’s a professional killer and should be fine, but he’s not an immortal. What if Johnny has his own mercenaries? What if he sets him a trap?


“Hmm?” I face Elle who’s considering me with a wounded expression.

“Why didn’t you tell me about your pregnancy? I thought we are a family.”

My chest knots. “I’m so sorry, Ellie. It’s that this baby came out of nowhere and I didn’t know what to do.”

“Is it… Shadow’s?”

I nod. “I wasn’t even in a relationship with him at the time, and I was so scared about what he’d do if he found out.”

She holds my hands in hers, and it’s as much comfort as Elle can offer. “What happened during all those months?”