Misted (Team Zero #5) by Rina Kent

“How did you get pregnant?” she asks.

I stare at her, unable to say a word. Only whimpers leave my mouth.

“I assume it’s because you were taking half your Omega dose and slowly detoxing.” She clicks her pen over and over and nods to herself, appearing thoughtful. “It doesn’t explain why the abortion had such complications, though. Hmm…”

“Right.” She scribbles something on her pad. “This test isn’t useful. You have to take the pain for a bit until I run more tests and see why the haemorrhage won’t stop.” She pauses. “Don’t bleed out, though. This is an interesting case.”

My vision is blurry from tears. My head swims, and all I can feel is a deep, dark hollowness where my baby used to stay.

I couldn’t protect my child. I couldn’t protect our future.

“Did I obstruct your tubes right? I should’ve not had those glasses of wine before the operation. Hmmm...” Dr Sloane kneels and positions herself between my legs. A gloved finger stabs inside me, but I don’t make a sound as she rummages in there for long minutes.

Everything is turning to black and I’m just waiting for unconsciousness to take me away.

Her head peeks up. “Well, you should thank me. I saved you from being a mother for life by a simple tubal legation. Children aren’t fun. I killed mine when they became a headache.”

“Close her up.” A posh male tone calls from the door before his footsteps come close.

“But Hades!” she whines. “You said I can study them any way I like.”

“You’re killing her. I have no use of dead assassins.” His tone holds no room for negotiation. “Close her up.”

“Ugh. Thanks for ruining my fun.” Her screeching voice shoots through my numb nerves.

She disappears between my legs again. Either she used anaesthesia or I’m completely numb because I feel nothing.

She should let me bleed out. Maybe that way, I’ll be able to escape this hell. Maybe that way, I won’t feel like I’m being sucked into a dark hole with no way out.

I couldn’t protect my baby. What am I still existing for?

“You screwed up, Mist.” Hades hovers over me, his tone calm and composed.

He’s a lean, tall man with a straight aristocratic nose and features. He wears a tailored brown suit as if he were born for formal wear. Everything about Hades is deceptive kindness. Even his mossy green eyes hold a softness fit for a gentleman.

But again, the devil has always worn beautiful clothing.

Under different circumstances, I’d cower away from Hades and his brutal punishments. But now, he can’t hurt me anymore. No matter what he does, nothing tops what they’ve already taken away from me.

I don’t pay him attention and continue staring at the wall. Maybe if I fix the blinding white long enough, everything will disappear.

Hades grabs my chin in his hand and forces me to stare at his snotty green eyes. His smooth features would appear warm and welcoming to anyone who doesn’t know that Hades is the devil himself.

“You think you have nothing to lose?” He smiles with mock softness.

I stare back, numb, and out of this world. I just want the unconsciousness from earlier.

“How about Hawk?”

My heartbeat resurrects as if I was hit in the chest by a brick. My eyes widen and Hades’ smile reflects his approval. “There. Much better.”

He places a hand on the side of my head on the table and leans forward, all smiles disappearing. “You were trying to escape with Hawk.”

I shake my head frantically. Hades shoots anyone who tries to escape in front of everyone. He kills them in cold blood to set an example. After the first two attempts, no one tries anymore.

“It was my idea. Only me. Just me!” I scream. I feel like I’m dying anyway, but I’ll be damned if I drag Hawk into this with me.

“See, that’s not what Hawk’s tests say. He’s been slowly detoxing, too.” His face becomes rigid cold, and I know, I just know that Hades will issue my death sentence with the next words. “He has to die.”

“No... ” Tears stream down my cheeks and into my gaping mouth.

I couldn’t protect my baby, but I’ll be damned if I can’t protect Hawk either.

My wings were cut off. I’m torn to pieces and sold for parts, but I won’t fucking break.

“Mist… Mist…” Hades muses and runs a lean finger down my damp cheeks. “Both of you used to strengthen each other. Hawk trained you. You kept him from killing himself, so it was win-win for me. I saw nothing wrong in letting you have your little escapades.” He pauses, his voice dropping to a chilling range. “But you dare repay my kindness with betrayal?”

“It won’t happen again, I— ”

“Of course it won’t.” He’s speaking like a doting teacher. “He’s weakening you and unfortunately, you’re weakening him, too. ”

“I’ll kill as much as you want…”

He shakes his head. “You kill for me, anyway. It’s not a choice.”

I gulp the tears. “Then what do you want?”

“Prove your loyalty to me.”


“By erasing your loyalty to Hawk.” He leans forward until his peppermint breath breaks goosebumps along my skin. “You’ll tell me when and where you planned to escape with him, but you won’t show up.”