Misted (Team Zero #5) by Rina Kent

“You’ll be in danger when you’re with me, Molls.” I sit on the swing at the house’s porch, wearing a navy summer dress and flip-flops while watching Crow and Scar help Hawk with his strengthening workout. More accurately, they’re arguing and Hawk is doing push ups at the beach.

My lower lip rolls behind my teeth as I soak in his half-naked glory. The sun causes the sweat coating his tanned skin to glint. Although Scar isn’t looking at him, I want to blind her so she can never enjoy the view.

Hawk isn’t the only one with possessive issues.

“Earth to Misty!” Molly calls from the other side.

“Sorry.” I shake my head out of the haze. “Is everything well over there? The girls? Did Shadow screw anything up?”

“Everything is fine. I’m just worried about you. Whose phone is this?”

“Don’t even try. It’s untrackable.”

She releases a long breath. “You can’t travel all over the country when you’re in danger, Misty.”

My eyes stray to Hawk, and in that moment, he lifts his head and our eyes meet. And then he smiles, oh, my, he smiles with genuine boyish charm and suddenly, it’s too hot in here.

“Mist?” Molly asks.

“Uh… how are Jessica and Sarah?”

“The usual. Aren’t you going to visit them?”

“I will… just not now.”

“I’m worried about you, Misty. Come back or at least let me join you.”

“I can take care of myself. I trained you, little brat. Just be safe. I’ll call you again.”

I cut off before she can say anything else and I’m already heading to where Hawk is doing push-ups. A plaster covers his back wound and although it’s been getting better and Eloise does regular checkups, I can’t help the niggling worry.

It’s been weeks since he’s been shot and a week since I returned. While the time here has been my heaven on earth, despite Scar’s presence, I’m on the edge of my seat, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

But right now? I’m as giddy as a little girl as I watch Hawk recover at an impressive speed.

Since I confessed everything, he’s been hugging me to sleep and murmuring how much he missed me and that I always belonged to him even when we weren’t together.

I love when he asks for hugs as if he’s not sure if it’s still part of what we are. I love when he whispers my name like it’s a prayer and then growls it like it’s damnation. I love when he wakes me up in the middle of the night because he can’t get enough of me. I love our night sex, morning sex, and middle-of-the-day sex. I love how he can’t keep his hands or eyes off me. I love his possessiveness and his protectiveness.

I love him. Fuck. I never stopped loving him.

My heart is finally being filled and the onslaught of emotions make me feel as if I’m over the clouds.

I stand behind Hawk to not distract him — and to have a complete view of the hard ridges of his back and his arse in shorts.

The downside is that not far from me, Crow and Scar are in some competition about running in place and bickering like kids.

“I’m just saying Crow-Man, you can’t take me in a long run.”

“Wanna try, psycho?”

“Did you know that France only lasted 46 days in World War Two before they fell to the Nazis?”

He nudges her shoulder. “You’re escaping, aren’t you.”

She checks her peach-coloured nails before touching her stomach over her T-shirt. “You think Ink can do a cover up tattoo for me?”

That’s new. She was never ashamed of her scar. She used to walk around with it in full display for the world to see.

Hawk abandons his push-ups and jumps to his full height to tower over Scar. “You will not utter his name again.”

Oh my. I need to tell him about my plan with Ink before things get sour.

“But I need that cover up!”

“Why now?” Hawk crosses his arms over his broad, naked chest, which makes his 3D Hawk tattoo pronounced and menacing.

Crow continues pushing Scar but she deflates by her random World War Two facts.

“You have a cut,” I tell Crow, pointing at his arm so he’d have his wife look at it. She disappeared into the house, preparing some drinks.

Hawk throws a glare at Crow then swings towards me with his brows drawn over glinting azure eyes. “I think my wound is acting up.”

I’m at his side in a second, my fingers snaking up the plaster. “Is it infection? Dammit, you shouldn’t have overworked yourself. Let me get Eloise so she can take a look.”

“No.” Hawk peeks at me over his shoulder. “Just keep doing that.”

My fingers stretch around the plaster, confused. “This?”

He makes an affirmative sound without saying anything.

“Get a clue, redhead.” Crow keeps Scar on an arm’s length as he shakes his head, mocking. “He’s not hurt, he just wants your hands on him like a big fucking baby.”

Hawk cuts him a harsh glare and it’s all I need for confirmation. I hit his arm. “I really thought you were hurt.”

His lips curve in a mixture between a smile and a smirk, but he doesn’t seem the bit apologetic.

“I bet he’s fantasising about you kissing it better like in some cheap nurse porn.” Crow continues taunting.