Misted (Team Zero #5) by Rina Kent

“Then I touched you again.” His arm tightens around my waist. “Fuck, Hellion. How did I survive without you all these years?”

“Not worse than how I survived without you.” My lips graze his and I close my eyes as my fingers stroke his stubble. “Then you touched me.”

“And you touched me.” He repeats with that raspy voice. “You took everything I dished your way.”

“I… can I tell you something?”

His lips brush against mine in the quickest, softest kiss Hawk’s ever given me, and I’m back to melting in his arms. “Anything.”

“I love it when you don’t hold back… I mean…” I’m hyperventilating like some teenager, dammit. “When it feels like you’re using my body, it proves how much you want me and can’t keep your hands off me.”

A playful gleam settles in his eyes, and my heart lightens for being the reason behind the shift in his mood. “You like being tied up, Hellion?”

I bite my lower lip and nod.

“How about being spanked?”

“Yes, but only if it’s you. I can’t trust anyone else to do it.”

He growls and flips me so I’m facing him. My legs rest on either side of his strong thighs so I’m fully stretched over his lap. His fingers tilt my chin up so I’m staring at those intense turquoise eyes. “I’ll kill any man who touches you.”

I laugh, and the sound is genuinely carefree. “You broke Croft’s arm, didn’t you?”

He groans. “He barely escaped death.”

“And you fought Shadow because… ?”

“He didn’t stop that fucker from touching you.”

“What did he tell you before you flipped and knocked him down in that fight?”

He narrows his eyes. “That even if he stopped Croft from touching you, he can’t stop you from sleeping with other men.”

“He lied to provoke you,” I blurt, my fingers trailing in his hair. “Filthy bastard.”

“It worked.”

“Anything else I need to know about?”

His gaze trails off the window.

“What?” I press.

“Your mother’s boyfriend. The one who touched you when you were a kid.”

“What about him?”

“I went to find your mother and him. She was already dead due to some cancer.”

I knew that. I felt nothing when I learnt the news. If she hated me enough to be happy I ran away, why should I feel bad that she died?

“Scott, the boyfriend ,went back to his house in Kent. I found him and killed him when I was maybe fourteen.”


“He deserved a slower death, but it was my first off-site operation and I needed to escape.” He grabs my hips and brings me closer to his body. The frightening darkness in his eyes isn’t directed at me, but I feel the chill all the same. “You’re mine and I’ll bring the world to its knees to protect what’s mine.”

I brush my lips along his forehead in a trembling, lingering kiss. “Here I thought your possessiveness withered away.”

“Fuck no.” He cradles my neck. “I just tried to ignore it, but I saw fucking red whenever you were with any man — including Ghost and Shadow and that fucking Ink.”

“Well, you had Scar.”

“I had no one. I told you, Hellion. You’re the only fucking woman for me.”

My toes curl as if I’m back to being a teenager and Hawk is finally claiming me as his. I thread my fingers into his hair. “And you’re the only one for me.”

“Good answer.” He nibbles on my earlobe and without warning, his palm comes down on my arse. I yelp as the slap echoes in the bathroom and shoots to my throbbing core.

“W-what was that for?” I’m gazing up at him, sure he can see the awe and lust written all over my face.

“Because I want to.” His lips find my earlobe before he whispers in a sinfully raspy tone. “You have a problem with it?”

I shake my head frantically as he licks the shell of my ear and nibbles down on the sensitive skin.

“Didn’t think so.” His hand slips underneath the T-shirt, up my ribs and my heaving chest. My head falls back when he finds the swell of my breast. He twirls the beading nipple between his calloused fingers. I arch my back, feeling his cock hardening at the inside of my thighs.

“You want me to unleash all of me on you?”

“Yes…” I moan and then cry out when he pinches my nipple so hard, pleasure zips through my body. “Oh God, please…”

Hawk gathers me in his arms and I cling to him with all my might as he steps out of the bathtub and carries me to the bedroom in steady, but fast movements.

He throws me on the bed, reaches into a drawer and retrieves ropes. My heart thunders, my skin prickles, and every nerve ending nears combustion.

I squeal when Hawk’s huge body covers mine, the ropes hanging in his hand like a sinful promise. “You better be ready for me, Hellion.”

My lips find his. “I always am.”



Life has always started and ended with you.

“Where are you, Misty?” Molly sounds the most agitated I heard her. “You should at least keep the tracker on so I can find you in case you’re in danger.”