A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) by Quinn Loftis

“I won’t try to stop you,” he said, and it sounded as if he was speaking through gritted teeth. “But I wish you could see yourself as I do.”

“I do, and I’m in awe of how you feel about me. This is about how I see myself. If it works, then I will be thankful. If it doesn’t, I will learn to love my body as it is.”

“Tell your man to work on his own issues.” Jen spoke again. “He’s obviously got some crap to deal with. When he’s worked on himself, then he can give you advice on what he thinks you should do.”

Zara wiped her tears away and looked at Jen. “How did you know he was trying to change my mind?”

“Because they always think they know what is best for us. It’s in their genetic makeup to try to convince us we’re perfect just the way we are. Unless we’re trying to force them to build dog houses for dogs we don’t have yet.”

“To be fair, that was a little ridiculous.” Jacque snorted.

“Maybe, but it was also funny as hell.” Jen smiled wickedly.

Zara looked back at Peri. “What do I need to do?”

Peri’s lips turned up a bit. “Just sit there and let me work my magic. If I’m successful, you’ll be obligated to gush over me and all that is my awesomeness.”

Zara laughed. “I can do that, but you’ll eventually get annoyed with it.”

“You learn quickly.” Peri placed her hands on Zara’s. “Sally and Rachel, a little healer’s magic wouldn’t hurt, considering you two badasses can knit organs and crap back together.”

Sally immediately came over and dropped to her knees. She placed a hand just below Zara’s collarbone on her left side. Rachel did the same on her right side.

“Going to try this without groping you.” Sally gave a teasing smile.

“Spoilsports,” Jen said. “It would have been awesome to rub it in history boy’s face that you and Rachel got to second base before him.”

Groans filled the room, but Bethany said, “That would be hilarious.”

“You don’t get a vote, remember?” Jacque growled. “Pregnant, dead brain cells. Enough said.”

“Let’s do this,” Peri commanded.

Zara could feel Wadim in her mind, almost as if he were pacing. She could also hear him growling. She ignored him and focused on her own body. Warmth filled her, starting in her chest and then radiating outward, down her arms, stomach, and thighs, all the way to the tips of her toes and to the top of her head.

It felt as if she sat there for hours with the three females touching her, working their magic. Finally, their hands moved away, and the warmth receded. Zara felt peace. Her body felt whole, strong, and, not knowing how else to describe it, healed.

Everyone gazed at her. She didn’t really know what to do.

“Are you going to look down your own shirt, or would you like me to do it for you?” Jen asked, completely serious.

First, Zara pulled up her sleeves. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. The bites and scars were gone. Her skin was now smooth and unblemished. Her heart raced. She reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it up enough to show her stomach. It, too, was completely healed. She swallowed hard and dropped her shirt. Zara’s hands shook. She pulled the collar of her shirt outward. She used her thumb and forefinger to grasp the edge of her sports bra. Her eyes closed briefly before opening again and then looking down.

She couldn’t help but weep when her eyes found what they were looking for.

“Based on that expression, I’m guessing we’ve got identical twins. Congratulations!” Jen clapped.

Zara closed her eyes, wanting to laugh but too overwhelmed with emotions.

“Girl, don’t be ashamed to be happy.” Jen patted Zara’s back. “Thia gnawed my nipples to death. They looked like raw meat. I never thought they’d be the same. I was convinced my girls were going to be forever deformed, which would have been a shame because I’ve got such a nice rack.”

“Thank you for that pep talk, Jen.” Elle rolled her eyes. “We all feel better knowing that your girls have been restored to their pre-baby glory.”

“Damn straight.” Jen nodded. “All right, I’ve seen Bethany’s, and she’s got something to be proud of. Let’s see if Peri, Sally, and Rachel have added you to the perfect teet posse.” Jen pointed a finger at her. “And, yes, I used the word teet on purpose because I’m tactful like that.”

“Didn’t work,” Crina offered. “You’ve probably made her feel like livestock.”

“I’m a work in progress. Hold your judgment until I’m dead.” Jen waived the she-wolf off.

Jacque shook her head and ran a hand down her face. “There are so many things wrong with that I can’t even find a place to start. Zara, you don’t have to show off your girls. You can be overjoyed with them on your own, without Jen getting some kicks.”

Zara wasn’t really paying attention. She’d let go of her shirt and was staring at Peri. A moment later, she threw herself at the high fae and wrapped her arms around Peri’s neck. “Thank you,” Zara whispered. “Thank you so much.”

Peri patted her on the back, her hand hesitant. “I’m glad I could help. Though I won’t lie. It’s one of the most unique things I’ve ever used my power to accomplish.”