Player Loves Curves Box Set #1-3 by Hope Ford



Three Weeks Later

“I never thoughtI’d be this kind of girl,” I say into the phone at my ear. I’m walking through the terminal, talking to my best friend Cassie on the phone.

She has nonstop been poking fun of me since Jasper and I first got together. But I don’t blame her. I’m a mess, a hot mess really. I’m now the girl that misses her boyfriend when he’s away and wants to spend every minute with him since we started dating.

Cassie just laughs into the phone. “Enjoy it.”

I take a deep breath and ask her, “Really, you think I should just go for it and hold nothing back?”

Instantly, she says, “Yes, definitely.”

I start laughing even before I get the whole sentence out. “Good, because I’m at the airport to pick him up.”

My friend laughs. “Oh my God, you are so that girl!”

“There he is, gotta go!” I tell her before clicking the hang up button. I wave at Jasper and barely hold myself back from running toward him. He’s walking out with a bunch of his teammates and although I’ve met a few, I don’t know exactly what he’s told them about us.

Instantly, nervousness fills me. I stop where I’m at, because I know if I keep walking, I’m just going to run to him and the last thing I want to do is embarrass him. He gives me a weird look and starts jogging my way, leaving his teammates behind.

As soon as he reaches me, he wraps his arms around me and latches his lips on to mine. The sound of hooting and hollering has us breaking apart and he just smiles at them, waving them on. He leans his head against mine. “I thought you missed me?”

“I did miss you. A lot,” I confess to him.

“You didn’t seem too excited to see me,” he says with hurt in his voice.

I wrap my arms around the back of his neck. “I was excited, but when I pictured this, I didn’t envision your friends being with you. I didn’t want to embarrass you or something…”

“Embarrass me? That’s nuts. You could never embarrass me. We’re together, Trinity. Let’s act like it, okay?”

I take his words to heart and lean toward him, kissing him. When we finally pull apart, I tell him, nodding my head, “You’re right. Can we get a redo? Or do you take IOUs?”

He sweeps me up into his arms, kissing me like we’re the only two people in the airport. We hustle through baggage claim and he leads me to the parking lot, asking me where the car is. Many people recognize him and he waves but doesn’t stop moving. I trail next to him, pointing him in the right direction, running after him as fast as my legs will carry me, until finally I pull him back. “Hey, what’s the big hurry?”

He doesn’t slow down except to pick me up. “I’m collecting on my IOU.”

I struggle in his arms, but he doesn’t let go. Finally, I have to tell him. “Jasper, I don’t have any underwear on,” I whisper, knowing I have a skirt on and am probably mooning all of Tennessee right now.

“You what?” he asks me. I can feel his chest rumble as he says it and I can’t help but think about how much I’ve missed him these last few days. He sets me on my feet and with his hand on the small of my back, he pushes me forward. When I look back at him, his jaw is tight, but other than that his expression is unreadable.

He sets me down next to the passenger side door and holds his hands out. “Keys?”

I pull them out of my pocket and hand them over to him. He opens the door, practically pushing me inside before he runs around and gets in the driver’s side. Backing out of the parking lot, he squeals his tires as pulls out.

“You missed the exit,” I tell him.

He keeps driving and even from the passenger seat, I can tell he’s mid thought. “I didn’t miss it.”

He pulls us up to the abandoned rooftop level. He reaches for me, sliding his hand up my leg and under my skirt. “Baby, I’ve missed you so much. You’re all I thought about.”

“Me too. I missed you so much.”

* * *


I planned to wait,but I can’t wait anymore. “I want you to move in with me.” I blurt the words out. I planned to do it nicer, maybe with a little more romance than in the front seat of her car, but I can’t wait any longer. I don’t wait for her to answer me. “When I’m home, I want you with me. When I’m away, I want to know that you’re safe at our home in our bed.”

She’s looking at me in awe and I can see the indecision on her face, but I know I won’t stop until I get the answer I want. I slide my hand along her wet slit. She’s soaked for me. ‘Please say yes,” I plead with her.

I put pressure on her swollen nub, and she moans against my neck. “Yes, yes, yes.”

I don’t stop pleasing her, but I have to ask, “Yes, you’ll move in with me?”

She lifts her eyes to me and they’re filled with desire. “Yes,” she says softly.

Satisfied, I lean in to kiss her and seal the deal.

I know there’s things we need to talk about. Things that happened while I was away at this last game, but I’m confident it will be fine. I don’t want to worry her with it now. We can talk about it after she’s moved in.

With that decision made, I pull her across the seat and into my lap. Nuzzling her neck, I ask her, “Now what about that IOU?”