My Unexpected Family by Harlow James

Chapter 10


I never intended to walk in on Chloe masturbating. I never wanted to put her in a situation like that where she was ashamed of bringing herself pleasure. But I’m glad that it happened because now, as we lay here together still naked, I think back to the fact that I wanted to do that for her—I have for weeks.

The other night at Wes and Shayla’s house it hit me—how far along she is, the back and forth of emotions that have been coming from her—and then I might have overheard her conversation with the girls in the kitchen.

Chloe was horny, unsatisfied, uncomfortable with her changing body. But she wanted sex, needed it—and fuck if I didn’t want to give it to her.

I want to so fucking much it’s all I’ve been able to think about.

With every kiss, every touch, every moment of intimacy we share, the woman is digging her talons deeper into my soul, making me see that maybe I don’t have to be so scared of letting her in, that I can protect her and our baby and make room for both of them in my life and possibly get everything I never knew I wanted.

Of course my anxiety needed to argue otherwise, but when I walked through her bedroom door and caught her at a vulnerable moment, taking her pleasure into her own hands—I knew then and there that I was being given an opportunity to act on what I was feeling.

So I took a chance. I told her the truth.

I’ve been dying to touch her, fuck her, taste her since I didn’t truly get to savor her the first time. And every moment where she’s teased me with her body and the kisses we’ve shared over the past few weeks came crashing together and gave me the courage to make the move, cross the line we’ve been inching closer to for weeks.

As I stare down at her, blissfully relaxed after her third orgasm as her breathing evens out again, I take the moment to immerse myself in what I’m feeling—contentment.

Lying here next to her—it’s surreal. I’ve never been one to consider sex very emotional. I mean, casual hook-ups were never my thing, but the women I was intimate with I was never attached to.

And I’m definitely growing attached to Chloe.

“Chloe?” I nuzzle her neck finally as she stirs on the bed in front of me. “You alright?”

“Hmmm,” she moans, pushing her ass against me, making me hard again even though I really shouldn’t be ready for another round after that one.

“You feeling okay?”

“Uh huh.” Her body relaxes even more, so I drag my fingers up and down the curve of her hip, making my way around to her stomach where I place my hand and wait to see if I can feel my son kick.

My son.

“He’s not very active at this time,” she murmurs and then slowly turns over so we’re face to face.

I place my hand back on her belly, just in case. “You never know. We might have just woke him up.”

“Oh, that is a definite possibility.” She grins and then her face grows serious. “Silas?”


“Are you regretting what we just did?”

Her question has irritation bubbling inside of me in an instant. “Why would I regret that?”

“I—I mean, I know you said you wanted to. I just wondered if this was just a one-time thing for you? For us…”

“Chloe.” I reach up and cup her cheek in my hand. “I want you. Every day. And I know you want me too. Let’s stop pretending that’s not true. So, if you need me to help satisfy your needs for the next four months, then I’m here. But this wasn’t just about sex for me.”

She nods, but there’s still confusion lurking in her eyes.

“Do you feel better?”

“So much,” she says on a sigh. “I feel like the rubber band tied around my legs has finally snapped.”

“Good. But are you regretting what we just did?”

“No…I guess I’m just surprised? Relieved? Satisfied?” She chuckles. “I’m feeling a lot.”

“Well, that’s good. Those are all good things to be feeling, but I want to make sure that you know that this wasn’t a mistake, this wasn’t a choice I made on a whim. I wanted this. I wanted you.”

Her brows lift and then she’s smiling, reaching down to place her hand on top of mine that is still on her stomach. “I can’t believe we’re here…together.”

“Me too.”

“What does this mean though?”

“What do you want this to mean?”

She bites her bottom lip in contemplation. “I don’t know. I don’t know how to do this…it’s all so complicated.”

“Then let’s not make it complicated. Let’s make it ours.” I lean forward to kiss her lips softly, nipping a few times before leaning back. I don’t want to put pressure on us with labels because it’s a miracle I’m even giving in to my feelings for this woman as it is. And if I know Chloe like I think I do, she’s probably feeling the same way.

She smiles brightly, and fuck if it doesn’t make my heart pounder harder. “Okay. I like that. Make it ours,” she repeats.

“Now, we can either go to sleep, or we can rack up a few more orgasms. Which do you prefer?” I move closer to her, pulling her flush against my chest, but her bump prevents us from touching completely.

She looks down to her stomach. “You know it’s only going to get bigger, right?’

“I’m looking forward to it.”

She smirks at me, and that mischievous gleam in her eyes I’ve seen before sparks to life. “Well then, we might as well take advantage of the size it is now.”

“What are you thinking?”

Her lips find my ear where she darts out her tongue and gently licks the shell, bringing goosebumps to the surface of my skin instantly. “I wanna ride that beautiful cock of yours, Silas.”

Growling, I flip over on my back and grip my cock, stroking it while keeping my eyes on Chloe. “Then your wish is my command.”

“If I rub it or ride it really well, do I get two more wishes?”

“Are you saying my cock is like a magic lamp?”

Her lips tip up as she gets into position, bracing herself above my dick as I line up to her entrance and she slowly sinks down, encasing me in her wet heat.

Fucking hell.

“Maybe. Or a magic carpet. Either way, I’m about to take it for a ride.”

“You and your obsession with Disney,” I mumble as Chloe rises and falls on my cock, planting her hands on my chest for support. I want to close my eyes, but I also don’t want to miss the sight of her moving over me.

“Well, it seems that tonight one of my dreams that I wished did come true.”

* * *

“Please promise me that you’ll be careful.” I stare down at Chloe as tension and worry flow through my body.

“I will.”

“Don’t do anything dangerous. Don’t go anywhere alone. And please take it easy.” My hands grip her upper arms as I pull her into my chest and kiss the top of her head, the curls of her hair tickling my nose.

“I won’t, Silas. I’ll be fine.”

I can feel my hands trembling as I hold her to me, but I’m fighting to keep it together in front of her.

This is why I don’t let people in. This is why I don’t get attached, because now that fear of something happening while I’m not around is extending to Chloe and our son.

“Promise me.”

“I promise.” She leans back and cups my jaw, caressing my stubble and then finding my lips, kissing me reassuringly. My tongue swipes out to dance with hers and all it does is remind me of what I could lose.

“Now go. You’re going to be late and I know you hate that.”

I can’t help but grin. The woman is right.

“Okay. Behave.”

Her lips curl playfully. “I’ll be on my best behavior.”

Before I hesitate anymore, I plant one more kiss on her lips, grab my suitcase, and then open and close the front door of my house behind me, making my way out to my car. Peering up at my house from the driver’s seat, I realize this is the first time I’m leaving home without locking up, arming the alarm, and ice in my veins as I travel for business.

This time I’m leaving a gooey mess of fear and longing, and with another piece of my heart left behind.

“Hey, it’s the Italian Stallion!”

I roll my eyes as Hayes’s voice comes out through the speakers in my car. “Why do you insist on calling me that? You know I’m only half Italian anyway, right?”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ve seen your dick, Silas. I know Chloe probably hops off of you looking like she rode a horse for a week.”

“Jesus Christ,” I mutter as I merge onto the freeway, headed to the airport.

“Are you telling me I’m wrong?”

“I’m telling you Chloe is just fine after she rides my dick,” I reply without thinking. And then I realize what I just divulged. “Fuck.”

“Oh, shit! Wave! Wave!” Hayes calls on the other end of the phone, his voice slightly more distant. “They did it! They boned!”

“Yes, I won!” I hear her shout in the background, and I have no one but myself to blame for the reaction I’m currently listening to.

“What did she win?”

“The bet between her and Shayla over how long it would take for the two of you to fuck again.” Hayes says as he comes back on the line.


“So, you’re fucking your baby mamma?” I can hear the glee in his voice.

“Please, for the love of God, don’t make a big deal about this.”

“Um, have you met me?”

“Yes, and I question our friendship every time we talk.”

“I’m going to take that to mean that you can’t imagine your life without me in it.”

“Whatever makes you feel better.” I continue to drive along the freeway, quickly glancing at the time to make sure I won’t be late.

“What made you finally give in?”

I sigh, relenting to this conversation even though that wasn’t the point of my call. “Chloe is horny, part of the perks of pregnancy. I kind of…offered to help her out in that department.” The last thing I’m going to tell Hayes is that I walked in on her masturbating, so we’ll just leave my reply as that.

“Is that all you’re doing…helping her out?”

“What are you implying, Hayes?”

“You know damn well what I’m implying.”

“Fine. You want to know the truth?”

“Always, man.”

“I can’t keep my hands off the woman, Hayes. All I want to do is kiss her and fuck her, even more now that she’s pregnant with my kid. I snapped, I gave in, and I don’t regret it for a second.”

He laughs and then says proudly, “Welcome to the other side, my friend.”

“Fuck me, Hayes. I’m on my way to the airport right now to go back east for five days, and my chest literally aches at the thought of leaving her.”


“I want to put her in a bubble so nothing happens to her.”

“Been there.”

“And it’s fucking terrifying,” I admit in a low whisper.

“All true, Silas.”

“Can you do me a favor?”

“Of course.”

“This is really why I was calling.” I run my fingers through my hair as I approach the exit for the airport. “Can you and Waverly check in on Chloe for me, please? I know Wes and Shayla are closer, and Shayla is already planning on going over one night to hang out with her while I’m gone. But just maybe even a phone call? A check in to make sure she has everything she needs and that she’s resting?”

“You got it, man. You need anything else?”

“Someone to stabilize my heartbeat, maybe?”

Hayes laughs. “It’s gonna be okay, man. Chloe will be fine. The four of us will look after her.”

“I have Nonna and my sisters on standby too just in case something happens.”

Hayes sighs. “You can’t think like that, Silas. I know it’s hard for you, given what’s happened in your family, but you can’t keep fixating on the fear. That’s what’s preventing you from really living.”

Hayes and Wes are two of the only people that really know how much my parent’s death fucked me up.

“I’m…I’m trying.”

“And you know I’m here. Have a good trip. Kick ass, do what you need to do, and then get home to Chloe and your son.”

“That’s the plan. Thanks again, Hayes.”

“No problem, man. I’ll always have your back.”

I end the call just as I take the exit for the parking structure I always leave my car at when I fly.

It’s just five days. She’ll be fine. The baby will be fine.

I just hope I’ll be fine too.