My Unexpected Family by Harlow James

Chapter 9


“Silas kissed me.”

“What?” Shayla shrieks.

We’re currently on the sidewalk at a table in front of the coffee shop where she used to work. I was out for my afternoon walk with a few of my clients’ dogs, and asked her to meet me since I needed to process this entire development with her.

“When?” She leans forward in her chair, her eyes fixated on mine.

“A few nights ago, after the opening of the restaurant. And then back at Nonna’s the first night I met his family.”

“He kissed you twice?” Her squeal is even more high-pitched now, but I know there’s no point in trying to get her to lower her voice. “And you didn’t say anything?”

“Look, I have a lot on my plate right now, okay? Somedays the only thing I’m focused on is what I’m going to eat and if there’s going to be a bathroom around in case I have to pee.” Shayla laughs and then urges me to continue. “When he kissed me the first time, we never spoke of it again, so I figured he just wanted to let it go, brush it under the rug, you know? So I did the same. Tried not to think about it.” I take a sip of my green tea with lemon, wishing it were a salted caramel cold brew with an extra shot of espresso right now. “But then he kept touching me—a hug here, a kiss on my temple there. And then after the opening, he took me to walk on the beach and kissed me until I was dizzy again.”

I sigh, thinking back to that night, how it felt when his lips hit mine the first time. It wasn’t the same as the kisses we’ve shared before. No there was definitely more to that kiss, and his words afterwards only confirmed it.

“So what happened after this time?”

“Well, I finally asked him why he kept kissing me, and he said it was because he wanted to,” I reply, fighting the smile on my lips but failing miserably.

“Oh my God!” Shayla sports spirit fingers and then bounces in her chair. “And what did he say?”

“And then he said he plans on doing it again.”

“Holy shit! Chloe!” She giggles, smirking at me across the table. “Waverly owes me fifty bucks!”


“Oh, we made a bet on when you two would start mauling each other.”

I bring my hand up to my chest, mocking her like I’m offended. “I can’t believe you two would do that!”

Shayla just rolls her eyes at me. “Oh, come on. We did that for Hayes and Waverly. It was only fitting we did that for you guys too.”


“So has he kissed you since that night?”

“Not on the lips, but he’s been rather busy since the opening. He even said he might have to go out of town soon.”


“Yeah, to the east coast.”

“That sucks.”

I twist my lips. “It does.” I’ve grown so used to living with him now that the thought of being all alone in that house not only has me uneasy, but missing him already.

“Well, he’d better start making his moves now then so you’re satisfied before he leaves,” she teases, which instantly reminds me of something else that’s been on my mind.

“I am so horny, Shayla,” I declare, which has her eyebrows raising.

“Really? That’s not unusual for you though.”

I shake my head. “No, not normal Chloe horniness. I’m talking about def-con level ten. Like a light breeze on my clit has me seconds away from an orgasm.”

“Holy shit,” she says through a laugh. “Well, have Silas perform his fatherly duties then. He kissed you, so you know he wants you. Now tell him to follow through and give you what you really need.”

I veer my sight off to the side in contemplation because I hear what Shayla is saying. I hear her loud and clear. But I’m not the same confident woman I was five and half months ago, and part of me wonders if Silas will still find me attractive. Hell, how do you even have sex with a belly like this that’s only going to grow bigger before it gets smaller again?

“I—I found a stretch mark the other night,” I whisper.


“A stretch mark. On my stomach.” I feel the sting of tears in my eyes, which instantly has Shayla concerned.

“Oh, Chloe. It’s okay. It’s perfectly normal.”

“I know.” I sniffle and then move to wipe away the tear sliding down my cheek. “I have some already, you know, from growing and stuff. But then I found another on my boob. And then another on my hip. What if they get worse?”

“They might,” she says, reaching across the table for my hand. “But it’s part of growing a human. And you know what, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Stretch marks are natural and a reminder of what your body is capable of. And look at society these days! Even marketing campaigns are using models that look like real women, stretch marks and all. I walked into Target not too long ago, and was damn proud to see the women they’re using in their ads now.”

“I agree. It’s just…what if Silas notices and they…turn him off?”

“Chloe, that would never happen. One, he obviously wants you, so a tiny stretch mark isn’t going to deter him. And two, those marks are a reminder and badge of honor that you’ll wear for growing his child. If he has a problem with them, which I seriously think he won’t—but if he does, you tell me and I will kick him so swiftly in the balls just like those soccer balls I used to knock in the back of the net.”

Gratefully, Shayla’s words help me relax. “I know I shouldn’t care. It’s just hard. My body is changing, it’s not the same as it was before, and it’s making me question all sorts of things.”

“Well, I will be here to remind you of what a badass woman you are, and how incredible it is that you are growing another human inside of you right now.”

“I guess you can do that for me.” God, I love this girl. She is seriously the best friend I could ask for.

“But do me a favor, please,” she continues.


“Tell that man to fuck you. Ask him for what you need because if you’re going to be pregnant for four more months or so, you deserve some pleasure in the process.”

“The man does know how to deliver on that.” I smirk as my skin lights up with electricity at the thought of having sex with Silas again. “But how do people have sex like this?” I gesture down to my bump again.

“Uh, I’m pretty sure that couples have been having sex while the woman is pregnant since humans graced the earth, Chloe. It’s possible, you’ve just got to get creative.”

“What if the baby kicks him while we’re doing it?”

Shayla giggles again. “I’m guessing that’s possible too.”

“I’m just so fucking horny. I feel like I need a cold shower to cool me down. And now that Silas has kissed me, all I fantasize about is him naked again. I’ve gone through a ten-pack of batteries since I moved into his house.”

“Well, give your vibrator a break and ask for the real thing. I’m pretty sure he would be willing to step up and do that for you.” She winks. “He’s been so eager to do other things.”

He has. He’s truly been dedicated to this change in our lives since the beginning.

And there goes my clit lighting up once more for the man.

“I’m just so confused about what this means.”

“Try not to focus on that right now. Your sex drive is the current problem, so let’s solve that. Even if things are fuzzy right now, you might as well take advantage of having a man near to satisfy your needs.”

“I don’t know that I’ll ever be satisfied in that department.”

“No truer words have ever been spoken.”

* * *

“You ready to find out what you’re having?” Dr. Wilson squeezes the cold gel onto my belly.

Yup. The shit is still cold.

Silas applies pressure on my hand that he’s been holding between both of his since the moment I laid down. “We’re ready, Dr. Wilson.”

She clicks on the monitor and then rubs the wand over my stomach, the pressure starting to feel a little uncomfortable as the baby gets bigger. “Everything looks good for how far along you are.” She smiles as she studies the screen, clicking and taking measurements as we go. “Let’s see what you’ve got between your legs, little one.”

“I hope that’s the only time anyone ever says that to our child,” I mutter, which forces Silas to laugh.

“Well, looky there,” Dr. Wilson says, zooming in on the blatant indication that I’m carrying a boy. “Congratulations, you two. You’re going to have a son.”

“Oh my gosh,” I whisper as Silas’s hand tightens around mine, my eyes clouding with tears. Suddenly visions of a little boy that looks just like Silas has me biting my lip to fight back my emotions.

I’m going to be responsible for raising a little man, and fuck, I’m going to love him so hard that no woman will ever be good enough for him.

“It’s a boy? You’re sure?” Silas asks, awe clouding his voice. I turn to see him, eager to catch the look on his face—and you’d think the man was just told he gets to fly to the moon.

“Definitely. There’s no mistaking it.” She points to the screen where you can clearly see our son’s penis.

I have a penis growing inside of me. I’m not sure whether to be proud or a little uncomfortable about that.

All I know is that I’d rather have Silas’s penis inside of me, but now’s not the time for those thoughts.

“Fuck yeah,” he says through a laugh as the three of us continue to smile at the screen. “We’re having a boy, Chloe.” His eyes find mine and within the next second, so do his lips.

It’s a sincere kiss, completely appropriate in front of the doctor, but it still takes my breath away.

When we part, I see Dr. Wilson smiling at us, but she doesn’t address what she just witnessed. “Well, congratulations again. Let me print out some pictures for you, and then you’ll be on your way.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

After we finish up our appointment, Silas and I stare at each other in the parking lot when we make it out to our cars. He met me at the doctor’s office since his job has kept him tied to his office this week and he couldn’t take the day off.

“We’re having a boy,” he mutters again with that ridiculous smile on his face.

I reach down and rub my belly. “I know. It’s crazy.”

“What is?”

“Well, up until today I knew I was having a child, but now that I know it’s a boy, all of a sudden all of these images of him are popping up in my head.”

“Me too,” he replies before stepping closer to me.


“Absolutely.” He lifts his hand and slowly strokes the side of my face, pushing my hair back behind my ear. “Thank you, Chloe.”

“For what?”

“For carrying my child,” he answers honestly, with such rawness in his voice that my heart starts pounding.

“You’re welcome.” I’m not sure what else to say because it’s not like we planned this. But there’s an appreciation and gratitude in his voice that has me starting to feel more grateful for the predicament we’ve found ourselves in, particularly because it’s pulling us closer together.

With his gaze focused on me, I watch the decision in his eyes before he leans down and kisses me again with his hand on my stomach. And I swear, the friction between my thighs ignites a raging inferno between my legs.

Our tongues dance as he wraps his other arm around me and holds me, kissing me like he might break if our lips don’t touch at this exact moment.

“I’ll see you at home,” he says when we part, leaving my entire body tingling from head to toe.

“Okay. Have a good day.”

“You too, Chloe.” He plants a kiss on my temple, and then we both get into our cars, driving off in different directions, but getting closer to each other at the same time.

* * *

“You’re going to have a nephew!”

Hoots and hollers echo through the house as soon as we make our announcement. Wes and Shayla invited us over for dinner since it’s been a while since the six of us have hung out, and they were all desperate to know if we found out the sex of our baby. We told Nonna and Silas’s sisters as soon as Silas got home that night, but figured we’d wait to tell our friends tonight.

“Oh my God, I’m so excited!” Shayla runs up to me, pulling me in for a hug.

“And the De Luca name will live on,” Hayes says, smacking Silas on the shoulder. “Congratulations, man.”

Silas flashes that smile that’s been resting on his face since we found out. “Thanks, man. I’m stoked.”

“So, have we thought of any names?” Waverly asks before taking a sip of her cocktail—and I’ll tell you what, the thing I miss most besides sex right now is alcohol.

I glance over at Silas, who is waiting for me to answer. “A few. We’re still deciding though.”

“Do you think you’ll wait until he’s born to decide?”

“Maybe.” I shrug. “It’s an important decision, so I don’t want to rush.”

“Well, I’m happy for you two,” Wes comes up to us next, getting his congratulations in. “I need to go check on the meat. You guys wanna grab a beer and join me outside?”

“Isn’t it cold to be barbequing?” I ask.

“I’m not using the barbeque. I’m using the smoker. And there may just be a few pounds of chicken wings on there just for you, Chloe.” Wes kisses me on the cheek and then Hayes and Silas follow him outside, beers in hand.

“So, how are you feeling? I haven’t seen you in a while.” Waverly turns to me once the boys have shut the back door. Hayes and Waverly live in Santa Monica, which is about an hour and a half south of Santa Barbara, so I don’t see her nearly as often as I see Shayla.

“I don’t know. I’m feeling a lot of things right now.” I slowly lower myself on a stool at the kitchen island as Shayla moves around in the kitchen and Waverly leans on the countertop, focused on me.

“The biggest one being horniness?” she asks as I glare over at Shayla. “Yes, Shayla told me about the kiss because of our bet, so now we’re waiting for when you two bone.”

I roll my eyes. “I feel like I stuck my finger in a light socket with how sexually charged I am. Even sitting on this stool right now has my vagina throbbing.”

“Thanks for sharing,” Shayla teases.

“I’m serious. The cool metal is getting me all worked up. And then Silas comes down stairs this morning with no shirt on again, his hair a mess from sleep, those boxers on that he wears to bed that hang on his hips and show off his abs, and I’m not joking…drool slipped out of the corner of my mouth.”

Waverly laughs. “What are you doing then? Make your move, Chloe.”

“It’s different now, Wave. It’s not just sex. It’s…”

“I get it.” She takes another sip of her drink. “But I will tell you this—Hayes and I danced around each other for weeks before we finally gave in, and all I kept thinking was we could have been doing this the entire time.” With an arch of her brow, she steps around Shayla and reaches for the bottle of wine to fill her glass, leaving me ruminating on how and when I should approach Silas, because the more I think about it, I know that’s what I want.

“Is it weird though that asking him to be intimate with me while pregnant is scarier than it was before? I mean, I practically threw myself at him in Vegas, and he turned me down. And it took tequila for him to give in in Aruba. If he rejected me now, I just don’t know how I might take it.”

My chest aches at the thought, which sparks wetness to pool in my eyes.

“Chloe, don’t cry.”

“I can’t help it. I’m horny and fat and I just need his dick!” Harsh sobs rack my body as a flood of emotions rushes through me. Damn it, Chloe. Get it together.

“Aw, Chloe.” Shayla rounds the island and pulls me in for a hug as Waverly looks at us, clearly concerned. I know I sound crazy right now, but my body is filled with too many feelings and thoughts to process, so they’re coming out at the speed of lightning. “Ask for the dick then, hun. There’s no harm in trying. And if he says no—which again, I’m saying he won’t—we will go vibrator/dildo shopping and get you the next best thing.”

Sniffling, I wipe under my eyes and then attempt to calm myself down. “How does this all of a sudden seem like the hardest decision to make so far?”

“Because this one involves risking your heart,” Waverly states, and damn—I hate that she’s right.

* * *

Blowing out a deep breath, I lean against the headboard of my bed, settling in on the pillow I put behind me, ready to pull up Pornhub on my browser and let my curiosity win for the moment. With the tapping of a few keys, I pull up pregnant porn—a category I never thought I’d search for, ever—and start diving into whatever sparks my interest.

And let me just say, the levels of heat here vary from simmering to a raging wildfire.

I guess I’m not the only horny pregnant woman walking around.

After leaving Wes and Shayla’s last night, I knew I wanted to be a little more confident in having sex while pregnant, so I thought watching others would help me build some confidence.

After sampling a selection of videos, which doesn’t help my arousal levels at all, I’m grateful that at least some sort of relief washes over me. These women are getting railed, donning stretch marks and cellulite, contorted in all sorts of ways to have sex while keeping their bumps out of the way. And the men? Hell, they look just as satisfied as well.

Moaning echoes throughout my room as I watch a real life couple partake in some doggy-style—my personal favorite—only building the pressure in between my legs.

My clit starts throbbing at the thought of Silas taking me from behind again, the way he did in Aruba. He felt incredible sliding in and out of me, gripping my hips for leverage, and bringing me pleasure that I haven’t been able to achieve on my own since.

My hand drifts down into my shorts without another moment’s hesitation, sliding under my underwear, searching out my clit to ebb the ache that’s continuing to build as I watch the couple on the screen. Sighing out loud, I close my eyes and imagine Silas and I together—his tongue on my pussy, his dick sliding in next, his lips on my nipples, sucking and biting…


“Shit!” My eyes pop open to find Silas standing in the doorway of my room, his eyes wide open and his lips parted too. “Jesus, Silas! Do you know how to knock?”

The woman in the video reaches her orgasm at that moment, shrieking, only making this moment ten times worse.

“Damn it.” I hurriedly stop the video and then cast my gaze back up to Silas, who’s eyes have shifted from shock to an intense focus on me, heat radiating off of him.

Surprised and slightly stuttering, he asks, “Were you watching porn?”

“Um…yes. What were you doing coming in here?”

“I just got home and didn’t see you in the living room, so I figured you were in your room.” His eyes veer off to the side before darkening and focusing back on me. “Do you do that often?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say often, but sometimes…yeah.”

He clears his throat and then reaches down to adjust himself in his slacks, drawing my eyes to the sight of him hard and ready. “Were you touching yourself just now?”

I glare at him. “Don’t ask a question you already know the answer to, Silas.”

His lips form a thin line, and then he’s taking steps further into my room, locking his eyes on me. “Did it feel good?”

My breathing gets heavier, the tension mounting in my chest. “Yes…”

“What if I—I touched you instead?”

Holy shit. Is he offering?

“What?” I ask, even though I already know what he said and what my answer would be.

“Do you want me to?”

With a small succession of nods, I answer him, questioning internally whether this is really happening right now or not.

“Good. Because I want to too.” He reaches up and loosens his tie, dragging the red satin from under the collar of his white shirt and tossing it to the floor. Steadily, he releases the buttons on his dress shirt as I watch, wanting to not miss a moment of him stripping before me. “I want to fuck you so badly, Chloe.”

“Really?” I say on a heavy exhale.

“Fuck yeah.” He opens his shirt and extracts it from his arms, following with his undershirt, exposing his entire torso to me. And I swear my vagina weeps in happiness. “Watching you touch yourself just now…I was jealous.”

“Of what?”

“Your hand. You don’t know how incredibly beautiful you are, how much it hurts not to be able to show you how badly I want you every damn day.”

“Then show me,” I whisper. “Touch me, Silas. You have no idea how desperately I need it.”

“Well, based on how far along you are, I’m guessing you’re rather hard up quite often now, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” I set my computer on my nightstand without moving my eyes from him. “I’m so horny. All the time.”

“So let me help you then, Chloe. I would do anything you asked me to…I hope you know that.”

Jesus. I didn’t even have to ask the man and he’s delivering on exactly what I need.

Like it’s his wish to fulfill it for me.

“I need you to touch me, Silas. Please.” My words are laced with desperation and I can see the desire burning between us reflected in his eyes.

He remains standing at the edge of my bed, wearing nothing but his slacks hanging perfectly on his hips, highlighting that V of his waist that makes me go stupid every time I see it. Silas’s body is a work of art—from the line of his jaw to the purse of his lips, to his bulging muscles all over his chest and arms, to the eight pack of abs he flashes me constantly and his blinding and panty-melting smile. He’s like a charcuterie board of male body parts—I want to sample everything in front of me because I can’t decide what I want more.

“I’ll make you feel good, baby.” His hands move from hanging on his sides to undoing the clasp on his belt, dragging the leather from the loops before he tosses it to the ground to join the rest of his clothes he’s shed so far. “Get naked, Chloe. I’m going to touch every inch of you tonight.”

“Fuck yes.” I tear my shirt over my head without wasting one more second, then moving to push my pants and underwear down my legs, throwing them somewhere to my right.

When I look back up, Silas is standing there naked before me, gripping his cock as he slides his hand up and down his length. And God, I forgot how amazing his dick is.

Not really. But imagining it again versus seeing the real thing is definitely different.

“Do you know how much I’ve wanted to touch you lately?”

“Show me.” I toss the covers off of the bed, exposing myself completely to him, not even caring about my stretch marks or my changing body that was hanging me up days ago.

“Oh I’m going to.” His eyes drift down to my stomach. “You have no idea how sexy you are to me now that you’re pregnant with my baby.” His knees find the bed and he crawls across the space to me, brushing his lips against my calf as he moves between my legs. “If it’s possible, I think I want you more now than I did before Aruba.”

“Silas,” I moan, already close to coming just from that simple touch. Every sense is heightened right now, every sensation alive with energy coursing through me. I just need to come. I need the release.

And I need it from him.

He kisses his way up my leg, slowly moving toward my pussy, but skipping right over it to show attention to my other leg and the inside of my other thigh.

“Fuck… Silas, please!”

Not making me wait one more second, he dips his head down and drags his tongue along my entire slit, my body arching off the bed as I let out an embarrassingly loud moan.

Dear God, yes.

“Damn, Chloe. You’re soaked.”

“I’m so horny, Silas. Fuck…that feels so good.” I throw my head back on the pillow, close my eyes, and drown in the feeling of Silas licking every inch of me.

He’s not harsh or desperate, but intentional in all of his movements, as if he knows how much I not only need to come, but the connection from the pleasure as well.

Sex has always been about the release for me. I love a good orgasm, and I think most women would agree. Make it a double and I’m one happy lady.

But sex with Silas was different. There was a connection, and it’s evident with how my body reacts to his touch. It’s like a drug—addicting, consuming, and dangerous.

My clit is so sensitive, my pussy is so wet and aching that as soon as Silas slides a finger inside of me, I’m reaching my release and shouting out his name.

White-hot pleasure bursts through my body, firing out through my limbs and blackening out my mind.

My God. That was one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had in my life, but my body is still tight, like a knot in a string that is a bitch to untie.

Silas presses a kiss to the inside of my thigh and then works his way up my body, kissing the sides of my stomach before placing a kiss on my belly button where he lingers, drawing my attention to him.

“Does the bump freak you out?” I ask, curious as to what’s going through his mind while I try to catch my breath.

“Not at all, Chloe. I love it.” He inhales deeply. “Do you still want to do this?” His brow pinches together.

“Yes. That release felt so good. I—I need more, Silas.”

“Then I’ll give it to you.” He lines himself up to my core, but then pauses. “You’re okay with not using a condom, right?”

I huff out a laugh. “Uh, yeah. Kinda pointless at this point, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, but I mean…I’m clean, in case you’re wondering.”

“Oh. Well, good. Me too.”

He nods and then focuses back on where we’re connected as he slides inside of me easily, given how wet I am. “Fuck, Chloe.” I wince as the feeling of him entering me creates pressure in my core. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I answer as he pulls out almost all the way. “It just…it feels different.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he says, worry in his eyes.

“No, no. You aren’t.” I shake my head and then reach for him, pulling him into me as he slides back in and I gasp. “Just go slow.”

He hovers over my stomach, bending as far down as he can to meet my lips, planting a chaste kiss on them before he leans back once more and languidly works his cock in and out of me, the exquisite pressure of release building each time he moves in and out.

I swear my pussy could give Niagara Falls a run for its money right now. I’m fucking drenched. But GOD, it feels SO good.

“Is this okay?” he asks, clenching his teeth together as if he’s holding back, and I don’t want him to.

“Yes. So good, Silas.” I close my eyes as my body trembles. “You can go harder.”

“Are you sure?” He reaches up with one hand to squeeze my nipple, twisting the bud lightly as he continues to move.

And just that touch has me teetering over the edge again. “Yes. I can take it.”

He hammers in harder this time, deeper, grunting with each thrust as I watch him stare down at our connection. The moment is intense, the feeling so impeccable that my body prepares to burst wide open again.

“Fuck, I’m gonna come again,” I warn as my legs start to shake and my orgasm runs through me.

“Yes, baby. Fuck, I can feel you clenching around me.” The waves rise and crash inside of my body, finally edging off after what feels like hours but was really only a minute.

“Shit,” I gasp, reaching up to pinch my nipples and then squeezing my legs together as the aftershocks fire off.


“Yes?” I ask, opening my eyes again to see him hovering over me, an intense gleam in his eyes.

“Move onto your side, baby.” Silas gives me his hands and helps pull me up so I’m sitting on the bed. I slowly swing my legs around and prop myself on my hip and elbow as he slides behind me, pulling my back to his front. “You comfortable?” he whispers in my ear as his hand slips over my hip and down between my legs, locating my slit and then stroking his fingers through it.

I reach behind me with my arm and drag my nails through his hair. “Yes.”


He slides back inside of me, lifting my leg up and resting it on top of his thigh while he thrusts deeper and deeper into my core with each tilt of his hips. His hands and arms support my body and encase me in his protective embrace, which allows me to fully relax and surrender to him.

I let my head fall to the pillow and close my eyes again, trying to focus on nothing except for the physical connection that we’re sharing right now, the sex that I needed so badly and Silas is delivering on perfectly.

His fingers graze my clit, drawing slow circles over the nub, building up another orgasm for me as I moan in acknowledgment. But then he asks, “Do you want your vibrator?”

“What you’re doing feels amazing.”

“I’m glad, but I just want to make sure you get off again.”

“It’s in my nightstand if you want to grab it then.”

Silas kisses my neck while he continues to move inside of me, but then I feel his absence and the bed move as he rolls over and locates my vibrator. The buzzing fills the room before I feel him enter me once more and then he places my vibrator against my clit, making the pressure mount again.

“Fuck, Silas.”

“Everything feel okay?” he whispers in my ear before nipping at my neck and leaving open-mouthed kisses in between.

“Better than okay.”

I curl my arm around his neck, twisting to face him so I can capture his lips at the same time he reaches under me and grips me tighter to him.

“Oh God…”

“Come with me, Chloe.”


Another burst of pleasure fractures into a million pieces and I sense Silas’s grip on me tightening as he comes deep inside of me, the two of us reaching the edge of the cliff at the same time.

My body relaxes, my arm drops from Silas’s neck, and I melt into the bed, closing my eyes with the biggest smile on my face.