My Unexpected Family by Harlow James

Chapter 2


Eight Months Later

“Erica, I can’t talk right now.”

“I know. But the supplier needs a decision by five, and with the time difference …”

I pinch the bridge of my nose as I pace on the sidewalk just outside the hotel suite. “Just tell them yes, and I’ll deal with the details later.”

“You sure?”

“No. But I don’t have time for this. My best friend is getting married in ten minutes.”

She sighs and in that moment, I know she wouldn’t be calling me right now if she didn’t have to. “I’m sorry, Silas. I know you didn’t want to be bothered, but …”

“You were just doing your job, Erica. It’s okay. I’m the boss…we don’t get real vacations. It’s part of wearing the hat.” My shoulders drop just as Hayes pokes his head out of the door, shooting me a look that says it’s time to wrap up this conversation. I hold up a finger to him, signaling my need for just one more minute.

He nods with understanding, and then goes back inside.

“Enjoy the rest of your trip. I will honestly try not to bother you.”

“Thanks.” I end the call and then let out a heavy breath. Fuck. I knew something like this would happen when I boarded the plane, but the stress of running a billion-dollar business never ceases to surprise me at times.

“You ready?” Hayes asks as I step back into the room where he, Wes, and I are getting ready for the wedding.

“Yeah, just a small detail that needed to be ironed out. You know how that is.”

“Yup. But make sure you silence your phone now so it’s not going off during the ceremony, Silas, or Shayla may castrate you on the beach.” The nice thing about having best friends who are also wealthy in their own right and run their own businesses is that they understand exactly what my life can be like sometimes.

I can’t help but laugh, especially as the anxiety of turning my phone off registers. “Already done. I cherish my balls too much to let that happen.”

Hayes holds his hand over his crotch. “Same here, man.”

“You two ready?” Wes steps out from the bathroom, straightening the light grey jacket of his tux and adjusting his tie.

“Aw, Wes. You look so sexy. I might have to steal you away from Shayla,” Hayes teases as Wes narrows his eyes at him.

“I know you love me, but you scare me sometimes when you say shit like that.”

“It’s all out of love, man.”

“Silas doesn’t say that shit,” Wes counters.

“Well, he doesn’t love you like I do,” Hayes fires back.

I hold my hands up in the air. “Hey, I’m not involved in this conversation. There is way too much affection going around between you and your women. I am staying firmly planted six feet away from all of that. According to the CDC, that is a safe distance so that I don’t catch anything contagious.”

Wes and Hayes stand next to each other and smirk in my direction. “You sure you’re not jealous, Silas?” Hayes asks. “Your two best friends are in love and found women to cuddle with all night. That also means we get to have sex on a regular basis.” Hayes holds one finger up and then points it at me. “When’s the last time you got your dick wet?”

Before I can answer, Wes chimes in. “First of all, what did I tell you about reminding me that you and my sister have sex?”

Hayes and Waverly got drunkenly married in Vegas on New Year’s Eve, but have fallen in love with each other over the last six months, and are now giving their marriage a real shot.

“Sorry, but not sorry, my friend.” Hayes smiles, clearly pleased that his relationship with Wes’s sister makes him uncomfortable.

“Secondly, why are you so obsessed with the two of us getting our dicks wet?” He throws up quotations with his fingers while mocking Hayes with an impression of him. “You were the same way when I went to Santa Barbara. Leave the man alone.”

“Hey, sexual health is important and as men, we need to look out for each other.” Dear lord. “And did you or did you not happen to meet Shayla after I put that little bit of pressure on you?”

Wes arches a brow and crosses his arms over his chest. “I suppose… but I didn’t necessarily pursue her because of what you said.”

Hayes shrugs. “Doesn’t matter. It helped. And maybe our good friend Silas needs the same nudge.” He pats Wes on the shoulder and then focuses back on me. “So, Silas?”

“I am not discussing my sex life with you. We have a wedding to get to.” I shove my hands in my pockets so I’m not tempted to reach out and punch my friend. Hayes and Wes know how I feel about relationships with women, and now is not the time to get into this conversation again.

“Oh, I get it. You’re eager to see Chloe.” Hayes chuckles and then steps around me as Wes follows him to the door.

“No,” I lie as my heart rate starts to increase and I deny to them and myself that I haven’t thought about Chloe once or twice since I met her back in November.

I’d never met a woman like her—confident, frank, and stunning in a natural way. She ignited something inside of me, a feeling I avoid because that curiosity can slowly develop into need, and I don’t need that distraction in my life.

It’s why I turned her down that night when she blatantly offered me no-strings-attached sex, even though it killed me to do so.

But I’m too cautious about one-night-stands, and friends-with-benefits situations always seem to work out better for me. Both of us going into the arrangement knowing exactly what the expectations are. However, it has been a while since I’ve had sex, but that’s the last thing I’ll admit to Hayes.

The reality is I’ve been swamped with work and my family. I have my grandmother and sisters to watch over, as well as running my restaurants, and that is all the responsibility I will allow myself to take on in the form of another person or business at the moment.

Do I have unresolved issues that prevent me from taking on commitments? Yeah, that’s what a therapist would say. But when you lose your parents in a car accident at the age of sixteen, and very abruptly feel obligated to step up and be the man of family, it forces you to build walls to protect yourself from further tragedy.

“I heard she’s excited to see you though.” Hayes peers at me over his shoulder with a mischievous glint in his eye. And I hate that his statement has me feeling anxious to see her too.

* * *

In all of my travels, I have to say I’ve never been to Aruba and part of me is kicking myself for not taking the time to do so. What a charming place—small, but still bustling, tropical and yet vast in the landscape including desert, volcanic rock, and turquoise water that is utterly stunning. But I never would have come here if it weren’t for one of my best friends getting married, which makes the trip that much more meaningful.

Wes and Shayla are radiant standing across from each other exchanging their wedding vows. And for a second, a twinge of jealousy stings in my chest, but then I push that feeling to the side.

I don’t need a woman to make me happy. I don’t need someone else to worry about. The more people I have to worry about on top of my job, the more stressed I become.

I clear my throat, adjust my stance with my hands clasped in front of me, and watch one of my best friends kiss his bride while reminding myself that I like my life the way it is and I have my reasons for remaining single.

But then there’s Chloe—beautiful, unapologetically honest Chloe.

It’s been eight months since I met her in Vegas and have seen her in person. And watching her walk down the aisle just moments ago reminded me of that connection I felt with her that night.

And it’s extremely unnerving. To be honest, Chloe scared me a bit because she had me contemplating, even for just the briefest moment, throwing my rules to the wayside.

And that could be dangerous.

Chloe looks stunning in her bridesmaid dress, the teal and yellow combination bringing out the flecks of yellow in her otherwise dark green eyes. And her wild, curly hair is flowing freely in the breeze, except for the small clip holding a portion of it back on the side of her head.

But her smile and the emotion in her eyes is what’s holding me captive as she watches her best friend marry my best friend. It’s such a contrast to the bold woman I met all those months ago, the one who came right out and told me she wanted my dick for the night, a statement I’ve never heard out loud except for maybe during sex in my thirty-one years surprisingly.

And that’s the problem. She’s unpredictable, a hurricane of words and beauty that appeared in my restaurant that night and reappeared in my mind from time to time since then.

With most hurricanes you get a warning, time to prepare and come up with a plan of how to escape their destruction.

But nothing could have prepared me for hurricane Chloe and how instantly attracted to her I was.

Our small group of friends and the few guests that made the trip ring out in applause as the minister introduces Wes and Shayla as husband and wife for the first time, and then we file out behind them down the aisle, a circumstance that has me offering up my elbow to Waverly just how we practiced last night.

“How’s it going, Silas?” she asks with a gleeful smile.

“Ready for a stiff drink and some food,” I reply honestly.

“Same. My stomach was growling during the ceremony. I hope no one could hear.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Well, I didn’t on the other side of the aisle, so I think you’re good.”

We turn and make our way to the rest of our group waiting at the end of the sidewalk. “Well, here’s to a great night. Make sure to save a dance for Chloe,” she teases and then sashays over to Hayes who’s waiting with open arms for her.

Great. Even the girls are in on pressuring me to interact with Chloe now.

I take a moment to observe Hayes and Waverly’s exchanges —how he leans down to kiss her softly, the gleam in his eye that I’ve never seen before until he started looking at her differently, the possessive way he grips her waist while wrapping her up in his arms.

I’ve never felt that way about a woman before. I’ve never allowed myself to. I got close with my ex, but that relationship wasn’t meant to be. And now I know better than to think I could have that again.

Like the ends of a magnet, my eyes find Chloe just as her line of sight focuses on me too. Ever since we saw each other again yesterday, there have been several instances when as soon as I look in her direction, she stares right back, or vice versa. But in the blink of an eye she shifts her gaze away to Wes and Shayla, who are now speaking with the photographer.

Hmmm, seems she didn’t want to be caught staring at me again.

Our group travels out to the sand of the beach owned by the hotel as we prepare to take the wedding photos. The six of us smile, pose, and laugh through awkward poses and romantic moments between Wes and Shayla. During one shot, the photographer has me standing right next to Chloe since he positioned Hayes and Waverly next to each other, seeing as how we’re the only members of the bridal party. I take this opportunity to break the silence with her.

“Hello, Chloe.”

She flicks her eyes over to me, drops them down my torso for a few seconds, then returns them to my eyes and politely smiles. “Oh… hi, Silas.” Damn, that wasn’t a sweet smile or greeting. That was the type of acknowledgment from a woman that instantly informs you that you’re on her shit list.

As if she just now noticed me, even though we saw each other last night at the rehearsal.

As if she’s mad that I’m in her presence.

As if perhaps my denial of her last year has made her a little salty toward me.

“You look beautiful.”

“I know,” she says, keeping her head forward, not bothering to cast her gaze in my direction.

“How have you been?”

“Fantastic. My best friend just got married, and if she’s happy, then I’m happy.” She twists her head to face me once more now, and I can see the saccharine lift of her lips when she says, “And now I’m going to get drunk and have a little fun tonight.”

And then she storms off, shaking her hips as she trudges through the sand. It takes me a moment to realize our entire group is leaving the beach before I hike up my pant legs and follow their lead, shaking my head in bewilderment.

Once we’ve cleaned off our feet, the hotel manager leads us into the private room Shayla and Wes booked for their reception. Since the wedding was small, the reception is too, consisting of just the bride and groom, Hayes and Waverly, Chloe and myself, and Grace, Wes’s housekeeper who is more like family to him.

“I’m nervous. Why am I nervous?” Hayes comes up beside me, leaning in close to whisper in my ear.

“You’re already married so it’s not like she can say no.”

“I know. But what if she thinks I’m stupid, like asking her again and going through this formality is silly.”

I turn to face him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “She won’t. Waverly loves you and you’re the one that said she felt like she missed out on the traditional moments because of how you two got married. I think she’ll love it, so stop freaking out.”

Hayes is planning on proposing officially to Waverly during his speech tonight. Wes and Shayla were all for it, but apparently now he’s a little nervous.

He inhales deeply before shaking out his entire body. “You’re right. She loves me.” And then he grins like a Cheshire cat. “The woman fucking loves me, Silas. Me! I don’t know how I got so fucking lucky.” He playfully shoves my shoulder and then marches off, scooping Waverly up in his arms before planting a kiss on her lips.

If you would have told me that Hayes Weston would fall in love one day, I’d have definitely favored the odds it would never happen. But it has. For him, and for Wes, and that twinge of disappointment buries itself in my chest again. That’s just not in the cards for me, though.

Dinner is served and conversation filters around the table. Wes and Shayla are so entranced by one another that they don’t bother saying much to anyone else, sharing whispered thoughts and suggestive stares with each other as we eat. Waverly and Hayes are in their own little bubble as well, which leaves Chloe, Grace, and myself to entertain one another.

“So how are the restaurants, Silas?” Grace asks while diving in for another bite of her lobster.

“Doing well, Grace. Busy. I have another one opening in Goleta next month, actually. Construction starts next week, and it will be nice to work close to home for a while.”

“That’s amazing. And how are the girls?”

I see Chloe’s eyes shift in my direction, but she doesn’t say anything. “They’re doing well. Valentina and her husband are trying for baby number two. Bianca is working her way up through the winery. And Mia is causing mischief at UCSB.”

“Those girls are smart and hardworking just like you. You must be proud of your sisters.”

“I am.” I smile and then glance back at Chloe, who’s tilting her head at me. But then she catches herself again and looks away, picking at the food on her plate. Abruptly, she lifts her glass and butter knife, clinking the metal against the glass. Shayla asked her and Hayes to make speeches, even though the celebration is small. And now that I know she’s going to speak, I’m extremely interested in what she has to say.

Chloe stands, clears her throat, and then opens her mouth as the rest of us watch and listen with anticipation. “Shayla, you are the sister I never had. You’re my family, my rock, and my best friend on the planet. We know each other better than anyone else in this world, we’ve been through so many ups and downs in our lives…but now you have Wes. He’s your husband, the man that was meant to put up with your stubborn ass so I don’t have to take on that responsibility anymore,” she says and we all laugh. Leave it to her to speak the truth.

“He is now your family, but I still better be invited to all major holidays or I’ll start showing up randomly without notice.” She winks and I can’t help but smile up at her, appreciating her wit. “I am so happy that you have found the person that will love you unconditionally like I do, but you also get to have sex with, because you and I will never have that kind of relationship and lord knows, you’re a happier person when you get laid.”

Waverly snorts, Hayes shakes his head, and I chuckle in my chair. This woman is something else—so unpredictable, and yet I can’t wait to see what she says next.

“But seriously, I couldn’t be happier for the two of you. And Wes, thank you for showing my friend that there are good men out there, ones who will want every part of you. I’m not sure a man will ever be able to handle me, but I’m glad you’ve given me hope that there could be one. To Wes and Shayla!” she shouts, holding up her glass as we all join in and then take a drink in celebration.

As Chloe returns to her seat, I can’t help but watch her—the softening of her features as she smiles at Shayla and the pride she has after nailing her speech with the same confidence I’ve seen her exhibit before.

Who is this woman really though? And why do I want to know so badly?

I fought my attraction to her months ago, and apparently that was with good reason, because now as I watch her tonight, the need to be near her again is increasing exponentially, and I know that no good can come from this feeling.

Hayes stands next, delivering his speech with ease, and then nailing his proposal to Waverly as well. As I anticipated, she loved it and now the two of them are dancing on the small dance floor in the room beside Wes and Shayla.

Within ten minutes, the two couples are saying their goodbyes, leaving Grace, Chloe and me alone.

“Well, now that all the love birds are turning in for the night, I guess it’s time for me to as well.” Grace leans in for a hug from me. “It was so good to see you, Silas. Don’t be a stranger, alright?”

“I’ll try not to, Grace. It was nice to see you too.”

“And I know it’s not really my place, but do me a favor and keep an eye on Chloe, will ya? That girl just screams trouble.”

Don’t I know it, Grace.

“I’ll try.”

With a kiss on my cheek, she strolls away from me, leaving me searching the room for the only other member of the wedding party, but finding her nowhere. I exit the room the reception was in and start walking through the lobby of the hotel, weaving through a small crowd gathered here and there. But it doesn’t take me long to find the woman in the teal and yellow dress to my left, standing at one of the bars in the hotel, tossing back a shot.

“I didn’t know it was time for shots,” I say as I find my place next to her at the bar. She sticks the wedge of lime in between her lips and then bites down while glaring at me.

Spitting out the lime, she reaches for her next shot and then salutes me. “It’s time for the real party to start.” Tossing back the alcohol with ease, she drops her glass on the wooden surface and then bites down on another wedge of lime.


“Vodka actually. Tequila and I parted ways a long time ago.”

“So you have a tequila story?”

“Doesn’t everyone?”

“I don’t,” I reply.

She eyes me up and down. “Shame. But you don’t seem like the type to have fun anyway.”

“Why do you say that?” I casually slide onto the stool beside her while keeping my eyes trained on her.

With a tilt of her head, she replies, “Well, I offered you fun in Vegas and you turned it down, and the more I watch you, the more I feel like there’s a stick lodged so far up your ass you’ll need surgery to remove it.”

My eyebrows lift. “Wow. Well, thanks for being honest, but I’d say you’re wrong.” No, she’s not, Silas. She has you pegged accurately, my friend. And she’s right. She did offer you fun in Vegas and you ran away like a coward.

“Fine. Then prove it.” She eyes me suspiciously and then takes a sip of water. At least she knows how to hydrate while tossing back shots. “You’re already two shots behind. Perhaps you need to catch up.”

“I’m not really a shot kind of guy. I was just actually looking for some company.”

She arches her brow at me. “When’s the last time you took a shot, Silas? Or had any fun at all?”

With a heavy sigh, I start to spin one of her empty shot glasses along the bar. “Honestly? I don’t remember.” I cast my gaze her way to find her studying me.

“Then do a shot with me.”

“Like I said, not really my thing.”

She snaps her fingers at the bartender across the bar. “Four more shots please,” she calls out and then turns back to me. “Well, it is tonight.”

“Is that so?”

“Yup. That’s the only way I’ll sit here with you. Otherwise, I’m going to find some other attractive man to give my attention to.”

The thought of her talking with some other guy has anger bubbling low in my gut, but I fight like hell to ignore it. I shouldn’t care if she talks to another man, but now that I have her attention, I guess I’d better engage in conversation and play along for the time being.

And that’s all that needs to happen here. We’ll just talk, get to know each other. I can do that. I’m good at that—not leading women on, leaving alone because casual hook-ups just aren’t my thing. Knowing that work awaits me in the morning and having to ask someone to leave after a night in bed is awkward and messes with my routine.

“Fine. One shot. Will that make you happy?”

Her lips slowly spread and her smile has me slightly nervous. “It’s a start.”

* * *

“Fuck,” I groan as I toss back another shot of tequila, losing count of how many I’ve taken at this point. What is it about this alcohol that makes you crazy stupid?

“Whew!” Chloe hollers, shaking her tangled mess of curls as her entire body trembles. “I can’t feel my lips anymore, Silas. Are they still there?” She reaches for my hand and slaps herself in the mouth with it, darting out her tongue to my fingers as my fingertips explore her lips.

And damn, what a mouth it is. Her lips are one of the first things I noticed about her back in Vegas, and the images of them wrapped around my cock were one of the reasons I forced myself away from her that night.

But now my mind is clouded with alcohol and Chloe looks like a mirage in front of me—a mystical woman that I’m allowed to have for just one night. Why did I turn her down again? Oh, because I’m a fucking moron.

“Looks like they’re still there to me.” My eyes remain on her mouth as she leans closer to me.

“Good, because I can’t lose my mouth, Silas. It’s one of my best features. It says all the dirty things and does all the dirty things too.”

Fuck me. Why on earth does this woman not have a filter?

“What kind of dirty things?” I ask with no hesitation. I blame that outburst on the tequila too.

She casts me a side-eye glance. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Normally you’d never hesitate to tell me what you’re thinking, but now you hold back?”

“You don’t deserve to know.” Reaching for her water, she closes her lips around her straw and sucks, conjuring other sucking images in my mind.

“I’m stupid,” I say, letting the alcohol take over.

“Yes, I’m aware.”

And her response makes me laugh. “I never should have turned you down.”

“Right again,” she croons playfully, bopping me on the nose. “I’m a good fucking time, Silas.”

“Yeah you are. And I’m drunk,” I slur.

“Me too.” Chloe sways on her stool to the music playing overhead while placing her glass back on the bar.

I reach out and grip her hip, pulling her off her seat and right in between my legs. “What if I told you that I’m not too drunk to know that I want you?”

She rests her hands on my shoulders and then smiles slightly. “Keep talking.”

“What if I told you that you’ve popped up in my mind many times since that night and that walking away from you was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done?” What are you doing, Silas? You’re playing with fire.

“Harder than your dick is right now?”

“Definitely not.” I reach up and tuck a strand of her natural curls behind her ear as I drop my eyes down to her lips. “You’re right, Chloe. I don’t have fun. And maybe that’s exactly what we both need tonight.”

“I live for fun, Silas.”

“Then let’s do it. Let’s fuck each other’s brains out, and then I’ll have a tequila story to rival them all.”

“Damn right, because not everyone gets to drink tequila with me,” she states proudly, reaching up to run her fingernails down the back of my neck.

I lean my forehead against hers and say in a low growl, “I don’t want to drink anymore. I want to taste you instead.”

“You’re sure? You’re not going to get all awkward tomorrow morning when we have to be around our friends? You’re not going to stalk me online and blow up my phone?”

I love that she’s talking to me like I’m the woman in this relationship. No, not a relationship. One-night-stand. Or… whatever.

“Nope. I’m cool. As a cucumber. Or an ice cube. Wait, no ice cream. Yeah, ice cream is cold… And I don’t even have your phone number,” I stutter while holding up a finger.

“Silas.” She pushes a finger against my lips to silence me. “Stop talking before you ruin the mood.”

I dart my tongue out to lick her finger and then suck it into my mouth. Her eyes dilate as I pull away and her finger leaves my lips with a pop. “Your room or mine?”

“My vibrator is in mine.”

Before my jaw can drop, she reaches for my hand and pulls me up from my seat. We settle our tab with the bartender, and then I’m following her into an elevator, where she pushes the button for her floor just as the doors close. As soon as they shut, I spin her around and press her against the wall, lowering my head to her neck where I drag my nose up and down her flesh.

“God, you smell good.” Lavender and something sweet. It reminds me faintly of the perfume my mother used to wear, but more subtle. “Like sugar.”

“It’s probably frosting. I got some in my hair earlier.” She leans her head to the side to grant me better access to her neck. I take the opportunity to kiss and lick her skin, loving how her grip on my shoulders tightens as I begin to taste her.

“Well, it’s a good thing I love sweets.”

The elevator dings, signaling our arrival to her floor. She grasps my hand once more and leads me to the end of the hallway, reaching into the top of her dress for her key card.

“You kept your room key in your boobs?”

“Where else was I supposed to keep it?” she asks as she swipes it in front of the indicator and it lights up green.

“A purse? Your shoe?”

“My boobs are one of the safest places on my body to keep things,” she states matter-of-factly. “Money, keys, jewelry… anything lodged between these bad boys isn’t going anywhere.” She pushes her breasts together, enhancing her cleavage. And with that movement, I completely forget what she’s talking about because all I can focus on is her chest—the perfectly round globes I can’t wait to suck on.

“You have great tits,” I reply honestly.

“I know. Now are we going to keep talking, or are we doing this? I mean, I don’t mind the compliments, but a few orgasms would be better.”

I pursue her across the space of the room after we walk through the door and close it behind us, forcing her back to hit a nearby wall as my dick throbs in my pants. The widening of her eyes, the staccato of her breath turns the mood from humorous to lustful in a heartbeat.

“Do you still want my dick?” I grind my pelvis into hers while I press her up against the wall, inhaling the scent of alcohol coming off of her breath and mine.

“I do. But I don’t want to be teased once more and have it taken away. I might just throw a tantrum this time.” She veers her eyes off to the side while faking a pout.

“Is that so?” I laugh.

“I’m pretty sure my clit would cry.”


She shakes her head. “Never mind. We’re getting off topic again. Give it to me, Silas. Fuck me hard and fast tonight.”

Something in me ignites, causing me to bend down and lift Chloe up, her legs wrapping around my waist as I do so. I pin her to the wall with my body and then lift her hands, holding them hostage above her head. She gasps as we stand there, our chests rising and falling with weighted breaths.

“Let’s get one thing straight right now, Chloe. You may be bold and think you can tell me what to do. But in the bedroom? I’m the one in charge, sweetheart.”

She swallows and smirks up at me, pursing her lips before darting her tongue out to lick them. “Is that so?”

“Damn right. And besides… I didn’t hear you say please.”

She stares at me, long and hard before finally giving in. “Please fuck me, Silas,” she whispers before pressing her lips to mine, biting my bottom lip and pulling back until my lip snaps back into place.

“I hope you know what you’re asking for,” I growl, my dick growing painfully hard from that little move of hers.

“I don’t know what I’m getting into, but that’s half the fun.”

No other words are spoken because I smash my lips to hers, thrusting my tongue into her mouth, and she meets me with every stroke. I keep one hand on her wrists, pinning her hands above her head still, but I take my other down to her chest, ripping the strapless neckline down to find her bare tits heaving for me when we part.

I latch on to her nipple and suck, swirling my tongue over the bud and she struggles to drop her hands.

“I want to touch you, Silas.”

“Not until I say so, Chloe.”

She moans as I bite her nipple and then I move to the other side. God, her tits are fantastic. The perfect handful, the perfect small nipples that are hard and eager for my touch. I’ve always been a breast man, ever since I saw Varsity Blues and Ali Larter came walking out with whipped cream all over her tits. Talk about a teenage fantasy that never quite went away.

“Oh fuck. Yes …”

I lean back and pinch her nipple that I just had in my mouth. “You like that?”

“I’d like it more if you’re doing it while your dick is inside of me.”

I can’t help but chuckle at her honesty and then finally release her arms so I can hold her in both of mine before moving over to the bed. Gently tossing her onto the comforter, her breasts sway with the movement and her giggles have me itching to strip her completely. “Lose the dress.”

“Lose your pants,” she retorts.

Irritation fuels my need for her. “What did I tell you just now? I’m in control. Now, take your dress off Chloe.” I stare down at her and watch her pupils dilate as she swallows hard and sits up slowly, reaching behind her to drag down the zipper on the back of her dress. I momentarily think about offering to help her, but the stare down we’re having right now is too intense to break.

As the dress pools around her waist, she stands and lets it fall down her body, pushing it slightly over her hips that are even more mesmerizing when they aren’t covered by clothes. Chloe stands there, bare-chested in nothing but a white lace thong, her tan skin still glistening in the dark, her chin held high as she slowly moves her hand down her body and beneath the scrap of lace covering her pussy.

“Did I say you could touch yourself?”

“I don’t see your pants gone yet,” she challenges, and damn, is this woman making me rock hard just from her mouth.

I unhook the clasp on my slacks and shove them down to the floor. “Now stop touching your clit before I call this night over before it even begins.”

Chloe’s hand stops moving and then she narrows her eyes at me. “You wouldn’t.”

“I would. You’re not listening to me.” I make the decision to step closer to her, reaching up to cup her face in my hands as her eyes widen. “I know you think you have to fight me on everything. Hell, you probably do that in your life with everyone you meet. But I’m asking you now Chloe… please trust me. I don’t want this to be a battle. I want to please you, make you feel good. I want you to make me feel good too, so please let me take charge and just… trust me.”

Her face softens and then she nods slowly. “Okay. I can do that. As long as you make me come at least twice.”

My chest bounces with laughter. “Deal. Now take off your thong, sit on the bed, and spread those legs for me so I can see that beautiful pussy.”

She bites her lip as I continue to hold her face in my hands. I can sense her fingers move across her hips and then I’m forced to release her as she bends down and steps out of her underwear. When she stands up again, her feet move backward until she hits the bed and then slowly lowers her ass to the mattress, followed by widening her legs for me.

And she’s glistening. Fucking dripping—for me.

Chloe might think she likes being in control, but her body is saying otherwise. And it’s been a while since I’ve been intimate with a woman, particularly a woman who is fighting for control, the control that I so desperately need in every aspect of my life.

“Good girl.” I begin to open the buttons on my dress shirt, pausing at the last one before gradually opening the sides and peeling it off. I reach down and shuck my white undershirt next, revealing my chest and torso to Chloe for the first time. And the appreciative look she gives me fuels my need for her even more.

I’m a big man—burly, muscular, and tan, with just a dusting of neatly trimmed chest hair. I have a few tattoos across my chest and arms, and I take pride in maintaining my physique, especially given the demand of my job. But that look of appreciation from a woman when they see my body for the first time never ceases to get old.

“God, you’re a beast,” she breathes as her eyes dance up and down my body. The only piece of clothing still on me is my briefs, so with her eyes still trained on me, I push them down my legs as well, standing tall once more as my cock juts out toward her. He knows there’s a wet and willing woman in the room, and we are definitely eager to play.

“I’m definitely not a small man, that’s for sure,” I say, reaching down to squeeze my cock and give it a good stroke. “Now touch your clit, Chloe.”

“I can’t wait to feel that dick inside of me.” She wastes no time reaching down again and moving her fingers in small circles, spreading her wetness around as she inhales deeply.

“That’s it, baby. Put your feet up on the bed so I can really see you.”

Chloe lifts her legs up, planting her feet flat on the mattress beside her, supporting herself with one hand behind her while the other moves in between her legs.

“Such a pretty pussy. Such a beautiful woman.” I watch her move faster, knowing she’s getting close. And I’m going to let her get there before I take over. “You’re fucking stunning, Chloe.”

“Your dick is stunning, Silas,” she replies, licking her lips as she begins to pant.

“Stop,” I command as her hand freezes and she waits for my direction. I close the distance between us until my dick is almost perfectly lined up with her mouth. “Open.”

Her eyes flick up to mine and she opens her mouth wide, slowly sticking her tongue out to lick up my shaft.

Fucking hell.

And then she starts to move her hand again between her legs. I reach for that arm, yanking it up and shoving her fingers covered in her arousal into my mouth as she sucks me off. And fucking A, is she sweet.

I watch her head bob up and down with her fingers still in my mouth, her hums of approval and enjoyment edging me closer to the finish line than I’d prefer right now. We’re just getting started. I need to fuck this woman before this night is over. But my mind is spinning with all the ways I want to touch her, all of the sensations that are overpowering my ability to think clearly.

And that’s terrifying. Nothing knocks me off-balance—at work, in my personal life—so why do I suddenly feel dizzy and drunk on this woman?

You’re not drunk on her. You’re drunk on tequila. Get your head on straight, Silas, and fuck this woman like you promised. Fuck her out of your system so you can get back to the predictability of your world, just the way you like it.

With my cock still in her mouth, I bend slightly so I can rub my fingers along her slit. She scoots forward on the edge of the bed, searching out my hand and thrusting her pussy at me as I run my fingers through her arousal.

Slowly, I slide one of my thick fingers inside of her, loving how tight she feels just on my finger. Fuck, she’s going to feel amazing once I put my cock in her.

Chloe’s head continues to bob on my dick as her tongue circles around my head each time she pulls back. She hums in approval as I continue to fuck her with my fingers, and the sounds of us moaning in the room are bringing my orgasm on quicker than I’d like. Time to get to the good part.

Gently, I push Chloe off of my cock and lean over her, diving in for a kiss. “This fucking mouth, Chloe. You’re right. It does know how to do some wicked things.” I press my lips to hers again, slowly sliding my tongue against hers as goosebumps appear on my arms.

Every touch with her gets more intense as this unfolds.

“Does your cock have tricks too?”

“You’re about to find out, baby.” I help her shift up the bed and then reach down to locate a condom in my wallet. It’s been there for a while, but I quickly check the expiration date. We’re good.

I tear the foil open and then sheath myself, loving how Chloe almost looks like she’s drooling at the mouth while I hold my cock in my hands.

“Now before I give you my dick, I have to finish something.”

“And what is that? I’m growing impatient here, Silas—”

I lower my head between her legs and find her clit with my tongue, which actually has the words freezing from her lips, replaced by an appreciative groan instead.

“Oh, hell,” she cries, reaching down and tugging on the strands of my hair as I work her over with my mouth. Short flicks, long drags, deep thrusts into her pussy as I feel her grow wetter with each stroke.

“Yes, Silas …”

“Come on my tongue, Chloe.”

I focus my attention on her clit, sucking the nub so hard that her arousal drips around my fingers. I slide back inside of her. Finding that sweet spot on her inner walls, I curl my finger forward and a few seconds later, Chloe is screaming in ecstasy.

“Oh, God! I’m coming…fuck!”

She throws her head back, her body bows, and she comes all over my hand and mouth, yelling through her climax.

Just as she starts to come down, I flick her clit with my tongue once more, lift back up on my knees, widen her legs, and slide inside her tight heat easily given how wet she is.

And fucking hell, she is soaked.

“Oh, Silas. Fuck yes.” She looks up at me as I begin to move, thrusting deep and slow as I feel her clench around my length.

Her hands find her nipples and she pinches them, twisting them slightly as I pick up the pace. And then I remember how she wanted me to suck on them while I was fucking her, so I eagerly oblige.

Bending down, I gently push her hand off her breast and replace it with my mouth, licking and sucking on her nipple as she grows wetter and tighter.

“Yes. Oh, fuck yes.”

“You like that? Is that what you wanted?”

“Uh huh,” she breathes out while clawing at my back. I spend a few more minutes on her other breast, and then I wrap my arm around her and roll us over so she can ride me.

“Ride me, Chloe. Show me how much you want my cock.”

She smirks and then lifts up and lowers down my length agonizingly slow.

“Fuck yeah, baby.”

“I am in heaven, Silas. This dick …” she sighs as she rocks back and forth, up and down, rubbing herself along my length while creating friction against her clit. She starts to tremble, her breathing quickens, and then she’s struggling to take in air and speak.

“Oh God. I… I think I’m gonna come,” she moans.

“You think?”

“I’ve… I’ve never come like this, but you’re hitting something… inside… oh, fuck!” Her entire body shakes as her orgasm tears through her and I can feel her spasm around my cock as she rides out her release. And the sight of her coming undone, owning her sexual contentment is so fucking hot.

She collapses on my chest, but I continue to thrust up into her from underneath, slowly, dragging out every last tremor of her orgasm.

“Silas…I can’t…”

“Yes, you can. You wanted this, Chloe… remember? You wanted my cock and now I’m giving it to you.”

“Jesus.” She bites down on my collarbone as I continue to fuck her and the mixture of pain and pleasure has pressure building in my balls. “You wanted this too. You said you regretted walking away from me.”

“I did. And now I know how fucking stupid I was.”

She lifts up and scans my face, locking on my eyes before lowering her lips to my lips, and then our tongues are meeting, dancing across each other as Chloe picks her hips up and slams them onto mine.

“God,” I groan, breaking our kiss and closing my eyes.

“Am I in charge now?”

“Fuck no. Turn around,” I reply as Chloe stops moving and lifts off of me. “On your hands and knees.”

“God, yes. I love doggy-style.” I’m not even surprised. “Give me my vibrator,” she declares, motioning to the night-stand beside the bed.

The fact that Chloe has a vibrator shouldn’t surprise me, and it doesn’t. It actually turns me on even more, knowing I get to witness this woman take her orgasm in her own hands and she’s letting me witness that. I have no problem with a woman taking out a toy during sex. I’m not naïve. I know most women need assistance in order to come, and frankly, more men should be accepting and encouraging of it as well.

Once Chloe gets in position, I slide back inside of her and thrust hard and deep again since that seems to be what she likes.

“Oh God, Silas! Yes… harder.”

I smack her ass once and then push forward as hard as I can, causing her to shriek in pleasure. And then she lowers her head to the bed as she clenches around me, and with two more strokes, I’m seeing fucking stars.

“Fuck, Chloe. I’m gonna come.”

“Hold on.” The buzz of her vibrator becomes apparent and then I feel her hand move between her legs. The vibrations against her clit travel up my shaft as well, making it even harder for me to hold off.

“Fuck… Chloe.”

“I’m almost there, Silas,” she moans, and a few seconds later she’s screaming again. I take that as my cue to slam into her and chase my own release, which doesn’t take long at all.

“Jesus, fuck.” I struggle to form thoughts, words, and to even catch my breath while remaining deep inside of Chloe, who turns into mush as she melts onto the bed, forcing me to slip out of her.

Tossing my body back on the mattress, we both lie there for a few minutes, evening out our breathing before speaking.

“You are stupid,” she mumbles finally, twisting her body around to face me. She’s still sprawled out on her stomach, and her hair is even wilder than before, but the smile on her face has me hypnotized. She looks gorgeous right now, in that just been fucked way that I can’t help but feel proud over.

I shake off that feeling and then stare back up at the ceiling. “Yeah. I agree. That was …”

“Fucking mind-blowing,” she finishes my thought for me and then leaps off the bed. “Three orgasms, Silas. Three!” She holds up three fingers. “I am one very happy woman right now.”

I watch her walk toward the bathroom and hear her shut the door behind her. After a few moments she exits, walking around fully naked with no concern as I watch her. Chloe exudes confidence in everything she does apparently, as she should. The woman is sinfully sexy.

“Well, that was the perfect end to the evening, I’d say.” She nods appreciatively toward me and then pulls a silk pajama set from her suitcase, pulling the top over her head and then the shorts up her legs. “But I’m exhausted.”

“Oh. Yeah… me too.” I realize I’m still lying there on the bed, condom on my dick, and I’m sensing this is her asking me to leave.

Because why wouldn’t I? That’s what you do after a one-night-stand. You sleep in your own bed. In your own room. Right?

I walk to the bathroom to dispose of the condom, and then make my way across the room to locate my clothes from the floor. Not bothering to button up my shirt again but simply thread my arms through the sleeves, I finish getting dressed and then turn around to search for Chloe, slightly uneasy about how this evening is ending.

Chloe walks up to me and places a hand on my chest before rising on her toes to plant a kiss on my cheek. “This was fun, Silas.”

“Yeah, it was.”

“And now you have a tequila story.”

I huff out a laugh. “Yeah, I do.” Even though I don’t feel nearly as drunk as I did earlier and there’s a dull ache in my chest right now.

I shake it off and then lean down to kiss her cheek before I leave. “So, we’re good, Chloe?”

“Yup. All good,” she replies a little too enthusiastically.

We both stand there, staring at one another as if there’s something we both want to say but are afraid to say it. She opens her mouth slightly, but then smiles and reaches for the door. “Have a good night.”

“Yeah, you too.” I close the door behind me and stand in the hallway for a moment before my brain communicates with my legs that I need to walk away.

It was one night, no strings attached. That’s what she wanted in the first place, and that’s what you agreed to, Silas. Leave it be.

And I do. For the rest of the trip, Chloe and I pretend like nothing happened. We’re cordial, she’s still ridiculously honest and hilarious when we’re around our friends, and I accept the fact that our night together is just a souvenir I’ll take back from Aruba in my mind—a memory, a secret that I’ll keep to myself that will have no effect on my life in the future.

Famous last words…