My Heart’s Home by Kris Michaels

Chapter 9

Mercy opened her eyes and blinked, focusing on the coat in front of her. She tipped her head back and stared up into Cam's face. His brow was relaxed, his lips softened in his sleep. She dropped her head back and reveled in the warmth surrounding her before memories of yesterday flooded forward.

She'd almost made it home but noticed someone following her. She changed sides of the street, and the man followed. She jogged, and he ran. She flew down the road and ducked into an alley, hoping to escape, but that was a mistake. He caught her. Before she could scream, he punched her. The blood from her nose was warm against her face. Images of Ian flashed through her mind, but she wouldn't be a victim again.

Never again.

She fought against him, scratching his face and eyes. He turned away from her broken nails, and she reached for her knife. Holding it in her coat pocket, she waited until he came at her again and then lunged. The blade stuck in his leg, pinning her coat to the man. She tried to turn and run, but she slipped and fell. Mercy scrambled to her hands and knees, trying to get up. He grabbed her ankle, and she fell, hitting her head on the cement. She fought the blackness swirling around the edges of her vision. Bits of memories, him searching her, finding her plastic bags, the mismatched gloves she'd found on the way to the small shop in the morning, and then withdrawing her new ID. She reached up for it, but the man just growled at her and moved to kick her. She didn't feel it. Didn't feel anything as he dropped trash bags on her while spewing vile words. Then everything went dark. She blinked at the snatches of memories. She must have passed out at that point.

The next thing she remembered was… Her eyes popped open, and she winced before she glanced down. Okay. Undergarments in place, and Cam was fully dressed, lying on top of a multitude of blankets that wrapped around her like a cocoon. Giving in to the desire, she relaxed against his warm body. He shifted and pulled her closer before settling back into sleep.

Lord, why couldn't she have this type of man in her life? One that protected her instead of hurting her. She had so many regrets, so much pain from decisions she shouldn't have made. Living with worry and fear daily was wearing on her. She was so tired. Exhausted from keeping everything together, from striving forward each day even though all she wanted to do was give up. Several times, in insane moments, she'd even considered going back to Ian to ask him to take them back. During those moments of weakness, the only thing stopping her was Dezzy. She wouldn't allow Ian to hurt her daughter again.

Dina's words yesterday stuck in her head. If Dezzy were in the system, she'd be warm and have food every day. She sniffed back tears. Was she selfish for keeping Destiny with her? What kind of mother was she?

"Hey, you're safe. I'm right here." Cam's soft words and warm arms broke her.

Finally, she gave in to the tears, the fear, the worry, and the desolation of trying to survive for so long on so little.

He held her close, whispering words to her that she couldn't believe. She wasn't safe, not really. Exhausted, the tears stopped, and she laid limp in his embrace. She hiccupped small breaths of air and apologized, "I'm sorry. I'm just so… tired."

"I know. I understand." He pulled away a bit and looked down at her.

She swiped at her tears and tried to burrow away from his gaze. "I can't let go when Dezzy is around. I have to stay strong for her."

"Here, with me, you're safe to let go of all your fears." He put his fingers under her chin and tilted her head up. His eyes traveled her face and landed on her lips. Ever so slowly, he leaned down and kissed her. His lips were soft and reverent, not hard and punishing.

She closed her eyes and absorbed the gentleness, the care, and the love… She jerked away and slipped her hand over her lips, her eyes wide open.

Cam moved away. "I'm sorry, that was… I didn't mean to take advantage of you."

He moved to get up, and she reached for him. "That was wonderful."

He turned to look at her. "I shouldn't have presumed."

She laid down on the blankets and smiled up at him. "Presume again. Please?"

"Are you sure?"

She nodded. She was sure. She wanted to feel cherished, and Cam had always made her feel safe. Spending a small amount of time with him was a present she'd give herself. Just this once.

He lowered, and she opened the blankets, inviting him inside the warmth. He stripped off his coat and boots before he crawled under the blankets, fully clothed. "We won't do anything you don't want to do."

She ran her hands through his hair and noticed the dirt on her knuckles. She closed her eyes and pretended she was clean and beautiful, knowing in her heart she wasn't. Yet she still allowed herself the dream of better times. He lowered to kiss her, and she opened her eyes. "I haven't had sex since Ian. I don't know if he gave me anything…"

"We'll be safe and still give each other pleasure." He dropped his lips to her neck and kissed his way to her shoulder. She unbuttoned his shirt and spread her hands over his chest, a soft lining of hair covering it. She let her fingers travel over his body as his danced over hers. With her fingers on his waistband, she unfastened his jeans and reached in to cup his shaft. It was hard, and his breathing was raspy against her breast. He slipped the bra's shoulder straps down her arms and lowered the cotton, revealing her skin to his lips. Her body arched against him. The gentleness of his kiss and the way he touched her was everything she'd ever wanted and never received. This—this was making love. Not sex. Sex was a violent intrusion, first from a fumbling teenager, albeit that encounter gave her Destiny. When Ian was her lover, he had always taken and never given. Cam? Cam's touch was a soothing balm that washed away all those horrible experiences.

She gasped when his fingers slid under her panties. He teased her legs apart and fingered the little nub at the apex of her sex. She dropped her head back and opened her mouth, bucking against his hand. He adjusted his position, and she moaned. His mouth covered hers as he stroked faster. The friction drew heat to her lower belly, where it pooled. He kept kissing her as his hand moved faster and faster. An electric clenching tightened her like a rubber band, pulled tight on the brink of breaking. His fingers shifted and moved faster. She shattered and rolled her hips with each convulsion of her body.

Panting for air, she clutched him to her body. "What was that?" She'd never felt anything so wonderful and intimate.

He lifted up and smiled. "An orgasm."

She shook her head and reached up to palm his cheek. "I've never had one before."

His eyes widened before a very satisfied look spread across his face. "I'm happy to give you your first."

She slid her free hand down to his shaft. The head was weeping, and his release smeared in her hand. "Let me give you some pleasure, too."

"You don't have to."

He leaned down to kiss her, but she stopped him. "I want to. I want you to feel good, too."

He smiled at her. "Just being here with you makes me feel good."

"Then let me help you feel better." She dipped down below the blankets and kissed the tip of his cock. His entire body shuddered. She yanked at his jeans. He lifted, and she moved them down around his hips. With curiosity, she licked and nipped on the velvet skin encasing the stiff shaft. She cupped his balls with one hand, which were heavy and tight against his body. With the other, she stroked up and down his shaft. He was bigger than Ian, and thicker, too. She flicked her tongue along the seam and took more of his release before carefully sucking the head into her mouth. His hips jerked, but he didn't shove his cock down her throat. She repeated the move again and again. His legs shook as she experimented and explored him.

He put his hand under her chin and pulled her away. "I'm close."

Mercy knew he was giving her a choice, which was another first for her. She leaned back in and continued, sucking his head into her mouth and flattening her tongue against the underside. Moments later, he bucked in her mouth, and his release flooded. She swallowed it all. His hips stopped moving, and she stopped touching him. Ian had clocked her several times because he was sensitive after he'd climaxed.

Cam pulled the blankets over his head and found her under the covers. He rolled her under him and kissed her until they were both breathless. When he lifted above her, the sun lightened the interior of the tent.

She ran her hands over his pecs. "Thank you."

He looked down at her. His piercing grey eyes held a question.

She lowered her eyes. "You reminded me that this didn't have to hurt."

He dropped down and pulled her into a hug. "I want to protect you for the rest of your life."

She sighed. What a lovely thought. Impossible, but lovely. Here, in this moment, that was a magical statement. Perhaps she'd let herself believe it for a little while. What could it hurt?