Dirty Toe Drag by Toni Aleo

Chapter Twenty-Five


I’ve never wokenup next to a man I didn’t have sex with the night before.

Not that I was expecting sex after all we talked about, but as my eyes blink open, Wes sleeping soundly beside me, I have to admit that while it’s new, it’s remarkable. It makes me feel complete as I gaze at him, his blond lashes brushing his cheeks. His mouth is hanging open, and I know he’s completely out. It was an emotionally draining night, for him most of all. I never could have even imagined what he told me. I had been under the impression he was addicted to sex or he was beaten as kid. Nothing could have prepared me for the truth. The look in his eyes. The way his body trembled against mine as I held him. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared me for that.

I am broken for him.

I hurt for the boy he was. It makes me miss his mom, even though I never knew her. If she had been here, those things wouldn’t have happened. He wouldn’t have been subjected to such evil, such soul-crushing situations that he was all alone in. I wish I had been there. I would have saved him, or I would have had Emery kill them for him. I wish I could make it all go away. I wish it had never happened, but at the same time, I know if he hadn’t gone through it, he wouldn’t be who he is today.

And I love the man he is.

Oh, I love him so desperately. Completely. As I held him, whispering in his ear that I was there, supporting him, I wanted to tell him I loved him. But for one, it wasn’t about me; it wasn’t about my feelings. It was all him. And secondly, I don’t know if he is ready for that. For the wholehearted love I have for him. He is healing, and it almost scares me. What if that therapist was right? What if he isn’t ready for a relationship? What if he needs more time? I am more than willing to be there for him, to support him. But is he capable of loving me the way I love him?

I reach out, brushing my knuckles along his jaw, and I don’t even want to think about it. I don’t want to believe it. I feel in my heart he is ready. He has been a really great boyfriend. Yes, it’s new and very early, but I feel we vibe on a different level. While I hate the way he shuts down and shuts me out, I understand now. I get it. We can work on that. But can someone love after such horrible abuse? Then I remember he said he did love before, though that was before the therapy. Fuck, I don’t know. I’m terrified.

I glance at the clock on his nightstand, and I realize I need to go. While no one will be at the house for hours, I promised my mom I would help with appetizers since Shelli got a taco truck for lunch. I grab my phone, ordering an Uber and checking my email. I then move closer to Wes, kissing his jaw, and he leans into my lips.

I smile against the prickle of his beard and whisper, “I gotta go. I already called an Uber, so sleep.”

“You sure? I can take you.”

“No, it’s fine,” I say, kissing him again. “I already ordered it.”

He turns his face to mine, pressing his lips into my nose. “I don’t want you to leave.”

I grin against his chin, kissing it. “I don’t either, but I promised my mom.”

His lips trail along my nose, my cheeks, before kissing my jaw. “Can you come over tonight?”


He kisses me once more, and I lean into him, loving the feel of his body pressed to mine. “Pack a bag.”

“Will do.” We kiss again, but I know if I don’t get out of this bed, I won’t leave. I kiss him on his top lip before rolling out of bed and grabbing my shoes. We were so exhausted that we both fell into bed without even undressing.

“Thanks for everything,” he says as I reach for the door. I look back at him; he’s all cuddled in the blankets, looking downright sinful. “My beautiful, stunning, sensational Stella.”

I can’t help but grin widely at him. I want to yell that I love him. I want to throw myself back in the bed, but I know I can’t. Not yet. “I got you, boo.”

He winks at me, and my heart flutters as I force myself to leave. I shut the door behind myself as I check the status of my Uber. I know I have time, so I walk around, picking up and keeping myself busy while I wait. Wes’s phone is on the bar, and I notice that it keeps lighting up. Not my business, so I move on. Wes isn’t messy by any means, but there are a few things here and there. An empty glass, loads of protein bar wrappers, and even some socks on the floor. As I’m wiping down the kitchen table, I notice an envelope with a pack of 8x10 photos. Being the nosy person I am, I look inside to find pictures of a younger Wes and a gorgeous blond woman. Since Wes basically mirrors her, I can only assume she’s his mom.

And goodness, it brings tears to my eyes.

There are photos in a wooded area, in a backyard, at hockey games, both of them always hugging so tightly. When I get to the last one, it’s a photo of his mom in a hospital bed, and I know it’s when the cancer was winning. Her eyes are empty, and her body is frail. Wes, even at a young age, is massive, holding her with tears in his sweet eyes. My eyes burn as I take in the photo, my heart hurting for him. I know she didn’t want to leave him, and pray God, I wish she hadn’t.

I hear vibrating once more, and when I glance over, it’s Wes’s phone again. I pack the photos back up and go to his phone to see it’s a number with no contact info. I also notice his phone is almost dead. I walk over to the couch table and grab his charger to plug it in. As I’m doing so, the number calls once more.

My brow perks. Maybe it’s important since they’ve called over and over again. But why haven’t they left a voice mail? I’m not sure this is the right thing to do, but I answer.


A gruff voice fills the line. “Um, sorry, is this Wesley McMillan’s number?”

I cock my head. “Yes, it is.”

“Is he available?”

“No, he’s sleeping. Can I take a message since you wouldn’t leave a voice mail?”

He pauses. “Figured if I called enough, he’d answer.” I don’t know what to say to that, so I don’t say anything. “Um, okay, can you tell him that he can reach his father at this number, and I would really like to speak to him?”

My stomach drops. Instantly, my heart kicks up in speed, and I feel like it’s going to come out of my chest. Rage spreads through me from the tips of my toes to the top of my head, and I swear I can see red. “His father?”

“Yes, Cline.”

“Cline,” I repeat, shaking with anger.


“Well, Cline. Here is the deal. Don’t you ever call this number again. Wes wants nothing to do with you, and he is healing and becoming the man you wouldn’t allow him to become because you didn’t protect him!”

“Now, wait a second—”

“No! You wait a fucking second. Do not call this number again, and stay the hell away from Wes. Also, go fuck yourself.”

I slam my finger to the End button, and my vision is so shaky, I have to check twice to confirm that I hung up. How dare that motherfucker? I am appalled he would actually reach out after everything that has happened. I know it’s not the first time because his phone number has been showing on the screen since last night. Yes, we were busy spilling our souls to each other, but Wes never answered the phone. He ignored it each time, so obviously, he didn’t want to talk to him. My stomach aches as I look toward Wes’s door. Then my heart sinks.

Did I just fuck up?

* * *

Audrey looksat me from across the bar, her brows hidden by her bangs.

Everyone else is outside, setting up balloons, and Dad is helping direct the taco truck to its spot. Audrey and I are putting cupcakes on the puck display that Shea and Dad made. There are over three hundred pucks, stacked and mounted in the cutest little way. Since we are a family of hockey players, of course the reveal would be hockey-themed.

I just hope it’s a boy so Aiden doesn’t have a heart attack.

“So, you channeled your inner Emery and told his dad to fuck off?”

I shrug. “I did.”

“Okay,” she draws out, side-eyeing me. “That’s very unlike you.”

“I know, and I wish I could tell you what that man put Wes through, but I can’t. I was so damn mad.”

“I can tell. Your face is still red.”

I nod. “It was horrific, AA. Legit horrific, and I hate him. Don’t even know him, but I despise him.”

“Duly noted, but why do you feel like you fucked up?”

“’Cause I answered his phone. I shouldn’t have done that, but I was worried it was someone he wanted to talk to but didn’t save their contact. Or a team member calling from another phone. I didn’t know, and I’m scared to tell him.”


I almost drop a cupcake, I’m so stressed. “Because what if he shuts down again or breaks it off because he is trying to leave that part of his life behind him and I answered the phone when I shouldn’t have?”

She thinks that over. “True, but I still think you should tell him.”

“Well, I know that. I just don’t want to.”

She laughs as she taps her hip to mine. “Don’t worry, my love. He’s smitten with you.”

My lips curve at the side because I know he is, but is he smitten enough not to get pissed I talked to his dad? Just then, another voice joins us.

“Are we talking about my best friend?”

Audrey and I both whip our heads to Aiden, who wears a shirt that reads, I PUCKED her, and now I’m a future baby daddy.


I feel Audrey’s gaze on me, but Aiden’s eyes trap mine. I lick my lips, nodding. “Yes, my boyfriend.”

He scoffs. “So, now that you know I know, you’re all upfront about being with my best friend?

I roll my eyes. “You know I’ve liked my boyfriend for a while. I was waiting for him to grow up.”

“True, but I thought maybe he’d be smart enough not to get involved with you. But of course, he’s not, and now if something goes down and you break his heart, I’ll lose my best friend.”

I gawk at him, glaring. “Oh my God, stop being dramatic. If I waited this long for him to grow up, do you really think I would go into it blindly? I’m not dumb, Aiden.”

Audrey hooks her thumb at me. “She’s right. She really did wait this one out.”

“So did he,” he says then, holding my gaze. “He’s in it, so I hope when you get done with school, you don’t decide to blow him off for some big job in New York or California.”

I swallow hard, and while it’s an opening to admit that I’m not going anywhere, it isn’t one I’m willing to take right now. “That’s not going to happen. But what if he gets traded? Leaving me behind?”

“He has it too good here,” Aiden says simply. “Elli or Shelli won’t trade him because of all the progress he is making here. It’s about his mental health. I hope you realize that.”

“And I hope you realize that I know that and wouldn’t take it lightly.”

“You’re young, a baby.”

“Guys, I think we need to calm down,” Audrey tries, but I’ll be damned.

“And so is your wife,” I throw back at him. “And you trust her, married her, pucked her up,” I say, holding my hand out to his shirt. “My age has nothing to do with this. You’re worried for your friend, and I need you to know, I worry too. I care greatly for him.”

Still, our gazes stay locked. I don’t know how we got into this standoff, but I wouldn’t expect anything less. Aiden loves fiercely, just as I do. So, bring it, big brother. “You care greatly for him? You don’t even know him.”

I glare. “I’ve spent three nights a week serving him at Brooks for the last seven months. I almost slept with him at your wedding. It’s only been a couple weeks, but it feels like a couple years. Don’t question how I feel or how he feels.”

His eyes narrow to slits. “You don’t know what he’s been through,” he snaps at me.

“I know for a fact that I know more than you know because he told me so. And let me tell you this, Aiden Brooks, I would never discredit or take his feelings lightly. I am in it to win it, just as you were with Shelli.”

It’s as if I’ve hit Aiden. His eyes widen, his mouth parts a bit, and while I don’t know what he was about to say, when the door opens, I’m thankful for the welcome interruption.

Wes looks between us, holding a large bottle of whiskey and with Shelli on his arm. Of course he looks adorable in a light-blue shirt with khaki shorts. His hair is combed nicely to the side, and he looks so well rested. Almost as if the weight of the world has been lifted off his shoulders. How can I tell him I spoke to his dad, possibly putting that weight back on his shoulders?

Wes’s eyes settle on me then, and a wide grin comes over his face. “Damn, you’re hot.”

I grin back as I place my tray of cupcakes down on the bar and head toward him. He meets me halfway, kissing me fully on the mouth. Against my lips, he asks, “Did you get this hot for me?”

“Duh,” I joke, and honestly, I did. I’m in a pair of wide-leg jean shorts, and I’m wearing a pair of black nylon thigh-high boots with a bright-pink cami. My hair is up in a sleek ponytail, and I know I’m giving off Ariana Grande vibes, but I’m not even the least bit ashamed. He nips at my bottom lip and I grin up at him, but then I remember we’re in a room full of people. “Ugh. Have you met my aunt Audrey?”

“I think we met in passing at the wedding.”

I pull away, taking his hand in mine and pulling him to Audrey. She smiles brightly at him, taking his extended hand. “I’m not sure, but I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“All awful, I’m sure,” he teases, but Audrey just beams.

“I don’t know. She’s a smitten little kitten, this one.”

I smack her as he laughs, kissing my temple. “That’s good to hear.” I lean into him as he holds out the whiskey he’s carrying toward Aiden. My brother takes it, though I know he is upset with me. I don’t care. Everything I said was the ultimate truth, and I don’t plan on going back on my word.

“Thanks, brother.”

“Anytime. I wore blue. Hoping for a boy.”

He grins as Shelli laughs. “Isn’t everyone, just so Zac and the new baby can grow up and be best friends?”

I gush. “Wouldn’t that be the sweetest?”

“It would. So, Team Boy!” Shelli exclaims, trying to lighten the mood. The tension is thicker than a sheet of ice, and I’m waiting for Aiden to snap at me once more. Though, he probably won’t. I’m his baby sister, and he handles me with kid gloves. But now that I’m dating Wes, that may have changed.

I look over at Aiden, and his eyes burn into mine. “Don’t mess this up.”

“I won’t,” I promise, but he doesn’t seem convinced. He takes Shelli’s hand then, and together they go out in the backyard.

When I glance up to see Wes looking at me, he asks, “Everything okay?”

“Aiden thinks I’ll hurt you.”

“Isn’t he supposed to be worried about me hurting you?”

Audrey smiles. “No, honey. Not when Emery Brooks is in this world.”

Thank God for Audrey because the tension is gone and our laughter fills the room.

While the tension may be gone, the anxiety of telling him about his dad is drowning me. His eyes meet mine, a sweet grin on his face before he takes a bite of a cupcake. When he moans, he says, “I swear, you’re incredible.”

I grin at him, and I don’t know what to do here. I don’t want to lose him. I don’t want to ruin this. I don’t want him grinning like that at anyone but me.

Damn it.