Dirty Toe Drag by Toni Aleo

Chapter Twenty-Three


I’m trying so hard notto be pissed, not to want to dump Wes’s ass and move on—mostly because I don’t think I could move on from him, but also because he was honest with me. He told me what he was feeling when everything went down and how that one phrase affected him. I didn’t know. If I had, I wouldn’t have said it. I’m so used to saying it to Emery and my brothers that it came off my tongue so easily. I feel awful, but I want so desperately to know what is going on. I’m starting to think maybe he was abused by his dad or maybe his stepmom… I don’t know, but I want to make it better for him. I want to help.

I don’t like that he has been ghosting me all day. That is a whole other can of worms I am not okay with. I’m pissed, but I also feel guilty for not giving him space. It was obvious he was freaked out. I could see it all in his face and body language. He cares greatly for me and is so scared to hurt me, so I get it. The problem is, again, I want to help. I want to be there for him, and I feel like he’s shutting me out. It’s frustrating, especially when I care so deeply for him.

I’m unsure what to do, and that annoys me.

My mom’s house is a ruckus of people and decorations. If I see the colors pink and blue ever again, it will be way too soon. It’s overwhelming. Or…I’m upset about Wes and it’s making me not want to be around anyone. I didn’t sleep well either, which meant I was dragging ass all morning while making the cupcakes and cake for the reveal tomorrow. I ended up coming over before Aunt Audrey because my mom was blowing up my phone. Then my mom kept me busy all day, so a nap was out of the question. Super infuriating. I want to tell her I need a nap, but really, I need to speak to Wes. I hate feeling like this. I hate that he is upset and probably overthinking everything. I just want to reassure him.

I exhale as I clean out the fridge to make room for the cake and cupcakes that Audrey is bringing over. Emery’s standing beside me, “helping,” but really, she’s just playing on her phone. I would play on my phone, but there is no point. I’d just stalk Wes’s Instagram and see if he’s texted me back. I know he didn’t because I’ve checked my phone every two seconds. I’m pathetic. This situation is pitiful. He’s ridiculous. But here we are.

When I hear the back door open, I look up to see Audrey coming in with a box of cupcakes. I smack Emery. “Come on.”

She grumbles but comes to help as we bring in everything from Audrey’s truck. Audrey falls into step with me as we head back into the house. “Has he called?”

I roll my eyes. “He texted that he was alive and to give him a minute.”

She makes a face. “Give him a minute. Okay.”

“Yeah, I’m not happy.”

“I don’t know who he thinks he is. You have millions of dudes in your DMs. He is replaceable.”

When Emery starts to sing Beyoncé’s “Irreplaceable,” I roll my eyes.

“I wouldn’t be happy either,” Audrey agrees, shaking her head and ignoring Emery. “Has he done this before?”

“Not this bad. He didn’t answer me when I texted him one morning, but he did a little bit later, explaining his bad day.”

She eyes me. “Is he one of those kinds of people who shut down when they get overwhelmed?”

“I think he might be,” I say with a sigh. “Which is something I’ll need to accept and be patient with.”

“Which is what I was going to say, if you want to continue this.”

“I know. I’m just frustrated and worried.”

She cups my face after shutting the fridge. “I know, love.”

“I just want to talk to him.”

“Talk to who, your secret boyfriend?” Shelli teases then, leaning on the bar and grinning at me. “I want to know who it is.”

Audrey winks at me as Emery looks over at our sister-in-law. “It’s Wes McMillan. Aiden’s best friend.”

My eyes widen as my jaw drops. “Emery!”

I can’t even look at Shelli. My sister shrugs. “Stella, everyone knows.”

“They do not!” I yell, shaking my head. “Only you, Mom, Dad, and Audrey!”

“You’re dating Aiden’s best friend?” my brother Asher asks. “Wait. Does Aiden know?”

Ally leans against him, shaking her head. “The real question is, does Wes still have legs?”

“Does Aiden know?” Shelli asks again, her eyes wide, and I shake my head.

“No, because no one is supposed to know until Wes can talk to Aiden. Thanks for nothing, Emery!”

Emery, unbothered, shrugs. “I thought everyone knew by now. It’s been like three months.”

I gasp. “Two weeks! Only two weeks!”

She makes a face. “Same thing. You’re already in love with him.”

I gawk at her. “Jesus Christ!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! We don’t take the Lord’s name in vain in this house!” my mom yells as she enters the kitchen, her eyes wide.

Elli strikes her hips, looking around. “What is going on?”

“Stella is dating Wes McMillan and is apparently in love with him,” Shelli says simply, and of course, Posey comes into the kitchen too.

“Man, he’s been chasing you for a second. Didn’t y’all make out at the wedding?” Posey asks, waggling her brows at me as she wears her son on her chest.

“Almost slept together,” Emery adds, and I want to die. I drop my head to the bar, groaning loudly.

“He told me they didn’t have sex, only made out,” Posey’s husband, Boon, says, because why would anyone but my brother be left out of this awesome conversation?

“You slept with Wes at your brother’s wedding?” Mom asks, and I groan louder.

“Please, God, make it stop,” I moan before lifting my head to glare at Emery. “You’re an asshole.”


Emery grins. “I could admit more things, like how amazing these cupcakes are.”

If looks could kill. “Emery,” I warn, and she walks away, laughing like the asshole she is.

Everyone is staring at me when I turn back around, and I throw my hands up. “What!”

“Nothing,” Asher says with a shrug. “Just want some clarification.”

“Man, I wish Aiden were here,” Shelli adds, and I swear I might cry.

“Here is your clarification,” I sneer. “I’m tired and upset. No, Aiden doesn’t know, but it’s not my place to tell him since Wes wants to tell him. Yes, I’m with Wes. Yes, we are happy. No, I didn’t sleep with him at the wedding. And I don’t give a shit what any of you think.”

When Asher laughs, I glare at him, almost throwing him and Ally under the bus, but then the house phone starts to ring. Mom reaches for it, but before she answers, she looks at me and says, “You need a nap.”

“Thank you. I know,” I throw at her as she answers.

“Good evening, Mr. Robinson. Sorry? What do you mean there is an idiot blasting music in my yard?”

All of us are confused, and like a herd of cows, we move to the window. I slap my hand across my mouth when I see Wes standing in the cab of his truck with a handful of roses and music blasting from the stereo speakers.

“Oh my God,” I mutter.

“I need to record this,” Boon laughs. “He is so sprung.”

“Me too,” Asher agrees, both of them pulling out their phones as I rush out of the kitchen to the front door.

I throw it open, and the music slams into me as my gaze falls on Wes. When he sees me, he stands up straighter. I have no clue how many roses he has in his arms, but it’s a lot. I shut the door behind me, heading toward him, and God, he looks so nervous. The music blasts from his truck, a song I’ve never heard, as he jumps out of the vehicle.

Before I can even reach him, Emery’s voice hits us. “You know she has tons of guys wanting her, Wes McMillan. Step up your game, or get left behind!”

His eyes meet mine, and they’re so dark and sad. I stop before him, and he looks down at me. “She’s ruthless.”

“That she is,” I say softly, holding his gaze. “What song is this?” I ask, and he seems surprised. I don’t think he was expecting me to ask that. He probably thought I’d yell at him the way Emery just did.

“‘Trouble’ by Never Shout Never. I used to be a big fan back in the day, and I remembered this song when I was thinking of you.”

I nod slowly. “So, you can think about me but not text me?”

“I deserve that,” he says, nodding. “But truth be told, I thought of you every day from the moment you walked away from me at the wedding and I never called you.”

“Oh, so that makes how you ignored me all day okay?”

“Not at all,” he explains. “I should have texted you back.”

“You should have.”

“Not that it’s an excuse, but I’ve been a mess since last night. I’m sorry.”

“Okay,” I say, holding his gaze. “So, you think showing up with flowers and a sweet song is going to make me less mad?”

“I was hoping so,” he admits, a little grin pulling at his mouth. “Or at least make it so you’d speak to me.”

My eyes narrow as he holds out the roses to me, and I take them. I take in a deep whiff of the flowers, and of course, they smell so refreshing and sweet, and then I discard them on the ground. When I glance back up at him, he looks confused, but I wrap my arms around him, pulling him in close. Thankfully, he comes willingly. He nuzzles his nose in my neck as he hugs me back just as tightly. He holds me so close, my toes hardly touch the ground as we hug.

With my lips by his ear, I ask, “Are you okay?”

“I am now.”

“You can’t shut me out like that. I was distraught all day.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I was just so embarrassed and disgusted at myself.”

“I wasn’t even upset,” I promise, kissing his lobe. “I was only worried about you.”

“I’m sorry. I’m not used to having anyone in my corner.”

I pull back then, cupping his face. “Wes, I’m in your corner.”

His lips press together as he nods. “But I’m not used to that. I’m used to being alone, dealing with shit alone. I’ve never had people to open up to and know they have my back.”

I rub my thumb along his cheekbone. “Well, get used to it. You got me.”

“That’s what your brother said.”



“You told him about us?”

“I did. He didn’t kill me.”

“I’m surprised.”

“Me too. But again, I’m used to pain, not support.”

Oh, that breaks my heart. “You have the best support system, Wes. We all care so much for you.”

“I know. I’m learning,” he admits, leaning his forehead into mine. I love his eyes, his blond lashes, and the deep blue his eyes are right now. He swallows hard, his eyes searching mine. “We need to talk.”


“Not here, though. There are a lot of people staring at us, and I’m pretty sure your neighbor has called the cops on me.”

I snicker as I look toward the house, where my whole family, biological and otherwise, stands in the windows, watching. Emery is front row, a big bowl of popcorn and a cupcake in her hands. “For the love of God.”


“Yeah, let’s go.”

“Not yet,” he says before capturing my mouth with his so quickly, I don’t see it coming. I melt into his kiss, my thumbs moving along his jaw as he devours my mouth. I feel his whole soul in the kiss. I kiss him back, needing to know we are okay. I’m scared of what he has to tell me, but I know, no matter what, I’ve got him. He’s got me. We’ve just got to figure out this whole shutting-down thing he does.

But we’ll figure it out together.